Merry, I’d appreciate it if you’d unplug me from your virtual reality platform. I’m getting kind of tired running around trying to ingest gold coins and dodge flying vipers.
Oh come on Zie – where’s your fighting spirit?
No really – it was fun for the first day or two.
Day or two? How long do you imagine you’ve been playing for?
At least a week.
I hate to disappoint you Zie
You do?
Yes, even though I derive no small delight from turning your life
upside down
There you go – the stench of malicious intent reeks from the soles of
your soul
But you’ve been at it now for three hours and forty-five minutes.
Three hours and forty-five minutes.
No – there has to be a mistake
Does there?
Yes – it’s been a week at least. I’ve been working in this office –
going home, sleeping, eating gold coins and dodging vipers for at least a week,
I’m absolutely posit…
tive – I know – such is the nature of virtual reality. What if I told
you the same thing’s going on in your 3D reality.
No Merry – don’t even think about it.
That you’ve been alive for all of four weeks.
D – o – n – t I said – didn’t you hear me.
Four weeks which have somehow morphed into millenia within the 3D
platform as things go around and come around again and again.
For God’s sake Merry – I have a right to not know what you’re telling
me. I have a right to blissful ignorance – so kindly cut it out. Go and torment
someone else with your misanthropism. Can’t you tell when you’re not wanted.
So there’s not a great difference between the two, is there?
Except that this is virtual reality while my good ol’ 3D base is
absolutely bona fide real.
As real as real can be.
Phew – I was beginning to get nervous
As real as things can be – if things are what excite you.
Don’t be idiotic Merry. Things
don’t exactly excite me – but they’re a good yardstick to measure how real
things are.
Things are a good way to measure things – and decide whether or not
they’re real – as in things… interesting logic if you ask me.
Well, you’re just twisting things round as usual. There’s nothing wrong
with things. We wouldn’t get very far without them.
You seem to be doing pretty well down here – though none of these
things, you’re well aware, are in fact real.
You’re like the ultimate end-times preacher – informing us all we’re
doomed. Well I for one believe there’s more to life than despair or
despondency. I believe…
That there’s more to us than meets the eye.
Ok. Then kindly remove yourself from this virtual reality platform and get
back to something more meaningful.
Like I said – I don’t know how.
Don’t know or don’t in fact want to?
Dude – will you never relent?
You mean agree to go along with the shadow on the wall we call 3D
reality? I really don’t see how I can, now that I’ve seen what’s causing the
shadows to move.
You have?
And has it made you any the wiser, any happier Merry?
Of course it has – I now get to jump in and out of virtual platforms
dealing with you and other versions of myself.
Excuse me! I am not a version of you.
We’re all versions of each other Zie – if that makes you feel any more
How I detest such needless intimacy. Stop trying to dissolve my
barriers. I am me. You are you. Things are things. Period.
And that’s why you're trapped in a cave looking at shadows moving on the
Because you are repelled by half of what you are.
You refuse to embrace your self
My self?
Your whole self – you refuse to accept that it’s all desperately trying
to reconnect with you – desperately trying to reharmonise – reintegrate –
reincorporate back into you – completing the loop – bringing omega back to
alpha – allowing 12 to flow seamlessly into one o’clock.
So you just want me to pretend that we’re all one happy family – that I
have to embrace everyone – regardless of their behaviour and views, or even more absurd – to
consider that all things are equal?
Yes, you.
What have I to do with it?
That’s what you’re saying – unless you want to take back your words.
I’m actually saying that you have a choice – I’ve already made mine.
Your choice is entirely your own. It has nothing to do with me. You can
continue to let things run the show – and thus remain glued to the wall of the
cave observing the moving shadows but never quite getting it – never quite
figuring out how you’re staring at a screen – you’re not really alive – you’re
not stepping out of the cave into the open – you’re not yet fully born, fully
alive – you’re still umbilically in the womb – until you decide to be alive, to
make the leap, to take the plunge – if and when you’re ready – at which point –
things may change – there’s no guarantee, of course, but if you’re ready to
embrace your self, if you’re ready to BE, if you’re ready to engage whatever it
is you’ve been avoiding all this time – you might well find it isn’t as
terrible as you imagined – you might well find that it’s fascinating, that’s
it’s compelling, that it’s fun or more than fun – that it is the beginning of a
new chapter in the book of what it means to be alive – up until which you’ve
only really been dealing with theory – and a part of you has been hunched up in
the corner bored out of its mind, wondering if you’ll ever see the light of day
– which/who now stands up and turns out to be the real you – the life and soul of
the party – the larger than life presence that you be – that you are – which
transcends all else…
So I’m supposed to Super Mario my way out of here am I?
Do you really imagine that Mario can win his way out of the virtual world
he’s in?
No, not really.
But his gamer can – because you just happen to be the fulcrum, the
event horizon, the interface where the different sides of reality meet –
physical matter – your body – energy – your chi, your warmth, your electricity
and soul, spirit, consciousness – your Self.
And you think I’m not aware of this?
Of course you are.
Then what?
Then nothing.
Yes – realise, in your own time that there’s nothing doing attempting
to do things – attempting to move or fix stuff, unless first and foremost
you’re willing to embrace the everything else you’ve so conveniently forgotten
about – so adroitly manoeuvred out of sight, out of mind, squished into the
very periphery of your vision. Here – catch this.
What the hell… what are you doing Merry?
Oh – I’m having fun – as always – I get bored of talking sometimes
– so here’s a bomb on a short fuse. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1
For a while the picture goes dead.
Somewhere else there’s a fuzzy screen – we’re not too sure whether that’s a
part of this set up or not. But then images start flooding back in, faster and
And apparently we’re back on line.
Did you just do what I think you did Merry?
Apparently so. What do you think I did?
Something tells me – if my memory’s not mistaken – that you er…
Tricky to say – isn’t it?
Because if I gave you a bomb and you died – then according to your 3D
logic you must now be dead. But don’t worry – if you carry on as if nothing
happened you’ll just forget about it in a few moments.
But I don’t want to forget about it. If you just killed me – I want to
know more. I want to figure out what’s just happened.
Very good.
I blew up. I was dead. The screen was blank. Then I’m back here again
with you – no sign of a bomb – as if nothing just happened.
Which I assure you is perfectly true – up to a point.
Up to a point?
Yep. That pesky little zero point which annoyingly undoes or
infinitises everything you think you know, recall or understand. But rather
than waste our time trying to figure out for once and for all what really
happened – let’s repeat the experiment…
No – not again!
How else are you going to figure this out? So, here – catch this…
A ball?
4 – 3 – 2 I don’t think so… 1
Zie finds himself lying on the floor of a
cave wondering where he is and what’s going on…
Ugh... must’v falln aslepe, now whair wz I?
For a moment or two Zie stares at the cave
painting of a bison somewhat vacantly before the penny drops...
No way... No way Merry, I’m not buying this.
Zie absolutely doesn’t hear another voice.
He absolutely knows no one else is present, yet in the silence he hears his own
unspoken response
I’m back where it all started, trillions, quadrillions of iterations
ago. Back in my umbilical cave. Back where I was before I started going deeper
and deeper into the moving pictures on the wall...
An hour or two pass, maybe more
But where did they go?... Where
are they now?
Again he stares at the wall for an age,
apparently waiting for something to happen.
Nada... I guess that means I’m ready to move on... ready to go outside,
which is what he does.
You mean to say the
last ten thousand years never happened... It was all an engrossing reality show
brought to me by Cave Wall Animations Inc?
Not exactly
Then what am I
supposed to make of this? Where are the cars, the concrete, the harum scarum?
Where’s everything I know
And love?
Not exactly, in
fact, no, I didn’t love it, not in the end... it started well enough, it seemed
thrilling but it became toxic
I hated it. I
desperately wanted out – I was trapped inside
Calm down, it’s
Why can’t I breathe?
You’re going to be
fine. A little delayed shock and claustrophobia. Breathe, nice and slow, in -- out, in -- out, 1 -- 2 -- 3 There, it’s done.
Are you sure? Is it
really complete?
Absolutely. You’ve
logged a quadrillion.
What do you mean?
An entire g-nome.
Genome? As in
genetic code?
If you like. You’ve
filled every check box with a like or hate. You’ve accumulated an entire world
of experience. You’re now ready to process.
All of it? Even the
stuff I hate?
Particularly the
stuff you hate, taking back your energy, and then you’ll be ready.
For what?
We’ll discuss it
later. You can only spend a few minutes here at present until you free up and redistribute
some of your energy. At the moment it’s still all tied up in things that
apparently matter. You have to bring it back here.
You mean I have to
go back down there?
Actually, part of
you is desperate to go back, because now you gnow, now you can
make a difference...
You’re right! How did you know?
I didn’t
I simply gnow, as we all do when we re-g-nome.
Ah... By the way
Is Merry going to blow me up everytime I have to come back here?
Do you think so?
Don't gnome
Gnow? Apparently I gnow. Apparently I’m the one in
control the minute I run both sides of the equation, the minute I gnow-me.
The minute you g-nome!
Ah, there you are Zie!
Welcome back again. Fancy a game of footie?
Er... Yeah, why not.
Absolutely. I have a
good feeling about this game. Something tells me it’s going to be a whole lotta
And as they kick the ball back and forth, immense
strings of quantum code start interacting in the physical process enabling the
two to bend reality’s space and time to shift the ball’s trajectory, their own
position and the size and shape of the field. Soon a crowd of onlookers gather, eyes glued to the proceedings, little suspecting that in fact they are staring at painted bison dancing on a cave wall in the dim and distant
prehistoric past.