Monday, March 6, 2017

cheshire catting

Quit harassing me Merry. I don’t know what’s got into you.

Not what’s got into me – what’s got into you.

Oh it’s like that is it? Pointing fingers, name calling and blaming blame.

Do you realise what you’ve done?

Of course I do. I just brought you back a tender, juicy steak and chips from the other side of infinity, and instead of thanks I get abuse because you got Burgundy instead of Beaujolais. Pathetic if you ask me. It’s such a disappointment to see that you’re as petty minded as everyone else. You may have annoyed me before but I never for a minute doubted your integrity or your higher purpose.


Now I see you for the hypocrite you really are. I feel gutted, really gutted.

Ah, you must be...



Oh, if you think enigmatic non sequiturs are going to put things right, you’re sorely mistaken.

Sorely mistaken


Merry, what the hell are you doing?


Oh God. Cut it out. I’m not falling for your cheap diversions.


Just because you’re able to manipulate the quantum field... it doesn’t make you a better person. Not one iota.


That’s it, I’ve had enough of your theatricalities. I’ll be seeing you.


Idiot. He thinks a bit of levitation’s going to...


Well that’s saved me the trouble of having to leave the room. Dorothy, I wonder if you can hear me? Do-ro-thy, I love you even if you are nought. I want to be with you more than anything else.

Oh how sweet.

Hey, get out of here Merry, i don’t want to see you ever again.

Changing me for your dotty nought are ye?

How far you have fallen Merry, making sport of others, mocking even love. What’s Dorothy ever done to you? Why this petty minded chauvinism? Jealousy perhaps? So sad to see you in this light.

See me? Where?

You know what i mean. Could you kindly quit Cheshire catting me. Get a body. I do not consent to this kind of invasive malingering. If talk with me you must then at least have the decency to be physically present.

I... I can’t... you banished me for ever Zigismund.

Zigismund? You don’t call me that, only Dorothy.

Oh it’s like that is it? Well I’ll be off then.

Finally, I thought he’d never...

Oh one more thing Ziggy.

Damn cheek! What is it?

You still owe me a bottle of Beaujolais.

?! You’re off your rocker... y'lost your mind.

Which one?

Quit being facetious Merry. You had your damn steak and chips plus an excellent bottle of

Burgundy! Don’t, i don’t want to hear another word about that diabolical excrescence.

Er... Reality where are you when i need you? Kindly remove this Cheshire distortion from my presence.

Reality, Zie has to abide by the rules, august and honourable though your presence undoubtedly is. There remains the not inconsequential matter of a contractual codicil that requires immediate remedy.

What on Earth are you on about? Contractual codicil my foot.

No Zigismund, nought your foot.

Hey, what the hell! Ow! What have you done Merry.

Nothing whatsoever.

Then where the hell’s my foot gone?

Oh that. I see what you mean. A bit awkward i agree trying to stand around and chat without a foot.


Well you’ve still got one at least.


Come on Zie, you can do better than that. Surely after all you’ve been through you’ve figured out that Grrrrrr with 6r’s isn’t the sound required to grow back a Cheshired foot.

Merry, that’s enough, I don’t want to hear another word.

Your wish is my command. Mmm mmm mmm mmm nn zhh vruh

Or sound. No quit fooling around in this despicable manner.

Dspkbl? Whts wrng? Nnt mmmy fflt.

Yes it is. It’s always your fault. I don’t know which corner of hell you crawled out of but it’s high time you crawled back.

Thnkss uh bnch.

But kindly put my foot back before you leave.


What do you mean you can’t. Of course you can you twisted goat hoofed demon.

Ghht hhffd! Rrrrrg.

Oh so you’re sensitive to goat hoofed are you? I wonder why? Perhaps it’s true, perhaps you really are a demonic spirit sent to beguile: leading me astray all this time with your pseudo-intellectual quantum sophistries. Oh God, I see it clearer and clearer, the fool i have been to take your theories at face value. What a cutty sark dance you’ve led me these whiles. Old Nick himself must be proud of you.

Cut it out Zie.

Hey, I withdrew your speech permit! You’re not allowed to speak.

Correct, but you’ve crossed a few invisible lines attributing things to me which do not belong, which are not mine.

And you’ve done no less by foisting a fictitious contract on me, codicils and all, that i never even knew of still less signed.

Ah, but did i?

Ah, but did i? – pathetic Merry. You know perfectly well i never signed anything when you entered my existence.


Then kindly cease and desist from pestering me. Ow... what are you doing?


Well kindly put a stop to it. This is like some horrendous nightmare. First one foot, then the other... Are you intent on Cheshire catting me completely?

Your assuming that I’m the one behind this. There are other forces at work which i have no control over.

How can that be?

Like i said, i can’t unmake a contract you’ve signed.

For God’s sake Merry, i signed no contract.

Then where have both your feet gone?

That’s rich coning from you. You’re just a pair of lips and half a nose.

I... I have my reasons for keeping a low profile Zie.

You’re telling me. Who are you hiding from?

Who did you sign a contract with?

For crying out loud...


You’re not trying to say that I’m being affected by what i said to Dorothy?

And what do you think? That you can just declare undying love to the mistress of in-finity and remain unaffected?


In doing so your base zero one pair reversed, like a polar shift when the north and south poles flip.


Oh indeed. You’ve now noughted everything you’ve ever been, including the universe you just happen to be the centre of.

Oh heck, now you tell me. I didn’t have any idea this was going to happen. But if it’s such a big deal why did she let me go?

Go where?

Home... Back here.

Ah, there’s the rub Zigismund.

Don’t call me that.

Oh sorry, i forgot, only she’s allowed to

Cut it out Merry.

What makes you think this is home?

Well it’s obviously home, isn’t it. I’m back with steak and chips and


Oh heck, you mean to say...

There’s no knowing where you are now.

But... but you found me.

True, but that’s not saying much is it. It doesn’t mean i can get you out of here.

Merry, stop  freaking me out ok. As far as I’m concerned this looks just like home except my feet are strangely lacking.

But this is just the start. It’s like a chain reaction. It doesn’t stop with your body or even your house...

Then what?

Which do you think is going to win in a tussle between in-finity and everything in existence?

In-finity of course.


Now, I’m not saying you did the wrong thing. In cases such as the above one should generally follow the heart. But how to avert the big reset, the mother of all zeros, and turn it into a moment of cosmicality?


How to use the power of aikido, to roll with the unstoppable onslaught of in-finity and come out on top?

You make it sound like surfing.

Surfing? Ah ha... that’s it, isn’t it!

Isn’t what?

The implosion wave... Instead of resisting it, trying to escape it, we can set up an impulse drive...

Like in Star Trek? You’re kidding!

The impulse drive will be powered up by the implosion wave and instead of nullification...

We’ll be riding at warp speed back into the future.

You bet. Oh wow, this could be amazing.

So what have i got to do?

Do? This is not a doing matter Zie. This requires a different order of magnitude.

Then what?

Pure electric intent coupled with magnetic resolve.

Oh that... la la mysticism and esoteric why-me whyme.

If you have to make light of this... Personally I’d have expected better of you, given all you’ve put me through today.

Today? Do you mean to say it’s still today?

Oh, you know what i mean. Now, let’s get the impulse drive into its ready to fly state.

But i can’t see anything.

It’s a Cheshire drive, isn’t it, until you’re riding the wave at warp speed. Only then will it come into your field of vision, all things being equal.


Where did i put that spanner? It’s lucky I’ve had the bare essentials lying around for an emergency like this.

You mean you actually have to make it by hand?

Not exactly, but i used to be a Doctor Who fan so i collected an assortment of time junk that could be made into a tardis. In actual fact, your job is to hold in unison the creation you’re now spawning.

Om my God, what do you mean?

Well, you have two great loves do you not?

I do?

Oh come on Zie, don’t be dense.

Er... You mean Dorothy and...


Er... It sounds terribly egocentric.

As it rightly should. There’s no going anywhere without the supreme, transcendental, cosmic ego.

Oh... I thought it was just me.

Which it is. It’s just that you’ve not yet realised what your me really amounts to.


Think big Zie. Very big. Pop up past peta and zetta orders of magnitude to the giga yota scale, or thereabouts.

You mean to say that I’m as big as...

The universe? Where else do you think it came from? They can’t just appear from nowhere, you know.

Oh, i always assumed

Yes, but right now you have about seven seconds before the implosion wave hits and nullifies everything you’ve ever been or known, so kindly hold the two loves in perfect evenness: on the one hand Dorothy your bewitching contractual bridget...


Oh, you know, soul bride, and everything else...


Everything you’ve ever known and loved, starting with yourself, your life, including humanity, the Earth, trains, planes and real ale...

I thought you said the implosion wave’s hitting in seven seconds?

Oh God, i nearly forgot. Quickly... Deep breath, Om, slowing down the time stream, decoupling, unphasing, desyncing, release, hold, mmm, that’s better. Now where were we?

Loving two sides evenly.

Ok, as the time wave implodes into you these feelings are going to intensify exponentially. Prepare to feel the exteme rapture, joy, pain and despair of all that love ever can, was and ever will be.

Is that all?

... while i get the tardis powered up. Kansas city is going bye bye, as they said in...

The Matrix. And you can assure me...

Focus, no time for assurances. Your everything and nothing are now collapsing, spinning into the zero point you yourself constitute. Only the two sides of love can keep you afloat to ride the maelstrom, to surf the time vortex back into inf-inity.

Oh...  oh... oh... oh...  oh... oh... oh
A puff of smoke and Zie is gone.

Seventh heaven... Right, here goes for nothing... Impulse drive 0=1 destination unknown, wherever, just as long as Zie’s waiting for me with two feet and a bottle of Nouveau Beaujolais. Now full steam ahead Marigold, we have a lovestruck Romeo riding the time wave of an imploding universe to catch before he crashes into the Mandelbrot beetle at T minus 42 to the power of zie vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvrm

Ah, music to my ears! There’s life in the old dog yet...

To be continued

Thursday, March 2, 2017

between whiles

Apparently I’m between whiles.

Yes, that’s a fair description.

But what does it mean?

Er... could you tell me how you knew?


That you’re between whiles.

Oh, I... er

You have no idea, correct? You simply knew.

Apparently so.

But you’re still not comfortable with the fact that you simply know things...


You’re treating this with a certain degree of suspicion, which is understandable.


Until you make yourself more at home here.

At home? You mean I’m here to stay?


Here, between whiles...

Would you like to?

I don’t know... No, not if I have to.

I see your point. That would be... yes.

Yes I have to stay?


Oh. For how long?

How long is a piece of string?

No, come on, I want to know.

Then know.

How? I don’t know how to know.

Well, you keep saying apparently when you’re knowing things, so there lies the key. Follow that trail of sceptical stand-offishness back to its source and bingo, you’ve found where your power of knowing originates.

Can’t you just tell me. I think that would be...


Well yes.




I didn’t catch what you said.


Is this some kind of joke?


Whatever it was you were saying...

Saying? I’d hardly call that saying.

Then what?


Well, it went right over my head. Your imparting was obviously a failure. I’d stick to saying if I were you.

Oh, but you’re not.

Well obviously, but if I were...

If you were you’d have done exactly what I did.

How can you be so sure?

For the simple reason that I, unlike you, am me, and therefore I know exactly what to say or do in the circumstances.

But that’s being absurdly conceited. You can hardly speak for me, or what I’d have done if I were you.

No more than you can speak for me and what you’d have done being me.

Look, this is getting nowhere.


So if you don’t mind I’d much rather change the subject.

Go ahead.

I’d rather go back to our starting point.

That sounds very reasonable.

I want to hear what you have to say about this place.


Or about yourself.

Uh huh.

Or anything you choose to tell me.




Can you give me any insights?


Great, fire ahead.


No? I thought you just said yes?

I did, yes.

Then why contradict yourself?

No contradiction.

Oh God, this woman’s obviously insane.


I’m talking to a madwoman. What does that make me?

Good question.

I wish you’d give me a break. I need a bit of help.

You do?

I’m asking for help.


Whom? What do you mean whom?

Who are you asking for help?

How am I supposed to know who you are if you won’t tell me?

Good point.

Good point?! It wasn’t a point, it was a question.


Mad, mad as the day is long.

Which is an interesting consideration if you’re between whiles, as you yourself declared.

Well I don’t really know about that.

You don’t know what you said?

I don’t know if I agree with what I said. I mean I just sort of blurted it out without really giving it any thought.


Precisely? What could be precise about blurting something out without any thought?

Good question. Don’t worry, we’ll get there in the end.

There? Where exactly?

Back to knowing whatever it is you need to know.

You make it sound like...

Like it is, sauntering across a bridge between two sides of a divided being.

A what?

You heard.

Yes I did, but I’m not sure I believe what I just heard.

Yes, these things take time.

Time... so am I in purgatory?

Does it feel like you’re in purgatory?



I don’t know. How am I supposed to know what purgatory feels like? It certainly doesn’t feel like being in heaven, that’s for sure.

And you know what heaven feels like?

I can guess.

But not purgatory?

Ok, I see your point. I suppose it could be seen as purgatory, if I allowed it to rile me.

To rile you?

Yes, to get the better of me.

Oh. You mean it’s up to you?

I guess so.


What do you mean interesting?

How much you seem to know without knowing.

Funny, isn’t it.

What? Talking to a madwoman?

That as well.


Not very talkative are you.


Not very anything much at all.


I’d be hard pushed to describe you if I tried.


Come to think of it I have no idea how to describe you, which is kinda weird if you think about it.


I mean, you’d think I’d be able to say what someone looks like, wouldn’t you?


But nothing, zilch, nada. You don’t seem to be in any way describable, which begs the question


Whether you even exist at all


Or whether you’re just a figment of my imagination


And there’s no way of telling


Nothing for me to hold onto as a certainty in this


This between whiles.

Frustrating, isn’t it?

Not so much frustrating






Actually intriguing that I can still experience a completeness


A fullness


A wholeness


Between whiles, in what objectively I can not describe or thingify


Can not, for here all things evidently amount to nought


And yet there doesn’t seem to be any lack of what is not


As if the shadow of things


The shadow of materiality has


Taken on form and substance


Yet without divesting itself of shadowiness.






And now that I think of it


I realise there’s


An other side to all that I’m not seeing or experiencing here


Which enables me to feel


And know

To no

What is here not


But there on other side


In all likelihood


Something or other


If only I knew how to bring the two to










I suppose there must be some kind of mechanism if only


I knew how




now brown cow


Oh, what was that?


Do it again please




Oh my God, i can feel something through the divided-be


Not what, moo, please just moo

But you’re making me feel ridiculous

Ridiculous? Since when did a madwoman feel ridiculous?

I er


I don’t know

This is important Dorothy


Yes, stop pretending you don’t know


You know perfectly well who you are

Oh, so now all of a sudden you’ve decided to remember who i am

Yes er... no. I’ve always known, it’s just i didn’t know i knew.

Oh come on, pull the other one

I knew, Ok, are you happy now? Would you kindly do me a favour and moo?

I don’t know. What’s it worth?

How now brown cow


now brown cow


brown cow


Oh wow!












And you






I no, it’s true, dorothy

You know?

I no beyond shadow of doubt i you

You me?

I you

You me dorothy?

I woo you mb

You to me mb?






Ah – me


Er... Time out Zigismund. What’s with the fishing rod?

Oh my God, I nearly forgot


I’ve got to catch a steak and chips for Merry.

With a fishing rod?

Yes, and a bottle of Beaujolais.

And you called me mad? Damn cheek!

But these are just things Dotty, you know that.

They may be just things Zigismund, as you put it, but that’s no reason for me to tolerate that fool’s terminological nonsense.

Oh, i thought

Yes, i expect you did, but had you given it a little careful nought you’d have known he’s up to know good with his theatricantics.

Oh, I’m sorry you see it like that dorothy, i

Yes, i expect you will, but not between whiles

Not between whiles? But what about you, how will i


No, i don’t want to leave you











sweet om


1 – 2 – 3


Ah, there you are Zie! I’ve been waiting for ever.

No, i want to be between whiles with do-

Ah, you’ve brought my steak and chips. Excellent.


Hang on a second... What’s this? Burgundy?


I expressly requested Beaujolais, did i not?

You did

And that witch, what has she foisted on us instead?

Burgundy? So she made a mistake

Mistake? You imagine that wolverine is capable of making mistakes? You didn’t...


You didn’t actually...


You mean to say you actually declared your lv? That you formally requested to stay between whiles?


Oh my God, Zie, what have you done?

I... i don’t no

You don’t no?! This is worse than i feared Zie


It looks like she’s taken your k

My k?

Me thinks she’s found a way to ensnare you in her night’s tale.

Her knight’s tale?

Without the k.

And what does it mean? What should i do?

Get it back of course. Get it back or you’re a gonner... doomed as the day is dire, as the tomb is black as knight is night as nought is not.

To be kontinued