You can imagine my surprise when I discovered who I really was.
Go on, surprise me Greg.
It's not like I wanted it. I never knowingly applied for the position.
Er... which position is that Greg?
Supreme overlord of the New world order.
What - like the one world government? the illuminati? Is that what you mean?
And you're the - what did you call it?
Supreme overlord.
Fancy sounding title, innit?
Yeah. To be honest it sounds a bit absurd so I don't flash it round much - just mention it to a few close friends.
And er... how do they tend to respond to it Greg?
Well, it's always a bit of a struggle at first Darrell, but they get used to it after a while.
Yeah, my mates are a level headed bunch - you're one of them. You're not exactly flying off the deep end kicking and screaming, are you?
No, not really,
Whereas many would. They'd be huffing and hawing, demanding endless proof or explanations and they'd miss the main point.
Yeah - people usually focus on what doesn't really matter. I notice that all the time.
Precisely. But you can't blame them - they're living in a version of reality that involves a refusal to accept anything out of the ordinary - regardless of whether it's true or not. Just imagine what would happen if Archangel Gabriel flew in and announced they were going to give birth to the saviour of humanity.
Oh my God - don't even think about it. Normality and angels do not mix.
Yes. Well, like it or not the normal stuff only works up to a point, beyond which you're into funny stuff reality - like it or not. It's a bit like the edge of the glass of water.
What, you mean the meniscus?
That's right. Fancy sounding term, isn't it?
Meniscus? Oh aye.
Aye. So where were we?
You were supreme what do y'call it of the one world government.
Oh yes. Well, as you may have suspected, is not quite what people imagine it to be.
No, it never is, is it?
None of the glamour, and frankly, nothing very evil. I'm balancing equal-opposites all the time. Objectively. Dispassionately. It's a bit like a chess game really. You might say that my hands are tied.
Oh aye? Why's that?
Well, there's an overall plan, of course - a general direction - as set out in the Georgia guide stones if you troubled to view that link I sent you.
Oh aye - nasty stuff that. I'm not a great fan of population reduction - not on that scale at any rate.
No, nor am I - but as I said, my hands are tied, so to speak.
But I thought you said you're the supreme overlord.
Well yes - but it's a job like any other. Some people find this hard to accept. They immediately tell me I should just quit - as if it's reprehensible - but they fail to realise that the job exists and I'm doing what I'm doing only because each and everyone on the planet is upholding both individually and collectively what may seem to be an evil order, a malevolent matrix.
So you blame the people do you?
No. There's absolutely no blame. They're doing what they're doing. If and when they're ready for change I have absolute faith that change they will. In fact, it's already happening.
It is?
Oh yes. I'm constantly having to make adjustments to our program based on the shifting currents of human consciousness.
Like what?
Like the 3rd world war - which keeps getting postponed. It's hopelessly delayed now, so much so that the "window of opportunity" has almost expired.
Not sure I'd call it a window of "opportunity".
Me neither - but from the business perspective - it was on the agenda and has since been delayed and rescheduled. Very fiddly - I'll tell you. You'd much rather press ahead, if you could.
Then why don't you?
Why don't you just get on with it regardless?
Without the energies in place?
Not possible Darrell.
Why not?
It's like a comedian telling a joke before he's warmed up the audience. It'll just fall flat. You'd be amazed if you knew the extent to which these global events require willing audience participation. They just don't make it without a head of steam, and that means the people have to be secretly gagging for it.
What? Gagging for war?
You'd be amazed - but all the anger people have pent up inside - sooner or later they want a release for it, and a big world war's the perfect means. Anyway, as I said - the energies aren't right because human consciousness is shifting, in spite of all our attempts to manage it and hold it down.
Then why bother? Why not just accept the inevitable?
Like I said - this is a job and I'm a professional. I do the best I can with the materials available, and I have the satisfaction of a job well done - if I stay calm, detached and ready for any window of opportunity that avails itself - and sooner or later one always does.
What? So you mean you might still be able to reduce the Earth's population to 500 million?
Actually it may be going down to zero the way things are heading right now.
Doesn't that worry you? Wouldn't that be kind of overkill?
Well yes, but there's nothing I can really do to moderate the will of the people. They seem hell bent on destruction.
You could out yourself and your organisation. You could tell them how it really is.
Believe me Darrell - the people would never believe it - or if they did - they'd carry on with redoubled vigour. You see - our organisation only seems to sit atop human civilisation from a 3D perspective.
Oh. How's that?
Well from a 3D perspective you believe that you're ruled and that you're all powerless - more or less - to do anything about it. You love to have stars and leaders to look up to - because all this reflects your own inner make up. Instead of being at peace with yourself and with the natural order - you're constantly trying to tinker with it and improve it - without really having the first clue of what you're doing.
So it's all our fault.
Actually no. There can be no fault because this is all unfolding within multi-dimensionality - even if you're not directly aware of the bigger picture - you still happen to be a part of it.
So in actual fact, Greg, you're saying that the top of the pyramid is only the top because we choose to look up to it, and in doing so, ignore the power within ourselves.
So we don't have to fight the evil enemy seeking to destroy us?
What would be the point? In fighting it you'd be giving it the power of your attention. You'd be pouring oil on the flames. Let me give you an example of how things work in actual fact.
Go on then.
Well - in spite of how things seem to be, the material world we're living in is closely connected to your - what shall I call it? - your conscious awareness.
So any shift in your conscious awareness moves the frequency dial that determines the kind of material reality you're in and experiencing.
Oh aye.
Yeah. So, for example, there were all kinds of disasters predicted that never happened - and I don't just mean the start of world war three.
Like what?
Like huge natural disasters - a shift in the sea levels that was destined to happen but didn't.
Why not?
Because individually or collectively you shifted the dial.
And that saved us?
Yes, in a manner of speaking. I mean, dying isn't quite all it's made out to be... From a higher-consciousness perspective it's more a shift of states: like ice melting and turning into water, or vice versa.
So this is why you're not worried about killing millions of people - is it?
And what else?
Because I'm serving the isness.
The what?
The isness - this live-stream reality you're in.
But you're doing it in a way that's tilted towards destruction.
Yes - because that's how this material reality was set up. It was designed as a powerful soul awakening or ascension process. It was never intended to be easy, and no one participating in it was forced to do so.
Er... you mean we volunteered, did we?
How else could you be here?
God knows.
Precisely. God knows - whatever that means. You see - you can't have a freedom of will planet unless the entry level was also freedom of choice. What kind of freedom would it be if you were only free to choose once you'd been forcibly co-opted into what amounts to a prison planet experiment.
I don't know Greg - it's not all that bad! I wouldn't call it a "prison planet".
No, nor would I from a 3D perspective. Things always look a bit different down here on the ground - but from outside the reality show it certainly looks insane, bordering on horrific. You have to understand that you are, in fact, beings of purest light and immense wisdom. You come from love that knows no limits - and find yourself here in a kind of waking nightmare - which you miraculously grow accustomed to, even to the extent that you're afraid of dying and escaping the asylum.
Ah - point taken. But there must be some kind of higher purpose for all this.
Obviously - and you never stop experiencing the input and guidance of that higher purpose - no matter how little aware you may be.
How can you be so sure?
Well, without the still tangible connection with your higher purpose, you'd just disintegrate. The mental and emotional toxicity of the field you're in down here on Earth would destroy you in no time. You'd lose heart. You'd quit. But you don't.
Yes, I was wondering why not?
Because you basically know what is what.
We do?
You must do, otherwise you'd not be alive to talk about it.
So, what do we know?
God only knows.
You mean I have to listen to God to find out?
I mean exactly as I said. The idea that God's knowledge and your own are separate is only true to a certain extent.
The fact that you're still balancing the equation against all odds indicates you know more than you're letting on to. More than you yourself are aware of. That you're playing the game of life from two positions - two perspectives. One is wysiwyg.
Yeah - "what you see is what you get". That's the part of you that takes everything at face value.
And the other?
The other part of you simply knows - and doesn't bother with face values. That part of you is vast beyond comprehension and capable of anything - even to the extent that it can alter the parameters of the Earth you're living on.
It transcends materiality. It can simply rewrite the computer code of Is - or shift its relationship to things in general from within the quantum stream. Both amount to much the same.
Or ask God to do so.
That too. There really is no limit to how you can describe what it's capable of doing.
So why does it leave me in such difficulty for so long?
I have no idea - or no more idea than you do.
But you're the supreme overlord of the World Government - you said.
Yes - but that doesn't make me any more powerful or intelligent than you. You have just as much control over your destiny as I do. You are no further from your true Self - from Other than I am. This is not conjecture. This is simple mathematics.
How so?
Well there's a mathematical component to all reality and 0=1 discounts any assumption that may be otherwise. Let's face it - any assumption based on your perception or awareness of material reality is bound to put you at a disadvantage - and rightly so - for how else could you learn to rise above things in general - the very things that cannot by definition have power over you - in spite of appearances.
The system is designed to fail: to take you to your own personal apocalypse and Armageddon - which for most people is death. In actual fact it isn't so much the physical death as the point in a person's life when he or she truly experiences the long dark night of the soul - what we might call the Gethsemane experience. At that point you come as close as is possible to zero. That moment is of huge importance. You might say your entire life hinges on it - and that is where the planet and humanity is right now - looking into the abyss of self-inflicted annihilation - with no apparent way out... Does anyone really believe politicians are going to change: that wars will stop happening, that people will stop putting self-interest before the good of the planet? And yet, the darkest, coldest hour precedes the dawn. A part of you is already in the sunlight causing the part that remains in the darkness to feel it all the more acutely.
So you believe things are going to turn for the better? That your human population reduction stratagems are going to fail?
You have to understand Darrell that ultimately, like it or not - we are One. This may be hard to believe, and you may feel that the people are being victimised by an overclass - but as long as you believe that you're destined to perpetuate the very evil you decry. So, within the game, here within 3D reality I'm doing all within my power to fight a losing battle - to keep working for the final solution - and believe me if you can - within the 3D paradigm there is only one solution - and that is the final one - the one that reduces all people back to their material components - such is the nature, the structure and the form of 3D reality. And yet, there are huge gaping cracks appearing in the very fabric of 3D reality. I watch with interest. I have always taken an interest in all that truly is. The only things I take no interest in whatsoever are things themselves - things that seem to be important, seem to matter but have no intrinsic meaning, value or worth. This is why it is so easy for me to take the opposing side - knowing that in doing so I'm helping to speed the end of a game that's designed to self-destruct.
But surely there's some hope?
Greg says nothing - calmly, compassionately you might even say. His silence is not heavy - but it swallows what Darrell has just said and spits it out as one might spit out a plum stone.
One thing I don't get Greg, is how you manage to do all this - running the one world government while living a normal life here with us, going to work in a normal office job? Why bother? Why not live in a palace somewhere nice with your every need attended to?
Do you honestly think that kind of life would be more interesting, pleasant or meaningful? What could be richer or more valuable than life itself in all it's multi-facetedness? As for telling people what to do - that's not how this system operates. My mind is like a huge resonating chamber. The fears, plans, doubts and excitements of those working under me come into the chamber and I experience them. If necessary I correct them and send them bouncing back. But the resonating chamber also lets in the thoughts, emotions and feelings of all the people on this planet - my being a part of them. Cuckoo la la - if only you knew to what extent I am the servant of the people - for they define every thing. Only when they pause in their thinking and determining things - what I call thinging - do we see another force at work - lifting humanity above the matter of thing, into the isness of Be - at which point all your fears or concerns regarding me or the illuminati are seen to be groundless, baseless and irrelevant. In the meantime, I'm determined to play my part to perfection - as we all should be.