I was having trouble staying awake...
Too much writing. Not enough sleep - I was telling myself.
Not enough floating - a voice informs me.
Floating? What's that meant to mean? I ask - not expecting any kind of answer.
This? What the hell's that? - I'm thinking when I feel myself lift off the ground.
Jesus Christ...! My stomach is left behind as I find myself several feet or more up in the air, just kind of bobbing around.
Let me down - I'm screaming. Let me down. I's afraid of heights. I'm going to fall. I'm...
Can it Milo! You can handle this. It's time you stopped whining and moaning, and started enjoying life a bit.
Enjoying life?! You call this enjoyment?
Strange to say - yes. From where I am your vital signs are showing distinct signs of improvement. You're re-energised, revitalised, reinvigorated.
Any other re-s you'd like to name?
No, three is more than sufficient.
So, er... if it's not too much to ask - how am I supposed to get down?
The same way you got up.
Which is?
Why don't you try asking yourself.
Isn't that what I'm doing?
Technically yes. But I'd rather you tried to remember how you got up here in the first place.
Er... didn't you just hit the anti-gravity button - or something like that.
Well, yes - but that's just from my perspective. You have to realise that powerful as I, your otherness, may be - I can do nothing unless you yourself tacitly agree - unless you yourself are party to it. So what did you do, sub-consciously, to get yourself 14 feet and six inches up in the air?
I...? - and here I'm about to yell - I don't know! - My temper doesn't seem to be behaving itself as it should. Not altogether unsurprising in a highly stressful moment like this - but for some reason I switch sideways into another pocket of awareness - and I'm fascinated to observe how it happened, how I levitated.
And how you're doing it right now. You're only able to stay up there because you're holding this beautiful configuration with aplomb.
Yes, but how? I've never done this before - who taught me?
Don't be so sure. There's more to you than meets the eye.
Well yes, evidently, but that still doesn't answer the question.
No, it doesn't, because you're the one who needs to let the answers come out. You have the same access to information as I do.
I do?
Yes. Who do you think you are? Some kind of inferior underling?
No - but I'm just a normal human being - aren't I?
Absolutely! A normal, run of the mill, multi-dimensional human being, capable of absolutely anything - just as soon as you stop disallowing it.
Disallowing? I've never disallowed anything. I'm extremely open-minded.
Agreed. You're open to anything as long as it doesn't contradict your concept of reality - just as long as it allows you to remain in control.
Ouch! That bad am I?
Let's just say that like the rest of us - you have your limitations - but when push comes to shove - you're ready to challenge them. That's why we're having this dialogue right now.
You mean I permitted this take over of my in-controlness?
Er... when? I don't remember inviting you, my otherness, to suspend me from the oh so high ceiling in my studio.
Well, it's a grey area - admittedly.
A grey area?! You mean you barged in illegally and took over without authorisation?
Oh come on... I wouldn't go that far. I merely stretched the letter of the law. But you do need to give it a little more thought rather than rushing to blame me or anyone else for your shortcomings.
My shortcomings? You hang me from an invisible hook 14 feet above the ground...
14 feet and six inches.
Yes, whatever - and you have the effrontery to say I should give it more thought.
Well yes - that would be more intelligent.
Because, firstly, you are not and never have been coerced or controlled by me or anyone else - no matter what you may like to imagine.
No? Are you sure?
And secondly - because even if I tried to do so, I could only get you up into the air by working through your very own natural facilities and abilities. This is your technology, not mine.
Technology? What do you mean? I don't see a machine holding me here.
It's inbuilt. It isn't anything as primitive as a machine. It's biologic, the technology of Is.
The what?
The technology of Is. Please don't ask me to repeat it again. I'm very sensitive on that score.
Ok - but what the heck's that?
I already told you - it's inbuilt.
Yeah - I heard you first time - but that's not telling me much.
Then why don't you try tuning in - and taking a look for yourself?
Oh yeah - good point... - and I do. I'm scanning myself - feeling the configuration and the force holding me delicately poised, perfectly balanced up in the air - admiring its intelligent design and functionality... My God - it really is a kind of technology, isn't it.
Would I lie?
But there's no machine.
Not exactly, no. But then again - what do you think your body is?
An intelligent machine?
A biologic interface technology - we prefer not to use the word "machine".
A "biologic interface technology" - sounds sweet but it's quite a mouthful.
Ok - call it BIT.
And you think that sounds better than machine? Ok - so my body is capable of levitation?
And much, much more.
Then why didn't I know about it?
Why do you assume you didn't? How could you not know what you of all people had to know.
Look - I never read instruction manuals.
No need. You had the entire dataspread when you entered the vehicle.
Vehicle? I wish you wouldn't refer to my body as a vehicle.
Actually I'm not. Vehicle refers to your body and it's localised mind.
Ah. That makes sense.
So, as I was saying - you have no right to claim you were ignorant of your vehicle's capabilities.
I'm not claiming anything. I'd love to have known I could bend the laws of physics and float up to the ceiling. Now that I've come to terms with the strangeness of the situation I'm actually loving it.
Love loving, are you? So you don't want to press charges any more?
What? Do I have the right to press charges against you?
Er... as I said, it's a grey area. I might be liable under the lèse-majesté section of the criminal code, for infringing your personal sovereignty, but you and I had a personal agreement years ago. It might be hard to prove in court, but who cares, I promised to give it my best shot.
Look - of course I'm not going to press charges. In any case, what would be the point? You're, as you put it, my otherness. But what was this agreement?
Come on Milo - you've got to stop assuming I'm your nanny. Stop relying on me for the answers.
I told you otherness - do you have a name, by the way?
Ok, Merry, I don't remember all this stuff. It's part of the human condition - being stuck in the 3D mind-body vehicle thingy.
Yes and no.
Yes and no?
It's only true as long as you hold it to be true. As soon as you accept what Is, you can manually over-ride the limitations of your 3D conditioning and - Bingo - you're once again in the driver's seat with full access to all information. Trust me - I can see it right before my eyes.
See what?
Your conscious awareness. Nothing has been deleted, nothing has been destroyed. As soon as you're ready, willing and desirous - you can revert to All.
Yep. The natural state of Allness - in which you have full access to all that is/ all that you be/ all that you are
Ok... if you say so.
Don't take it on trust Milo. Check it out for yourself. Instead of asking me - come into a meditative state of interested curiosity. Play the I-wonder game.
The what?
Last repeat - the "I wonder" game. You have this inbuilt sense of Wonder - it's a powerful tool, which like your Imagination can take you very far, very fast. Remember the nursery rhyme - twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are? Where do you think that came from? Why do you think it was taught to all these children?
No idea.
Yes you do.
Er... to remind us all that we shouldn't just look at the thing and be satisfied with a name or label. To encourage us to continue looking at the world around with a sense of wonder, and thus remember the true nature of things... Wow Merry! Where did that come from?
Well done Milo. It's working fine, isn't it. So just suspend your disbelief and allow the answers to flow.
Ok... but it feels like such an effort.
Yes. You've been conditioned to feel a little internal resistance. It requires practice. Don't force it. When you feel that slight lethargy - just meditate it.
Er - what do you mean?
Breathe it like a micro-meditation. Trust me - the lethargy will dissolve in half a mo. There's nothing to it. It's served its purpose. It was put there to help prevent you from knowing too much too easily.
But why? I don't get it.
Answer that yourself.
Ok. Breathe... Release... Flow... So I could experience this state of limited awareness. So I could feel what it's like to be disconnected from All that is and operate at the 3D level of "things matter".
Great. So it worked, didn't it. You were able to exist all these years, unsuspectingly within 3D - things matter - almost completely unaware of everything else - including me.
Yes, that's weird. I mean - I can feel you so clearly now - and it's obvious you've been with me all along - I just wasn't aware. Bizarre. How could I have failed to notice.
The magic and mystery of conscious awareness - or what not.
What not?
Its 3D version: conscious awareness through an inversion loop. Oops! Sorry Milo - I was supposed to let you answer your own questions.
Don't be so pedantic, Merry. Rules are made to be broken.
Ah ha - did you hear that! Talk about déjà vu.
Oh my God - it's all coming back.
What is?
That's what I said to you, isn't it, before entering the vehicle. "Don't be a pedant Merry - rules are made to be broken!"
Yes, you did. But what was the context?
Er... we were discussing how I could reactivate my conscious awareness while still in situ. I told you to give me a shove and you looked a little concerned, saying that would be a violation of the terms of incorporation - the non-interference protocol.
But if I'd known what a shock it was going to be...
You'd have preferred me not to have given you a shove?
No. I just could never have imagined how unaware it's possible to be down here in 3D. Wow! Imagine thinking levitation was something out of the ordinary. Imagine freaking out about holding a non-physical tonal configuration.
Yes. Well, I'd prefer it if you didn't tell too many people about what I've done. Rules are rules you know.
Oh come on Merry! Don't be so square!
Heaven forbid. So what now? Push came to the shove and you seem to be back, more or less. It's going to take a bit of practice before you remember fully All that is. In the meantime...
In the meantime - I'm exploding with energy. I want to go shake the whole world by the hand. I...
Need to put your feet back down on the ground. You've forgotten about keeping yourself zeroed.
Oops. You're right, so I have! Here goes... 0=1
Absolutely, 0=1 it is I Am
Ah, that's good...

Too much writing. Not enough sleep - I was telling myself.
Not enough floating - a voice informs me.
Floating? What's that meant to mean? I ask - not expecting any kind of answer.
This? What the hell's that? - I'm thinking when I feel myself lift off the ground.
Jesus Christ...! My stomach is left behind as I find myself several feet or more up in the air, just kind of bobbing around.
Let me down - I'm screaming. Let me down. I's afraid of heights. I'm going to fall. I'm...
Can it Milo! You can handle this. It's time you stopped whining and moaning, and started enjoying life a bit.
Enjoying life?! You call this enjoyment?
Strange to say - yes. From where I am your vital signs are showing distinct signs of improvement. You're re-energised, revitalised, reinvigorated.
Any other re-s you'd like to name?
No, three is more than sufficient.
So, er... if it's not too much to ask - how am I supposed to get down?
The same way you got up.
Which is?
Why don't you try asking yourself.
Isn't that what I'm doing?
Technically yes. But I'd rather you tried to remember how you got up here in the first place.
Er... didn't you just hit the anti-gravity button - or something like that.
Well, yes - but that's just from my perspective. You have to realise that powerful as I, your otherness, may be - I can do nothing unless you yourself tacitly agree - unless you yourself are party to it. So what did you do, sub-consciously, to get yourself 14 feet and six inches up in the air?
I...? - and here I'm about to yell - I don't know! - My temper doesn't seem to be behaving itself as it should. Not altogether unsurprising in a highly stressful moment like this - but for some reason I switch sideways into another pocket of awareness - and I'm fascinated to observe how it happened, how I levitated.
And how you're doing it right now. You're only able to stay up there because you're holding this beautiful configuration with aplomb.
Yes, but how? I've never done this before - who taught me?
Don't be so sure. There's more to you than meets the eye.
Well yes, evidently, but that still doesn't answer the question.
No, it doesn't, because you're the one who needs to let the answers come out. You have the same access to information as I do.
I do?
Yes. Who do you think you are? Some kind of inferior underling?
No - but I'm just a normal human being - aren't I?
Absolutely! A normal, run of the mill, multi-dimensional human being, capable of absolutely anything - just as soon as you stop disallowing it.
Disallowing? I've never disallowed anything. I'm extremely open-minded.
Agreed. You're open to anything as long as it doesn't contradict your concept of reality - just as long as it allows you to remain in control.
Ouch! That bad am I?
Let's just say that like the rest of us - you have your limitations - but when push comes to shove - you're ready to challenge them. That's why we're having this dialogue right now.
You mean I permitted this take over of my in-controlness?
Er... when? I don't remember inviting you, my otherness, to suspend me from the oh so high ceiling in my studio.
Well, it's a grey area - admittedly.
A grey area?! You mean you barged in illegally and took over without authorisation?
Oh come on... I wouldn't go that far. I merely stretched the letter of the law. But you do need to give it a little more thought rather than rushing to blame me or anyone else for your shortcomings.
My shortcomings? You hang me from an invisible hook 14 feet above the ground...
14 feet and six inches.
Yes, whatever - and you have the effrontery to say I should give it more thought.
Well yes - that would be more intelligent.
Because, firstly, you are not and never have been coerced or controlled by me or anyone else - no matter what you may like to imagine.
No? Are you sure?
And secondly - because even if I tried to do so, I could only get you up into the air by working through your very own natural facilities and abilities. This is your technology, not mine.
Technology? What do you mean? I don't see a machine holding me here.
It's inbuilt. It isn't anything as primitive as a machine. It's biologic, the technology of Is.
The what?
The technology of Is. Please don't ask me to repeat it again. I'm very sensitive on that score.
Ok - but what the heck's that?
I already told you - it's inbuilt.
Yeah - I heard you first time - but that's not telling me much.
Then why don't you try tuning in - and taking a look for yourself?
Oh yeah - good point... - and I do. I'm scanning myself - feeling the configuration and the force holding me delicately poised, perfectly balanced up in the air - admiring its intelligent design and functionality... My God - it really is a kind of technology, isn't it.
Would I lie?
But there's no machine.
Not exactly, no. But then again - what do you think your body is?
An intelligent machine?
A biologic interface technology - we prefer not to use the word "machine".
A "biologic interface technology" - sounds sweet but it's quite a mouthful.
Ok - call it BIT.
And you think that sounds better than machine? Ok - so my body is capable of levitation?
And much, much more.
Then why didn't I know about it?
Why do you assume you didn't? How could you not know what you of all people had to know.
Look - I never read instruction manuals.
No need. You had the entire dataspread when you entered the vehicle.
Vehicle? I wish you wouldn't refer to my body as a vehicle.
Actually I'm not. Vehicle refers to your body and it's localised mind.
Ah. That makes sense.
So, as I was saying - you have no right to claim you were ignorant of your vehicle's capabilities.
I'm not claiming anything. I'd love to have known I could bend the laws of physics and float up to the ceiling. Now that I've come to terms with the strangeness of the situation I'm actually loving it.
Love loving, are you? So you don't want to press charges any more?
What? Do I have the right to press charges against you?
Er... as I said, it's a grey area. I might be liable under the lèse-majesté section of the criminal code, for infringing your personal sovereignty, but you and I had a personal agreement years ago. It might be hard to prove in court, but who cares, I promised to give it my best shot.
Look - of course I'm not going to press charges. In any case, what would be the point? You're, as you put it, my otherness. But what was this agreement?
Come on Milo - you've got to stop assuming I'm your nanny. Stop relying on me for the answers.
I told you otherness - do you have a name, by the way?
Ok, Merry, I don't remember all this stuff. It's part of the human condition - being stuck in the 3D mind-body vehicle thingy.
Yes and no.
Yes and no?
It's only true as long as you hold it to be true. As soon as you accept what Is, you can manually over-ride the limitations of your 3D conditioning and - Bingo - you're once again in the driver's seat with full access to all information. Trust me - I can see it right before my eyes.
See what?
Your conscious awareness. Nothing has been deleted, nothing has been destroyed. As soon as you're ready, willing and desirous - you can revert to All.
Yep. The natural state of Allness - in which you have full access to all that is/ all that you be/ all that you are
Ok... if you say so.
Don't take it on trust Milo. Check it out for yourself. Instead of asking me - come into a meditative state of interested curiosity. Play the I-wonder game.
The what?
Last repeat - the "I wonder" game. You have this inbuilt sense of Wonder - it's a powerful tool, which like your Imagination can take you very far, very fast. Remember the nursery rhyme - twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are? Where do you think that came from? Why do you think it was taught to all these children?
No idea.
Yes you do.
Er... to remind us all that we shouldn't just look at the thing and be satisfied with a name or label. To encourage us to continue looking at the world around with a sense of wonder, and thus remember the true nature of things... Wow Merry! Where did that come from?
Well done Milo. It's working fine, isn't it. So just suspend your disbelief and allow the answers to flow.
Ok... but it feels like such an effort.
Yes. You've been conditioned to feel a little internal resistance. It requires practice. Don't force it. When you feel that slight lethargy - just meditate it.
Er - what do you mean?
Breathe it like a micro-meditation. Trust me - the lethargy will dissolve in half a mo. There's nothing to it. It's served its purpose. It was put there to help prevent you from knowing too much too easily.
But why? I don't get it.
Answer that yourself.
Ok. Breathe... Release... Flow... So I could experience this state of limited awareness. So I could feel what it's like to be disconnected from All that is and operate at the 3D level of "things matter".
Great. So it worked, didn't it. You were able to exist all these years, unsuspectingly within 3D - things matter - almost completely unaware of everything else - including me.
Yes, that's weird. I mean - I can feel you so clearly now - and it's obvious you've been with me all along - I just wasn't aware. Bizarre. How could I have failed to notice.
The magic and mystery of conscious awareness - or what not.
What not?
Its 3D version: conscious awareness through an inversion loop. Oops! Sorry Milo - I was supposed to let you answer your own questions.
Don't be so pedantic, Merry. Rules are made to be broken.
Ah ha - did you hear that! Talk about déjà vu.
Oh my God - it's all coming back.
What is?
That's what I said to you, isn't it, before entering the vehicle. "Don't be a pedant Merry - rules are made to be broken!"
Yes, you did. But what was the context?
Er... we were discussing how I could reactivate my conscious awareness while still in situ. I told you to give me a shove and you looked a little concerned, saying that would be a violation of the terms of incorporation - the non-interference protocol.
But if I'd known what a shock it was going to be...
You'd have preferred me not to have given you a shove?
No. I just could never have imagined how unaware it's possible to be down here in 3D. Wow! Imagine thinking levitation was something out of the ordinary. Imagine freaking out about holding a non-physical tonal configuration.
Yes. Well, I'd prefer it if you didn't tell too many people about what I've done. Rules are rules you know.
Oh come on Merry! Don't be so square!
Heaven forbid. So what now? Push came to the shove and you seem to be back, more or less. It's going to take a bit of practice before you remember fully All that is. In the meantime...
In the meantime - I'm exploding with energy. I want to go shake the whole world by the hand. I...
Need to put your feet back down on the ground. You've forgotten about keeping yourself zeroed.
Oops. You're right, so I have! Here goes... 0=1
Absolutely, 0=1 it is I Am
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