So tell us please, Merry, how you came to set up the School of Is all those years ago.
Well, your viewers may not remember what it was like back then in the 2010s.
A few of them will - but, you're right, most of them have difficulty relating to the world we've come from.
OK - so a little background. Back in the 2010s we were still only awakening to our huge untapped potential. We were living in a world of vast, primitive logic systems based on material resources. We were effectively asset stripping the planet and the whole of humanity, with a few exceptions, was in a state of amygdalan hyperactivity. This meant we were emotionally unbalanced and found it well nigh impossible to connect with our higher natural states of conscious awareness. We were absolutely convinced that the world and human society had to be regulated as a machine, rather than a living biological entity. We had not idea of viable, practical alternatives, or if we did, we were convinced that they were Utopian fantasies.
And money seemed to be the prime motivating factor back then...
Yes. Money was blown out of all proportion. Instead of being a means to an end, it had become an end in itself. We had lost sight of what wealth really was, and started to identify accumulated money as wealth.
Talk about putting the cart before the horse.
Yeah - but this was the logical end result of a few thousand years of intellectual development. Humanity had taken a left turn somewhere along the way and chosen the path of rational materialism. Things were only seen to matter, to be important or make sense to the extent they could be quantified and utilised materially. Everything had to have a material value, but our value system put little or no value on the most precious thing of all which is life - because life is not a "thing" and cannot easily be quantified. Thus we were willing to destroy life with reckless abandon, and the whole socio-economic, political, rational system - the whole paradigm was in a state of collective mass denial regarding what was going on.
In short, we were entering the end game of rational materialism.
Correct. It had brought us to the verge of planetary annihilation and mass extinction. There really seemed no way out. The system seemed to be unreformable. It was too vast. It controlled the minds of almost everyone, it reached into every aspect of our lives, it controlled the flow of resources and determined who was free from lack and who was in penury.
So in that state of huge systemic disfunctionality you decided to introduce an alternative.
Yes. It slowly dawned on me as I became more aware of the corruption and contradictions within the whole system and within myself, that something enormous was unfolding within me and throughout. Instead of focussing on the negative, I began to sense how the darkness was in fact revealing ever more clearly the light glimmering inside. It was an exponential progression - so the worse things got, the more abusive the matrix became, the easier it was for us to see the wood from the trees. We no longer had to fight the existing system. That would never bring us into the light. We simply had to reconnect, to remember, to reactivate our natural state of Is - the Isness of Be.
So how did this growing awareness translate into action?
Well - at first I was just working it out for myself, then I started sharing it with a few friends through a blog, then I was guided to go one step further - to open the Merry school of Is.
Ok. So take us back to the first tentative moments, when it was all beginning. You were treading on virgin soil, were you not?
Not exactly. There were lots of healers and Light workers who were providing courses to assist people in their awakening. All of this helped to bring in the new age. All of it helped raise the awareness of some kind of change - but economically, socially, politically, intellectually things were largely static. The matrix was a huge system of interlocking systems, perfectly designed to lead humanity to a jumping off end point - so instead of trying to fix it - I just recognised that there really was nothing to fix - that we were in the process of going through a vast, multi-level quantum shift. The individuals, groups and organisations that were putting up the greatest resistance to the change were in fact doing more than anyone else to facilitate the shift, though they'd have been horrified if you'd told them. People, you have to realise, were terrified of change because they had no notion of any alternative. As far as they were concerned - technology was a metal or plastic box - be it a car, a computer, a cell phone or a smart bomb.
Right. So you decided to facilitate the transition by providing an alternative.
Not exactly. I knew that I was powerless to do anything to make things change. I had no intention of pushing against a string. I realised that where there's a string there's bound to be a bow nearby, or a hammer to make it vibrate and resonate. Instead of following the old propulsion model of moving forward by pushing backwards, I decided to try an impulse drive - as in the Star Trek movies - a drive that pulled me into whatever most excited me, which meant I allowed myself to follow the path of delight.
So you just did what felt best at the time. Didn't you have any difficulties switching?
Not exactly difficulties. I was still experiencing lots of fear - but once I'd understood the new technology - how I was being drawn forwards ever faster, further, deeper back to my natural, blissful state of Is - the fear started morphing into fascination. I was more and more fascinated by what was unfolding - and I could feel how I was moving in two planes - so to speak.
The 3D material plane and conscious awareness.
Precisely. This was something new. It was so exciting to feel how everything happening in the 3D material plane was in fact the result of connections, openings, enfusion that I was accepting and welcoming in the conscious awareness.
So this shifted your perspective dramatically.
Precisely. I was feeling what was really going on, and in an increasingly detached way, able to enjoy the amazing synchronised action and movements of 3D reality. I was no longer trapped in the mechanistic mindset of rational materialism. I now sensed more or less unequivocally how I was One with all that is - whatever that might be.
So tell us about the school.
Well, Merry school of Is was a leap into pure unadulterated and inspired delight. I realised that it was time to start unlocking the sealed doors that had kept humanity in a state of technological infancy. Our enslavement had served its purpose. It had got us to the point where we were ready to reincorporate.
Reincorporate - what's that?
Well, the vast web of human experiences, much of which had involved horrendous suffering, remained extended like a web across space and time. Our minds had been shut down which had enabled us to experience everything with limited awareness, as what as opposed to Is, but as soon as our minds were ready to open, this huge web of accumulated experience became an incalculable resource. It became the foundation, so to speak, of our new awareness - and we were able to process anything and everything. It's a bit like a cow lying down to chew the cud, to digest the grass it ate earlier. Far from being a painful process of revisiting old suppurating wounds, the web stretching across the conscious awareness of humanity is a beautiful, magical, perfect crystalline entity which is a delight to engage. It is alive. In it we see that no one suffered in vain. Nothing that happened was lost or wasted. Everything had a magical, intricate side to it that only becomes clear now that the whole is complete.
Ok Merry - but we're running ahead of ourselves. Back to the early days - your school of Is.
Sorry Zie. Yes, well the school was a magical flight of fancy - but at the same time absolutely practical and, strange to say, scientific.
How so?
Well the old science had kind of ground to a halt. It had spent so long trying to avoid or deny anything that wasn't mechanistic or material that it more or less imploded under the weight of its internal contradictions. My job was to present the alternative. I knew that every existing technology could be replicated and enormously outperformed by the technology of Is.
But people knew nothing of this new technology.
No. They assumed technology had to be something - a box. They hadn't yet realised that we have the most amazing technological potential already built into our mind and body.
So where did you start?
A bit like the early days of computing - with 1s and zeros.
You had to go right back to basics.
Yes, but it was fun. I presented it as a new kind of math 0=1. I started exploring how we could go beyond theory and get the ball rolling. It was such fun. It still is, of course. I can't think of anything more exciting. Treading on virgin territory. Everything was there for grabs. Everything was waiting to be discovered - and what's better still - there were and are no material limits or restraints.
Ok - so you started teaching this in a class?
Yes. I got groups of people to meet up with me, or among themselves and to start playing with the technology of Is. At first they wanted a lot of instructions, but I had to repeat ad nauseam that no instructions were needed. It has to be a natural living biologic interaction. The technology of Is cannot be a mind down system. It has to be body up - with the conscious awareness as the hosting platform.
So how did people react to this?
With bemusement at first - but once they started to feel results - once they realised that biologic is a kind of natural logic - which is itself conscious - the results were beyond my wildest expectations.
So give us a glimpse of the early experiments.
Well, first of all we had to establish the framework - what I called the Engagement Protocol. We needed to be sure that engaging the impulse drive - tuning into the limitless power of Is - that no harm should befall us or the rest of creation. We were still terrified of what we called the dark side. We'd seen too much of how long years of suppression and distortion resulted in toxic or explosive reactions. So the Engagement Protocol was necessary to ensure that no imbalances within us, the students of Is, or the reality we were operating from should have negative consequences.
So how did you do that? Most of our viewers are certainly familiar with the Engagement Protocol - but it's been modified considerably since then, has it not?
Yes. We were still using the language and mindset of the outgoing paradigm, and were obviously affected and indoctrinated by the reality we were now emerging from. One of the main early issues was unhealthy attachments. We'd grown up in a world were things seemed to be lacking - where we always wanted more - and so we tended to be quite possessive in our relations to people and things in general. We hadn't yet made the great breakthrough in conscious awareness that came at the 2nd convention in Lisbon in 2017, so our interaction with that was somewhat cumbersome and oppressive. We didn't yet know how to open the magic box. It was a case of groping in the dark, but believe me when I tell you that, even at that stage we were flying compared to anything we'd ever experienced elsewhere.
So the Engagement Protocol?
Ok - we started experimenting with simple neutral objects - a stone, a feather, a pine cone, a glass of water, or with simple symbols on a piece of paper - a cross, a circle, a wavy line, or with simple sounds or notes - you get the idea. These were our ones and zeros. Before doing so we had to create the proper working space - to ensure that we were able to leave behind all negative beliefs, programmes or ideas that were still at work in our mind. We sat for a moment in silence around a table or in a circle. Each of us stated our name - it is... I am... Merry. Doing this ensured we were fully present, here and now. Then we read the declaration of Is:
Beloved all that Is. We come in peace and love. We come to play and learn as children of Is. We come in conscious awareness of the simple truth: the oneness, the allness, the isness of Be.
We renounce all harmful thought forms, belief systems or programs and affirm our wholehearted love and devotion to All that is. Guide us, beloved All, back to our natural state of beauty and joy. Enable us to restore the power of Is with simple, natural technologies within and through our conscious awareness. We willingly agree to be governed by nature's own law of One - it is I am... Zero equals One - it is I am... One. We open our hearts and minds to the magic, the power, the technology of Is. Let it be, let it be, let it be.
This having be done - something always changed in the room. We were in fact, by making this declaration of Is transported to another reality which essentially corresponded with the future. We were able to feel and tap into the main outline, the architecture, the achievements that awaited us somewhere in the future. This made possible the quantum leap from our seemingly primitive experiments with simple objects to where we are today - light years ahead.
Ok Merry. I think our viewers will be fascinated to hear what you were doing with these objects.
We were approaching them as small children do - touching them, tasting them, talking to them, trying to understand what they really amounted to rather than what our senses were telling us they were.
We knew that, 0=1, we were wholly interconnected or entangled with everything and everyone. The word formula - it Is I Am - expresses that simple truth awareness. Our job was to go from the truth awareness to interaction. We needed to activate the dormant bio-logic intelligence within each and every one of us. Of course, doing this in a group was both more interesting and far more productive.
So the key was our imagination and our intuition. We were fascinated by the three tele-s - telekinesis, telepathy and teleportation. We knew that all these were a part of our inbuilt kit - we just needed to work out how to switch it on. We had to avoid doing what scientists had done for too long - which was thinking hard and concentrating. We knew that would yield the wrong results. Ours had to be child'splay - light and gay. We knew we didn't actually have to do anything - that we can quantum shift into any reality whatsoever, just as soon as we're willing to equalise with it. Think of it like going through locks on a canal boat. The gates only open when the water levels have equalised. Then it's easy. Try opening them prematurely and they're stuck fast by the weight of water. Or, alternatively, like jumping from one moving track to another. If you're not moving at the right speed you'll fall over - so there's a kind of chip built in that usually prevents you jumping until you're matching the speed or frequency of the track your jumping to. Another thing we knew was that there was no point pushing. Everything happens naturally, automatically, instantaneously when you activate the impulse drive and listen to what it's saying. The 3D mind, of course, doesn't like this idea and kicks up a fuss so we had to act as a nannies, holding it like a crying baby in our arms, singing it lullabies or distracting it until it got used to what is, in fact, perfectly natural, painless and magical.
Instead of the old way of working within mind - from a static position, we need to constantly switch sides like the wave form between zero and one, left and right, male and female, - and so we used theatre and story as the basis of our research and experimentation. Each of us participated in telling the story of how we or our hero discovers how to activate the particular ability we are working on. The stories were such fun. We were downloading stuff all the time. Ideas, pictures, sounds, dances came to us. We were spontaneous. We knew the entire universe, the whole of creation was involved and responding biologically to our deadly serious, yet gay and riotous drama. We'd start drumming or playing on flutes, or pulling faces, or pretending to be on a boat in a storm. We knew we had to create great theatre, to activate the power of Is - the sleeping, gentle giant, to bring about cosmic fusion...
And we did.
Well, your viewers may not remember what it was like back then in the 2010s.
A few of them will - but, you're right, most of them have difficulty relating to the world we've come from.
OK - so a little background. Back in the 2010s we were still only awakening to our huge untapped potential. We were living in a world of vast, primitive logic systems based on material resources. We were effectively asset stripping the planet and the whole of humanity, with a few exceptions, was in a state of amygdalan hyperactivity. This meant we were emotionally unbalanced and found it well nigh impossible to connect with our higher natural states of conscious awareness. We were absolutely convinced that the world and human society had to be regulated as a machine, rather than a living biological entity. We had not idea of viable, practical alternatives, or if we did, we were convinced that they were Utopian fantasies.
And money seemed to be the prime motivating factor back then...
Yes. Money was blown out of all proportion. Instead of being a means to an end, it had become an end in itself. We had lost sight of what wealth really was, and started to identify accumulated money as wealth.
Talk about putting the cart before the horse.
Yeah - but this was the logical end result of a few thousand years of intellectual development. Humanity had taken a left turn somewhere along the way and chosen the path of rational materialism. Things were only seen to matter, to be important or make sense to the extent they could be quantified and utilised materially. Everything had to have a material value, but our value system put little or no value on the most precious thing of all which is life - because life is not a "thing" and cannot easily be quantified. Thus we were willing to destroy life with reckless abandon, and the whole socio-economic, political, rational system - the whole paradigm was in a state of collective mass denial regarding what was going on.
In short, we were entering the end game of rational materialism.
Correct. It had brought us to the verge of planetary annihilation and mass extinction. There really seemed no way out. The system seemed to be unreformable. It was too vast. It controlled the minds of almost everyone, it reached into every aspect of our lives, it controlled the flow of resources and determined who was free from lack and who was in penury.
So in that state of huge systemic disfunctionality you decided to introduce an alternative.
Yes. It slowly dawned on me as I became more aware of the corruption and contradictions within the whole system and within myself, that something enormous was unfolding within me and throughout. Instead of focussing on the negative, I began to sense how the darkness was in fact revealing ever more clearly the light glimmering inside. It was an exponential progression - so the worse things got, the more abusive the matrix became, the easier it was for us to see the wood from the trees. We no longer had to fight the existing system. That would never bring us into the light. We simply had to reconnect, to remember, to reactivate our natural state of Is - the Isness of Be.
So how did this growing awareness translate into action?
Well - at first I was just working it out for myself, then I started sharing it with a few friends through a blog, then I was guided to go one step further - to open the Merry school of Is.
Ok. So take us back to the first tentative moments, when it was all beginning. You were treading on virgin soil, were you not?
Not exactly. There were lots of healers and Light workers who were providing courses to assist people in their awakening. All of this helped to bring in the new age. All of it helped raise the awareness of some kind of change - but economically, socially, politically, intellectually things were largely static. The matrix was a huge system of interlocking systems, perfectly designed to lead humanity to a jumping off end point - so instead of trying to fix it - I just recognised that there really was nothing to fix - that we were in the process of going through a vast, multi-level quantum shift. The individuals, groups and organisations that were putting up the greatest resistance to the change were in fact doing more than anyone else to facilitate the shift, though they'd have been horrified if you'd told them. People, you have to realise, were terrified of change because they had no notion of any alternative. As far as they were concerned - technology was a metal or plastic box - be it a car, a computer, a cell phone or a smart bomb.
Right. So you decided to facilitate the transition by providing an alternative.
Not exactly. I knew that I was powerless to do anything to make things change. I had no intention of pushing against a string. I realised that where there's a string there's bound to be a bow nearby, or a hammer to make it vibrate and resonate. Instead of following the old propulsion model of moving forward by pushing backwards, I decided to try an impulse drive - as in the Star Trek movies - a drive that pulled me into whatever most excited me, which meant I allowed myself to follow the path of delight.

Not exactly difficulties. I was still experiencing lots of fear - but once I'd understood the new technology - how I was being drawn forwards ever faster, further, deeper back to my natural, blissful state of Is - the fear started morphing into fascination. I was more and more fascinated by what was unfolding - and I could feel how I was moving in two planes - so to speak.
The 3D material plane and conscious awareness.
Precisely. This was something new. It was so exciting to feel how everything happening in the 3D material plane was in fact the result of connections, openings, enfusion that I was accepting and welcoming in the conscious awareness.
So this shifted your perspective dramatically.
Precisely. I was feeling what was really going on, and in an increasingly detached way, able to enjoy the amazing synchronised action and movements of 3D reality. I was no longer trapped in the mechanistic mindset of rational materialism. I now sensed more or less unequivocally how I was One with all that is - whatever that might be.
So tell us about the school.
Well, Merry school of Is was a leap into pure unadulterated and inspired delight. I realised that it was time to start unlocking the sealed doors that had kept humanity in a state of technological infancy. Our enslavement had served its purpose. It had got us to the point where we were ready to reincorporate.
Reincorporate - what's that?
Well, the vast web of human experiences, much of which had involved horrendous suffering, remained extended like a web across space and time. Our minds had been shut down which had enabled us to experience everything with limited awareness, as what as opposed to Is, but as soon as our minds were ready to open, this huge web of accumulated experience became an incalculable resource. It became the foundation, so to speak, of our new awareness - and we were able to process anything and everything. It's a bit like a cow lying down to chew the cud, to digest the grass it ate earlier. Far from being a painful process of revisiting old suppurating wounds, the web stretching across the conscious awareness of humanity is a beautiful, magical, perfect crystalline entity which is a delight to engage. It is alive. In it we see that no one suffered in vain. Nothing that happened was lost or wasted. Everything had a magical, intricate side to it that only becomes clear now that the whole is complete.
Ok Merry - but we're running ahead of ourselves. Back to the early days - your school of Is.
Sorry Zie. Yes, well the school was a magical flight of fancy - but at the same time absolutely practical and, strange to say, scientific.
How so?
Well the old science had kind of ground to a halt. It had spent so long trying to avoid or deny anything that wasn't mechanistic or material that it more or less imploded under the weight of its internal contradictions. My job was to present the alternative. I knew that every existing technology could be replicated and enormously outperformed by the technology of Is.
But people knew nothing of this new technology.
No. They assumed technology had to be something - a box. They hadn't yet realised that we have the most amazing technological potential already built into our mind and body.
So where did you start?
A bit like the early days of computing - with 1s and zeros.
You had to go right back to basics.
Yes, but it was fun. I presented it as a new kind of math 0=1. I started exploring how we could go beyond theory and get the ball rolling. It was such fun. It still is, of course. I can't think of anything more exciting. Treading on virgin territory. Everything was there for grabs. Everything was waiting to be discovered - and what's better still - there were and are no material limits or restraints.
Ok - so you started teaching this in a class?
Yes. I got groups of people to meet up with me, or among themselves and to start playing with the technology of Is. At first they wanted a lot of instructions, but I had to repeat ad nauseam that no instructions were needed. It has to be a natural living biologic interaction. The technology of Is cannot be a mind down system. It has to be body up - with the conscious awareness as the hosting platform.
So how did people react to this?
With bemusement at first - but once they started to feel results - once they realised that biologic is a kind of natural logic - which is itself conscious - the results were beyond my wildest expectations.
So give us a glimpse of the early experiments.
Well, first of all we had to establish the framework - what I called the Engagement Protocol. We needed to be sure that engaging the impulse drive - tuning into the limitless power of Is - that no harm should befall us or the rest of creation. We were still terrified of what we called the dark side. We'd seen too much of how long years of suppression and distortion resulted in toxic or explosive reactions. So the Engagement Protocol was necessary to ensure that no imbalances within us, the students of Is, or the reality we were operating from should have negative consequences.
So how did you do that? Most of our viewers are certainly familiar with the Engagement Protocol - but it's been modified considerably since then, has it not?
Yes. We were still using the language and mindset of the outgoing paradigm, and were obviously affected and indoctrinated by the reality we were now emerging from. One of the main early issues was unhealthy attachments. We'd grown up in a world were things seemed to be lacking - where we always wanted more - and so we tended to be quite possessive in our relations to people and things in general. We hadn't yet made the great breakthrough in conscious awareness that came at the 2nd convention in Lisbon in 2017, so our interaction with that was somewhat cumbersome and oppressive. We didn't yet know how to open the magic box. It was a case of groping in the dark, but believe me when I tell you that, even at that stage we were flying compared to anything we'd ever experienced elsewhere.
So the Engagement Protocol?
Ok - we started experimenting with simple neutral objects - a stone, a feather, a pine cone, a glass of water, or with simple symbols on a piece of paper - a cross, a circle, a wavy line, or with simple sounds or notes - you get the idea. These were our ones and zeros. Before doing so we had to create the proper working space - to ensure that we were able to leave behind all negative beliefs, programmes or ideas that were still at work in our mind. We sat for a moment in silence around a table or in a circle. Each of us stated our name - it is... I am... Merry. Doing this ensured we were fully present, here and now. Then we read the declaration of Is:
Beloved all that Is. We come in peace and love. We come to play and learn as children of Is. We come in conscious awareness of the simple truth: the oneness, the allness, the isness of Be.
We renounce all harmful thought forms, belief systems or programs and affirm our wholehearted love and devotion to All that is. Guide us, beloved All, back to our natural state of beauty and joy. Enable us to restore the power of Is with simple, natural technologies within and through our conscious awareness. We willingly agree to be governed by nature's own law of One - it is I am... Zero equals One - it is I am... One. We open our hearts and minds to the magic, the power, the technology of Is. Let it be, let it be, let it be.
This having be done - something always changed in the room. We were in fact, by making this declaration of Is transported to another reality which essentially corresponded with the future. We were able to feel and tap into the main outline, the architecture, the achievements that awaited us somewhere in the future. This made possible the quantum leap from our seemingly primitive experiments with simple objects to where we are today - light years ahead.
Ok Merry. I think our viewers will be fascinated to hear what you were doing with these objects.
We were approaching them as small children do - touching them, tasting them, talking to them, trying to understand what they really amounted to rather than what our senses were telling us they were.
We knew that, 0=1, we were wholly interconnected or entangled with everything and everyone. The word formula - it Is I Am - expresses that simple truth awareness. Our job was to go from the truth awareness to interaction. We needed to activate the dormant bio-logic intelligence within each and every one of us. Of course, doing this in a group was both more interesting and far more productive.
So the key was our imagination and our intuition. We were fascinated by the three tele-s - telekinesis, telepathy and teleportation. We knew that all these were a part of our inbuilt kit - we just needed to work out how to switch it on. We had to avoid doing what scientists had done for too long - which was thinking hard and concentrating. We knew that would yield the wrong results. Ours had to be child'splay - light and gay. We knew we didn't actually have to do anything - that we can quantum shift into any reality whatsoever, just as soon as we're willing to equalise with it. Think of it like going through locks on a canal boat. The gates only open when the water levels have equalised. Then it's easy. Try opening them prematurely and they're stuck fast by the weight of water. Or, alternatively, like jumping from one moving track to another. If you're not moving at the right speed you'll fall over - so there's a kind of chip built in that usually prevents you jumping until you're matching the speed or frequency of the track your jumping to. Another thing we knew was that there was no point pushing. Everything happens naturally, automatically, instantaneously when you activate the impulse drive and listen to what it's saying. The 3D mind, of course, doesn't like this idea and kicks up a fuss so we had to act as a nannies, holding it like a crying baby in our arms, singing it lullabies or distracting it until it got used to what is, in fact, perfectly natural, painless and magical.

And we did.
What's the Technology of Is?
ReplyDeleteIt's light and fresh like morning breeze,
It's power just a breath away,
It's rainbow coats, children's play,
It's spinning like a falling leaf,
It's waving like good old Good Grief!
It's not a science, not an art -
It's knowing who you truly art,
It's being who you truly art,
It's moving planets with your finger,
It's touching timeless with your being,
It's moving, touching, feeling, singing...
It's the technology of Is.
It is - I am. It simply Is
I - am
That's All.