So you don't believe in healing?
Why not?
Why not?
Yeah, why not?
Because I'm a healer.
You what?
I'm a healer.
What kind of answer is that?
The simple truth.
You're a healer and you don't believe in healing.
Correct. Healing is not something to believe in.
Why not?
Because to believe in healing you have to first believe there's something to heal.
Well, that seems logical. Why would you go to a healer if you didn't have something to heal?
Because you thought you had something that needed healing.
Presumably because you were sick.
Because you thought you were sick. And that was enough to make you sick. It's the thought that needs healing, not you.
Tell that to the person with cancer who has a few months left to live.
Yes - you see the power of thought - it can take a healthy person and reduce him or her to a broken thing.
But it's not thought that does it - it's a disease called cancer, or some other disease.
Yes, that's what we think, and as long as we go on thinking that we need doctors of healers to try to heal the diseased thought.
But these people were sick and possibly dying even before the doctor gave them the diagnosis.
Yes, the thought comes before the diagnosis.
Look, we're not achieving anything with you insisting that thought is the cause of all disease. You can't say that all disease is psychosomatic. It's obvious that you're ideologically opposed to disease.
Yes, I don't believe diseases can or should have power over a human being. A human being is or should be the pinnacle of creation. There's no reason why a virus, bacteria or any other disease should destroy a human being. If the human being is willing to be a whole human then no disease can affect him or her. Listen, the body is an amazing vessel of life. It contains everything it needs to maintain balance. There are thousands of different bacteria and viruses within your body at any time. You have traces of cancer appearing and disappearing within you throughout your life, but there come moments when these diseases seem to get the better of you. Why is that?
Because you're run down. Your immunity is reduced.
Because you need to go through a gateway into a new, more complete version of yourself.
What do you mean?
Well, you're constantly moving towards perfection.
That's not how it looks to me as I grow older, wrinklier, saggier...
And as you physically deteriorate you start drawing more and more on your cosmic strength. You can no longer rely on your body to carry you through - you need to take more and more of the load from it, learning to walk again, learning to use the power within.
Or the power of a healer.
No, the healer or doctor only come between you and your power. You are the power. The disease is the gateway that forces you to engage it or fall.
That sounds a bit brutal.
It's the great prize of life, after all. It's why we're here. It has to be earned and won. It has to be fought for. It's a quest, not a freebie.
Well not everyone's an errant knight with the time or energy to fight every cold, flu or cancer that comes their way.
There's no need to fight them. Fighting is destructive. The disease is the gateway. You have to engage it. Meet it. Dance with it. Allow it to show you your present state, your mortality, and then open the power, the life force within that lifts you, carries you through the gateway once you're ready.

So we have to do it on our own?
No. You can seek help, but you have to know that you can do it on your own, and that sooner or later you need to learn to do it yourself, or you're cheating yourself of the great wholing that's trying to happen.
The great wholing? What's that?
Well, instead of focussing on healing the malady, look through the malady to what lies behind it. Know that in essence you are complete. You cannot be anything less, no matter what you may think or how you may feel.
Well, if I'm complete then how come I'm sick.
Because that's in essence, but in reality you're experiencing things.
What things?
It matters not. Things. Just things. And the things that you're experiencing deflect you from your completeness. You're like a circle that gets a big squashed, and all of a sudden the wheel runs unevenly.
Which is why we get sick and go to see a healer.
No. You get sick because you're about to leap into a new wheel - more perfect that the last, closer to your cosmic fullness, and the sickness is the springboard that enables you to leap to a new level of isness.
A springboard. Don't you think you're being a little optimistic.
Not if I'm right that in essence we're always complete. The disease enables us to download and assimilate the upgrade. We're moving from being mostly physical to being increasingly cosmic as time and experience teach us the limitations of physical reality, and we attune ourself ever more wholly to the isness of be.
So how come no one's able to make the jump?
Oh millions do, it's just you don't hear about them. They're the ones who defeat the cancer before even the doctor gets to diagnose it. They're the ones who were feeling a bit under the weather yesterday but are right as rain today. They somehow manage to deal with it, to reconnect, to whole themselves rather than heal a disease.
So people who get sick are failures, you're saying, and we ought to be ashamed of going to see a doctor or healer.
No. It's nice to share your health concerns with other people. They can help because they are detached, but they cannot heal you unless you're ready to heal yourself. Because you believe you have a disease as opposed to a transitional phase, you naturally attribute the healing to them rather than yourself, because otherwise the concept of disease becomes meaningless.
What? And you think we want to preserve this concept of disease?
Yes, of course we do - how else could we continue living in the world we are today. Instead of listening to our hearts, to our inner nature, we ignore all that and rush headlong into a material reality that's full of things, full of experiences which are guaranteed to take us off centre. We're performing a series of quantum jumps. We're in the process of making the greatest leap of all - the paradigm shift from 3D material reality to...
To what? Spit it out.
To wholeness... so healers and doctors beware, you're services will shortly no longer be in demand.
And all the diseases are going to vanish?
No, the thoughts behind them will vanish, and so the diseases will flow fast enough not to get stuck and block the traffic, as they do today.
But if we are able to whole ourselves as you say, don't we need to be taught the correct procedure? Surely there must be some kind of instructions we require?
No, nothing at all. There really is nothing to it. The universe, God, or your intuition provide all the guidance that is required. The disease is always made to measure. It may seem cruel and unfair, but it's perfectly designed to take you to the leaping off point. Somewhere inside you there are a pair of wings just waiting to unfold. Naturally you are afraid of letting go of the familiar past, of trusting the wings that seem insubstantial at first glance, but this all happens only when you're ready, and part of the process involves facing our mortality and learning to trust the isness of be, the perfection of that which simply is.

Why not?
Why not?
Yeah, why not?
Because I'm a healer.
You what?
I'm a healer.
What kind of answer is that?
The simple truth.
You're a healer and you don't believe in healing.
Correct. Healing is not something to believe in.
Why not?
Because to believe in healing you have to first believe there's something to heal.
Well, that seems logical. Why would you go to a healer if you didn't have something to heal?
Because you thought you had something that needed healing.
Presumably because you were sick.
Because you thought you were sick. And that was enough to make you sick. It's the thought that needs healing, not you.
Tell that to the person with cancer who has a few months left to live.
Yes - you see the power of thought - it can take a healthy person and reduce him or her to a broken thing.
But it's not thought that does it - it's a disease called cancer, or some other disease.
Yes, that's what we think, and as long as we go on thinking that we need doctors of healers to try to heal the diseased thought.
But these people were sick and possibly dying even before the doctor gave them the diagnosis.
Yes, the thought comes before the diagnosis.
Look, we're not achieving anything with you insisting that thought is the cause of all disease. You can't say that all disease is psychosomatic. It's obvious that you're ideologically opposed to disease.
Yes, I don't believe diseases can or should have power over a human being. A human being is or should be the pinnacle of creation. There's no reason why a virus, bacteria or any other disease should destroy a human being. If the human being is willing to be a whole human then no disease can affect him or her. Listen, the body is an amazing vessel of life. It contains everything it needs to maintain balance. There are thousands of different bacteria and viruses within your body at any time. You have traces of cancer appearing and disappearing within you throughout your life, but there come moments when these diseases seem to get the better of you. Why is that?
Because you're run down. Your immunity is reduced.
Because you need to go through a gateway into a new, more complete version of yourself.
What do you mean?
Well, you're constantly moving towards perfection.
That's not how it looks to me as I grow older, wrinklier, saggier...
And as you physically deteriorate you start drawing more and more on your cosmic strength. You can no longer rely on your body to carry you through - you need to take more and more of the load from it, learning to walk again, learning to use the power within.
Or the power of a healer.
No, the healer or doctor only come between you and your power. You are the power. The disease is the gateway that forces you to engage it or fall.
That sounds a bit brutal.
It's the great prize of life, after all. It's why we're here. It has to be earned and won. It has to be fought for. It's a quest, not a freebie.
Well not everyone's an errant knight with the time or energy to fight every cold, flu or cancer that comes their way.
There's no need to fight them. Fighting is destructive. The disease is the gateway. You have to engage it. Meet it. Dance with it. Allow it to show you your present state, your mortality, and then open the power, the life force within that lifts you, carries you through the gateway once you're ready.
So we have to do it on our own?
No. You can seek help, but you have to know that you can do it on your own, and that sooner or later you need to learn to do it yourself, or you're cheating yourself of the great wholing that's trying to happen.
The great wholing? What's that?
Well, instead of focussing on healing the malady, look through the malady to what lies behind it. Know that in essence you are complete. You cannot be anything less, no matter what you may think or how you may feel.
Well, if I'm complete then how come I'm sick.
Because that's in essence, but in reality you're experiencing things.
What things?
It matters not. Things. Just things. And the things that you're experiencing deflect you from your completeness. You're like a circle that gets a big squashed, and all of a sudden the wheel runs unevenly.
Which is why we get sick and go to see a healer.
No. You get sick because you're about to leap into a new wheel - more perfect that the last, closer to your cosmic fullness, and the sickness is the springboard that enables you to leap to a new level of isness.
A springboard. Don't you think you're being a little optimistic.
Not if I'm right that in essence we're always complete. The disease enables us to download and assimilate the upgrade. We're moving from being mostly physical to being increasingly cosmic as time and experience teach us the limitations of physical reality, and we attune ourself ever more wholly to the isness of be.
So how come no one's able to make the jump?
Oh millions do, it's just you don't hear about them. They're the ones who defeat the cancer before even the doctor gets to diagnose it. They're the ones who were feeling a bit under the weather yesterday but are right as rain today. They somehow manage to deal with it, to reconnect, to whole themselves rather than heal a disease.
So people who get sick are failures, you're saying, and we ought to be ashamed of going to see a doctor or healer.
No. It's nice to share your health concerns with other people. They can help because they are detached, but they cannot heal you unless you're ready to heal yourself. Because you believe you have a disease as opposed to a transitional phase, you naturally attribute the healing to them rather than yourself, because otherwise the concept of disease becomes meaningless.
What? And you think we want to preserve this concept of disease?
Yes, of course we do - how else could we continue living in the world we are today. Instead of listening to our hearts, to our inner nature, we ignore all that and rush headlong into a material reality that's full of things, full of experiences which are guaranteed to take us off centre. We're performing a series of quantum jumps. We're in the process of making the greatest leap of all - the paradigm shift from 3D material reality to...
To what? Spit it out.
To wholeness... so healers and doctors beware, you're services will shortly no longer be in demand.
And all the diseases are going to vanish?
No, the thoughts behind them will vanish, and so the diseases will flow fast enough not to get stuck and block the traffic, as they do today.
But if we are able to whole ourselves as you say, don't we need to be taught the correct procedure? Surely there must be some kind of instructions we require?
No, nothing at all. There really is nothing to it. The universe, God, or your intuition provide all the guidance that is required. The disease is always made to measure. It may seem cruel and unfair, but it's perfectly designed to take you to the leaping off point. Somewhere inside you there are a pair of wings just waiting to unfold. Naturally you are afraid of letting go of the familiar past, of trusting the wings that seem insubstantial at first glance, but this all happens only when you're ready, and part of the process involves facing our mortality and learning to trust the isness of be, the perfection of that which simply is.

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