You want to heal the sick?

Yeah, of course I do. I hate seeing people suffering, particularly if there's something I can do about it. That's the noble sounding side of it, but apart from all that, it's fun.
Yeah, it's such an amazing feeling - to tune into the patient's inner-state, and without actually doing anything in particular, to feel-observe what's going on.
Feel observe? What's that all about?
Well, you just tune in, and then you're feeling or observing whatever it is - it's like you become a part of that person - or a kind of screen which he or she projects onto.
And what does that achieve?
Well, according to 3D logic it should achieve nothing whatsoever - like watching paint dry.
But are you sure you don't actually do anything to assist? Is it purely observation?
Oh, I might wave my arms, or sing a song, or play my drum, but that's just to get the projection up and running. If I do anything, it's not coming from me - it simply is.

In what way? How can you say it simply is? Either you're getting involved or you're not.
Well, that's a good point. I'm getting involved by being the witness, the observer, the person who cares enough to share this moment during which the patient allows me to tune in with the obvious intention of facilitating whatever healing processes might be waiting to happen.
Might be waiting to happen? That sounds somewhat disingenuous.
Yes, if you're looking for a trick up my sleeve then your suspicions will lead you a merry dance, but just assume the opposite, just for the hell of it - that there is no trick, that it's all a lot simpler and more graceful.
Ok, I'm busy assuming. What then?
Well, there are health issues which resolve themselves with a little awareness, and so when another person agrees to be present, without trying in any way to heal the patient, just to be a kind of projection screen, or a kind of resonator...
Resonator? What's that?
Well, I just allow whatever's coming out of you to resonate, so you get to hear it, feel it or sense it through me, from another perspective, from a distance, and that's enough - you suddenly see the wood from the trees, you become aware of what's not right, you feel the imbalance because the gap between us cannot be controlled by the internal mechanism which has been blocking your inner awareness.
So it's automatic and intuitive. You don't even have to know what's going on?
Precisely... You know something's going on. You'd normally start feeling deeply relaxed - assuming you weren't fighting the healing process.
What's that? Why would I want to fight the healing process?
Oh, various reasons. You might have a belief that you deserve to suffer, because of something you feel guilty about or ashamed of. You might feel that this kind of healing is ridiculous and therefore fight it for fear of admitting you might have been wrong.
But surely I'd prefer to get better. Who cares if I'd been wrong?
Yes, you'd think that but sometimes people really feel threatened by admitting they were mistaken. We can identify so strongly with our beliefs or intellectual convictions that sub-consciously we're willing to do anything rather than allow change.
But why?
Well, obviously there's deep fear lurking in the hearts and minds of people who avoid that fear or barricade themselves from it using mental constructs, convictions.
Ok, maybe that's true, then why would that person come to see you in the first place?
Because the mind has different levels, different departments. One department is responsible for beneficial change and encourages you to go and try out new stuff, while another department defends the status quo, and is willing to do almost anything to safeguard the existing set of beliefs. So it's a case of taking the horse to water but not being able to make it drink. If deep within there's an unhealed wound of suppurating fear, then that might be able to trump the other department, unless the healing is meant to happen, in which case the main healing will not be the specific malady - it will be to relieve and lance the fear that has been holding the patient to ransom.
If the healing's meant to happen - you say - it doesn't sound like an exact science, does it. Rather wishy washy and vague. You can see why the medical establishment's able to give you short shrift.
Yes, but then we can do the same with them if we choose to. They heal the symptoms rather than uproot the cause, and not always that.
But you've already said you do nothing - that the healing comes from the patient, not from you.
So how can you claim to uproot the cause when effectively you do nothing.
Well it's a oneness issue.
Which means?
There really is no ultimate separation between me and you, between me and the patient. When we come into attunement the magic works itself, and if I love being a part of this astonishing, wonderful process, then it's only natural that I don't try to disassociate myself completely from what's going on, but technically you're right of course. I might be able to tune in more fully by doing so with all my heart and soul rather than purely mechanically, and that might lead to a better healing, but ultimately it's a meant to be phenomenon. We don't say "I did it". We don't even feel bad if nothing happens, because sometimes nothing really happens. It means this person has further to go in his or her quest for healing, and believe me if you will, it is indeed a quest.
How so?
Because the sick person is not really sick at all.
No, the sick person is awakening and feeling some discomfort as a part of him or her that was deactivated is ready to return to being operational.
Tell that to the patient with cancer.
Yes, it might not be appropriate to say it to a very sick person, and yet it is true nonetheless.
So how is someone dying of cancer awakening?
Ok - the cancer from our 3D perspective is a plague attacking an otherwise healthy person, and needs to be eliminated at all costs. Life or nothing - you might say.
And you wouldn't?
No, because there's another perspective.
The death perspective? Go on Dr Death, hit me with it.
Well, let's not say death. Let's say Life with a capital L. Living your life with a small l you will have many illusions about yourself and the world you're living in, and beliefs which may or may not be true.
Tell me about it... I always thought I was going to be an Olympic athlete...
But these are of finite duration. You never really stopped being part of Life with a capital L - in which you are truly as you are. Now, every illusion or misconception has a limited shelf life and they weigh heavily on the body as they reach their expiry date.
That's why the body or mind grow diseased.
So, how does this help the cancer patient?
Because there are patients who are willing and able to release certain illusions or detrimental beliefs which so doing would remove the cause of their affliction.
What? Just by discarding an illusion your cancer can get better?
Yes, if it's the root cause.
But what about the not so lucky ones.
Well, I wouldn't call them that. There are other patients who are reaching their auspicious re-Life portal.
There's a euphemism if ever I heard one. Instead of calling it "death" you're using the capital L Life and slapping on the word "portal" for good measure. It won't wash. A spade is still a spade.
This portal has nothing to do with death. It is about transitioning back to Life. There are beings who are able to walk through without needing to "die", but that requires a clear, deep awareness of Life itself.
What? You mean they don't physically die? But what about their body?
No, they don't physically die because their life with a small l and Life with a large L were in more or less perfect sync - so the two remerge without any need for a clutch to disengage one before re-engaging the other. As for their body...
Don't tell me - it ascends into heaven.
Well, you said not to tell you so I won't, but these biblical references might not be wholly without foundation. You have to realise that the body is, like all matter, first and foremost energy. It can revert to a pure energy state and translocate.
Oh come on, pull the other one.
But only if you're in complete attunement with Is.
Sorry, what was that?
Attunement with Is.
I thought that's what you said. And in layman's terms.
Well, most of us attach to a series of things we believe to be true, things that matter to us. We are creatures of matter and this makes us somewhat heavy which is why few of us are flying around as balls of energy, but there are some on the planet who are not attached to "thing" - who are in the constant flow of Is.
Is - what on earth do you mean?
That which simply Is. The simple truth, which is in constant flux, which is no thing in particular.
Oh - one of those impossibly vague, confusing things.
Or absurdly simple things. Sometimes we ignore that which is because it seems too simple, too obvious. We go looking for complexity and confusion. Be that as it may - all of us have the capacity to rewrite our life's story, if we so choose, and return to Is.
Sounds a bit like Oz.
Yes, maybe that's what Oz is supposed to represent. I never really gave it any thought.
So, what happens if we return to Is?
We stop dying.
No, come on.
We no longer need to die in the ponderous "evacuate the building" manner of 3D death. We are able to simply, gracefully put down all the things we've been playing with in this life, and re-engage fully our big L Life.
So there's no ultimate need to die?
So death isn't such a big deal after all?
So what's all the fuss about?
Fear of the unknown. Fear of being wrong. Fear of missing the boat - of not having time to put things right.
Put things right?
Yes, sometimes we trade with the devil, so to speak. We create havoc by breaking natural laws, going against the flow, stroking the cat the wrong way, and this causes disruption in the Field.
In which Field?
The one with a capital F.
Yes, which one is that?
The Field that surrounds you in this life.
So what of it. We cause some disruption and...?
And that can make getting back to big L Life problematical. A bit like a plane having to fly through turbulence, or a brick wall if there's a LOT of disturbance.
You mean there are some who can't get back at all?
Kind of. There are some who have gone far and deep into havoc, and they can find it almost impossible to get back as long as the consequences of their actions are still playing out. But have no fear, in a holographic universe there's always a way.
Holographic universe?
Oh, never mind. Look, we're getting further and further off thread. Suffice it to say that healing is fun if you don't believe in death and sense the Life force reconnecting with the life you're assisting. But, if the patient is hell bent on havoc, then it's not the healer's job to reform him or her.
Why not?
Free will. And who's to say what's what. Think of it in terms of music. Sometimes the composer might insert notes that sound terrible, so you want to scream, but later in the symphony the same notes might come back and open an entirely new movement. Now they sound beautiful. 0=1.
Yes, fundamentally, nothing can be completely wrong, for fundamentally it is - I am.
Nope. Means nothing to me. Speak Inglaise?
Fundamentally everything happens for a deeper reason - if you're willing to step back and grasp it. Ultimately everything is so interconnected that nothing can be truly out of place. Every note is exactly where and what it needs to be.
And you said we have free will.
And yet we have free will, and on that apparent paradox I bid you good day, Marvin.

Yeah, of course I do. I hate seeing people suffering, particularly if there's something I can do about it. That's the noble sounding side of it, but apart from all that, it's fun.
Yeah, it's such an amazing feeling - to tune into the patient's inner-state, and without actually doing anything in particular, to feel-observe what's going on.
Feel observe? What's that all about?
Well, you just tune in, and then you're feeling or observing whatever it is - it's like you become a part of that person - or a kind of screen which he or she projects onto.
And what does that achieve?
Well, according to 3D logic it should achieve nothing whatsoever - like watching paint dry.
But are you sure you don't actually do anything to assist? Is it purely observation?
Oh, I might wave my arms, or sing a song, or play my drum, but that's just to get the projection up and running. If I do anything, it's not coming from me - it simply is.
In what way? How can you say it simply is? Either you're getting involved or you're not.
Well, that's a good point. I'm getting involved by being the witness, the observer, the person who cares enough to share this moment during which the patient allows me to tune in with the obvious intention of facilitating whatever healing processes might be waiting to happen.
Might be waiting to happen? That sounds somewhat disingenuous.
Yes, if you're looking for a trick up my sleeve then your suspicions will lead you a merry dance, but just assume the opposite, just for the hell of it - that there is no trick, that it's all a lot simpler and more graceful.
Ok, I'm busy assuming. What then?
Well, there are health issues which resolve themselves with a little awareness, and so when another person agrees to be present, without trying in any way to heal the patient, just to be a kind of projection screen, or a kind of resonator...
Resonator? What's that?
Well, I just allow whatever's coming out of you to resonate, so you get to hear it, feel it or sense it through me, from another perspective, from a distance, and that's enough - you suddenly see the wood from the trees, you become aware of what's not right, you feel the imbalance because the gap between us cannot be controlled by the internal mechanism which has been blocking your inner awareness.
So it's automatic and intuitive. You don't even have to know what's going on?
Precisely... You know something's going on. You'd normally start feeling deeply relaxed - assuming you weren't fighting the healing process.
What's that? Why would I want to fight the healing process?
Oh, various reasons. You might have a belief that you deserve to suffer, because of something you feel guilty about or ashamed of. You might feel that this kind of healing is ridiculous and therefore fight it for fear of admitting you might have been wrong.
But surely I'd prefer to get better. Who cares if I'd been wrong?
Yes, you'd think that but sometimes people really feel threatened by admitting they were mistaken. We can identify so strongly with our beliefs or intellectual convictions that sub-consciously we're willing to do anything rather than allow change.
But why?
Well, obviously there's deep fear lurking in the hearts and minds of people who avoid that fear or barricade themselves from it using mental constructs, convictions.
Ok, maybe that's true, then why would that person come to see you in the first place?
Because the mind has different levels, different departments. One department is responsible for beneficial change and encourages you to go and try out new stuff, while another department defends the status quo, and is willing to do almost anything to safeguard the existing set of beliefs. So it's a case of taking the horse to water but not being able to make it drink. If deep within there's an unhealed wound of suppurating fear, then that might be able to trump the other department, unless the healing is meant to happen, in which case the main healing will not be the specific malady - it will be to relieve and lance the fear that has been holding the patient to ransom.
If the healing's meant to happen - you say - it doesn't sound like an exact science, does it. Rather wishy washy and vague. You can see why the medical establishment's able to give you short shrift.
Yes, but then we can do the same with them if we choose to. They heal the symptoms rather than uproot the cause, and not always that.
But you've already said you do nothing - that the healing comes from the patient, not from you.
So how can you claim to uproot the cause when effectively you do nothing.
Well it's a oneness issue.
Which means?
There really is no ultimate separation between me and you, between me and the patient. When we come into attunement the magic works itself, and if I love being a part of this astonishing, wonderful process, then it's only natural that I don't try to disassociate myself completely from what's going on, but technically you're right of course. I might be able to tune in more fully by doing so with all my heart and soul rather than purely mechanically, and that might lead to a better healing, but ultimately it's a meant to be phenomenon. We don't say "I did it". We don't even feel bad if nothing happens, because sometimes nothing really happens. It means this person has further to go in his or her quest for healing, and believe me if you will, it is indeed a quest.
How so?
Because the sick person is not really sick at all.
No, the sick person is awakening and feeling some discomfort as a part of him or her that was deactivated is ready to return to being operational.
Tell that to the patient with cancer.
Yes, it might not be appropriate to say it to a very sick person, and yet it is true nonetheless.
So how is someone dying of cancer awakening?
Ok - the cancer from our 3D perspective is a plague attacking an otherwise healthy person, and needs to be eliminated at all costs. Life or nothing - you might say.
And you wouldn't?
No, because there's another perspective.
The death perspective? Go on Dr Death, hit me with it.
Well, let's not say death. Let's say Life with a capital L. Living your life with a small l you will have many illusions about yourself and the world you're living in, and beliefs which may or may not be true.
Tell me about it... I always thought I was going to be an Olympic athlete...
But these are of finite duration. You never really stopped being part of Life with a capital L - in which you are truly as you are. Now, every illusion or misconception has a limited shelf life and they weigh heavily on the body as they reach their expiry date.
That's why the body or mind grow diseased.
So, how does this help the cancer patient?
Because there are patients who are willing and able to release certain illusions or detrimental beliefs which so doing would remove the cause of their affliction.
What? Just by discarding an illusion your cancer can get better?
Yes, if it's the root cause.
But what about the not so lucky ones.
Well, I wouldn't call them that. There are other patients who are reaching their auspicious re-Life portal.
There's a euphemism if ever I heard one. Instead of calling it "death" you're using the capital L Life and slapping on the word "portal" for good measure. It won't wash. A spade is still a spade.
This portal has nothing to do with death. It is about transitioning back to Life. There are beings who are able to walk through without needing to "die", but that requires a clear, deep awareness of Life itself.
What? You mean they don't physically die? But what about their body?
No, they don't physically die because their life with a small l and Life with a large L were in more or less perfect sync - so the two remerge without any need for a clutch to disengage one before re-engaging the other. As for their body...
Don't tell me - it ascends into heaven.
Well, you said not to tell you so I won't, but these biblical references might not be wholly without foundation. You have to realise that the body is, like all matter, first and foremost energy. It can revert to a pure energy state and translocate.
Oh come on, pull the other one.
But only if you're in complete attunement with Is.
Sorry, what was that?
Attunement with Is.
I thought that's what you said. And in layman's terms.
Well, most of us attach to a series of things we believe to be true, things that matter to us. We are creatures of matter and this makes us somewhat heavy which is why few of us are flying around as balls of energy, but there are some on the planet who are not attached to "thing" - who are in the constant flow of Is.
Is - what on earth do you mean?
That which simply Is. The simple truth, which is in constant flux, which is no thing in particular.
Oh - one of those impossibly vague, confusing things.
Or absurdly simple things. Sometimes we ignore that which is because it seems too simple, too obvious. We go looking for complexity and confusion. Be that as it may - all of us have the capacity to rewrite our life's story, if we so choose, and return to Is.
Sounds a bit like Oz.
Yes, maybe that's what Oz is supposed to represent. I never really gave it any thought.
So, what happens if we return to Is?
We stop dying.
No, come on.
We no longer need to die in the ponderous "evacuate the building" manner of 3D death. We are able to simply, gracefully put down all the things we've been playing with in this life, and re-engage fully our big L Life.
So there's no ultimate need to die?
So death isn't such a big deal after all?
So what's all the fuss about?
Fear of the unknown. Fear of being wrong. Fear of missing the boat - of not having time to put things right.
Put things right?
Yes, sometimes we trade with the devil, so to speak. We create havoc by breaking natural laws, going against the flow, stroking the cat the wrong way, and this causes disruption in the Field.
In which Field?
The one with a capital F.
Yes, which one is that?
The Field that surrounds you in this life.
So what of it. We cause some disruption and...?
And that can make getting back to big L Life problematical. A bit like a plane having to fly through turbulence, or a brick wall if there's a LOT of disturbance.
You mean there are some who can't get back at all?
Kind of. There are some who have gone far and deep into havoc, and they can find it almost impossible to get back as long as the consequences of their actions are still playing out. But have no fear, in a holographic universe there's always a way.
Holographic universe?
Oh, never mind. Look, we're getting further and further off thread. Suffice it to say that healing is fun if you don't believe in death and sense the Life force reconnecting with the life you're assisting. But, if the patient is hell bent on havoc, then it's not the healer's job to reform him or her.
Why not?
Free will. And who's to say what's what. Think of it in terms of music. Sometimes the composer might insert notes that sound terrible, so you want to scream, but later in the symphony the same notes might come back and open an entirely new movement. Now they sound beautiful. 0=1.
Yes, fundamentally, nothing can be completely wrong, for fundamentally it is - I am.
Nope. Means nothing to me. Speak Inglaise?
Fundamentally everything happens for a deeper reason - if you're willing to step back and grasp it. Ultimately everything is so interconnected that nothing can be truly out of place. Every note is exactly where and what it needs to be.
And you said we have free will.
And yet we have free will, and on that apparent paradox I bid you good day, Marvin.
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