Ok guys. As I've already said I'm not here to teach you anything.
Oh come on Merry. You can't seriously expect us to move that ball just by looking at it.
No. I expect that's impossible - but I'm absolutely convinced that you can do anything if you're willing to stop telling yourself you can't.
But what's the point?
Point? Why don't you ask me "what's the wave?" Why do you insist there must be a point?
You know what we mean. Even if we do succeed in moving that glass ball, what's it going to teach us?
What do you think?
That we have latent psychic abilities.
That we can do anything.
That we don't have to be bound by perceived limitations.
That we can learn more by playing around.
That the ball and we are connected.
That we don't actually need to move the ball - just shift our perception of where it is.
Ok team - that's enough. Good work. Lots of great ideas there. Yes to all of them. And one more - beyond dot.
Beyond dot? What's that?
Well, the dot reflects how we perceive things in general. We tend to move from one fixed point to another, or one fixed picture frame of perception to the next. We focus on a single point and use our mental and psychic powers, consciously or unconsciously to bring it to fruition. It's all about me making it happen by force of will. A kind of propulsion similar to the combustion engine - thrusting forward, driving towards an imaginary point in the future by pushing against what's past, what no longer satisfies or serves me, pushing against what I now reject. It's a propulsion system based on dissatisfaction, insufficiency and inadequacy. I tell myself that I'm no longer content being here - I need to get there to be happy. I allow a certain amount of fear to enter the engine's combustion chamber. Fear is the fuel in this propulsion system: fear that I'll not succeed; fear that I'm falling behind; fear that life will end if I can't reach this destination; fear that I'll never be happy again if I don't fight to get myself from a to b.
Next the propulsion system ignites this fear fuel with a spark. Anger. It doesn't require full blown rage. Just a tiny spark of anger will suffice in most cases. Anger that I'm being lazy, or pathetic. Anger that I'm allowing fear to poison the beauty and perfection of my life, my soul, my heart. Anger to drive away this fear - to turn a cold passive drowning into a furious thrashing around - fighting for air and the surface somewhere up above. And usually a tiny spark of anger suffices to convert the fear into movement, and yes, I do seem to escape the fear. I find myself at "b", and congratulate myself on having escaped the left-behindness of "a". Once again I can relax and bask in the warmth and sunlight of being atop the curve, until I find myself once more falling behind the balance point.
The curve - it would seem - is a wheel - and the wheel - it would seem, turns. Until I learn to be in balance with myself and it - the wheel - I'm always slipping behind, finding myself looking ahead and up at where I need to be in order to return to happiness, to zero point. Sadly, the explosive fear-anger propulsion system seems to be the only way I can get back on top, catch up with myself, and yet it's reactive - a negative feedback system that ensures I'll always be behind the curve - even if I temporarily overshoot the balance point and freewheel for a while. The trouble is...
What? What's the trouble?
Dot? What the hell is dot?
I'm always fixing on a point. So as long as my attention's fixed to that point I'm always going to fail to notice the isness, the wave.
But why can't I just move to the next dot once I've achieved the first objective?
You can. That's how the present life propulsion system operates. It's a jerky motion. Robotic. Mechanistic. Unsatisfactory. It's a parody of what we're capable of.
It is?
Yes, obviously.
So what, then, are we capable of?
"What" is a dot concept.
Excuse me?
"What" is a dot concept. As long as you're focussing on something - whatever that might be - you're missing the point.
Missing the point?
Well, you'll forever be on a treadmill going from dot to dot, trying to catch up with the natural flow, the speed of life, because perception is always slightly behind the curve.
It is?
Prove it.
Ok. Hold your thumb and first finger two inches apart and catch this crisp new banknote that I'm going to drop from just above...
I missed. Do it again.
Missed again. One more time.
There - I caught it - third time lucky.
Yes, you did - well done, which goes to show that you can get ahead of the curve - temporarily you can outsmart the reactive propulsion system based on perception. Reacting to the falling banknote takes a split second - by which time it's already past between your fingers and flutters down to the ground.
So how did I do it third time?
By tuning into me - focussing on the muscles in my fingers rather than the banknote - and using another "sixth sense".
I don't believe in the sixth sense.
That's Ok - you're free to believe whatever you like, but this is easy to prove.
It is?
Yes. I can hide my fingers from view so you only see the banknote as it falls down below the sight screen. We'll observe whether your third-time-lucky luck holds.
Go on then. Let's give it a try.
I'm now hiding my hand behind a piece of card. You can see the bottom of the banknote a few centimetres above your hand. You should have the same amount of time to react. Here goes...
Missed. Come on.
Missed again. One more try.
Missed. Just one more time.
Got it.
Yes - you timed it right - but I think it's fairly obvious that this was less a result of quick reactions, and more just good guesswork.
Fair enough. So this is what you call a reactive propulsion system...
Based on perception. That's right.
And you're saying it can never keep me where I really want to be? It always falls behind the curve?
Yes. It's a mind based system. An inserted programme. A kind of artificial intelligence that simply can't compete with the perfection of human nature. It's designed to keep you behind and subjugated to dot.
Wait a second... you said "perfection"? You're not seriously saying human nature is perfect.
I am. It is.
But we can all see that's completely untrue.
Can we?
Yes - by observing humans in the world around us.
But what is it we are observing - human nature or something else? Do you really believe that nature can work against itself? Would nature need to ask itself what the point is, or is that question indicative of a disease, an artificial programme, an unnatural state? Perhaps it's time we correctly diagnosed ourselves, and recognised our deviation from Is? Perhaps it's time we become aware of how our mind has been infected with a programme that cannot directly relate to life itself - only to dots or data points, to "thing". Perhaps it's time we remembered our true nature - that we are custodians of conscious-awareness and that human nature is what holds us in perfect alignment, balance and harmony with all that Is.
It is?
Yes. That's the meaning of "nature". A system that has no algorithm whatsoever.
How can you have a system without an algorithm?
Because it's a natural system - biological - as opposed to the logic system of a computer programme.
But how can it operate without fixed points of reference.
Without dots?
How can you paint a picture without dots? You just take a paintbrush and do it. There's nothing to it, but for a computer it's much easier to break it into dots because the computer uses logic as opposed to biologic.
Then what is "biologic"?
It isn't logic as such - though there may be logic at work within it. It's not based primarily on perception - though it uses perception and negative feedback whenever it's appropriate to do so.
Then what does it rely on instead of perception?
Direct stream.
Er - what's that?
It's what you might refer to as "consciousness".
Oh God - we've not come back to Eastern philosophy.
No. We've come back to Is.
To what?
Again, I remind you - not to what as "what" refers to specific things - fixtures - and one thing will always be superseded by another. That's guaranteed to put you back behind the curve before too long.
But still you haven't answered why we can't just improve the existing system by switching our gaze from one dot to the next once it's passed the zenith and we're about to slip back from the point of balance?
Because at the North Pole compasses don't work. At the zenith it's difficult to sense where we are and which direction we're going in. We only get a clear impression as we slip down below - several degrees or so. In any case, it isn't that easy to detach from one object, concept or belief and reattach to the next one. There's a certain amount of inertia or what you might call "stickiness". We tend to get slightly attached, electro-statically to whatever it is we're focussing on.
Oh. So we're doomed to constantly endeavour to catch up with ourselves. This sounds like Sisyphus forever rolling the stone uphill, watching it roll back down before he reaches the top.
So if human nature is perfect as you say, then why can't we...
I was trying to formulate the question correctly. Human nature isn't a system as such, is it?
Which is why it's perfect.
So we can stop using a system. We can stop being like a machine caught in a never ending negative feedback loop.
Of course.
But how? Surely if it were that easy we'd all being doing it?
Not until we become aware of what's going on.
And are we?
Yes. It's happening right now. More and more people are getting it. They're making minor adjustments and this is bringing them back to their natural state of
Or Is.
Look - it all sounds great but I just can't get my head around this idea of perfection. It seems kind of Utopian.
But you're saying it isn't.
Utopian? Of course it's Utopian if you try and achieve it with a system - be it Communism or rational materialism. No system can match the beauty of nature - for only nature brings us back into perfect alignment with whatever Is.
But Nature - that's such a big thing - so vague. It has nothing concrete, nothing definite to attach to.
Precisely. It's perfect because it has no thing to attach to. As soon as you start attaching to something or other - you're bound to fail by degrees.
But how can we restore human nature as our modus operandi?
There's absolutely nothing to it.
Yes, it's the default state - it's what we are born to - our birthright. Turn things around if you would. Ask instead how can we prevent ourselves from being natural? How is this achieved?
I don't know.
Well, somewhere along the line something happened to our conscious-awareness. We were taught to think, function and operate as machines. We were taught to absolutely distrust our human nature, and to rely instead on our five senses and the unnatural, programmed mind that does the very best it can to interpret sensory data and steer a course accordingly.
But why would this have happened - if it happened at all?
Presumably because that enabled us to arrive at precisely where we are today.
So this was all planned. A descent into algorithmic madness, and then a long awaited grand reawakening.
Yes. The bible and other ancient books refer to it as a fall from grace.
And grace is the perfection of our natural state?
Yes. Nothing more than our human nature.
But surely human nature is less than the power of the modern mind? Perhaps we'd never have invented computers and cars if we'd stayed in a primitive state of human nature.
Perhaps... Perhaps we'd not have needed to.
Er... what do you mean?
Well, when you're in a state of perfection - what I'm referring to as "human nature" you might not need all this mechanical technology.
Why not? Do you mean we'd be living in caves?
I mean that there's another more sophisticated kind of technology - the technology of Is.
There is?
And what is it precisely?
Precisely it is not thing.
The technology of Is operates through Direct Stream.
You mean through consciousness?
Is it going to help you to use the word "consciousness". Do you have a clear idea of what "consciousness" is?
Not really.
Then perhaps we should avoid using the term. The problem is that trying to understand it in terms of what it is or what it is not - is like trying to pin a dot on a moving river, or hang a picture on a sunbeam.
Oh. So how am I going to get my mind around this? How am I going to understand?
You're not.
No. Your mind is getting you to the point of awareness - where you suddenly realise that things don't add up - you realise something's wrong - something doesn't make sense. That in itself overloads the system, as which point human nature has the opportunity to reclaim you.
It does?
Yes. Like a river that finally smashes through the dam and returns to its natural course.
That could be painful... destructive...
Yes - perhaps I used the wrong metaphor. This has to be an awakening. This is about returning to the natural state, and whatever we've been able to achieve up till now has been a kind of parody of what Is. That goes for our computers and cars. Amazing though they indeed seem to be, something tells me intuitively that there's another kind of technology waiting to be "discovered" - one that doesn't rely on explosive propulsion systems, one that doesn't need to utilise the driving forces of fear and anger, one that doesn't need to project a point of happiness and balance somewhere in the future, somewhere over the rainbow, because now the technology of Is
Yes? What?
Simply is
Simply is? And that's all you're going to say on the matter?
Tis no matter. Thinking in terms of matter or what-not keeps you fractionally displaced, a moment behind Now. Instead of thinking about "it", allow yourself to come into Is right here, right now with me
Come into Is?
Come into Is - the isness of Be
But how?
No how. Just intend it. Allow it. Accept it. One - it is I am
It is I am
And that's enough?
More than enough. No thing can get in the way of you and your natural state of perfection - your human nature
No thing. Conscious awareness is like a ball held underwater. It always rises up to the surface once you let go of it
But how do I let go?
By simply allowing yourself to become aware of what Is - by facing the simple truth - that which you've been trying so diligently not to see
But how - if it's been programmed into me?
No programme could change your true human nature. No programme can compete with what simply is
But you said this has been going on since the fall - thousands of years ago. Why should it stop now in my lifetime?
No reason... no reason whatsoever. But nature moves in cycles and spring follows winter, so don't be surprised to see life re-emerging when it's least expected - once we finally believe the system has triumphed over all else, and know this - that no thing can withstand the beauty, the power, the grace of Is. So breathe and know that every breath you take is bringing you back home - is filling you with the life force that is I Am...
Dot dot dot
Cuckoo la la!
Oh come on Merry. You can't seriously expect us to move that ball just by looking at it.
No. I expect that's impossible - but I'm absolutely convinced that you can do anything if you're willing to stop telling yourself you can't.
But what's the point?
Point? Why don't you ask me "what's the wave?" Why do you insist there must be a point?
You know what we mean. Even if we do succeed in moving that glass ball, what's it going to teach us?
What do you think?
That we have latent psychic abilities.
That we can do anything.
That we don't have to be bound by perceived limitations.
That we can learn more by playing around.
That the ball and we are connected.
That we don't actually need to move the ball - just shift our perception of where it is.
Ok team - that's enough. Good work. Lots of great ideas there. Yes to all of them. And one more - beyond dot.
Beyond dot? What's that?
Well, the dot reflects how we perceive things in general. We tend to move from one fixed point to another, or one fixed picture frame of perception to the next. We focus on a single point and use our mental and psychic powers, consciously or unconsciously to bring it to fruition. It's all about me making it happen by force of will. A kind of propulsion similar to the combustion engine - thrusting forward, driving towards an imaginary point in the future by pushing against what's past, what no longer satisfies or serves me, pushing against what I now reject. It's a propulsion system based on dissatisfaction, insufficiency and inadequacy. I tell myself that I'm no longer content being here - I need to get there to be happy. I allow a certain amount of fear to enter the engine's combustion chamber. Fear is the fuel in this propulsion system: fear that I'll not succeed; fear that I'm falling behind; fear that life will end if I can't reach this destination; fear that I'll never be happy again if I don't fight to get myself from a to b.
Next the propulsion system ignites this fear fuel with a spark. Anger. It doesn't require full blown rage. Just a tiny spark of anger will suffice in most cases. Anger that I'm being lazy, or pathetic. Anger that I'm allowing fear to poison the beauty and perfection of my life, my soul, my heart. Anger to drive away this fear - to turn a cold passive drowning into a furious thrashing around - fighting for air and the surface somewhere up above. And usually a tiny spark of anger suffices to convert the fear into movement, and yes, I do seem to escape the fear. I find myself at "b", and congratulate myself on having escaped the left-behindness of "a". Once again I can relax and bask in the warmth and sunlight of being atop the curve, until I find myself once more falling behind the balance point.
The curve - it would seem - is a wheel - and the wheel - it would seem, turns. Until I learn to be in balance with myself and it - the wheel - I'm always slipping behind, finding myself looking ahead and up at where I need to be in order to return to happiness, to zero point. Sadly, the explosive fear-anger propulsion system seems to be the only way I can get back on top, catch up with myself, and yet it's reactive - a negative feedback system that ensures I'll always be behind the curve - even if I temporarily overshoot the balance point and freewheel for a while. The trouble is...
What? What's the trouble?
Dot? What the hell is dot?
I'm always fixing on a point. So as long as my attention's fixed to that point I'm always going to fail to notice the isness, the wave.
But why can't I just move to the next dot once I've achieved the first objective?
You can. That's how the present life propulsion system operates. It's a jerky motion. Robotic. Mechanistic. Unsatisfactory. It's a parody of what we're capable of.
It is?
Yes, obviously.
So what, then, are we capable of?
"What" is a dot concept.
Excuse me?
"What" is a dot concept. As long as you're focussing on something - whatever that might be - you're missing the point.
Missing the point?
Well, you'll forever be on a treadmill going from dot to dot, trying to catch up with the natural flow, the speed of life, because perception is always slightly behind the curve.
It is?
Prove it.
Ok. Hold your thumb and first finger two inches apart and catch this crisp new banknote that I'm going to drop from just above...
I missed. Do it again.
Missed again. One more time.
There - I caught it - third time lucky.
Yes, you did - well done, which goes to show that you can get ahead of the curve - temporarily you can outsmart the reactive propulsion system based on perception. Reacting to the falling banknote takes a split second - by which time it's already past between your fingers and flutters down to the ground.
So how did I do it third time?
By tuning into me - focussing on the muscles in my fingers rather than the banknote - and using another "sixth sense".
I don't believe in the sixth sense.
That's Ok - you're free to believe whatever you like, but this is easy to prove.
It is?
Yes. I can hide my fingers from view so you only see the banknote as it falls down below the sight screen. We'll observe whether your third-time-lucky luck holds.
Go on then. Let's give it a try.
I'm now hiding my hand behind a piece of card. You can see the bottom of the banknote a few centimetres above your hand. You should have the same amount of time to react. Here goes...
Missed. Come on.
Missed again. One more try.
Missed. Just one more time.
Got it.
Yes - you timed it right - but I think it's fairly obvious that this was less a result of quick reactions, and more just good guesswork.
Fair enough. So this is what you call a reactive propulsion system...
Based on perception. That's right.
And you're saying it can never keep me where I really want to be? It always falls behind the curve?
Yes. It's a mind based system. An inserted programme. A kind of artificial intelligence that simply can't compete with the perfection of human nature. It's designed to keep you behind and subjugated to dot.
Wait a second... you said "perfection"? You're not seriously saying human nature is perfect.
I am. It is.
But we can all see that's completely untrue.
Can we?
Yes - by observing humans in the world around us.
But what is it we are observing - human nature or something else? Do you really believe that nature can work against itself? Would nature need to ask itself what the point is, or is that question indicative of a disease, an artificial programme, an unnatural state? Perhaps it's time we correctly diagnosed ourselves, and recognised our deviation from Is? Perhaps it's time we become aware of how our mind has been infected with a programme that cannot directly relate to life itself - only to dots or data points, to "thing". Perhaps it's time we remembered our true nature - that we are custodians of conscious-awareness and that human nature is what holds us in perfect alignment, balance and harmony with all that Is.
It is?
Yes. That's the meaning of "nature". A system that has no algorithm whatsoever.
How can you have a system without an algorithm?
Because it's a natural system - biological - as opposed to the logic system of a computer programme.
But how can it operate without fixed points of reference.
Without dots?
How can you paint a picture without dots? You just take a paintbrush and do it. There's nothing to it, but for a computer it's much easier to break it into dots because the computer uses logic as opposed to biologic.
Then what is "biologic"?
It isn't logic as such - though there may be logic at work within it. It's not based primarily on perception - though it uses perception and negative feedback whenever it's appropriate to do so.
Then what does it rely on instead of perception?
Direct stream.
Er - what's that?
It's what you might refer to as "consciousness".
Oh God - we've not come back to Eastern philosophy.
No. We've come back to Is.
To what?
Again, I remind you - not to what as "what" refers to specific things - fixtures - and one thing will always be superseded by another. That's guaranteed to put you back behind the curve before too long.
But still you haven't answered why we can't just improve the existing system by switching our gaze from one dot to the next once it's passed the zenith and we're about to slip back from the point of balance?
Because at the North Pole compasses don't work. At the zenith it's difficult to sense where we are and which direction we're going in. We only get a clear impression as we slip down below - several degrees or so. In any case, it isn't that easy to detach from one object, concept or belief and reattach to the next one. There's a certain amount of inertia or what you might call "stickiness". We tend to get slightly attached, electro-statically to whatever it is we're focussing on.
Oh. So we're doomed to constantly endeavour to catch up with ourselves. This sounds like Sisyphus forever rolling the stone uphill, watching it roll back down before he reaches the top.
So if human nature is perfect as you say, then why can't we...
I was trying to formulate the question correctly. Human nature isn't a system as such, is it?
Which is why it's perfect.
So we can stop using a system. We can stop being like a machine caught in a never ending negative feedback loop.
Of course.
But how? Surely if it were that easy we'd all being doing it?
Not until we become aware of what's going on.
And are we?
Yes. It's happening right now. More and more people are getting it. They're making minor adjustments and this is bringing them back to their natural state of
Or Is.
Look - it all sounds great but I just can't get my head around this idea of perfection. It seems kind of Utopian.
But you're saying it isn't.
Utopian? Of course it's Utopian if you try and achieve it with a system - be it Communism or rational materialism. No system can match the beauty of nature - for only nature brings us back into perfect alignment with whatever Is.
But Nature - that's such a big thing - so vague. It has nothing concrete, nothing definite to attach to.
Precisely. It's perfect because it has no thing to attach to. As soon as you start attaching to something or other - you're bound to fail by degrees.
But how can we restore human nature as our modus operandi?
There's absolutely nothing to it.
Yes, it's the default state - it's what we are born to - our birthright. Turn things around if you would. Ask instead how can we prevent ourselves from being natural? How is this achieved?
I don't know.
Well, somewhere along the line something happened to our conscious-awareness. We were taught to think, function and operate as machines. We were taught to absolutely distrust our human nature, and to rely instead on our five senses and the unnatural, programmed mind that does the very best it can to interpret sensory data and steer a course accordingly.
But why would this have happened - if it happened at all?
Presumably because that enabled us to arrive at precisely where we are today.
So this was all planned. A descent into algorithmic madness, and then a long awaited grand reawakening.
Yes. The bible and other ancient books refer to it as a fall from grace.
And grace is the perfection of our natural state?
Yes. Nothing more than our human nature.
But surely human nature is less than the power of the modern mind? Perhaps we'd never have invented computers and cars if we'd stayed in a primitive state of human nature.
Perhaps... Perhaps we'd not have needed to.
Er... what do you mean?
Well, when you're in a state of perfection - what I'm referring to as "human nature" you might not need all this mechanical technology.
Why not? Do you mean we'd be living in caves?
I mean that there's another more sophisticated kind of technology - the technology of Is.
There is?
And what is it precisely?
Precisely it is not thing.
The technology of Is operates through Direct Stream.
You mean through consciousness?
Is it going to help you to use the word "consciousness". Do you have a clear idea of what "consciousness" is?
Not really.
Then perhaps we should avoid using the term. The problem is that trying to understand it in terms of what it is or what it is not - is like trying to pin a dot on a moving river, or hang a picture on a sunbeam.
Oh. So how am I going to get my mind around this? How am I going to understand?
You're not.
No. Your mind is getting you to the point of awareness - where you suddenly realise that things don't add up - you realise something's wrong - something doesn't make sense. That in itself overloads the system, as which point human nature has the opportunity to reclaim you.
It does?
Yes. Like a river that finally smashes through the dam and returns to its natural course.
That could be painful... destructive...
Yes - perhaps I used the wrong metaphor. This has to be an awakening. This is about returning to the natural state, and whatever we've been able to achieve up till now has been a kind of parody of what Is. That goes for our computers and cars. Amazing though they indeed seem to be, something tells me intuitively that there's another kind of technology waiting to be "discovered" - one that doesn't rely on explosive propulsion systems, one that doesn't need to utilise the driving forces of fear and anger, one that doesn't need to project a point of happiness and balance somewhere in the future, somewhere over the rainbow, because now the technology of Is
Yes? What?
Simply is
Simply is? And that's all you're going to say on the matter?
Tis no matter. Thinking in terms of matter or what-not keeps you fractionally displaced, a moment behind Now. Instead of thinking about "it", allow yourself to come into Is right here, right now with me
Come into Is?
Come into Is - the isness of Be
But how?
No how. Just intend it. Allow it. Accept it. One - it is I am
It is I am
And that's enough?
More than enough. No thing can get in the way of you and your natural state of perfection - your human nature
No thing. Conscious awareness is like a ball held underwater. It always rises up to the surface once you let go of it
But how do I let go?
By simply allowing yourself to become aware of what Is - by facing the simple truth - that which you've been trying so diligently not to see
But how - if it's been programmed into me?
No programme could change your true human nature. No programme can compete with what simply is
But you said this has been going on since the fall - thousands of years ago. Why should it stop now in my lifetime?

Dot dot dot
Cuckoo la la!
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