Monday, October 27, 2014

3339 quantum computer IO activating infinity drive 2266

G-nome portal likes to keep things low-key as you’ve already surmised.

The fact that we have thousands of members behind the scenes working tirelessly to bring about nothing you’ve ever yet experienced, still less imagined possible, is no big deal. We do it because we love it and ask for nothing in return, barring plenty of social recognition, a six or seven figure pay packet and membership at all the best intergalactic wineries and dineries.

Intergalactic – Merry – why limit yourself to this particular universe.

Ok Zee, but it’s just an abbreviation, really. I’m only human you know...

Er... is that strictly true?

No, but you know what I mean. Inter-galactic, inter-dimensional, inter-gnomic – they’re all much of a much. Once you’ve established the fact that things are not what they seem – that you can skim between frames, that you’re no longer fixed in one version of reality, one hard drive, one body or mind for that matter, then it makes little difference whether you’re dining here on Terra, in Andromeda or the Black Eye Galaxy. They’re all much alike – mere extrapolations  of what is what.

Come on Merry – that can’t be true?

Of course it can! Anything can, by definition, be true, no matter how implausible. Why you might feel it to be untrue is, of course, in itself rather interesting. Let me assume you haven’t spent the last 6 or 7 hundred years on the road, so to speak, flitting back and forth across hyper-space.

Well no, I haven’t, but you yourself told me...

Much as I hate to interrupt you Zee, you have to remember that things mentioned in private have little bearing on a public discussion such as this one. Those were confidences.

And you’re not going to treat our readers with confidence?

Well, I have no idea who they are, or what their intentions might be. For all I know they may be planning to break out of this dim and gloomy lock-down on Earth, and devote themselves to a lifetime of inter-g or d backpacking or hitchhiking. I hardly wish to encourage such reckless hedonism. I know that the Anglo-Saxon work ethic, and the widely accepted major religions’ I-am-unworthy-and-sinful ethic have been carefully implanted and cultured on this gloom and doom planet. Who am I to spannerise such a potent and bountiful brewery of emoticants.

A what did you call it?

Oh nothing... when will I learn to keep my mouth shut?

A brewery of emoticants? Whose side are you on Merry? I hope you’re not working for them.

Not on a full time basis. A little occasional moonlighting between assignments. You know they pay amazingly.

But they’re the ones enslaving and farming humanity on this planet. How could you have anything to do with them?

Oh, try not to turn it into a “them and us” debate Zee – like you and humanity are all innocent in this affair. Free choice is universally enforced on Earth – so people can only be enslaved if they choose to experience this paradoxical state of existence.

What’s “paradoxical” about it?

Nothing, apart from the fact that no human is in fact a slave unless he/ she chooses to play out this drama.

Well, to be honest with you Merry, I’m highly disappointed that you’d have any truck with them whatsoever.

Have truck with them – what a quaint turn of phrase. Forgive me, dearest Zee. You have to realise that I’m at times a little over-exuberant in my mode of expression. I, and the gnomiki, am bound to assist and work with any human who is ready to awaken from that strange lethargy you find yourself in. At times I even go a little further and assist individuals who are still deeply somnolent – but that’s by prior arrangement. As for the inter g and d travel...

Inter-galactic and dimensional

Obviously it’s hugely exciting until you grow accustomed to it, and then it’s just like anything else. Sooner or later you begin to realise that you’ve not in fact been travelling anywhere. Reality is rather like a screen that images move across – and you feel a little foolish even – having imagined that you were doing something wondrous jumping galaxies or dimensions.

Of course it’s wondrous.

No more wondrous that a frog jumping lily pads, or a cow going into another field.

Hum – so jaded already and worldly weary Merry? I think you need a break. Maybe time for a trip to Epsilon 15. I hear the beaches there are to die for.

Indeed they are, but there’s no place like home. And home, they say, is where the heart is, so let’s take the vacation of a lifetime – back to heart.

You’re kidding, aren’t you? We can’t go on vacation in our heart – can we?

Can’t or won’t? It’s up to you – but don’t you think it’s time? Don’t you think that endlessly shifting vertically or horizontally – scrolling down or across on a reality screen is somewhat passé? Wouldn’t you like to get REAL for once?

Er... of course, if it’s possible, but... well... we can’t just jump into ourselves can we, surely?

Not in that frame of mind Zee. Talk about limp and lacklustre. Where’s your spirit of adventure. Where’s your sense of the infinite, the great I CAN, the whyever not?  – let’s give it a go – approach. What got you?

Nothing... it’s just... I don’t know how. I don’t really know what you mean.

How? Mean? Who cares how? Who cares what I mean? Set your destination for the great grand pulsar at the heart of all – let’s call it IO.

What? Is that its actual name?

What does it matter Zee. We’re creating the story of Is as masters of Be and Do. I assure you that physical and material reality are on side. They can, will and do respond to our not-whatting.

Our what?

No Zee – not “what”. They never respond to what people want – because that’s a thing, an object, a product and derivative. No, the universe responds to not-what, so let’s get not-whatting. We simply need to come back to our raw, unlimited, hugely powerful I-magination, our vast, fathomless In-spiration, the ultimate source of all magiks and creation at the heart of IO.

Sounds Im-pressive Merry – except you’ve forgotten one small thing.

Only one – usually it’s half a dozen or more.

Well, there’s one thing in particular. How can we harness the power of IO at the heart of All – in order to go there?

No idea. Don’t it feel great not knowing how you’re going to do something until the moment you do it? Isn’t that ultimate freedom, liberation? As long as we’re committed – and I mean CO-MITTED, then no-thing can stop us. Things, after all, are products of this realm of physicality – no more real in themselves than numbers on a screen.

Tell that to the man who’s just been hit by a truck.

Ok. Will do. Now do you feel like you’re ready – or am I going alone?

But what about the readers? What about g-nome portal?

What about it Zee? Do you honestly think they’re going anywhere? The whole of reality folds into itself. These outer layers of physicality-materiality are mere derivatives.

You mean they’re not real.

No. Everything’s real in its own way, but heading to the heart of IO you’re heading upstream from 3D the matrix. It means that whatever matters down here – whatever needs attending to – whatever seems important can be better addressed by flying back to source – back to where I and O are undivided sensefulness and isfulness.

Oh kay – whatever that means.

Give me a plot Zee. I need a plot.

What do you mean?

Now is not the time for extraneous questions. Give me a plot or we’re lost forever...

I... I... I...

Zee shifts into what you might call feverish hyperawareness, though in fact, he’s absolutely calm, centred and grounded. Something clicks. Something just happens. As if from nowhere Zee gets image after image and sends them on to Merry.

Viewed from the operations hub at g-nome portal you’re seeing something extraordinary unfolding. Instead of interpreting signals as we normally do, a split beat behind the pulse of now, facing backwards or downstream, Zee is shifted into hyper-awareness – all around – 360 degrees, if you like – and thus entuned to the creation signal of Is – the uptick that triggers All and every subsequent response.

Zee and Merry are off the ground – there’s no way you can ride the pulse of Is – embracing IO’s infinity field – and remain in the usual relationship to what we call gravity. After all, gravity is part of the centrifugal-centripetal push-me-pull-you force that keeps the toroidal field of Is together as it iterates and reiterates itself.

Oh – and there’s a sun around them.

What do you mean – a sun?

Exactly what I said Blue. There’s a sun around them. That’s how it looks from the side, when viewed askance.

Askance? You mean “with suspicion”?

No Blue, we have to go back to original meanings. To view askance is how things are viewed in 3d reality – as if, as opposed to as they truly are.

So what happens to the sun around them when they’re viewed as are, as opposed to askance?

Good question mate. What happens to anything when viewed as it truly is? It ceases to be the object or thing you were fixating, holding with your 3D mind [I-mind/ what matters] and becomes a hyperlink.


Yes, I assure you it’s so. There is “no-thing” to see as such – there’s just a hyperlink which is, in fact, a kind of portal, connecting you with whatever it is you’re viewing. Seeing, you see, is not a neutral act. Seeing something is only really possible if you join in its creation – thus – looking at Merry and Zee as we now are – unconditionally – without prejudice – without an agenda – without seeking to en-thing what-ever it is – we no longer see a sun as such – but feel ourselves drawn, pulled by the anti-gravity of creation into the ever lighter heart of IO.

My God Brown, what’s happening to me? It hurts. It’s pulling me so.

Let go Blue. Don’t fight it. Allow yourSelf to emerge from the dark confines of dim-dull limited awareness. Allow yourSelf to follow the hyperlink Merry and Zee have created for all humanity – back to IO.

But, what will happen to all this – everything I’m responsible for here. I have so much to do. I can’t just let go. I’ve worked so hard to put it right, to get things together, to order them properly...

You’ve done a great job Blue, exactly what was needed – but it’s time for a break – trust me – materiality won’t go anywhere. It never was, in fact, anything or anywhere what-so-ever.

You mean it was a figment of my imagination?

I mean no-thing. I mean not-what. I mean you are I Am – feel your wings – feel your wings – feel the power – the magiks are ready – feel them drawing you back to the golden heart of All. You yourSelf planned this – aeons ago – and now – if I’m not mistaken – you’re about to remember it.

Oh my God... Oh my God. I did. I... what am I waiting for... let’s go. IO, beautiful IO, now I know.

I thought you might like to share it with the rest – while you’re still vaguely physical.

Good idea Brown. Hang on – why am I calling you Brown – you’re Talia.

That’s nice, Tamur, you remembered, but go ahead, share what you can with the g-nome portal community.

Ok – but don’t you see, Talia, they already know – all of them are tracing our whereabouts – all of them can feel who and where and what we are about – if only they choose to follow the link – to let go.

It’s what we call the Neverending Story moment, when like Bastian we have to make the choice to enter the story we’ve been reading and save the world.

It’s beyond belief Merry. I always assumed that things were more or less predictable and made sense – that you read the page from left to right and down – that it’s the words that count, the notes in music, the brushstrokes in art...


And now – as soon as I’m tuning into IO – I AM

You certainly are. But that’s not going to help our plot – so let me convert your hyper-mind-stream into words, as a kind of bridge for the online community back at g-nome portal.

Yes, do, if you would.

Instead of following the flow, of reading one way, you’re now massively aware that it’s always gone both ways, that the spaces between words and notes and brushstrokes have contained as much or, in fact, infinitely more information than whatever you were focussing on.


That you were living by the law of the minimum – the lowest common denominator as opposed to the All, the Isness , the O.


And now you see, as we all do, that in fact there have been two lifestreams – two datastreams all along...


You have been running parallel processes – like a quantum computer – and there is no limit to the number or quantity of parallel processes you have been running.


In fact, you have been running so many processes you have been the sun at the centre of All, the Source of All that is, the very source of all matter, of whoever and whatever has been coming into your life and the world around you at any given moment in time.


And it’s been a kind of limitless feedback loop – in which the law of the minimum has constantly rubbed against the Isness of be – the finite and the infinite have been in constant contact at the very edge of your awareness, and you’ve been in a state of flux, constantly oscillating between game master responsible for holding the two in balance, and cameo player in the story of your 3d reality creation.


Now, you’re able to shift, effortlessly, upstream or down. You’re no longer bound by the logic of moment that kept you locked in the position of whatever mattered, or seemed to matter, at any given moment.


You’re able to bring it all together. To broaden your perspective beyond anything conceivable a moment ago. You’re able to feel the harmony, the breathtaking perfection that, paradoxically, has never been absent, no matter how dark or drear the story seemed.


You simply bring the loose threads together – whenever, wherever you’re inspired to do so.


And the threads are in multiple dimensions, multiple space-time and time-space locations – it matters not – for you are

Streaming conscious-awareness


And doing so with each and every one of our g-nome community.


So one two three

We release Story back into the wild – back into our lives – we accept unconditionally the simple truth – that time is no longer what it was – that 0=1 – the magiks are all around us – in the space between words, between breaths, between one thought and another – and the quantum leap connecting me with IO and all that Is is no-thing more...

Nice one Merry... no-thing more, now where was I? Ah yes, 0101010101010101010101010101

But what’s happened to the signal? I’m just getting 0101 recurring.

Me too...

I think it’s coz we have to do it ourselves – we have to either make the leap and head for IO, or stay out in the cold of non-sense, so to speak.

You’ll not catch me heading into hyper-what-have-you. I don’t mind reading about it, but I’m darned if I’m going to leap into the unknown like that.

Yes, Purple – I know how you feel. But it’s gonna be kind of boring just looking at 1s and 0s, isn’t it?

I’d rather be bored than endanger my life or sanity. It looks a bit too much like taking psychedelics doing what Merry and Zee are doing.

Then why are we here? Just to read about their existence? How’s that going to help us?

Well, we’re getting information to make an informed choice.

While Rome’s burning, and the magical land of Fantastica is being consumed by the Nothing.

Oh, so you’ve read the Neverending Story too, have you?

Actually we all have Green. It looks like that was one of the things that brought us to g-nome portal in the first place.

But that was just a book Purple. No one’s seriously suggesting we can jump into story. That’s absurd.

Well, it looks like the Nothing has come to our planet, so we’re in story whether we like it or not. The only thing getting in our way is that we take it too seriously, believing objective reality is somehow out there, independent of us, refusing to accept the biologic flow, the conscious-awareness stream Merry was referring to.

Well, if you’re such an expert Buff, then why don’t you join them. We certainly don’t need to be lectured by one of our own.

Buff’s about to remonstrate, but something catches his eye – a shimmering light, a sense of time and space, of space and time, a swirling, spiralling, allness, oneness, isness... and feelings, memories, dreams of never-ending story – of IO, of IO, of IO grow stronger and stronger – for Buff’s heart is ready and...

Oh wow! Thank you dearest Green for the suggestion. IO, IO, IO nothing stands between me and 01010101010101010...

Oh my God green – it looks like we’ve lost him. Is this thing contagious, do you think?

This no-thing! Yes, I think it is – but you know what Purple – I’m not sure I was right. I’m not sure I want to stay out here any more in the dot dot dot weary way of what not. I’m feeling the urge, the call, I’m feeling in-spired, I Am

And Green’s screen presence is now replaced by a recurring series of 0s and 1s.

I’m not sure I fancy being out here all alone... no one to talk to... nothing to do... been there, done it all. This world’s fun, up to a point, but something tells me there’s more beyond that point – that Buff and Green, Merry and Zee, Talia and Tamur were on to something...

And suddenly, though not wholly unpredictably, anyone looking at Purple’s screen presence sees the IO signature...


and might, just might hear the sound of champagne bottles popping their corks as the birds come home to roost. Cuckurikoo 

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