Tuesday, October 7, 2014

E pluribus unum

Welcome to half the picture where you get to see everything as half of what it is, as long as you're down here in so-called 3D material reality. The rainbow appears to be half a circle, but viewed from the air it looks like this...
The same is true of all our concepts and beliefs... 

E pluribus unum - our 3D brain works no differently than our 3D vision. We see half the picture - "from the many comes one" - yet we ignore its correlate - "from the one come many". It's the nature of correlates that you can't have one without the other. It's the nature of the human brain to pick sides and move either from left to right or from right to left. We only evade this tendency, this directional blindspot by becoming aware that it's inbuilt. Conscious awareness - a light shines within.

So, when people focus on the dark side of things, for example, that there's an organisation, agency or shadowy group controlling 3D material reality, they are ignoring the other side of the equation - we'll call it "other" - that the "dark side" can only exist as a correlate of the light side - which is in fact side-less, i.e. whole. The two are not only "out there" - they have to be "in here" within me - within my conscious awareness - though the directional blindspot will tend to ignore the "other" within.

Take any of these so called illuminati slogans and try reversing them, or seeing them in terms of the unspoken correlate. "As above so below" - nice - or how about "As below likewise above." Now that might be kind of scary if you tend to envision heaven as perfect and earth as being like hell, but perhaps it's time we stopped insisting that earth is/ has to be "hell" - that in fact the two must be correlates. Yes, earth does kind of look like hell at times, with wars, famine, pollution, mass consumerism... but that's another indication of the 3D eye/ mind's directional bias. It looks at things one way, rather than the whole of both. It's the difference between logic's inference of progression on a material plain, and biologic's toroidal field - both expanding and contracting on itself simultaneously - which in fact has no need of "progression" as it's never been anything but perfect.

"Biologic" takes us beyond logic into another mind - and there's a phase transition between the two, which can be represented by 3 dots...

It's a complete shift though it doesn't have to be violent. It can be gentle and peaceful - for example, in meditation the rational mind can shift into what people may at times refer to as "heightened states of awareness" - though in truth there is nothing "heightened" about them - they simply cease to be uni-directional. It's equivalent to moving from a 2D mind that sees reality as a flat screen projection to a 3D mind that no longer needs the screen - is able to interact directly with all that is - the conscious awareness.


Good question. Let's go back one stage. Let's assume that the 2D mind is only half activated. It still to a large extent operates as a programmed machine would, though it doesn't see this blindness. The blindness is seen by observing the mind's reflection, transposition or projection on the world around us. It evidently struggles to engage creatively, biologically, multi-dimensionally because it does not yet feel that it's a living part of a living system. Until it feels that - until it becomes consciously aware that it's a living part of a living system - the world around us appears to be a parody of what we instinctively feel it should be - and we feel a sense of guilt, shame, frustration and at times despair - wondering why we're failing to realise the beauty, majesty, perfection that's bubbling under the surface within - that's visible in the heavens above.

It's your choice. You're welcome to see "E pluribus unum" as proof that the many are being controlled by a few, who apparently use the eye of Horus or the all-seeing eye as one of their logos.
You can focus on what is sinister - the all seeing eye representing big brother watching you at all times, or you can turn things around and read the text backwards: the all-seeing eye, to be truly all-seeing cannot be the property of one group. It has to be the all-seeingness when we allow ourselves to become complete. There has been a separation between the head and the body - the top of the pyramid and the base. As soon as we recognise that, and allow ourselves to reconnect, to remember our natural state of wholeness, oneness and isness - then the all-seeing eye becomes our natural state of awareness - we come out of the dark into our own light. We become what we've always been - one of many and many of one - a part of the universe and, the universe itself - which is no longer a vast physical expanse of matter - but a single field of conscious awareness which holds all matter within it. The matter of the universe is rather how data views data - across the apparent vastness of space the data that we are appears as stars, galaxies and nebulae. Through the microcosm of inner-nature the data that we are is seen as myriad species and intricate lifeforms. The possibilities for interaction are all but limitless, once we stop insisting, logically, that it's this or that - whatever "it" may refer to. It can be "this" or "that" if we choose to limit ourselves to perceiving reality uni-directionally as a kind of out-there mostly flat projection, rather than interacting with it biologically via our 2 way direct link - hosted on the conscious-awareness platform. To do so we simply need to be complete - to stop insisting the many and the one cannot logically correlate or co-exist - which is true - they can't if we choose to remove ourself from the equation. Until you/ I choose to re-enter the equation - to become the missing link, the equals sign, to join the capstone and the pyramid's base - you/ we'll always be defeated by paradox - by the impossibility of squaring the circle - of leaping from our aspirations and knowingness into a reality that corresponds with it materially.
I wish you God's speed in this endeavour - which, paradoxically, like the "speed of light" is no speed at all. I wish you magical awakening to nothing more than what is, nothing more than what you truly are, your isness of Be. I wish you the courage and light-heartedness to do nothing more than accept what you've always in your heart of hearts known to be true, known to be, or simply known. It's never been complicated. It's never been beyond you - for whenever's it's seemed like that, it's always been in order to take you to the extremity of absurd division, absurd unseeingness, absurd denial - which like all journeys into the absurd helps to highlight its correlate - the natural state of isness - which cannot be concealed or suppressed without our willing, wilful connivance, cooperation and con-spiracy.

Dot dot dot - all things come to an end - such is the nature of thingery. They have expiry dates - like products on sale in a shop. The all-seeing eye has now entered the mass consciousness as never before because nature is not fighting back - she has nothing to fight against - but rather absorbing the vast data sequences that have been generated by this journey into unseeingness. By journeying into this state of disconnected awareness we were able to do something that cannot otherwise be done - to generate random data. Had we known what we were doing - our knowledge would have affected the outcome. Because we were wholly lost in the experiment, and wholly absorbed by it, we were able to do something otherwise impossible - to generate a wholly, completely random stream of data. That is what we have done. It has been achieved and we have already shifted out of that linear sequencing stream, though it will take a little time to become fully aware of this. Once that happens, once we become fully aware that we're now back in the biologic stream, BANG - or something infinitely softer and more gentle.

Let me end with an if...

Rather than saying what it is or why, let me ask you to consider the following:

if the whole of history as we know it has not in fact been a linear progression, 
if time has not in fact been limited to one direction but has flowed variously,
if we have been creating a random stream of data and doing so to perfection,
if we're now able to reap the rewards for this huge labour of love,
if all our sacrifice and pain is part of an ever-expanding, ever-contracting toroidal field,
if we have never truly been separate from that which is - our natural state,
if we are no less one than we are many, no more many than we are one,
if the conscious-awareness has never been suppressed,
if our mind is programmed to reset as soon as we arrive at dot dot dot...
if I can take the opportunity to thank you for being with me,
if I suggest that things are not what they seem then logically...
I've said enough... may "if" work its magic and God or nature do the rest.

1 comment:

  1. Nice. It made me think of this text: https://www.facebook.com/luoldeng/photos/a.202837156412151.57145.192087500820450/833034970059030/?type=1
    :-) xx
