Not macabre, no. Not in the least.
But why "dying"? Why not "living"? Wouldn't that be more à propos?
No. The gentle art of dying it is, and nothing else will do. Can I begin?
I suppose so, but I wish to register my formal protest.
Registered. You see, dear Zie, the dying part of dying is generally misunderstood, and not surprisingly.
How do you mean?
Well, people tend to focus on the dead body. The funeral. The sadness.
As opposed to the quantum shift.
The what?
The quantum shift from matter back to...
Let me guess: no matter
whatsoever. Precisely.
No matter whatsoever. Hum...
As soon as you shift your focus... what do you have?
Or no thing, if you wish to be even more explicit.
No thing? So we're looking at the transition from thing to no thing, from matter to no matter, from...
That will do Zie. I think they've got the message.
Yes but I wanted to say...
I know Zie, but trust me, you've said enough. The reader is highly intelligent and has no difficulty following your line of reasoning.
Really - I had no idea.
So, to commence...
But how can you be so sure. You've never met half of them.
Half of whom?
Your readers.
So how can you know whether they really understand what I wanted to convey.
Strange to say - I just know. It's like there's this invisible connection and the reader - whoever whenever he she may be is present now - at the piece's inception.
Amazing. So it's kind of time travel.
Yes. It must be.
So what are they thinking right now?
They're wondering if you'll allow me to continue.
Oh, sorry, I...
Yes. I can't blame you - being, as we are, on the cusp of a new age.
I've heard that one before. I wouldn't use that phrase if I were you.
Too late. It's already down.
But you can change it.
Can I? Don't be so sure. Do you really imagine I'm free to pick and choose?
Well, yes - you are the writer after all.
Indeed, but...
But what?
I can't say.
Whyever not?
The readers - they're unwilling to have me explain what doesn't need to be explained. This is something that has to be felt. We simply have to allow ourself to feel the relationship between the author and reader, without prejudice.
And that will suffice. So to continue. The gentle art of dying...
But wouldn't it be fair to say...
Zie, you're right, it would be fair to say, without a doubt...
But I haven't even said what?
No, but you thought it, and the readers responded accordingly.
You mean you can read my thoughts?
No, but the readers can, and I can feel whatever they're thinking, so yes, it would be fair to say, but once again no - there is no need to be more explicit.
No need?
No. None whatsoever.
But that's so negative.
Like the gentle art of dying - it seems to be.
Seems to be my foot. It is. Negative - as negative as negative can be.
Yes, Zie - which is what we're really discussing isn't it?
Is it?
Yes, we're discussing the beauty, the magic, the life force concealed within what appears to be negativity.
Oh really.
Yes. For most people dying seems negative, and life positive, so they prefer to focus on life rather than death.
Yes, exactly. Always look on the bright side...
Except it stops being bright when we starting avoiding what is - the isness of Be.
It does?
Indeed. We need all that is, including what is perceived to be negative in order to unlock the deep balance, the deep harmony, the codes contained within the life vessel that is Me.
So you mean I can only do that by embracing the negative - including my death.
So I need to descend into morbid introspection in order to become truly alive.
That's how it seems to most people, which is why they head-in-sand all that's related to death, which is why they're only able to experience the 2D version of 3 dimensionality.
Yes. 3D only opens up and becomes a fully alive experience with activated vertices once we're able to comfortably consider, engage and incorporate death into the equation of life.
You mean like this preposterous 0=1?
Yes. 0=1 is the mathematics of Is - which necessarily has to equate and reconcile life with death, something with no thing.
Which is never going to make sense, is it? It's obviously wrong. But you're so pig headed you won't accept it.
Oh, I accept it's wrong if you base your maths on materiality, without reference to all that is, so then it's essentially limited to counting things - stuff and nonsense mathematics I call it.
Which is what math should be - dealing with real things as opposed to non-existency.
But "things" are neither here nor there.
Tell that to the person who's in need.
To the person in need I hope I'll do more than talk about mathematics. It would be far better to provide material assistance and see if I can unblock that part of the equation.
Don't Merry.
Don't what?
Don't treat a living being as "part of an equation".
Whyever not?
Because human beings are more than just part of an equation. They have a soul. They are...
More than words can say. Agreed.
Then kindly desist from mathemàticising them.
Saying we are all One, with a capital "O" to boot, is hardly what you consider "mathemàticising" people.
No? Well that's how it sounds.
Yes. It sounds that way but, I assure you, the way it sounds is quite different from what it truly is.
So what do you mean then?
That unless we all accept our inter-connectedness, inter-relatedness, our inter-
Merry - you're as bad as I am. They've got the message.
Who have?
The readers - about half an hour ago.
Oh. Sorry Zie. I get carried away at times by my own eloquence.
Or lack of it... Yes. I noticed.
Well, thanks for interrupting me. I guess I need to be brought back down to Earth.
I guess we all do at times.
So, where was I?
Oh yes. There's really nothing virtuous about "helping" someone materially. My failure to do so - to deal with the human being in need ensures I never arrive home.
And where is home?
Back to equilibrium, the natural state of balance where 0=1...
Where life and death are
Like yin and yan
Until we allow
Ourself to be
The isness version
Of Me, the full
Human being
Without further need
For restraint, reason
Dot dot dot - the unspoken
Unrepeatable third
the empty set
- void - message incomplete
And so I give you death
That you might live
And life that you
Might die
Wings that you might
Fly and breath that
You might breathe
Your dying breath
Throughout the life
You never truly live
Beloved reader one and all, thank you for assisting me in writing this. Thank you for dancing with me, Zie and the gnomiki through the stars, under the dense canopy of night, deep within the Earth, wherever there is darkness, confusion and a proliferation of nought. Merry is our flight - our journey of reconciliation and awakening. I could ask for nothing more than to journey with you back to zero point in search of the fabled isness of Be. Though some would call it a fool's errand, I have never felt the least doubt in your benevolent and sagacious company, of the assured success of this mathematical mission, for though the night be cold and long, though the dawn be far from sight, though the dot be... dot... dot, three in one, still I feel and know the end is within sight, for every sentence, sooner or later, stumbles on the punctuation known as "full stop" and thus attains its majority, a state of wholeness, completedness, perfection, and thus I sing to the night, to the spirits of fear and disquiet, a song of woe, a tale of nought, stuffed full of every conceivable zero, and that, dear beloved reader, is where we can no further go, beyond the zero point of "N" "O" know...
But why "dying"? Why not "living"? Wouldn't that be more à propos?
No. The gentle art of dying it is, and nothing else will do. Can I begin?
I suppose so, but I wish to register my formal protest.
Registered. You see, dear Zie, the dying part of dying is generally misunderstood, and not surprisingly.
How do you mean?
Well, people tend to focus on the dead body. The funeral. The sadness.
As opposed to the quantum shift.
The what?
The quantum shift from matter back to...
Let me guess: no matter
whatsoever. Precisely.
No matter whatsoever. Hum...
As soon as you shift your focus... what do you have?
Or no thing, if you wish to be even more explicit.
No thing? So we're looking at the transition from thing to no thing, from matter to no matter, from...
That will do Zie. I think they've got the message.
Yes but I wanted to say...
I know Zie, but trust me, you've said enough. The reader is highly intelligent and has no difficulty following your line of reasoning.
Really - I had no idea.
So, to commence...
But how can you be so sure. You've never met half of them.
Half of whom?
Your readers.
So how can you know whether they really understand what I wanted to convey.
Strange to say - I just know. It's like there's this invisible connection and the reader - whoever whenever he she may be is present now - at the piece's inception.
Amazing. So it's kind of time travel.
Yes. It must be.
So what are they thinking right now?
They're wondering if you'll allow me to continue.
Oh, sorry, I...
Yes. I can't blame you - being, as we are, on the cusp of a new age.
I've heard that one before. I wouldn't use that phrase if I were you.
Too late. It's already down.
But you can change it.
Can I? Don't be so sure. Do you really imagine I'm free to pick and choose?
Well, yes - you are the writer after all.
Indeed, but...
But what?
I can't say.
Whyever not?
The readers - they're unwilling to have me explain what doesn't need to be explained. This is something that has to be felt. We simply have to allow ourself to feel the relationship between the author and reader, without prejudice.
And that will suffice. So to continue. The gentle art of dying...
But wouldn't it be fair to say...
Zie, you're right, it would be fair to say, without a doubt...
But I haven't even said what?
No, but you thought it, and the readers responded accordingly.
You mean you can read my thoughts?
No, but the readers can, and I can feel whatever they're thinking, so yes, it would be fair to say, but once again no - there is no need to be more explicit.
No need?
No. None whatsoever.
But that's so negative.
Like the gentle art of dying - it seems to be.
Seems to be my foot. It is. Negative - as negative as negative can be.
Yes, Zie - which is what we're really discussing isn't it?
Is it?
Yes, we're discussing the beauty, the magic, the life force concealed within what appears to be negativity.
Oh really.
Yes. For most people dying seems negative, and life positive, so they prefer to focus on life rather than death.
Yes, exactly. Always look on the bright side...
Except it stops being bright when we starting avoiding what is - the isness of Be.
It does?
Indeed. We need all that is, including what is perceived to be negative in order to unlock the deep balance, the deep harmony, the codes contained within the life vessel that is Me.
So you mean I can only do that by embracing the negative - including my death.
So I need to descend into morbid introspection in order to become truly alive.
That's how it seems to most people, which is why they head-in-sand all that's related to death, which is why they're only able to experience the 2D version of 3 dimensionality.
Yes. 3D only opens up and becomes a fully alive experience with activated vertices once we're able to comfortably consider, engage and incorporate death into the equation of life.
You mean like this preposterous 0=1?
Yes. 0=1 is the mathematics of Is - which necessarily has to equate and reconcile life with death, something with no thing.

Oh, I accept it's wrong if you base your maths on materiality, without reference to all that is, so then it's essentially limited to counting things - stuff and nonsense mathematics I call it.
Which is what math should be - dealing with real things as opposed to non-existency.
But "things" are neither here nor there.
Tell that to the person who's in need.
To the person in need I hope I'll do more than talk about mathematics. It would be far better to provide material assistance and see if I can unblock that part of the equation.
Don't Merry.
Don't what?
Don't treat a living being as "part of an equation".
Whyever not?
Because human beings are more than just part of an equation. They have a soul. They are...
More than words can say. Agreed.
Then kindly desist from mathemàticising them.
Saying we are all One, with a capital "O" to boot, is hardly what you consider "mathemàticising" people.
No? Well that's how it sounds.
Yes. It sounds that way but, I assure you, the way it sounds is quite different from what it truly is.
So what do you mean then?
That unless we all accept our inter-connectedness, inter-relatedness, our inter-
Merry - you're as bad as I am. They've got the message.
Who have?
The readers - about half an hour ago.
Oh. Sorry Zie. I get carried away at times by my own eloquence.
Or lack of it... Yes. I noticed.
Well, thanks for interrupting me. I guess I need to be brought back down to Earth.
I guess we all do at times.
So, where was I?
Oh yes. There's really nothing virtuous about "helping" someone materially. My failure to do so - to deal with the human being in need ensures I never arrive home.
And where is home?
Back to equilibrium, the natural state of balance where 0=1...
Where life and death are
Like yin and yan
Until we allow
Ourself to be
The isness version
Of Me, the full
Human being
Without further need
For restraint, reason
Dot dot dot - the unspoken
Unrepeatable third
the empty set
- void - message incomplete
And so I give you death
That you might live
And life that you
Might die
Wings that you might
Fly and breath that
You might breathe
Your dying breath
Throughout the life
You never truly live
Beloved reader one and all, thank you for assisting me in writing this. Thank you for dancing with me, Zie and the gnomiki through the stars, under the dense canopy of night, deep within the Earth, wherever there is darkness, confusion and a proliferation of nought. Merry is our flight - our journey of reconciliation and awakening. I could ask for nothing more than to journey with you back to zero point in search of the fabled isness of Be. Though some would call it a fool's errand, I have never felt the least doubt in your benevolent and sagacious company, of the assured success of this mathematical mission, for though the night be cold and long, though the dawn be far from sight, though the dot be... dot... dot, three in one, still I feel and know the end is within sight, for every sentence, sooner or later, stumbles on the punctuation known as "full stop" and thus attains its majority, a state of wholeness, completedness, perfection, and thus I sing to the night, to the spirits of fear and disquiet, a song of woe, a tale of nought, stuffed full of every conceivable zero, and that, dear beloved reader, is where we can no further go, beyond the zero point of "N" "O" know...
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