I was wondering when you'd get round to zero.
Yes well, the less said the better really.
Indeed, but they feel you're ready for it.
Who, the gnomiki?
Oh, I'm not sure I am really.
Precisely. Previously you'd have assumed you were, and now that you more or less are, you assume you're not. It adds up.
So, why do I feel so bothered?
Because you're coming close to letting go.
Letting go of what?
Yes, precisely, letting go of what.
But I was asking a question - not making a statement, as you were.
It matters not - the words are the same.
But the intention was different.
Yes, but you're close enough to be within spitting distance of nought, and that will do.
Oh God.
Precisely - nought's now assailing the final bastion of what not.
Please don't tell me you're referring to God.
Please don't tell me you assume I'm not.
Of course you are - I was being rhetorical.
Yes, but 0=1 and God must go.
You can't Merry. You can't do away with God.
Can't. Won't. Mustn't. These words matter up to a point.
In other words you're saying they don't.
Precisely. For beyond the cherished point of 3d rationality is biologic's dot dot dot
Your beloved Dorothy.
My wholly irreducible and incomprehensible dot3, beloved mother of magiks, Dorothea.
Merry, you're a hopeless romantic, but why would you substitute Dorothy for God? What can you possibly hope to gain from that.
Nothing what-so-ever.
Ah - so doing away with God you arrive at nothing - and that's an improvement you feel?
Doing away? No one's doing away with God. God is god, regardless of what I say, think or do.
But you so grandly said 0=1, God must go. Talk about inconsistent.
Talk about nothing instead. As long as you're attached to the point, whatever it may be, you have God as the ultimate arbiter of whatever point may be.
Is that God's function?
Must you be so utilitarian Zie? Why do you assume God has to have a function at all - as if God were a machine?
Well, you said God is arbiter of the point.
Yes, I did, but I went no further. Whoever, whatever God might be is - up to the point - beyond which God is not.
Ah - you mean God is nought.
Perhaps - but I stand by my original words - beyond the point God is not.
But, is there a difference between not and nought?
There must be, but it might not be appreciable or make a lot of sense until you've gained experience of dot dot dot - where point and point and point completely defeat the sense of what-is-what, so central here in 3d reality.
So, here we are, at the gates of nought, preparing to boldly, humbly, and thirdly go into not-what, the isness of Be, where God is Not.
Merry, I'm feeling kind of uncertain about all this - in fact - decidedly anxious - like something's brewing - something wild and unpredictable.
As well you might - for so it is.
And you're not even trying to comfort or console me.
What's the point - we need all your feelings to be fully activated if you're to cross the equals sign - those magical, mystical parallel lines into not-what.
Don't Merry.
Don't what?
Don't. I'm feeling... I'm falling apart. I'm...
Indeed you are. You're falling out of God's What.
His what?
His What. It's not a question at all. It's a field configuration. A twist of time in space, of space in time, Mobius-like.
Mobius-like - your beloved Mobius strip again?
How else could flatness appear to have depth?
So this we call 3d you're saying is flat? I hardly think that's right.
Correct. You hardly think, which is right. God is the master of weaving space and time into a single strip of what-is-not, and yet which really, really seems to be, up to a point, not-is-what.
Confound you Merry. Confound you and all your endlessly confusing terms and word plays. I never even believed in God, and now when you tell me He is not, beyond zero point, I feel like I've lost the greatest support I never had.
And well you might - for God has been your constant support, ensuring that you continue to experience this - whatever it may be - preventing you from slipping back into your natural state of isness.
You mean God's responsible for keeping me here in this reality.
But I thought...
Did you really? You thought whatever it suited you to think, but now, if you please, you're free to pass through zero point, the eye of the needle, to experience the unfathomableness of dot dot dot - should Dorothy consider you worthy and ready to do so, should you Be, and thirdly.
Thirdly what? That's the second time you've dropped that "thirdly" into your sentence.
Yes, and coincidentally...
A bird appears in the air between Merry and Zie. Zie watches it in wonder as it flies towards him yet seems to grow more and more distant, until vanishing from sight, smaller than a dot.
Er - Merry, what was that?
That was thirdly - appearing to you as a kind of hieroglyph, or to use modern terminology - a hiero-gif.
Ha ha, very funny. But where did it come from?
Where does anything come from?
But it just appeared.
And what about everything else? It too just appeared at some point.
Yes, precisely, at some point - a long time ago - but this hiero-gif appeared right here before my eyes.
And where else would you have it appear if it was intended for you?
But how? What's the mechanism?
How could you possibly understand if you, as yet, have no formal knowledge or experience of not-what, if you consider at present Nought to refer to emptiness and vacuum.
And what? You're saying it doesn't?
Not what. It does Not... 0=1
But that doesn't answer my question.
No, but it brings you one step closer to answering it for yourself.
It does? You could have fooled me.
Yes. But I didn't, don't and won't. Nought does not, thirdly.
There you go again, sowing confusion instead of bringing clarity. Sometimes I feel we're speaking completely different languages.
The same language but different systems of cognition.

Goddammit Merry - you've thirdlied me again. That's the third or fourth time and I still don't know what it means.
And that's because it does not, can not, will not mean - and yet it is...
I am - I suppose you were going to add.
:-) Ah, sweet it is to feel-see-know that you are...
I Am
coming home
the isness
of Be
where 0=1
it is I am
cuckoo la la
Cuckoo la la? Why so, Merry?
Why not?
Ah... you mean I have to follow the flow of question back upstream?
I do not mean, and yet, were I to do so, then yes, you'd be following the question back to source.
But not to mean... how is it so?
Curses and counter-curses.
You've said it in as many words. Notice how in 3d it's always either one or the other.
No it's not - there are many colours, many shades of grey...
True, and yet, dot dot dot - you lack the non-conceptual, non-sense structure for all that exists outside, above, or, beyond the immediate dichotomy of what and not.
We do?
And you don't?
I do Not.
Ah - you do not. How so? How do you do not?
How do I no-thing? With ease and grace, and, thirdly.
Thirdly? That's the mechanism?
That's what keeps dot dot dot a-round, and prevents it making sense, to a point.
Keeps God from turning it into what - for you then to not...
And thus it goes, and thus it is, and thus...
Dot dot dot
Not is what is nought if
I allow it, let go, and ][
Zie appears to be floating in a bubble shimmering all colours of the rainbow, expanding until it encompasses the entire universe, at the same time contracting till it's, equally, zero point and - everything ]['m feeling, everything ][ know, every thought, my very awareness of Self and this what ][ is reading - all merge... flow... stream
quantum-stream Dorothy
isness of Be
dream seem
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