Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Deus ex machina: sin no more

Give it a break Merry... No one cares about all this stuff... It doesn't interest them... Really... They're into other stuff - you know - entertainment.

Yes I know, Zie. That's fine. Really.

Then why do you bother?

Bother what?

You know - to write all this stuff.

What stuff?

All the stuff you've been writing.

Oh that! Oh - I see what you're getting at... Oh! No, that's not stuff.


No, it may look like stuff to the untrained eye. No, it's something quite different.

It is? You could have fooled me.

Not intentionally, I assure you.

Then what, if you don't mind me asking, is it all about?

About? It's not about anything. Why do you assume it's about something in particular.

Well, you have to have a reason for doing all this...

I do?

Yes. No one does things just like that, without a reason.

No, more's the pity. Very few do, except a few who do.

And you're one of those few are you?

I suppose I am. A merry band of non-doers, or no-thingers.

No-thingers? Any chance you can elucidate your cryptography?

Is there any need or point? If you care to know - then all you have to do is tune in. There's only one pre-requisite for tuning in...

Let me guess, er... 0=1.

Precisely, 0=1 which means that...

I have to accept that I already know what I'm trying to find out - and therefore allow myself to tune into a higher consciousness where the answer is not so much an answer, more a state of awareness.

Or conscious-awareness - to use the correct term.


So are you ready to tune in?

I suppose so. I'm always hoping you're just going to give me the answer. It's kind of addictive, being spoon fed, isn't it.

Well yes, given that was the basis of your educational experience through all the formative years. Old habits die hard, until you're ready to acknowledge them fully, with a degree of fascination.

Er... why fascination?

Well, once you realise how fascinating it is that you, a multi-dimensional repository of all that is - the codes of the entire universe, the keys of life and the seat of all learning and wisdom - should be convinced that something has a hold over you - that something can actually matter - mindboggling to say the least.

Don't you think you're slightly overstating it?

0=1. I don't think so.

So, if I start tuning in..?

Then the answer becomes the process and you're no longer fixed in a 3 dimensional mind box.

Why on Earth do you think I'm fixed in any box?

Well, you'd have to be if you thought an answer coming from a source outside yourself can make a blind bit of a difference.

But answers do.

Do what?


Precisely. They matter - but matter in itself does not.

Does not? What?

Paradoxically - matter. Matter does not matter. It cannot. It is a derivative of that which matters, but that which matters has no...

No what?

That's where we fall off the cliff of I-mind.

The what?

The proverbial clifftop of I-mind.

I don't remembering hearing a proverb about this I-mind.

No, you wouldn't remember - the proverbs all come in the future.

And you claim to know the future.

No, I don't claim it - but I can hardly help knowing it if I've been there and seen parts of it. One of these parts is the clear depiction of this I-mind, in contraposition to Mind itself - a function of the untrammelled conscious-awareness.

So, how's I-Mind different from the other Mind?

Not the other Mind! It's THE Mind. What you might call the quantum mind. It's the mind of what I-Mind perceives to be the Quantum stream.

And by that you mean our 3D perception is wrong?

No, it's fine. From down here THE Mind is indeed the quantum mind - but in truth it's nothing more than THE Mind, or to be more precise - MIND, without even the article "THE".

Er, Merry, aren't you taking this all a bit far - all this nit-picking and hair splitting: I-Mind, Q-Mind - I mean, who cares?

Who cares who cares? I'm just answering a question, or am I..? You'll never know as you'll always be one step behind Reality when operating from within 3D.

One step behind? I'm right up to date and completely in phase with all that's going on.

Yes, but 3D itself is derivative of that which is - a mathematical product recombining constituent parts - therefore forever catching up with Is.

Oh dear. It's all so...

Complicated? Not in the least. That's just what I-Mind thinks - because I-Mind's forever objecting.

Ha ha - was the pun intended?

No pun. That's the simple truth. I-Mind objects to everything and anything - what matters.

What matters...

Yep. I Mind - what matters - that's the correct equation describing the 3D mind's purpose or predicament. In order to stop objecting, to stop thing-ing you simply need to become aware of what is - however absurd it may seem, and it's bound to seem absurd. That, after all, is the definition of absurd.

Er... what is?

"That which prevents us from becoming aware of, seeing or knowing what truly is." In fact, it's a kind of computer programme, without which the entire "Matrix" of 3D reality would implode in an instant. Nothing could sustain it.

Whyever not?

Because it's riven with contradictions. No. More than that. It's created out of fundamentally irreconcilable what not.

It is?

Oh yes. That's the beauty of it. The I-mind:what-matters does everything possible and well-nigh impossible to square the circle - not only to avoid seeing that these contradictions are fundamental and existential, but also that they're necessary components of the very fabric of the 3D construct - the so called Matrix, which is not, in itself, natural or self-sustaining.

O...k. Er... any chance you can bring this conversation down to a more mundane level Merry.

Yes, sure thing. The verb to nothing.

What verb?

It doesn't exist in 3D does it - because it can't. It's not really allowed to as nothing-ing is necessarily excluded from the 3D matrix. This is, after all, a kind of machine, and machines can only be defined, recognised or valued in terms of what they do. But life, on the other hand...


Life has intrinsic value. Like money. It can just be there. It doesn't need to turn a wheel or spin cloth or make music. It is a repository of beauty, of truth, of magik, of value.

It is?


No you're not.

Precisely. The 3D mind has to object, does it not. I mind: what-matters does its merry dance, plays its trick on us, and our whole life flashes past in a single headlong flight in pursuit of our tail, or fleeing from our own shadow.

I think you're exaggerating Merry, but it's all very well you philosophising like this.

Nothing-ing like this... sublime.

But to what end? What's the point. No one's interested in what you have to say.

Naturally, because I have not-what to say.

Not-what? Could you stop speaking in riddles for a moment.

Not riddles - nothing-ings, not-what-ings.

Merry - I'm beginning to lose patience.

Zie, just chill - for one moment feel, sense and see the poetry, the madness, the incorrigible insouciance of Is.

Whatever's that's supposed to mean... Poetry! That's your problem. Who's interested in poetry. No one reads it.

They're not supposed to. They hear it as songs. It permeates all and everything. It is I am.

But you're not writing poetry people can sing.

Don't be so sure.

Go on then - surprise me.

They can hardly avoid reading my poems if I'm writing through the vacuum, the void, the shadow, the silence, the space, the isness of not-what, of no-thing, of 0=1.

Where's the... I give up.

Instead of me giving them books to read and words on paper, words on a screen - I play on the musical instrument of mind and out comes this jumbled garbage, the parphlaxysm of jargled bandage, and what?

Nothing of course. It disappears into the void. Why it ever bothered to emerge in the first place I'll never know.

Ah ha - you're close - so very close to the magical mangy truth.


Yes, it's so true you can almost eat it - in fact - in terms of the truth we humans are much alike moths, and the truth a garment we chew upon.

If you say so. But one more time...

Once more unto the breach, dear friends... No Zie - the mechanism of dissemination is outside the 3D matrix, so I-mind what-matters ain't gonna have any joy trying to understand it. It'll just create a wall of resistance, so peace, my friend, peace, and know that simple truth, the...

here we go - the oneness, the allness

the isness of Be. Feel it - if you will - if you're ready to fly - if you're ready to die in the arms of your true love, romantically - if you're ready to give yourself to the

sober suited matron all in black...and learn how to lose the winning match

play'd for a pair of stainless maidenhoods... Yes, Zie, don't you see how close Shakespeare comes to describing all this in terms of a simple love affair between two teenagers... and do you really think we care about Juliet or Romeo, these foolish adolescents? Have you never wondered why we're so obsessed with their tragedy?

Not really, no. It's just a nice, sad tale about star-crossed lovers.

Officially yes, because in the 3D matrix we have to talk in parables, we have to use the Aesopian double speak of Christ's parables, to get around the truth embargo.

The what did you call it?

The truth embargo - that prevents any of us from stating the simple truth - from stating that which simply is.

Like the emperor wearing no clothes.

Precisely. Only the child can get away with it, the fool or the poet who writes about unhappy love to conceal what he's really on about.

Which is?

Which Is - as opposed to what is.

Christ Merry - stop dodging the bullet like that.

There's no bullet to dodge. You know what I'm on about. You've been there. You've seen it. You're no different from me. You know the score. Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello - all of them are telling us something else - something so blatant - so obvious - we're gagging not to break oath.

Break oath? You mean we're doing this out of a sense of duty?

Yes, kind of - but it's no half-hearted sense of duty. It's the oath of office, the oath of incorporation we took on entering our body's flesh, which binds us to act in accordance with, to honour and uphold the greater body to which we all belong.

Which body? Society? Humanity? The Earth?

Reality... The fabric of reality that we co-weave together, master-spinners that we are.

Then if this oath is binding...

Which it is...

Then how come you're trying to break it.

Because 0=1, the worm has turned, day is shifting into night...

Don't you mean night into day?

Yes, I suppose I do really... and the oath taken to uphold reality, which for so long meant suppressing the truth about all which lies outside the 3D boxy-matrix thing, now requires that the proverbial beans be spilled, that the harvest be reaped, the grain and chaff separated and the actors come back on stage to greet their tumultuous audience, with a bow and a banana skin.

Oh dear... oh...

Oh indeed. So, the rule of nought is now...

It is? And what of it? Am I supposed to know the rule of nought?

Yes, know it you do, indeed. Instead of doing and thinging - attributes of the rule of one, now we're able to work magikly, mysteriously, multi-


Yes - how did you guess - through the vacuum-void-empty set as it appears to be - through the quantum stream, the isness...

the isness of Be

and here we are

and here I stand

or fall

knowing nought

knowing all

and every word is but a stepping stone across the infinite of meaning and sense

every word is but a single note in an endless symphony of soundfulness

the infinite silence of sin

Sin? Surely not sin?

Yes - but not the 3D version - but not completely


Beyond words, beyond the comprehension of I-mind what-matters. A clue - a hint - a snake snaking its way forwards by writhing, twisting left and right, shedding its skin... Images, words, sounds, all of them - and if instead of casting stones, or holding the word in abhorrence you detach from its meaning-sense - if you allow the isness to dance its dance - if you allow what is to be all that it be - then sin no more - you've finally opened the door.

Sin no more? Opened the door? Surely I  need to close it to keep sin out.

No, Sin only existed as long as the door was closed or half closed preventing the natural flow, the balance from equilibriating, equalising, is-ing that which otherwise fell into highly polarised, toxic, perverted states of their wholeness, their perfect nature - their isness.

So opening the door's gonna change all that? Isn't that a tad risky? Isn't that endangering all?

What else do you have to risk? The planet's finished. You've exhausted it - believe me - I work with her on a daily basis. She has nothing more to give. She can no longer contain your folly. She...

Ok - no need to rub it in. So we have to go and dance with the devil to redeem ourselves. Either damnation or material destruction.

What's with all the polarity. Stop playing the 3D I-mind: what matters drama. The game is up. Let the game begin. The king is dead - long live the king!

Er contradiction.

Yes. The little fake drama is at an end. Let the vast, magikal beyond belief and words drama of Is commence or recommence - let the head once again know its tail - which for so long it has desperately sought to a-void, and referred to as sin... Instead of putting your faith in systems, thinging and machines, I tell you nothing more than what you know - be whole again, and sin no more. Release the caged bird and watch the Is uncoil itself, in merry flight between heaven and earth.

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