Friday, March 14, 2014

In which g-nome portal's "I can fly" meetup group learns a lesson from Mahatma Gandhi

We've been practising levitation all morning in our best beloved g-nomers’ "why I can fly" meetup group. This came about directly as a result of yesterday's post in which Ezgebon the Nutty – and "Nutty" here refers to "essence of nut" as opposed to loopy – told us how the only thing keeping us from flight is I-minding/what matters. What he didn't tell us, but what we've since learned, is that there's one additional factor which he was strangely silent about.
"Why do you think that is?"
Why do I think he remained silent about Story? Perhaps because we needed to work it out for ourselves. There's nothing worse than overloading people with information.
"True, particularly if it's abstract information."
Yes, I think it's up to us really. If we're interested in changing reality we can do so. G-nome portal makes that eminently feasible. We just have to intend it, and make the effort by taking the first step. Story will meet us half way and take care of its side of the bargain.
"But how can Story do anything?"
It seems to be a kind of conscious force that enables us to shift narrative. 
"So why is it relevant to levitation?"
Because we've been locked in a story – a version of Story – in which we couldn't fly – and that version of Story has power over us – defining the boundaries of this reality until we choose to embrace Story and thus leap o'er them.
"And how, pray tell, does one "embrace Story" as you put it?"
By playing, by make believe, by treating this as an adventure in which anything is possible, in which only our wilful adherence to limitation made limitation a limiting factor. For there are and can be no limitations/ there is and can be no limitation, just as soon as we're willing to embrace Story, and stop hiding behind our version of Story that we call "objective reality" or worse still "the truth", as if that is something over and above the isness of Be.
"You're not going to say there's no such thing as objective reality? or that the truth doesn't exist? That would be absurd."
Correct. It would be, it is absurd which is a fair indication that it serves our purpose admirably, for only by embracing the "absurd" can we leap o'er the bounds of the rational mind's sanitary zone that we refer to as "objective" or 3D reality.
"But that would just be leaping into madness, into delusion."
Wrong – that would be leaping from madness and delusion which is where we are now. 
"But there's no guarantee you'd be leaping into something more sane or less mad."
Whoever talked about leaping into something "more sane" or "less mad"? We're planning to leap into Story which can be as absurd, as mad, as seemingly insane as it likes, just as long as it's for Real with a capital R, just as long as it adds up mathematically.
"But how can it? To add up mathematically it would have to be logical and rational."
To add up using your system of mathematics – you're right. But Story uses the mathematics of Is, the mathematics of Creation, of life itself – in which 0=1 and nothing else matters.
"Well if that's what you call mathematics then I see what you mean. Cuckoo la la."
Cuckoo la la.
"But I don't see any guarantee that you won't just be leaping out of the frying pan into the fire."
And what of it? If Story has no fixed points of reference – leaping into the fire I simply transmorph and now I'm a salamander, until I leap from the fire into the ocean, by which time I'm a fish...
"Well, it sounds fascinating, but how's that going to help us levitate? Are we going to have to practise self-immolation to make any headway? I think I'd rather not."
No, you're just going to have to face the limitations of your sanity, and your fear of what lies beyond – for as long as you're secretly terrified of being insane or going insane – that becomes the defining moment, the limiting factor in your quest.
"Oh... I rather thought gravity was the defining moment and material reality the limiting factor."
Which is precisely how I-mind/what matters is supposed to work. It always attaches importance to the immaterial – to matter itself – as opposed to that which is – your fear or your beliefs.
"Well surely matter is more material than beliefs or fear!"
Only within 3D material reality – but within 3D material reality you’re by definition unable to fly – so stop defining yourself in terms of 3D material reality! This is possible when you become aware that I-mind/what matters is the agent of 3D material reality embedded within your conscious-awareness. It isn’t the enemy as such – it simply assists you in being here as opposed to anywhere else in the vast continuum of consciousness by helping you think in a certain way. All is done in accordance with your own free will, and fear is the glue.
"So I just need to go out of my mind – doesn't sound too good does it? I mean, do we really want to risk damaging this mind beyond repair?"
Certainly not – which is why we never apply force. Cuckoo la la is child's play – passive non-violent reistance to the tyranny of 3D's I-mind/what matters. We apply Gandhi's methodology to the field of conscious-awareness and discover that the only safe and meaningful way to bring down the regime of limited awareness is by passive non-violent resistance. Passive resistance simply involves withdrawing my collaboration from a system of conscious-awareness that I can no longer condone – for I see it is based on fraud and deception; that it perpetuates an illusion that neither serves my happiness nor that of humanity as a whole.
"And you honestly believe you can apply Gandhi's methods to the vast, all encompassing field of conscious-awareness."
Yes, the universe is fractal, so what works at one level can always by applied at another with the same, or to similar effect. Cuckoo la la – there's no way that material reality can withstand a concerted, peaceful, loving form of passive resistance to its outdated model of tyranny over humanity. Cuckoo la la – we have nothing to fear for we are One with all that is, playing magically, knowing that nothing can prevent us from being free. Story itself guarantees that we cannot fail in our quest, just as long as we confront our base fears. The “dark side” could only exploit and control reality as long as we were afraid not only to confront our fears, but even to acknowledge they existed for fear that we would then be compelled to confront them. Well, there is nothing to fear but fear of fear to the nth degree, and as soon as we're willing to accept that every problem, limitation, obstacle and "evil" in 3D reality is no more than a derivative of fearn then we're ready to fly.
"But how can you say every evil is just the product of my fear to the nth degree."
Because I know that matter only matters as long as I'm afraid it might not. And this is my secret fear.
"Please explain."
If I'm secretly afraid that this is all an illusion, a dream, and that matter might not, in fact matter in the slightest,  or might not be real – that fear might drive me ever onwards into wilful blindness and collusion with the I-mind/what matters virtual reality machine. The moment I'm willing to confront my fears I realise that no thing has power over me, no thing can be fundamentally evil or limiting unless I choose to make it so, and that an unconscious choice born from fear is no less a freewill choice than a conscious one. The only thing I need do, and the only way to unmake that choice is to become aware of it – by confronting the dark shadow, the shadow of my fear. This I choose to do in the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi by passive non-violent resistance in which I choose no more to collude with the state of fear within me. I choose instead to allow Story to work its magic, and watch as the mountain comes skipping and dancing to Mohammed. 
"Er... that sounds improbable to say the least..."
Yes, as it should do, being highly improbably but no less True. Look, if you're ready to fly then all you need do is face your fear of flying – the fear that you should not, must not, cannot fly, for fear that doing so, you’d collapse the bubble of material reality. There is nothing to it... simply follow the path of “in sanity” as opposed to the insanity you are presently following. Be in sanity, and trust that Reality is not in fact the monster you secretly believe it to be. Trust that Is is in a way that the what not of matter never can be. Let it be. Let it be. Let it be.
“So practically speaking what must I do?”
Practically speaking there’s nothing you need do. You’re already flying, already able to fly – you’re simply as yet unaware of this. Should you wish to become aware how you presently fly in the greater Reality, beyond the what not of 3D objective reality, you simply need to allow your awareness to expand beyond the shadow of your fears. Nothing is required of this but laughter, games, and the childlike naughtiness of a Mahatma who chooses to base his actions on Reason as opposed to reason, on Reality as opposed to reality, and thus he acts accordingly, bringing down the evil empire with childlike glee.


  1. He thought he saw Objective Zone
    That made the Strongest Bond:
    He looked again and found it was
    His Fear of What's Beyond.
    “I'll passively resist”, he said,
    “I'm James – but not James Bond!”.

  2. love it :-) love pooks xx
