“Vital missing thread...” Chumba Wumba splutters. “What the...
[beep]. This Josh has an ego the size of Wembley Stadium. Besides which, what
happened to chapter 14? No respect for literary conventions...”
Now, the observant among you are intrigued no doubt by
Chumba’s reference to Wembley Stadium. Why would a troll from Zgobphug use a
London landmark as his indicator of massiveness?
Social commentators and historians have pored over this and
other cryptic and seemingly inexplicable remarks by the notable C. Wumba, but
beyond idle speculation have produced no satisfying explanations. My personal
belief is that Chumba...
Sadly, the above commentary by Theophilus I-be-Merry is
edited out by an over zealous archivist who has been trained and taught that
“personal beliefs” are purely subjective and of little or no merit. He’s right
of course, yet one suspects that Theophilus uses the term “personal belief”
more as a figure of speech. Surely his enormous intellectual stature precludes
anything but the highest levels of objectivity. “What a loss?” you
might understandably be thinking, but pause a moment if you would, for here in
g-nome portal nothing is ever truly lost or
found, created or destroyed. Remember the portal’s trademark logo that cannot be projected in 3D, but
has the double helix, the spinning wheel, the torus,
the zero point and the star tetrahedron all interweaving, all
![]() |
star tetrahedron |
![]() |
double helix |
![]() |
torus |
If you’re willing, suspend I-mind/what-matters protocols for a moment, then you can simply, effortlessly tune in... and here we are – here we are beloved reader – in the knowingness of is – where everything makes perfect sense regardless – where Chumba Wumba merely reflects one aspect of me, Theophilus another, and breath is a rainbow serpent that glides hypnotically through the inside-outness of your life, connecting every data point in a single stream of concious-awareness.
But, forgive me, I digress, and time presses heavily upon g-nome
portal’s relay transponder. Its signal fades to zero with every incremental
deviation from Story, so swiftly back to Josh who is...
People have been asking me “why beetles?”
Like all your many questions this one illustrates clearly the disingenuousness of the I-mind/what matters 3D mind machine.
I say “mind machine” quite intentionally because that’s what
it is. No, I’m not saying you’re a machine – but the I-mind/what-matters is technically, a biological machine, which like any computer has its limitations. One
limitation is its inability to accept any knowledge or information that falls outside its protocols. Thus, supposing you have access at an
intuitive level to information about beetles, as you do, unless this
information is available in a format 3D mind is able to process, it is overlooked,
ignored, discarded. Sadly this excludes almost all information that is absolute. I-mind can only process "what matters" so, paradoxically, the 3D mind, although
operating within a living biological entity, is unable to understand and
perceive life itself – only matter, thing, digits, by comparing one thing with another. It’s like a jpeg image or an
MP3 music file – which may look or sound real enough but which are, when
examined closely, merely a series of dots or bytes. This version of mind, alas,
is simply incapable (not for want of trying) of making the conceptual leap from
itness to isness. And thus, with no disrespect, we acknowledge its limitations
and move on to the Mind that can.
“Can what?”
Can anything – no matter what.
“And is there really such a Mind? Does it exist?”
Actually, it has to exist – otherwise you simply couldn’t Be.
“Be what?”
Not what... just Be.
Confusing, is it not? And so, "beetle" – let me guide you in
through shape and form, and invite you to feel the essence of beetle, feeling it at
the deepest, simplest cellular level – right here in your vast spiralling
stairway field of DNA, right here at the pulsing, breathing heart of the
quantum Mind.
“Eureka! I’ve got it!” The google interactive map lights up
as readers across the globe suddenly, inexplicably, magically “get it”. Each
one a star in the hitherto dark firmament of knowingness.
Yes – dear readers – truly, this is what makes my job
worthwhile – seeing how you’re able to rediscover what has been buried beneath
a pile of books, theories, and ever-so-complicated what-not.
Welcome back to knowingness – where beetle is of course, the
chosen and preferred vehicle of 3D system development and maintenance. What may
appear to be no more than an insect of dubious value, turns out to be,
trans-dimensionally speaking, the ideal tool, mechanism, biological form for
getting into the nooks and crannies of the 3D reality platform that is now frequently referred to as “the Matrix”.
“But, but, a beetle has no intelligence.”
Neither do you dear reader... or rather, you do. Genetically
speaking, however, there’s precious little difference between you and a potato.
The problem is in the 3D mind, which necessarily insists on seeing itself as
the highest form of intelligence in the so called Universe. Hum... there’s no
point fighting this pit bull mind machine – it’s tenacious and won’t let go.
Let it be your choice – to suspend for a moment your disbelief and allow me to
tell you story, which matters not whether it be true or false. That way the
mind can switch off, and you can use your heart-mind instead, to discern
whether this story resonates – whether it feels right.
Intelligence you see, is not in the mind of the observer.
The brain is small. It has only so much processing power – and yet we have
access to limitless knowledge and, at the quantum level, we can utilise the
entire processing power of the universe if needs be. It’s rather like a
desktop computer – it has a processor and a memory, but the real power of the computer lies beyond – in the
internet. Well, the mind has always had access to the cosmic internet which we
may as well refer to as Mind with a capital M. If you don’t like that name or
find it confusing – call it something else – Consciousness or Cosmic awareness
or Jiminy Fliminy.
“Ok – so the beetle’s mind isn’t going to be a limiting
factor, but that doesn’t explain why it should be beetle rather than human or
cat or microbe.”
True. It’s scalar. Scale or size matters – to a certain
extent. You want to use the right size paintbrush, hammer, screwdriver for
whatever task you have in hand. You can, technically, get away with using the
wrong size – but it’s more convenient to use the one that fits. Well, the
beetle just happens to be the right size – the size that gets into the nooks
and crannies, the logic gates and code clusters of the 3D platform.
“But how – reality doesn’t have a service interface. I don’t
see any of these things.”
No, you don’t because you’re operating at a different scale.
You’re able to influence the Matrix in another way – for example, by meditating, you can tune in and get behind
the sight screens of reality to start remodelling or reprogramming it.
“The sight screens? What on earth...”
Well, naturally, in your right mind you only see reality as
an all encompassing picture – without breaks or cuts in the fabric of space and time. You’re like
the TV audience who, unlike the studio audience, don’t see the cameras and
lights that are hidden from sight – but you know they’re there. So, access
points abound – you don’t need to know where they are – start meditating and
you can tune in and alter, shift, redesign reality. You already do it all the
time. Even without meditating – positive thinking and affirmations can shift it
one way, negative thoughts, fear, worrying – the other.
“Ok, ok, but still that doesn’t answer the question why
beetles? Are you saying they can see what we can’t?”
Well obviously! Their eyes are completely different from
ours, and when they’re flying around, backwards and forwards seemingly
aimlessly, they are performing highly mathematical sequences that can alter the
weather in Australia, the movement of continental plates in North America, the
stock market in Peru, the traffic signals in Bali... there’s really no limit.
“But why? To what end?”
Well obviously not for the sake of manipulation. Every
species has that which they answer for, what they are responsible for, it just
so happens that beetles are responsible for 3D’s reality platform – the Matrix.
“Next you’re gonna tell me the group the Beetles had a part
to play in this...”
Yes, but they spelt it differently to create a slither of
ambiguity, but obviously the Beatles were working extensively with g-nome and a
whole team of beetle operatives.
“For what?”
In order to re-activate, re-energise, remodel areas of the
Matrix that had grown stagnant – which were outdated, redundant. The Beatles
injected new awareness, new ideas, and at a level of sound frequency did
exactly what our operatives do when beetling.
Beetling – don’t worry – it’s a combination of flight,
buzz and of course pure mathematics. That’s how the reprogramming is done. It makes perfect sense once you’re operating your own beetle as Josh
now is.
I’m just getting to that. I asked you to step aside from
your dear, faithful 3D mind machine; for a moment to suspend your disbelief.
Obviously, up top, in your reality, there’s no way you could climb into a
beetle physically, even if you wanted to, but at g-nome portal we’re operating
at the sub-cellular and sub-atomic levels – so it’s a completely different ballgame.
Every conscious life form has certain switches, tags, connection ports – which
enable you to connect up. It’s like linking your mobile phone, or camera to
the computer...
“Yes, but these are machines – not living biological
Correct, but when you get down to the sub-cellular and
sub-atomic levels, once you’re ready and able to tune into the quantum stream
of consciousness, the neat distinction between biological and non-biological,
between conscious and not, breaks down. We find ourselves in a continuum of
superstates where all is interconnected, intermingled, entangled and,
ultimately ONE.
“So what exactly does Josh do? How does he get into beetle?”
I’m trying to explain, dearest reader... A deep breath
please. Ground yourself. Come into a place of peace, acceptance, oneness. Know
that you are One with all that is – no matter what, where, when, how or why.
You, the reader, now find yourself floating in this
beautiful, calm state of oneness.
“Ah, I see.”
I thought you would.
“It’s... so simple really.”
Yes, isn’t it just.
“So Josh leaps within.”
Precisely. This is the one thing you have problems doing up
top in 3D surface reality. You’re good at projecting, moving out and forwards,
but pretty hopeless at leaping into the space within.
“And the space within is no less than the other Space that’s
outside our bodies?”
Correct. No different whatsoever. So, in reconnecting with
g-nome portal, Josh, like Roger, Gill and all our operatives, is able to turn
around – to shift the eye’s gaze – to leap backwards, so to speak, into...
“Yes, into what?”
Into whatever it might be. In this case a shiny electric
blue beetle that’s waiting there in the Beetle Mews.
“Mews – what an odd name. Isn’t that taking things a bit far?”
Not at all... our beetles are treated with the same love and
respect you would treat your best horses. The beetle-gnome relationship is
built on mutual respect and trust with no hint of superiority.”
“Hang on... you said gnome? So the rider is a gnome?”
Not exactly – not in the sense of “gnomiki”, but we traditionally
call the rider “gnome” as this is something that was set up by the gnomiki,
based on their higher functions and skills. To a large extent we are their
assistants – performing more mundane manual tasks, maintaining and upgrading
the Matrix. There are a few among us who have risen even higher – who have some
natural mathematical or artistic ability which enables them to engage in design
and modelling – but they’re the exception rather than the rule.”
“So where’s Josh now?”
Where we left him – don’t you see?
Suddenly you, the reader, find yourself sitting in a dingy
apartment in Manhattan’s lower East side. Master Wu instructs you to open your
eyes, and for a moment you, the reader, think to yourself “how bizarre, my eyes
are already open!” but then find yourself opening another set of eyes which
seem to reveal a whole new picture – as if a dream, but most certainly real –
the sensory awareness is so intense and complete.
“I see...” and you see Josh, standing in the Beetle Mews
opposite his charge, making some perfectly co-ordinated movements: arms, legs,
eyes, body, breath – you would start asking “how is that possible” were you not
able to see his toroidal field – an energy field around his body which is now
synchronising with that of the beetle opposite. Every movement he makes is
determined by the pulsing toroidal field of energy, which bring the two into
perfect conscious alignment, and then, this is where seeing is believing without
a shadow of doubt – at the precise moment when Josh and the beetle reach
synchronicity, he allows himself to jump once again from the clifftop. It’s
already programmed in. Josh elsewhere in space and time leaps into the void and
once again his body is seen to dematerialise – this time without even the need
for a physical precipice. It all happens at a quantum level as Josh leaps into
the zero point, and as our eyes adjust to his sudden disappearance – we already
sense his presence in beetle.
“But what does it look like to Josh?”
Why don’t you ask him yourself?
“Can I? Er... Josh, can you hear me...” you continue
hesitantly, not sure if you’re talking to yourself or not, “how does it look
being inside the beetle?”
Not a sound – but you hear a clear reply – direct thought
transmission – amazing...
“It’s completely normal. It’s like being in a car or a plane
– where you know all the controls instinctively because you’re in direct
communication with the vehicle. My conscious-awareness creates a virtual space –
so I appear to be sitting in a kind of ergonomically designed pilot’s cockpit with
everything I need at hand – even a coffee machine and fridge. Actually, Megan –
that’s her name – tells me I can fuse even deeper, allowing my
conscious-awareness to flow into hers – in which case I’ll be able to fly and
operate “as if” – effectively becoming beetle myself. Obviously, this is on the
premise that I’m in complete conscious harmony with her – which I believe I
Josh doesn’t seem at all phased by communicating with you, the
reader, directly. It seems to be natural in g-nome portal to connect with
whoever or whatever – as long as you’re holding the same universal frequency
0=1... as long as we’re on the same wavelength.
“See you guys... I’ve got work to do. Gill’s waiting for
me...” and Josh flies off as if he’s been doing this all his life.
He thought he saw the Oneness Land
ReplyDeleteThat looked like one big “Ahhh...”:
He looked again and found it was
A Beetle saying “Ta”.
“'Cos all you need is love”, he said,
“And Ob-la-di-bla-da”.