“Oh, do you have to?” – Joan pulls
a face.
No, of course not – but I thought
it would be fun.
“Come on Pi, you know that’s not
true. Whoever heard of people enjoying the contemplation of death... well,
normal people, that is.”
That’s just it – Joan. By your
definition “normal people” are those who wouldn’t or couldn’t enjoy anything as
rigorous as contemplating death – they’d much rather chat about stuff. That’s
what makes them “normal”.”
“And by your definition Pi, normal
people like thinking about death and dying? Come on – where are you living?
Death sucks. It’s just inevitable. That’s all there is to say about it.”
Yes. It’s inevitable, unless you
take the trouble to balance the equation before time runs out.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Just that. We almost invariably
put off balancing the equation, and so it’s normally done for us at death. System
reset. Reload. Reboot. Finnegan beginnagin...
“Finnegan beginnagin – what on
You know, the song Michael
Finnegan. Have a look at it if you like:
Like all these children’s tales it contains immeasurable depths if you pause a moment and sense the simple truth therein.
Like all these children’s tales it contains immeasurable depths if you pause a moment and sense the simple truth therein.
“More nonsense I expect.”
Yes, Joan – this is the trouble
trying to explain something absurdly simple. You’ve been trained to look for
complexity, and it’s hard to accept that life has to be ridiculously simple.
“But why?”
Because otherwise it couldn’t contain
the infinite. Complexity only works up to a point. If you want to have multiple
dimensions, multiple parallel realities interacting or co-existing, things have
to be simple beyond words, beyond belief, otherwise it all crashes to a halt.
“But I don’t want to have multiple
dimensions or realities. I have quite enough trouble with three dimensions, and I can’t for
the life of me see how it’s going to get any better introducing more of the
Good point.
“Oh finally, you concede I’ve made
a good point.”
Yes, up to a point.
“Er... that’s sounding dangerously
close to dot3 – good point up to a point, full stop.”
Well yes, we require reference
points otherwise nothing makes sense, full stop!
“Not true – things do make sense in reality. You know – this amazing 3D objective, material reality thing that you so despise and
constantly belittle.”
Oh no, that wasn’t my intention –
I’d be sorry if that’s what I’ve been doing.
“You would?”
Yes, because 3D reality is awesome
– it does a great job taking us through the I-mind/what matters inversion.
“The what?”
Well, inversion of course. We have
everything back to front. The cart before the horse, the chicken before the egg
– no forget that last one...
“Why, does it mess up your
No – it’s just the chicken and the
egg are two sides of a single loop – like a mobius strip so that isn't really inversion, is it?
“Look, Pi, could you come down to
earth for a second please? I’m all for deep truth and fundamental knowledge, just as long as it doesn’t have to fry my brains to get there.”
Oh – sorry about that Joan. You
have to admit that it is rather interesting watching the mobius strip and
thinking about what is up and what is down, and whether our reality is similar.
“Well, if you want me to be
polite, then yes, it’s interesting, but I thought you wanted to talk about
death – that’s looking much more interesting all of a sudden.”
Oh – I think we’ve dealt with it
already, haven’t we?
“We have? In which point of the
conversation did we – er...”
Well, in multiple points.
Inversion, for a starter.
“Yes, well you haven’t really
defined inversion so I’m none the wiser.”
There’s really nothing to it. This
reality mathematically cannot make sense because it appears to be formed from
nothing and heading back into nothing, when all we are aware of here are bits
of matter. As far as we’re concerned these bits of matter are most definitely “something”
and so are we – though we’d never refer to ourselves as “bits of matter” would
“No, I don’t suppose we would. It
doesn’t sound very flattering, does it?”
Not in the least. So if it makes
no sense, and if it doesn’t add up mathematically, instead of trying to chase
the escaping wave, or the dog’s proverbial tail, let us instead alter our
“Can we do that? Isn’t that a bit
like cheating?”
Not at all. It’s entirely up to us
what assumptions we choose to make. Now the assumptions we’ve been making up
till now are 3D I-mind/what matters assumptions, in which things have to add
“That’s it?”
Yep. Kind of ridiculously simple
innit – when you think about it.
“Well actually Pi I’m doing my
best not to think about it. I’m frightened “it” might grab me, pull me down to
unfathomable depths and not let go till I’m long past caring.”
Ha ha – good joke!
“Why does he think I’m joking?”
So, instead of assuming things
have to add up – we accept there’s no way they possibly can.
“We do? Is there any particular
reason why?”
Yes, of course. Because we lack
beginning and end – our system is not in fact closed – however hard we try to
pretend it is.
Well, if the system is not in fact
closed, but like a mobius strip, or an
endless Mandelbrot fractal, leading ever further into the infinite – then there’s
no way any two points can in fact add up – because the “what” of our reality is
not in fact determined or fixed.
“And what of it?”
Well, it means that like a
kaleidoscope – you think you’re counting pink fish, but the next moment you
find that you’re not.
“...not what? Not counting pink fish,
or not in existence?”
[Groan...] “Not that again. Remind
me what the letters stand for – then again, don’t bother – you’ll only confuse
Too late – I have to take your
first command at face value J
Either – neither – both...
“So it could be one or t’other, or
neither of ‘em, or both – and we can’t be any more specific without violating
some mathematical postulate? Is that what you mean?”
Kind of... I think that’s a pretty
good summation, but let me give you one more piece of the jigsaw puzzle.
“Do you have to?”
No, not if you don’t want me to.
[A moment’s silence] “... oh go on
then. What have I got to lose? I’ve already lost most of my marbles talking to
Ah... well, as I said – it has to
be mindbogglingly simple of nothing could work – so we’re forever overlooking
the blindingly obvious in our all too natural bias towards matter, and complexity.
“So you keep saying. To be honest,
if you want to avoid complexity I think you’d better stick to bus timetables
or Chinese takeaway menus.”
Yes, but this being a fractal
universe means I can find the same in any sphere, in any thing – there’s no
escaping the simple truth – it stares you in the face wherever you go, whatever
you do.
“It does? I think you need help.
You must be suffering greatly.”
On the contrary Joan, I’m lovin it, because it’s all coming together and making perfect sense, all of a sudden.
For example, the scientist talks about 3 spatial dimensions but ignores the
fact that there must be correspondingly 3 mental dimensions – like 3 planes of
mind that create the mind space in which I-mind/what matters is able to observe
and operate.
“But that’s bizarre. Whoever said
that the mind needs 3 dimensions? I mean – we can see space has 3 – but why
should the mind.”
Well, otherwise your mental
images, mind projections fall flat, become linear, fail to deal with the
fundamental issues, cannot square the circle, cannot factor life into the equation
of matter, and so on, so forth ad infinitum.
Otherwise we’d be completely divorced
from/ different from what we’re observing – which is impossible. The observer is
always mysteriously a part of what he/ she is observing – and that doesn’t make
sense if mind is non-dimensional whereas what mind is observing is.
“It doesn’t?”
No, for how would mind be able to
recognise and observe dimensions were it not for the fact that they were intrinsic
to mind itself – that mind is constantly projecting and reading and entering
into entangled oneness with what is being observed, and constantly maintaining
another point of absolute aloofness.
“So how many dimensions is that?
Aloofness of the I-don’t give a damn observer, the normal state of observing and
minding – being emotionally involved, and the third position... what would that
What not, of course.
[GROAN] “Stop it please, your what
not butts into every conversation and means nothing to me. It’s too vague.
Change it for something else please.”
That, dear Joan, is precisely what
it’s supposed to be – way – way too vague. So vague that you lose all sense of
me in it, and flip over into itness or thing.
“Go on then... what’s the itness
of thing you’re referring to?”
Simply you are what you’re
observing. Have to be. Couldn’t be otherwise. That’s that third dimension, if you
like, the reversed one in which object
and subject – observer and observed switch places, within the heart beat of conscious-awareness,
only to switch back before the relationship becomes too incestuous – before it
“Spawns what... Oh not again...?”
[Smiling innocently]
“It’s one of those dot dot dot
moments isn’t it?”
Nearly – you see – if you stayed
too long in what not – more than a single pulse of conscious-awareness, one
loop of the mobius strip, you’d forget where you were coming from and you just
become what you were observing – so you’d spawn yourself if you like, or if you
find that unappealing or confusing – let’s just leave it purposefully,
scientifically vague. Three dots will suffice.
“But you can’t be scientifically
vague. That’s a contradiction in terms.”
Yes, and that’s the beauty of the
3D mind – it can have its cake and eat it – otherwise we’d never have bumped
into paradox nor the chicken and egg conundrum, nor the yearnings of the soul
which seem to completely undigitise whatever the mind likes to calculate.
“Ok – let me get this straight.
You’re telling me you can basically do whatever you like because it all boils
down to ENB?”
Yes – as long as
“As long as what?”
Well, you see, if I allow myself
to do anything, but disconnect from what is – then whatever I’m doing becomes
“You don’t say? I think you’re
beginning to make sense to me now.”
Whereas if I play around and go beyond
the limits of I-mind/what matters, I can make more sense of things by turning everything
upside down and putting the cart before the horse, so to speak.
“But why?”
Because that way I’m engaging my
mind and reality on equal terms, instead of assuming that mind is God.
“Excuse me? What was that?”
It’s a bit of a secret really – I’m
not sure I wanted to let it slip out like that.”
“Too late – carry on – I want to
hear you incriminate yourself for once and for all.”
I have a right to silence you
“Yes, you do.”
But since you asked, let me
“Just promise me you’re not going
to start preaching that we’re all God. I’ve heard that all before and it’s
never really made the slightest bit of difference when I’m withdrawing money
from the atm and insufficient funds flash up on screen.”
Ha ha – good one.
“Sensitivity, Pi, is not your
forte, is it?”
No, but if you’re short of a bob
or two, why don’t you give me a call. I’ve got plenty you know.
“I do not like borrowing from
You mean from friends – don’t you?
“I’m not sure I’d go that far...
Pi. But no, you understand, it always gets in the way of friendship.”
Not in my case.
“Whyever not?”
Because I just take the money
without needing a bank account.
“Oh pull the other one. You’re not
made of money, I know that, and you’re way to square to rob a bank.”
I could be a hacker?
“Look, you’re not. I know you Pi.
You’re making this up.”
Actually I’m not, Joan, but you’re
right, I’m not a hacker as such – not in the computer sense, but I am able to
hack the matrix – or reality.
“You are? How?”
Well that’s what we’ve been
discussing, innit?
“Er... I’m not too sure really.
What are we discussing anyway?”
I mentioned that mind is God – and
you freaked out.
“Yeah, well I’ve heard enough of all
that stuff. I want reality – practical down to earth, boots on the soil kind of
Which is why we’re discussing
death. Nothing more down to earth than life cycles.
“Ok Pi, let’s give death a miss
for the moment. I’m curious, though, what did you mean about the mind being
Well, the way we normally operate
in this I-mind/what matters is to assume the God perspective.
“We do?”
Yep... Now don’t get me wrong. It
doesn’t mean we are God as such – but our mind assumes it’s inviolable, even if
we’re not.
“That sounds kind of dumb really.”
Amazingly dumb. It’ s the mind’s
blindspot. It likes to operate with complete impunity, complete freedom,
complete abstraction, so it simply assumed it’s as it were God.”
And that’s it really. God can get
away with murder. God doesn’t have to answer for anything. God is over and
above any system and so can veto whatever it is with a simple “not”. That’s
what the mind does. It “nots” whatever it doesn’t like, instead of engaging and
realising that what it doesn’t like is merely reflecting what I truly am...
that I’d be better served by engaging the isness rather than notting it.
“So operating from the I’m
basically God position does just that?”
Yes... it kind of ties us in
knots... and in such a way we have created the mindscape of “what not” – a virtual
reality that is a wonderland for Consciousness to come and play in.

“You’re kidding. You mean we’ve
been generating a game land for Consciousness?”
Kind of – but ENB tends to apply
here as always. Frustrating innit? We always like to get definite, but doing so
means we’ve simply taken another snapshot of reality and boldly declared “this
is it” – which it was a moment ago, but is no longer.
“Things change – you mean.”
Precisely. The definition is
always a “was” as opposed to an “is”.
“So what’s the alternative to
being tinpot “I’m the king of the castle you’re the dirty rascal” God.”
There is no alternative. We cannot
help being what I am, unless we become aware of what not.
“No, I don’t want to go down that
avenue again. Every time you mention “what not” it makes me feel...”
Release it Joan. Dear Joan. Beautiful
Joan. Be happy, soft and free. Release the pain, release the anger, release the
Dearest Joan – know that you are
light, and you are truly love...
Breathe, dear Joan, allow yourself
to feel the simple flow, the breath...
Breathe and know that you are one
and all that is...
Breathe and know that you are One
and all that is...
Breathe, and know, that you are
One, and all that is...
“Your words make no sense.”
None at all. But breathe and feel
your oneness with all that is – with all that you sense, and all that you
perceive. Breathe softly, gently, breathe and know the simple truth.
“The simple truth – you’re going
to tell me what it is?”
You already know. You’ve always
known. Just as soon as you’re ready to feel the magical mystery, the life that
flows through everyone and everything. One – it is – I am.
“And that’s it?”
One... it is – I am. The mobius
strip of existence. The 3 dimensions of Is.
“The what? You’re kidding...”
The oneness, the allness, the
isness. Words, merely words, and yet dot dot dot, they have the power to lift us into that which is – that I Be.
He thought he saw his Mind - so Cross
ReplyDeleteAt pointing out its proper line:
He looked again and found it was
The Mobius Sublime.
“Good point”, he said.-“It won't add up...
Unless you cross the line!”.