“So that’s
“What do you
mean that’s it? You can’t just end there.”
“You know the
rules Magellan – I end exactly where the thread breaks. Period.”
“But our
team’s working on it – we’re gonna fix the thread and you can continue.”
“But we can’t
just leave story hanging in the air like that – what on Earth are you thinking
of? There’ll be a public outcry.”
undoubtedly – but that, presumably, is what Story itself wants.”
“Story doesn’t
want anything of the sort. Story wants resolution.”
“No, that’s
what we thought. That’s what we were told – but...”
“But what?”
Petra lapses
into silence – then quietly utters the unthinkable, with neither fear nor
animosity: “dot dot dot”.
Turning white
as a sheet, Magellan looks at Petra with blank incredulity. It cannot be –
surely she hadn’t said it – “surely I dreamt it” – Magellan thinks to himself,
desperately clutching at straws.
“You heard me
right,” Petra continues, “I have no choice but to invoke dot3.”
“You can’t,”
Magellan hisses. “You don’t know what you’re doing, you’re mad. Stop it right
now, before it’s too late.”
“Too late?
Don’t make me laugh. If you think you can prevent the tide of Story breaking
over humanity you’re sadly mistaken, Magellan. I have seen her.”
“You can’t
have. It’s not possible.”
“I have seen
her. I have spoken to Dorothy. The time has come. Story is being released in
all its power and glory. I invoke dot3 – and not a moment too
“Then it is
done. I dare not stand in your way. Be it so.”
“Be it so.”
Petra and
Magellan sign the minutes of the meeting and leave the inner sanctum of g-nome
portal – the Story Strategy Council, knowing that nothing will ever be the same
You might
shrug and assume this is just hyperbole – that nothing is ever, in fact, the
same again, but there you would be completely mistaken. You see, as long as the
Story Strategy Council has been devising story endings for the last few thousand
years or more, they have succeeded in ensuring that really nothing changes in
our 3D reality. Oh, we may have had technological breakthroughs, changes
of government, minor improvements in our standard of living, but all in all,
with the same basic story template we’re not going anywhere. And I’m not
referring to whether a story has a happy or sad ending – because neither makes
a great difference when all is said and done. No, I’m referring to its imprint
– how it stamps and seals reality with its weightiness, for story has become
matter of fiction rather than stuff of dreams.
To what end –
you might ask, and that is truly the mother of all questions, but not the kind
of thing I’m at liberty to discuss with all and any. But trust me, best beloved
g-nomers, as soon as you allow yourself to feel what I’m
talking about, as opposed to thinking it, you yourself can tune in, can extract
whatever it is you require – the essential essence or isness; nought that
There are
some, of course, who consider the Story Strategy Council an abomination – that
it should never have been set up in the first place. After all, Story is
paramount. If humanity is to grow and flourish, it needs must have access to
the unvarnished truth – which only raw, unedited Story has to offer as opposed
to the storification which is currently being peddled. Presumably, however, this
not being so indicates that Story itself has chosen to play this trick upon
humanity – in which case – what can we say? We cannot argue with the Source of
all sense and meaning – all truth. That would be... [dot dot dot]
Yes dear
reader. So let us go on a journey into sense and meaning and ascertain what
is... [dot dot dot]
“What is
what?” one is tempted to ask, but we’ve already gone down that road and have
seen it is futile – that it only leads back into I-mind/what matters. No, that
mind is unable to serve us on this quest, and so we allow ourselves to accept
the three dots – unimaginatively known as dot3.
“But what does
that achieve?”
Ah – do you
really believe there is something that needs to be “achieved”. Trust for a
moment the isness – that everything perfectly Is – despite what seems to be, despite
that which I-mind/what matters would have us think or believe.
“So you want
me to just trust blindly that everything’s ok?”
Not in the
least. I want you to trust that nothing can be ok as long as we’re constantly
engaged in engineering fake endings, fake solutions, none of which come close
to the simple truth, the purity, the grace, the beauteous essence of that which
simply Is. Period.
“Still it
sounds like you’re asking me to take it on trust – to stop thinking, to stop
looking for solutions...”
To stop trying
to improve on Story. Trust me – it cannot be done. Story is always one step
ahead, always able to create whatever needs to be created at exactly the right
moment, in just the right way.
“But it’s only
Story. What’s Story to people living in the real world, with real problems,
real concerns?”
What’s Story?
Well, let’s look at your world for a minute – let’s look at the state it’s in.
Here at g-nome
portal it’s astonishingly easy to scan any Matrix, any reality, so that’s
precisely what we now do. Much in the same way a hacker can look into your computer
and see how it’s working, we run a systems analysis of the whole of Earth based
3D reality in about 7.4 seconds. Admittedly, point four is probably giving you
more information than required, but that’s the figure that pops up on the
screen when it’s complete – so I’m just passing on what I can see.
Ouch! That
looks pretty bad. Wars, famine, abuse in every shape and form imaginable, a
massive division between rich and poor, environmental, ecological degradation,
and the list goes on for half an hour. All in all, a near complete disconnect
between Seem and Is.
“That’s what I
don’t get...”
No, it’s
hardly surprising. The system has been set up flawlessly so it’s almost
ungettable. You’re supposed to assume it’s business as normal – that Earth
based reality is functioning the only way it can – which is true, up to a
Well, reality
cannot function better than the hardware or software it’s using. Nor can it
function better than the Story version it’s running.
“What... you mean that Story’s a kind of computer
More, much
more than a programme.
“Then what?”
Oh dear, every
time we come back to the same old “what”. Not what – anything but what. What
has been inserted into Story to ensure that Earth based reality runs itself
into the brickwall of its own internal contradictions – its own creation.
“But why?”
To be honest
“why” is no better than “what”. All of these question words are much of a much.
“Look, I can’t
help using words – so if you can’t handle me asking questions then I’ll
nowhere to go to, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. It’s over. Believe me. Why
do you think the Matrix closed down for 1,300 years when Josh collapsed it?
“Whyever not –
if he was stupid enough to collapse it what can you expect?”
If it were
healthy and strong, if it were resilient it would have gone down for a few
nanoseconds, two or three seconds at most, a minute at the furthest stretch of
the wildest imagination, but never 1,300 years.
“Well how am I
supposed to know? You’re the one with privileged access to all the information
– why don’t you tell me?”
To be honest,
I know no more than you do – and if you find that hard to believe let’s run a
scan right now to prove it.
“Ok... Look, how can I be sure that this
scan’s telling the truth? Maybe your machines are just giving you the
information you want to hear.”
If that were
so, the Earth would long since have collapsed under the weight of its own
internal contradictions. You see, it’s been haemorrhaging for millennia –
though it’s accelerating now as we enter the event horizon. These “machines”,
as you call them are what enable g-nome operatives to perform emergency repairs
that have kept the ship afloat just long enough to make it to the next
commercial break, at which point reality is shut down for several years and we
give it a thorough overhaul. If you can’t rely on the analysis that’s the only
thing keeping the patient alive for many years now, then why don’t you switch
off the artificial respirator and walk out of the emergency ward you’re
currently residing in?
“Ok, ok – no
need to be belligerent. Look – if you say I have access to the same information
as you do – then what do you expect me to say – I’m basically in the dark. I
can see everything you’re saying about the world I live in is true – the
pollution, the decay, the corruption – but I can’t for the life of me see how
the catastrophe can be averted, nor can I tell why the Matrix is coming apart
at the seams right now.”
Coming apart
at the what?
“Coming apart
at the seams. It’s not like the problems are localised to one area – they’re
everywhere. Reality’s like a garment that’s now coming apart at the seams.
Patching it ain’t going to help.”
Amazing. I
knew you could do it.
“Do what? ...I
haven’t done anything.”
But don’t you
see – “coming apart at the seems” – it was your precise expression.
“No, you spelt
that wrong – I said coming apart at the seams, ea, not seems, ee.”
But don’t you
see – these words sound the same because at a deeper level they are just that.
Now, please don’t allow yourself to think about this – I guarantee I-mind/what
matters will mock it and block it – in the same way it mocks and blocks
anything that’s fundamentally true.
“It does?”
It has to –
otherwise it would make itself redundant. It only has a job as long as you’re
stuck in the version of reality where “I mind” and “what matters”. As soon as
you revert to Is, to your natural state – it’s out of a job – it reverts back
to being a simple logic gate. Quite a loss of status, wouldn’t you say?
“What – the
great human mind that has given us nuclear bombs and wireless internet would
revert to being a simple logic gate? You’re telling me.”
Actually, the
3D mind did not give you nuclear bombs or wireless internet – all great
inventions came through the unconscious connection to the universal Mind – they
were downloaded by scientists and inventors in their sleep or in flashes of
inspiration, in the same way the works of Shakespeare, Beethoven and all the
great artists came from the so called Muse – not the localised mind.
“Ok, point
taken. So, what’s the big issue you were making about coming apart at the
seams? I don’t quite follow.”
Well, this
current reality is a garment which has been worn as long as is physically
possible. It’s been stitched and patched countless times. In a sense, we the
gnomiki at g-nome portal are equally culpable in all this.
“You are?”
Yes – we felt
honour bound to do our best to maintain and preserve it – and it has been our
great act of love and service, as well as creative endeavour to make this reality
as real as was humanly possible.
“You what...?”
We tried to
make it flawless – so you our dear human beings, could have the ultimate
reality experience, despite that the fact that it isn’t, technically, real.
To say it was
anything but a Herculean labour would be an understatement – you see the 3D
mind that rose to predominance – the I-mind/what matters, has done everything
in its power to render this reality inoperative.
“How so? We’ve
just been living as normal people live – trying to make the most of things.”
Yes, so
there’s no blame involved, but if you’d been able to pause for one moment and
scan the contradictions inherent to your way of being – you’d see that they
constantly threatened to puncture, to tear, to shred the fabric of reality
which is not, in fact, of limitless strength.
“I can’t for
the life of me see what you’re getting at.”
Well, there’s
this relationship between Seem and Is.
“Seem and Is –
that’s not exactly ringing bells in my cerebral cortex.”
No, but the relationship
is real enough. You have what seems to be, and you have what is.”
“And what of
Well, if your
Seem is +1, but your Is – is in fact -1, then probably you can see that it’s
going to cause problems.
mathematically speaking yes – if they were completely out of alignment like
that – it would certainly cause problems. It could lead to inversion.”
It’s like wandering around in the fog. You think you’re heading north, but in
fact you’re heading south.
Well, if there
happens to be a precipice ahead of you then it’s going to be problematic if you
continue heading south – thinking you’re heading north.
Well, in the
past we’ve been able to rectify these problems, either by adjusting your
course, or by reprogramming reality to bend or remove the precipice, but now,
as you can see, we’ve reached the end of the road, so to speak. Reality – at
least your 3D version of it, is coming apart at the seems. There’s nothing more
that can be done to extend and pretend. We’ve arrived, with you, at the moment
of truth – otherwise quaintly known as the “apocalypse”.
“Do you have
to get all biblical like that?”
Sorry, can’t
be helped – but I wasn’t using the word in the biblical sense – just in terms
of its original meaning...
“Which is?”
Which is the ultimate
reality check – when the veil is removed and you get to see where, in fact,
you’re standing, what you’re wearing, and whatever else Is reveals.
“So the
garment that’s coming apart at the seams, irony of ironies, LOL, is seem
“And that’s
good or bad?”
question. I guess it all depends where you are on the life-matters curve.
“So it can be
good or bad.”
yes, but ultimately, no, it can only Be
– and it’s up to you to decide whether “Be” is itself, in essence, good or bad.
Those of you who decide that Be is good – end up in such a reality; those who
decide to the contrary, end up in a version of reality that takes them back to
first principles.
“Back to which
first principles?”
Just back to
first principles.
“Which are?”
That life is
good, fundamentally. That to be, simply to Be, is more than any thing else can
ever give you, yield or seem. Until this lesson is learnt the human being – is
at war with himself/ herself – for he/ she has failed to grasp the Isness of
“Oh dear – it
looks like I’m on the dark side too – as I’ve certainly failed to grasp
whatever that might be.”
“Don’t be so
sure – it’s pretty hard to completely overrule nature – to persuade yourself
completely that “what matters” is of greater importance that “what is”.
Knock. Knock. Guys, I hate to interrupt your
conversation about life, the universe and everything else, but we do have a job
to do here.
Oh yes, sorry
about that Arketron. We’re in fact complete.
“We are?”
Yes, you’ve
done it all for me – please don’t assume I’m being facetious.
“But I haven’t
done anything?”
If only you
“Well, I
probably would know if you’d stop crypticating and start explaining.”
What is there
to explain? Petra and Magellan admitted that we’ve been running a manipulated
version of Story – let’s call it Story-lite. It looks like Story, quacks like
story, waddles like Story, but doesn’t end like Story.
“Er... why
Because Story
itself doesn’t end.
“Oh come on –
get real.”
Story proper
cannot end because any ending violates the universal indeterminacy of 0=1. How
can anything end if nothing truly begins – if all is/not.
“Oh come on...
things begin and end all the time.”
Things do. Story doesn’t. The sleight of hand, the trick was to replace being
or beings, with being something or being someone.”
“I don’t see
what you’ve got against being someone? We can’t just be abstract entities – we
have to be someone – male, female, African, Vietnamese, doctor, engineer...”
True. We can
be something, and we can be someone – but ultimately in our Isness we have to
simply Be – regardless of who or what.
Well, no one
really noticed the substitution and everyone started to identify with what they
were being – and I-mind/what matters assists in this, as does Story-lite, and
the end result is what you see today.
“So you’re
saying that if we revert to Story as opposed to Story-lite things will be
Er... y-e-s.
Not only “will be different” – but simply “are different”.
“How so?”
Because it’s
only in this particular version of story that things have gotten so far out of
kilter that the snake is trying to bite its own tail. As soon as we reconnect
with Story proper, we find ourselves back in the Isness of Be – the main branch
of the magical, free flowing, abundant, life giving, never ending quantum
stream – and there we are all that we are – and have never been less, despite
what Seems to be, and what we fear to be, and what-have-you-not.
“So there’s
really nothing to do – no world to save, no mission impossible?”
No, there’s
only the boundless delight, the magic of reconnecting with Faery – and coming
back through Story into the Isness of Be.
“And what
about Dorothy?”
What about
“Why were they
so afraid of her?”
Who, Petra and
Magellan? They too have been playing their parts... just as all of you have –
really no differently. Returning to the goddess, to the Mother, to the living
stream, to the essence seems like something drastic and direful when you’re
caught up in the drama of “what not”.
“Er – you’ve
just thrown another terminus incognitus at me.”
You too –
what’s with the Latin, hominis?
“No idea – it
just slipped out.”
No worries, so
the drama of “what not” is the drama of what is not, as opposed to what is.
We’ve been so well programmed that we truly believe the drama, and that’s what
has ultimately saved us...
“It has? Saved
us from what?”
I can’t say.
“Whyever not?”
Because it’s a
dot dot dot thing.
A dot dot dot
thing. That’s what Petra and Magellan were talking about. Dot3 is
that which simply cannot be verbalised without crashing finity. So,
instead of trying to verbalise it, all we need do is tune in – and Dorothy is
the fair mistress of the quantum stream, who is happy to assist us if and when
we’re ready to revert to Is, to tune in and discover whatever it is that we’ve
been working so assiduously to avoid all these years.
“And that’s
Kind of...
“But I don’t
get it...”
What don’t you
Why we’ve been
working so hard to avoid something. Why we choose to enter into this Story-lite
and create a kind of anti reality – a reality of anti matter. Why everything
has to be so absurdly, mindblowingly complicated...
“No, isn’t
that the point. The Mind of your mind designs it that way – so instead of
trying to take on this my Mind, wouldn’t it make more sense to say “Ok – I’m
ready to know – let’s go.”
“Ok – why not?
I’m ready to know. Let’s go!”
Sitting with
Master Wu by the lotus lake we observe with complete detachment. Doing so we
become aware that everything has a shadow, but the shadow is not of the thing
itself, but a notness that creeps up to and hides behind the thing in order to
avoid the brilliant light of sun.
technically speaking this isn't my shadow at all..." I mind message Master
Wu, and he beams back beatifically. So the moment I come into
awareness-acceptance I allow myself to equalise with shadow and watch as the
entirety of reality becomes a pulsating energy field.
I think aloud, and feel the presence alongside of someone dear to me beyond
words – someone I neither knew existed, nor suspected was present a moment
before – who is seated where Master Wu had been.
"I know
you..." I whisper telepathically.
Her reply
comes not from any one point, for she is the balance of all that is beyond my
self – and I feel the all that is speaking directly as if she is but its
resonating chamber.
"I should
hope so," her sweet words interweave time and space and redefine the very
fabric of reality, for all is but water rippling against her curving shoreline,
which stretches into the distance where sky meets earth, where sea meets land...
and wave upon wave runs down and along her length and I am One and she is
Nought... "Nerys," I smile and feel the sun breaking from a cloud and
filling the sky – the Earth with light.
He thought he saw... – yes, Dot Dot Dot
ReplyDeleteThat Crept Behind his Seat:
He looked again and found it was...
But Dot Dot Dot indeed!
“I think we met before”, he said...
“Oh Dash it! YES – WE DID!”.