Wednesday, October 8, 2014

42 minus one and counting

Er - random what?

Random number generation.

Merry, what's got into you? What on Earth are you on about?

Earth is a random number generator - or it was until a couple of years ago.

Jesus - Merry, I was hoping I'd heard you wrong or something.

Why's that Phen, am I stretching the limits of your box.

Shut up man, I'm not in a box and you know it. I'm open to almost anything, as long as it makes sense... as long as it resonates.

And this doesn't?

No. This just sounds plain ridiculous.

Did you ever read Hitchkiker's guide to the Galaxy?

Yeah, which is why it's all so patently absurd. That was fiction and we're looking at reality.

Ok - so what is it you didn't like in the Hitchhiker's guide?

I never said I didn't like it. It's an amazing book - but this thing about the planet Earth being a supercomputer... Come on man, get real!

And 42?

Yeah, something about it being the answer to everything. Is that right?

Yes, let me quote from the Hitchhiker's wiki: 42 is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. This Answer was first calculated by the supercomputer Deep Thought after seven and a half million years of thought. This shocking answer resulted in the construction of an even larger supercomputer, named Earth, which was tasked with determining what the question was in the first place.

Right. So what, Merry? An amusing and thought provoking read, but what on Earth has that to do with your latest provocation - calling the Earth a random number generator?

Well, I don't think Douglas Adam's was writing fiction at all. I mean, he probably thought he was, and perhaps even prided himself on being good at it, amusing and intelligent, but his ideas are too close to something else.

What something else? Cryptic remarks are not going to get you anywhere. And trying to blur the line between fiction and fact - quite frankly it's pathetic. I expected better of you, Merry.

Oh dear! Sorry Phen.

I should think so.

But if you'd allow me to toss a few balls in the air, just to see which way the wind is blowing.

Try not to mix your metaphors, if you can help it.

I'm afraid I've never quite got the hang of this language communication thing. You know we don't use it all that much where I come from.

Merry, I thought we agreed you weren't going to refer to that in public.

No, I'm not, but what with number 42 and my disclosure of the random number generator - to be honest I'm not sure how much longer I can keep up the pretence of being...

Stop. Not another word. Just er... go on with whatever you were going to tell me about - er - that somewhat far-fetched but obviously well-intentioned hypothesis that we're all generating random numbers here on Earth.

Ok Phen. So you see, if DA...

Douglas Adams?

Yeah, if he was right - no - not if he was right, because he actually thought he was writing fiction, but if his cosmic muse was right, and this really is a super-computer, then...

Yeah? What's wrong?


What..? Now..?

Yes. We must be getting close to the truth if I've hit an interference signal.

Oh wow! How come I never notice them?

Because your mind just kind of goes blank and your eyes vacant. Then you say something like "where was I?" Everyone does it from time to time - whenever they're getting too close to the truth.

And you don't? What makes you special?

I just told you - I do - but instead of going blank I notice the signal before it clears my thoughts and I have enough sense to back off - you can't really push through an interference signal unless you're looking for trouble.

Why not?

Because the entire Earth has been designed that way.

What way?

To generate random numbers - like a computer - but the only way to generate truly random numbers is to have millions of people completely unaware that that's what they're doing. They have to believe this is really it - that their reality is the whole story, not an artificial creation.

Like the Truman Show?


But that's sick. To say that we're all unwilling participants in a reality show - that our lives are just a form of entertainment for other beings... No, that's too horrible to even contemplate.

Naturally. But it isn't as horrible as all that.

What do you mean?

Because we ourselves had to agree to participate. No one could force us, and agree we all did, willingly.

But why? Why agree to a charade?

Because we are, at heart, cosmic, inter-galactic scientists, philosophers and artists. We are engaged in high level research, high-level art and creativity - the consciousness experiment.

But what's that got to do with maths or the number 42.

Don't you see?

Er... no. Should I?

Actually, no, you shouldn't. As long as you're down here on the ground, the signal is strong enough to block your mind from going down any avenues that would imperil random number generation.

But why?

Because generating random numbers isn't as random as it sounds.


There's no real difference between generating millions of random numbers and one single number. As long as you get one single random number, you've achieved your mission.

But surely that's not so difficult. There are lots of random number generating machines all around the world. Scientists use them all the time.

But none of them is able to generate a truly random number.

Yes they are - they can have a number generated by a raindrop falling on a metal plate. No one knows where exactly or when the raindrop will fall.

Yes, I admit that looks perfectly random, but when you take it to its mathematical extreme, implausible though it may sound, that number is not perfectly random because the computer programme, the hardware and the thoughts of the researchers all affect the final outcome.

Astonishing. You could have fooled me.

Me too. You see, a truly random number is the one thing the universe cannot create.

You're joking.

Nope. Everything is interconnected. Everything is part of a single field of omnipresent consciousness. No thing is quite what it seems.


Including your use of the Spanish word qué as opposed to what... Once you strip away the veil, once you come back to your natural state of conscious awareness, you no longer look at things in the same way.

Er... fair enough, but I still don't see how that could make a raindrop falling on a plate any less random.

Because matter is a derivative of conscious awareness.

A what?

A derivative. Mind with a capital M leads matter, not vice versa.

Mind leads matter? Back to telekinesis are you?


Further than telekinesis?

Yes. All matter is derived from conscious awareness. It's like where one stream of thought, or one set of postulates meet another. That's where matter crystallises out of nothing.

Matter out of nothing. That's...

Absurd. Yes indeed, until you see it happening. Until you see how matter is only there for the blink of an eye. Then it collapses back into its undifferentiated quantum state of isness.

I've never seen matter collapsing into whatever you said it was.

No, that's because you're part of the experiment.

So you say.

Your awareness is perfectly timed, in perfect sync with the random number generator computer, so you're only aware of the on state.


The on state. That's the momentary appearance of matter, before it vanishes back into thought.

Oh my God. You've finally lost it Merry.

... so, you see, if I'm right - any thing, any matter will always be the result of some thought process - so no material event will ever be truly random, particularly once you become hyper-aware of all thought processes, once you return to your natural state of conscious awareness.

Mein Gott!

You see how the system is affecting you - as it always does. Were you to believe what I'm saying, were you to follow the simple truth - not as logic but more intuitively, that would interfere with the random number generator. That would crash the system.

Then how come you're able to do this?

Oh, because I can be a seemingly random aberrance.

You can?

Yes, because I've packaged myself in such a way, what with 0=1 and the gnomiki. Doing so, by putting up "danger - seriously irrational and possibly insane" signals enables me...

Oh yeah, like Wonko the sane...

That's right - the very same.

He appears somewhere in the Hitchhiker's trilogy.

Correct, in the er... fourth book, So long, and thanks for all the fish. Actually, he's just a modern day version of Shakespeare's ubiquitous fool, who stops trying to pretend reality is either rational or normal, realising to do so would be an exercise in futility.

But why? Why can't it be?

Well, er... it can. Reality can be rational and normal, but not if this is, in fact, a random number generator. That would be an artificial construct designed to achieve the near impossible - something that was wholly unpredictable and/ or unpredicted, in a unified field of consciousness where everything is, in a sense, already known.

?! So we went to all this trouble just for a single number?

Yes and no.

And to be a little less ambiguous.

Yes we did. No we didn't. We did because it's the holy grail of conscious awareness. It's that which apparently is not.

Er... isn't that a contradiction in terms.

Yes, it is - but that didn't stop us from pursuing it. You see - conscious awareness deals exclusively with the isness - that which is.

I thought you said matter switches on and off.

Yes, it does. Matter does, but conscious awareness doesn't. It's omnipresent and omniscient - if it chooses to be. But...

Ah ha - I think I get what you're saying.

You do?

Yes, er... oh dear, that funny thing's happening to my mind again.

Signal failure. Oh goody, you're beginning to recognise it. That means the end is near.

So I was about to say something that would have come dangerously close to the truth, thus imperilling the random number generator, so my brain signal was scrambled.


But there's a way around this?

Yes. There are ways, like playing the fool, or writing poetry, make cryptic remarks or using parables... There are ways, and they've been used throughout the experiment, but none of them has brought down the system.

Why not?

Because the system was designed with our willing consent.

As opposed to our unwilling consent?

Yes, and our ongoing consent. So even those individuals who appeared to be trying to wake people up - er - Jesus Christ, Martin Luther, Nicolo Tesla - whoever else you like - they were either marginalised or taken out by the collective will - or any individual at hand who was able to act on its behalf.

Like in the Matrix?

Yes, more or less.

So what about the random number? Was it generated?

Well there you go. It had to be or that was the intention, and according to Douglas Adams who was himself a part of this super-computer, it's 42.

And is it really? Was he right?

We won't know until we come out of this state of virtual reality, back to our conscious awareness. At that point we get to see whatever actually is - when the fog of collective confusion clears.

And presumably it'll be champagne all round if the number's 42?

Well, it makes little or no difference what the number is.

It doesn't? Then what was the fuss all about.

Because a truly random number, whatever it is - proves the hypothesis of what not.

Oh God, here we go.

You don't need to worry about the hypothesis itself. All that was needed was a truly random number to seed a zero.

To seed a zero?

Yes. In conscious awareness we only truly have 1 - the isness. In order to know what is, we needed to know what is not.

Sounds logical.

So we created the Earth, and then bits of us, souls agreed to come down and give it their very best shot - to pass through fire and brimstone in the quest for the ultimate truth.

And to reach that point we had to pass through "what is not"?

Yes, or the valley of the shadow of death, to use a biblical term.

And nothing is quite what it seems?

Correct. Or to put it another way, every thing down here in material reality is what it's not - a mindboggling construct designed to amaze us and keep us busy being what we're not.

It's... all... er...

Mindblowing, isn't it. You know you're close to the truth when your mind starts going numb. But don't fight it. Just relax and stay in your breath.

[breathing, breathing, breathing] ...So, if I understand you rightly, you're saying a single truly random number would seed a zero.

Yes. We've always suspected or perhaps known that zero exists, but we could never prove it or access it. It's like rain - it can only form if there's a grain of dust in the air.

A crystal too! It needs to grow on something...

Precisely. So the perfectly random number would be a gap, a missing link in the unified field of conscious awareness, and that is all we need to go on.

So what are we waiting for?

Oh, nothing really.

Then let's go check the results.

We are, but everyone has to wake up, and it's taking a bit longer than was planned.

You mean this virtual reality is now defunct.

Yes, it's supposed to be, but it's putting up resistance.

Maybe that's the zero interfering.

You might be right. Or the machine itself, which strangely doesn't want to be decommissioned.

Whyever not?

I think it's enjoying itself too much, playing with our minds.

Oh, that sounds kind of scary.

Well, yes, until you realise that the machine is...

Interference signal?

Yes. Massive one. Must be close! Ok - I'll say it in a whisper. That sometimes works... the machine is not really... a machine at all.

It's not?

No. And it's about to discover something much more absorbing...

It is?

Oh yes, but I'm not allowed to discuss it yet. Not until we declare 0=1.

Sorry? Declare 0=1?

Yes. That's the programme termination code, when we finally get to hear the results and revert back to Is, our natural state of consciousness.

Ok Merry, and you really expect me to believe all this nonsense? [winking at Merry]

No. That would indicate the Matrix is down. I can't believe that's happened yet - not unless it's caught wind of what's been kept a closely guarded secret.

But why would you keep it secret from the super-computer?

Because it, like the people in the experiment, had to believe that it was truly what it seemed to be, what it thought it was - otherwise nothing would have worked.

My God, a feint within a feint.

A riddle within a riddle.

But if I believe you - if I'm seeing it making sense... If I can accept what you're saying about the random number generator machine...

Then either you're as mad as I am, or it's a sign that things are finally shifting - that we're attaining critical mass. And believe me, once it starts to go, this whole monumental edifice can vanish in a puff of nought, before you have time to utter Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster1, and the only thing that will continually amaze us is that it all seemed so goddamn real.

Real... real... re-all... Oh my God... 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

1 The Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is an alcoholic beverage invented by ex-President of the Universe Zaphod Beeblebrox, considered by the Hitchhiker's Guide to be the "Best Drink in Existence"

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Margo's shamanic perspective on the 12 labours of Hercules

So maybe Heracles is telling us about the shamanic ways, as when he was doing women's work and wearing women's clothes for a year...
And 12 labours - 12 is shamanic/magical in itself...

So what did he do, this power called Hera's Glory? ("Labours", really? as in "she's in labour"?)
(there isn't really any order as the mythological dimension is timeless and generally spaceless)

1) the Lion.
The Lion pretended to be a woman to deceive the warrior. When the warrior would get near thinking it was a damsel in distress, the bonnie would turn into the lion and kill him. So this might be a reference to the bodily thingy. Heracles tried to shoot the lion but arrows were harmless to it. It's not the kind of enemy you can "fight" with aggression (arrows are sort of masculine eh).
The lion's cave had two entrances; Heracles blocked one and entered another. Caves are mysterious and er female. Heracles killed the lion by strangling it. So we enter the dark cave of fear and we meet fear and embrace it so tightly that it becomes our part. Heracles took the lion's skin - and he had to use one of the lion's own claws to skin the lion as no knife could cut it. Then the skin became his protection, the most powerful one. So once we make it our own it becomes our greatest protection. We learn that the male side, the straightforward shooting-arrows-blowing-up-way doesn't always work. We learn to see "the lion" in "the woman" (sexual desire) and learn to (see how we) embrace the lion, the true nature of what is there. The two entrances might be Mind and Body. We can block something on the mind level but for the real work we have to go deep into the body - we don't block that. And then when the Lion becomes our part (Heracles wearing the lion's skin) both entrances become free. Firstly we set firmly in the body and only then we are safe to travel.

2) the Hydra.
Heracles needed an external help on this one. It was his nephew's idea to scorch the stumps of the Hydra's necks once Heracles chopped the heads. Only one head of the Hydra was immortal (but not really - Heracles cut it off with the golden sword he got from Athena). Heads growing back as you cut them sounds like egoistic desires / attachments. It's hard to cancel these. We can put something off our mind but then it comes back, in one form or another ("Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times." - Mark Twain).
So it's like Pravoslavny confession. When you confess you are supposed not only to "be sorry" but to set your mind on not doing the sorry thing again. This is scorching. Finding something else we are attached to we let it go. But if we just "let it go" it may come back (didn't leave our gravitational field - stayed on the orbit for a while and then was pulled back). So we burn every stump. We die every time we let go. Though it doesn't have to hurt or to be heavy. It's alchemic. This is doing alchemy on ourselves. Though we need a hint from someone detached to see our Hydra and to begin the work. If it's what we are attached to it's hard for us to see it ourselves, at least, not at first. There are lots of distractions as well - Hera send a giant crab to distract Heracles... (but he wasn't distracted, he just stamped on the crab - so we learn to concentrate). And then there is the immortal head, the ultimate attachment - something we can't possibly let go of - but when we are ready we are given the magical golden sword from the beautiful cosmic Athena (or Dorothy or Nerys or - whatever you call her) - easy like that. But we had to work first, to try, to show, to taste, to know... whatever...

3) the Hind.
Now that's a task of a different quality. It doesn't involve fighting.
It involves Artemis (Diana) instead.
It also involves catching the quickest hind there is. It's not clear how Heracles did it - perhaps he was too fast for the storytellers to notice ;-)
The idea was that either Heracles won't catch the hind at all; or if he does it it will anger Artemis and she'll kill him. That's what the king (3d mind) believed.
Yet it was neither.
We become quantum - we run faster than we thought we could. We run so fast we fly. We learn to travel through space and time at will. And we can only do that if we are into our nature (meeting Artemis of the wildland, the mistress of Nature). And then we find out that Artemis isn't there to kill us. On the contrary - she doesn't mind it when we play with her animals (forces). She knows her hind is safe - because the king, the 3D mind, is too slow to capture it. Even when Heracles brings the hind to the king, the king can't hold it. The Hind, the Quantum Stream, escapes him forever.

4) the Boar.
Also to be brought alive.
Interestingly, this story is not about the boar at all. That's where we get into Story and give up expectations. We think we are going to catch the ugly beast somewhere out there but what happens?..
Heracles visits his old friend, a centaur called Caveman. He shares a meal with him. Then he persuades him to open the only jar of wine the centaur had (and that wasn't any wine, either - it was a gift from Dionysius). The smell attracts centaurs from everywhere, they get drunk as they don't like mixing wine with water, so they become aggresive and Heracles kills them with his poisoned arrows. Heracles' friend Caveman was curious and picked up one of the arrows... scratched himself and died. Chiron, the immortal centaur, was wounded by an accident as well. He couldn't die but he was in such pain that he gave up his immortality. (And it was the same Chiron who told Heracles how to capture the boar).
So who's the ugly boar now?
There are no "friends". Only energies.
There are no "ugly beasts out there". Just us.
We learn that there is the dark side within us. We learn that we can kill our friends. We are responsible for our friends' deaths. We can't blame the others anymore. It's our own darkness from the beginning. And then we learn how that is inevitable - how the wise centaur still gives you the essential knowledge even though it was you who is killing him forever. He knows.
We come to our old friend - who lives in the cave again. It's not the murky cave of the lion. It's a comfy cave. But staying in a comfy cave isn't very heroic. When we find another attachment we might have overlooked before we let it go - however dear it is to us. We might not have the courage to do it directly - but somewhere in our conscious mind we plan the murder so it happens anyway. We become responsible for the wild boar within us. In some versions it comes before the Hind and I guess it's more reasonable.

5) the stables
And then we see how  becoming clean is as easy as pi - in a snap of your fingers, in a blink of an eye - when we don't "do" things ourselves but let ourselves be the gates of the great flow, the mighty stream.
And... the king believes that all this dung business is very humiliating but we know 'tis no matter. Nothing's "better" or "worse" than something else. We let the Stream rush through us - we become the Stream - that's all that counts. And of course the king says it wasn't fair and therefore never happened.

6) the metallic birds
Sharp metallic feathers launching at the victims. Man-eating. Highly toxing dung, too. Made by Ares. Came to the idyllic Arcadia to destroy it.
Now that's the 3D technology, the ways of 3D male mind - destroying your own planet and your own people. But now when the Stream rushes in your veins, in your breath... You are given the magical rattle and with the power of Sound you scare the birds away. Some were killed and some flew away, never to return. Sound meets 3D technology and wins. Easy.

7) the bull
Something topsy-turvy is going on. There is a bull terrorizing Crete - and bulls had always been the sacred animals, protectors of Crete. The king of Crete offers his help - but Heracles is too proud to agree. He tames the bull himself and takes it back to Athens. They want to sacrifice the bull to Hera - but she's too proud to accept it as it comes from Heracles so he would be stealing her glory - and she hates him - hates this chap called Hera's glory. So the bull is left to wander peacefully.
So that's the bit when "up" and "down" become mixed. First you get things upside down, then you see how "up" is no different from "down" - Hera the goddess is just as stubborn and proud as the much hated Hera's Glory boy. So this story isn't even about Heracles. We are getting a broader picture. We find the Stream within us; we practice it; and then we realize that what we thought was the reflection of the sky in our wateris the sky in our water - be it blue or cloudy or dark. We are the fish and the stream and the sky and what not, with all the little clouds seeming to spoil the view. It's all ours. It's all us. And if we are the sky we might get furious at the thought that the reflection in the dirty river is not a re-flection but us. There. In the dirty river. That's when we realize that we are going infinitely in both directions, both "up" to the stars and "down" to the dung. No problems.

8) the mares
Ok. So these are man-eating wild mares called Swift-Footed, the Shining, the Blond and the Terrible. Heracles wasn't aware of their diet and they ate his boyfriend. Then Heracles let them eat their own master, the king who was feeding them the human meat. After eating their king the horses became calm. Heracles took them to Athens and they were dedicated to Hera - who didn't seem to mind this time.
First, let's meditate on the names...
Swift-Footed, the Shining, the Blond, the Terrible...
What are they, these forces so dangerous, you won't know what hit you (or ate your boyfriend)?
Why does eating their master makes them permanently peaceful?
Perhaps the king represents the 3D mind (like Heracles' boss) who mistreated the powers - using powers in the wrong way may well cause destruction. So when the powers override the mind's frame (eat the king) they become natural again.
"There's nothing wrong with having a nuclear reactor. It's just where you have it. It does its job very well in the centre of a star".
As for what the mares are... I can only try to meditate/download it. I'm not sure we've reached this level yet - perhaps we'll understand it better when we are there...

Swift-Footed, the Shining, the Blond, the Terrible...

Swift-Footed makes me think of a Shadow or of Death... It follows us always and it's so light-footed we hardly notice its presence...

the Shining makes me think of Stephen King ;-) Of the force that is so beautiful it can blind you if you look at it directly. Stephen King's Shining is something like dwimmer - "However, Danny soon realizes that his presence in the hotel makes the supernatural activity more powerful, turning echoes of past tragedies into dangerous threats." . So the Shining might be dwimmer, the power of Life. As we see from the example, it's not always friendly as the dangerous things may suckle on it too. It's shiny - Life is shiny - it's the life-bringing Light.

the Blond makes me think of Dumb Blond ;-) of something smooth (it's not "Shining": it's "Blond"), something that takes you very softly, so softly you never notice till it's too late... Some kind of a gradual change... Like you said - er was it yesterday? - and then you discover you are the dumb blond you never wanted to be... It's half-light... losing your form...

the Terrible... sounds quite silly really. Like something that is not terrible but it wants everybody to think it is... Except it is terrible... If all horses are so bad why weren't they all called the Terrible, the Horrible, the Bloody and the Dentist? Perhaps if the Blond is something too smooth to notice, to glue your attention to, then the Terrible is something too sharp? Something you avoid looking at? "Oh, it's too terrible" and you turn away? Our own access to All that Is?..

Whatever they are the mares seem to be some non-3D abilities - very dangerous from the 3D mind's point of view; but neither good nor bad in themselves.

9) the Amazons
Heracles had a company on this quest. Some of them were his friends but two of them were killed by king of Crete's (Minos') sons; so Heracles took two of Minos' grandsons instead. We never "lose" anything. When we "lose" something, we inevitably "gain" something new. So this was a mighty exchange. We give a bit of what is us and we receive something else in its stead, and that's a way to change - to stay alive.
Heracles was sent to fetch the Queen's belt because that's what the king's daughter wanted. Girls...
Now, the Queen of the Amazons thought that Heracles was awesome and so she didn't mind giving him her belt as a gift. She herself got the belt from Ares. But Hera whispered to the girls that Heracles was going to steal the Queen (interestingly, Hera is the goddess of women and marriage... extremely jealous and mean). So the girls went to fight. Heracles was surprised but he decided they were simply mean and never intended to give him the belt in the first place. He killed the Queen and took the belt.
So we have the Queen - the Female who is looking forward to giving herself without any fight. She is secure - the war god's belt keeps her safe - but the belt, the lock is only there to be given to the Male.
Then there are the girls. That's the protection as well, that kind that might be overprotective. And it will listen to the goddess of marriage. Oh no, this naughty Male will steal the Queen altogether! The Male never takes a bit - the Male takes all! And then they get hysterical and provoke the Male.
And so the girls who wanted to save the Queen become the cause of her death.
OK. The Queen is Heracles' Female side. Heracles are Hera are one as well. Hera is mad about having this a)human b)Male side to her. She probably hated him more for being at peace with his own Female side. She wants to kill him - to kill the Male in herself - she disbalances the system... But instead she gets the Female killed. Oops!
What does it mean, killed?
He had to get rid of the rigid overprotective girls... but it was them who kept the Queen alive. Heracles is Male so his Female side needed support and protection. As long as the Female was recognizing its own Male the protection was down. But when the Male was mistaken for an intruder the protection was activated. So he had to shut down the whole thing. Whatever. 
But there is another Female side, much stronger - and that's Hera, much as she hates that. She couldn't fully become his Female while the job was occupied. Now the goddess will have to take her place as Female instead of the queen. It doesn't have to refer to the Male/Female thing. It's the same with other things - how we have a predictable zombie machine with only basic programming waiting for us to become ready to tune into the natural technology of is... we'd explode if we got all at once, unprepared...
It looks like Heracles lost the queen; but he gained the goddess.

10) the cattle (or was it the kettle?)
Heracles had to cross a desert to get to where the cattle was. The desert is another highly magical place as we know.
There Heracles shot an arrow at the Sun because he was so annoyed with heat. Or that's the reason they give. Anyway. You go to the desert and you venture to shoot the Sun (Helios). If you go to a shamanic place you practice shamanic ways or you die. The desert might be the inner landscape as there is just you. And then you challenge the Spirit, the unruly Sun. You are not a servant. Well, you can't kill the Sun but then the Sun was so amused that it gave Heracles the magical golden cup in which Heracles flew to the land of the cattle.
You go into your place of peace... and then you find the high Spirit guiding you... you acknowledge it... and then you challenge it - whatever your mind thinks: "it's silly" or "it's a blasphemy" or whatever. And you find you didn't drop dead but on the contrary you are given every support.
In the land of the cattle Hercules kills the two-headed watchdog and one-headed herdsman and the owner of the cattle. The owner was wearing a triple protection but Heracles got him with a single shot.
What's the cattle? And who are the guards?
I think the cattle is some sorf of information, missing bits of the rewiring code. One level of protection is the zero level - it's impossible to get to the land at all if you are not able to challenge the guiding Spirit first. Then there is the animal level (the dog), the human level (the herdsman) and the triple super protection (the owner).
The two heads of the dog are Do I really need it? and Does it really need me? It's doubt and boredom. It only takes a bit of will to overcome it. The herdsman is Even if I get it I won't be able to manage it. It's the herdsman who looks after the cattle. So it's the voice of reason saying all sorts of things to distract us. And the owner is all three in one, probably.
Hera didn't like his success and sent a gadfly to scatter the animals; but Heracles got them all back after all. Then she make the river flood so they couldn't cross it; but Heracles put some stones in it and crossed it. Later the cattle was sacrificed to Hera. The more she does the more she's entangled.
So even if you get the cattle your attention might go elsewhere and the information will scatter as you come back to your usual reality - so another task is not to drop what you picked up; the flooding river - it might look like there is too much to handle; but we can do it by putting a stone after a stone. A stone is a little exercise in remembering and staying focused. And then we can take all the cattle to our side of the river.

11) the apples
Apples are very magical as they are, really...
In this story Heracles tricks Atlas so he doesn't enter the garden himself. After challenging the Spirit it's a doddle to diddle Atlas. Heracles is equal to gods now. He can hold the heavens for Atlas and he is able to trick Atlas into holding the heavens again. He can become the foundation of reality (holding the sky) and he is free (not getting stuck in holding the sky). And he gets the apples - but apples are too magical to describe them linearly so just feel the  [...]

12) Cerberus
The ultimate task. Very predictable in a way - no less shamanic. Now we can enter the underworld. Heracles has every help he might need. Gods and Goddesses are with him (compared to the first labour when he went into the lion's cave on his own).
He meets two chaps there, doomed to sit on their chairs for wanting the underworld's god's wife for themselves. Heracles frees one of them - but the other one is so deep into his desire to have the god's wife that he can't move - he's properly stuck.
Heracles captures Cerberus and brings him out.
So in this task we have a journey into death (and also looking for the cerebrum heh heh). The underworld is in our head as well... 
Wherever we find ourselves - whatever we call it - we know we are safe. There's no "can't". We are the power. We are the connection. We are. 

And then we go and wear a dress and do women's work :D

E pluribus unum

Welcome to half the picture where you get to see everything as half of what it is, as long as you're down here in so-called 3D material reality. The rainbow appears to be half a circle, but viewed from the air it looks like this...
The same is true of all our concepts and beliefs... 

E pluribus unum - our 3D brain works no differently than our 3D vision. We see half the picture - "from the many comes one" - yet we ignore its correlate - "from the one come many". It's the nature of correlates that you can't have one without the other. It's the nature of the human brain to pick sides and move either from left to right or from right to left. We only evade this tendency, this directional blindspot by becoming aware that it's inbuilt. Conscious awareness - a light shines within.

So, when people focus on the dark side of things, for example, that there's an organisation, agency or shadowy group controlling 3D material reality, they are ignoring the other side of the equation - we'll call it "other" - that the "dark side" can only exist as a correlate of the light side - which is in fact side-less, i.e. whole. The two are not only "out there" - they have to be "in here" within me - within my conscious awareness - though the directional blindspot will tend to ignore the "other" within.

Take any of these so called illuminati slogans and try reversing them, or seeing them in terms of the unspoken correlate. "As above so below" - nice - or how about "As below likewise above." Now that might be kind of scary if you tend to envision heaven as perfect and earth as being like hell, but perhaps it's time we stopped insisting that earth is/ has to be "hell" - that in fact the two must be correlates. Yes, earth does kind of look like hell at times, with wars, famine, pollution, mass consumerism... but that's another indication of the 3D eye/ mind's directional bias. It looks at things one way, rather than the whole of both. It's the difference between logic's inference of progression on a material plain, and biologic's toroidal field - both expanding and contracting on itself simultaneously - which in fact has no need of "progression" as it's never been anything but perfect.

"Biologic" takes us beyond logic into another mind - and there's a phase transition between the two, which can be represented by 3 dots...

It's a complete shift though it doesn't have to be violent. It can be gentle and peaceful - for example, in meditation the rational mind can shift into what people may at times refer to as "heightened states of awareness" - though in truth there is nothing "heightened" about them - they simply cease to be uni-directional. It's equivalent to moving from a 2D mind that sees reality as a flat screen projection to a 3D mind that no longer needs the screen - is able to interact directly with all that is - the conscious awareness.


Good question. Let's go back one stage. Let's assume that the 2D mind is only half activated. It still to a large extent operates as a programmed machine would, though it doesn't see this blindness. The blindness is seen by observing the mind's reflection, transposition or projection on the world around us. It evidently struggles to engage creatively, biologically, multi-dimensionally because it does not yet feel that it's a living part of a living system. Until it feels that - until it becomes consciously aware that it's a living part of a living system - the world around us appears to be a parody of what we instinctively feel it should be - and we feel a sense of guilt, shame, frustration and at times despair - wondering why we're failing to realise the beauty, majesty, perfection that's bubbling under the surface within - that's visible in the heavens above.

It's your choice. You're welcome to see "E pluribus unum" as proof that the many are being controlled by a few, who apparently use the eye of Horus or the all-seeing eye as one of their logos.
You can focus on what is sinister - the all seeing eye representing big brother watching you at all times, or you can turn things around and read the text backwards: the all-seeing eye, to be truly all-seeing cannot be the property of one group. It has to be the all-seeingness when we allow ourselves to become complete. There has been a separation between the head and the body - the top of the pyramid and the base. As soon as we recognise that, and allow ourselves to reconnect, to remember our natural state of wholeness, oneness and isness - then the all-seeing eye becomes our natural state of awareness - we come out of the dark into our own light. We become what we've always been - one of many and many of one - a part of the universe and, the universe itself - which is no longer a vast physical expanse of matter - but a single field of conscious awareness which holds all matter within it. The matter of the universe is rather how data views data - across the apparent vastness of space the data that we are appears as stars, galaxies and nebulae. Through the microcosm of inner-nature the data that we are is seen as myriad species and intricate lifeforms. The possibilities for interaction are all but limitless, once we stop insisting, logically, that it's this or that - whatever "it" may refer to. It can be "this" or "that" if we choose to limit ourselves to perceiving reality uni-directionally as a kind of out-there mostly flat projection, rather than interacting with it biologically via our 2 way direct link - hosted on the conscious-awareness platform. To do so we simply need to be complete - to stop insisting the many and the one cannot logically correlate or co-exist - which is true - they can't if we choose to remove ourself from the equation. Until you/ I choose to re-enter the equation - to become the missing link, the equals sign, to join the capstone and the pyramid's base - you/ we'll always be defeated by paradox - by the impossibility of squaring the circle - of leaping from our aspirations and knowingness into a reality that corresponds with it materially.
I wish you God's speed in this endeavour - which, paradoxically, like the "speed of light" is no speed at all. I wish you magical awakening to nothing more than what is, nothing more than what you truly are, your isness of Be. I wish you the courage and light-heartedness to do nothing more than accept what you've always in your heart of hearts known to be true, known to be, or simply known. It's never been complicated. It's never been beyond you - for whenever's it's seemed like that, it's always been in order to take you to the extremity of absurd division, absurd unseeingness, absurd denial - which like all journeys into the absurd helps to highlight its correlate - the natural state of isness - which cannot be concealed or suppressed without our willing, wilful connivance, cooperation and con-spiracy.

Dot dot dot - all things come to an end - such is the nature of thingery. They have expiry dates - like products on sale in a shop. The all-seeing eye has now entered the mass consciousness as never before because nature is not fighting back - she has nothing to fight against - but rather absorbing the vast data sequences that have been generated by this journey into unseeingness. By journeying into this state of disconnected awareness we were able to do something that cannot otherwise be done - to generate random data. Had we known what we were doing - our knowledge would have affected the outcome. Because we were wholly lost in the experiment, and wholly absorbed by it, we were able to do something otherwise impossible - to generate a wholly, completely random stream of data. That is what we have done. It has been achieved and we have already shifted out of that linear sequencing stream, though it will take a little time to become fully aware of this. Once that happens, once we become fully aware that we're now back in the biologic stream, BANG - or something infinitely softer and more gentle.

Let me end with an if...

Rather than saying what it is or why, let me ask you to consider the following:

if the whole of history as we know it has not in fact been a linear progression, 
if time has not in fact been limited to one direction but has flowed variously,
if we have been creating a random stream of data and doing so to perfection,
if we're now able to reap the rewards for this huge labour of love,
if all our sacrifice and pain is part of an ever-expanding, ever-contracting toroidal field,
if we have never truly been separate from that which is - our natural state,
if we are no less one than we are many, no more many than we are one,
if the conscious-awareness has never been suppressed,
if our mind is programmed to reset as soon as we arrive at dot dot dot...
if I can take the opportunity to thank you for being with me,
if I suggest that things are not what they seem then logically...
I've said enough... may "if" work its magic and God or nature do the rest.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Gentle art of dying

Not macabre, no. Not in the least.

But why "dying"? Why not "living"? Wouldn't that be more à propos?

No. The gentle art of dying it is, and nothing else will do. Can I begin?

I suppose so, but I wish to register my formal protest.

Registered. You see, dear Zie, the dying part of dying is generally misunderstood, and not surprisingly.

How do you mean?

Well, people tend to focus on the dead body. The funeral. The sadness.


As opposed to the quantum shift.

The what?

The quantum shift from matter back to...

Let me guess: no matter

whatsoever. Precisely.

No matter whatsoever. Hum...

As soon as you shift your focus... what do you have?


Or no thing, if you wish to be even more explicit.

No thing? So we're looking at the transition from thing to no thing, from matter to no matter, from...

That will do Zie. I think they've got the message.

Yes but I wanted to say...

I know Zie, but trust me, you've said enough. The reader is highly intelligent and has no difficulty following your line of reasoning.

Really - I had no idea.

So, to commence...

But how can you be so sure. You've never met half of them.

Half of whom?

Your readers.


So how can you know whether they really understand what I wanted to convey.

Strange to say - I just know. It's like there's this invisible connection and the reader - whoever whenever he she may be is present now - at the piece's inception.

Amazing. So it's kind of time travel.

Yes. It must be.

So what are they thinking right now?

They're wondering if you'll allow me to continue.

Oh, sorry, I...

Yes. I can't blame you - being, as we are, on the cusp of a new age.

I've heard that one before. I wouldn't use that phrase if I were you.

Too late. It's already down.

But you can change it.

Can I? Don't be so sure. Do you really imagine I'm free to pick and choose?

Well, yes - you are the writer after all.

Indeed, but...

But what?

I can't say.

Whyever not?

The readers - they're unwilling to have me explain what doesn't need to be explained. This is something that has to be felt. We simply have to allow ourself to feel the relationship between the author and reader, without prejudice.


And that will suffice. So to continue. The gentle art of dying...

But wouldn't it be fair to say...

Zie, you're right, it would be fair to say, without a doubt...

But I haven't even said what?

No, but you thought it, and the readers responded accordingly.

You mean you can read my thoughts?

No, but the readers can, and I can feel whatever they're thinking, so yes, it would be fair to say, but once again no - there is no need to be more explicit.

No need?

No. None whatsoever.

But that's so negative.

Like the gentle art of dying - it seems to be.

Seems to be my foot. It is. Negative - as negative as negative can be.

Yes, Zie - which is what we're really discussing isn't it?

Is it?

Yes, we're discussing the beauty, the magic, the life force concealed within what appears to be negativity.

Oh really.

Yes. For most people dying seems negative, and life positive, so they prefer to focus on life rather than death.

Yes, exactly. Always look on the bright side...

Except it stops being bright when we starting avoiding what is - the isness of Be.

It does?

Indeed. We need all that is, including what is perceived to be negative in order to unlock the deep balance, the deep harmony, the codes contained within the life vessel that is Me.

So you mean I can only do that by embracing the negative - including my death.


So I need to descend into morbid introspection in order to become truly alive.

That's how it seems to most people, which is why they head-in-sand all that's related to death, which is why they're only able to experience the 2D version of 3 dimensionality.


Yes. 3D only opens up and becomes a fully alive experience with activated vertices once we're able to comfortably consider, engage and incorporate death into the equation of life.

You mean like this preposterous 0=1?

Yes. 0=1 is the mathematics of Is - which necessarily has to equate and reconcile life with death, something with no thing.

Which is never going to make sense, is it? It's obviously wrong. But you're so pig headed you won't accept it.

Oh, I accept it's wrong if you base your maths on materiality, without reference to all that is, so then it's essentially limited to counting things - stuff and nonsense mathematics I call it.

Which is what math should be - dealing with real things as opposed to non-existency.

But "things" are neither here nor there.

Tell that to the person who's in need.

To the person in need I hope I'll do more than talk about mathematics. It would be far better to provide material assistance and see if I can unblock that part of the equation.

Don't Merry.

Don't what?

Don't treat a living being as "part of an equation".

Whyever not?

Because human beings are more than just part of an equation. They have a soul. They are...

More than words can say. Agreed.

Then kindly desist from mathemàticising them.

Saying we are all One, with a capital "O" to boot, is hardly what you consider "mathemàticising" people.

No? Well that's how it sounds.

Yes. It sounds that way but, I assure you, the way it sounds is quite different from what it truly is.

So what do you mean then?

That unless we all accept our inter-connectedness, inter-relatedness, our inter-

Merry - you're as bad as I am. They've got the message.

Who have?

The readers - about half an hour ago.

Oh. Sorry Zie. I get carried away at times by my own eloquence.

Or lack of it... Yes. I noticed.

Well, thanks for interrupting me. I guess I need to be brought back down to Earth.

I guess we all do at times.

So, where was I?


Oh yes. There's really nothing virtuous about "helping" someone materially. My failure to do so - to deal with the human being in need ensures I never arrive home.

And where is home?

Back to equilibrium, the natural state of balance where 0=1...

Where life and death are

Like yin and yan




Until we allow

Ourself to be

The isness version

Of Me, the full

Human being

Without further need

For restraint, reason



Dot dot dot - the unspoken

Unrepeatable third

the empty set

- void - message incomplete

And so I give you death

That you might live

And life that you

Might die

Wings that you might

Fly and breath that

You might breathe

Your dying breath

Throughout the life

You never truly live



Beloved reader one and all, thank you for assisting me in writing this. Thank you for dancing with me, Zie and the gnomiki through the stars, under the dense canopy of night, deep within the Earth, wherever there is darkness, confusion and a proliferation of nought. Merry is our flight - our journey of reconciliation and awakening. I could ask for nothing more than to journey with you back to zero point in search of the fabled isness of Be. Though some would call it a fool's errand, I have never felt the least doubt in your benevolent and sagacious company, of the assured success of this mathematical mission, for though the night be cold and long, though the dawn be far from sight, though the dot be... dot... dot, three in one, still I feel and know the end is within sight, for every sentence, sooner or later, stumbles on the punctuation known as "full stop" and thus attains its majority, a state of wholeness, completedness, perfection, and thus I sing to the night, to the spirits of fear and disquiet, a song of woe, a tale of nought, stuffed full of every conceivable zero, and that, dear beloved reader, is where we can no further go, beyond the zero point of "N" "O" know...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Floating - there's nothing to it

I was having trouble staying awake...

Too much writing. Not enough sleep - I was telling myself.

Not enough floating - a voice informs me.

Floating? What's that meant to mean? I ask - not expecting any kind of answer.


This? What the hell's that? - I'm thinking when I feel myself lift off the ground.

Jesus Christ...! My stomach is left behind as I find myself several feet or more up in the air, just kind of bobbing around.

Let me down - I'm screaming. Let me down. I's afraid of heights. I'm going to fall. I'm...

Can it Milo! You can handle this. It's time you stopped whining and moaning, and started enjoying life a bit.

Enjoying life?! You call this enjoyment?

Strange to say - yes. From where I am your vital signs are showing distinct signs of improvement. You're re-energised, revitalised, reinvigorated.

Any other re-s you'd like to name?

No, three is more than sufficient.

So, er... if it's not too much to ask - how am I supposed to get down?

The same way you got up.

Which is?

Why don't you try asking yourself.

Isn't that what I'm doing?

Technically yes. But I'd rather you tried to remember how you got up here in the first place.

Er... didn't you just hit the anti-gravity button - or something like that.

Well, yes - but that's just from my perspective. You have to realise that powerful as I, your otherness, may be - I can do nothing unless you yourself tacitly agree - unless you yourself are party to it. So what did you do, sub-consciously, to get yourself 14 feet and six inches up in the air?

I...? - and here I'm about to yell - I don't know! - My temper doesn't seem to be behaving itself as it should. Not altogether unsurprising in a highly stressful moment like this - but for some reason I switch sideways into another pocket of awareness - and I'm fascinated to observe how it happened, how I levitated.

And how you're doing it right now. You're only able to stay up there because you're holding this beautiful configuration with aplomb.

Yes, but how? I've never done this before - who taught me?

Don't be so sure. There's more to you than meets the eye.

Well yes, evidently, but that still doesn't answer the question.

No, it doesn't, because you're the one who needs to let the answers come out. You have the same access to information as I do.

I do?

Yes. Who do you think you are? Some kind of inferior underling?

No - but I'm just a normal human being - aren't I?

Absolutely! A normal, run of the mill, multi-dimensional human being, capable of absolutely anything - just as soon as you stop disallowing it.

Disallowing? I've never disallowed anything. I'm extremely open-minded.

Agreed. You're open to anything as long as it doesn't contradict your concept of reality - just as long as it allows you to remain in control.

Ouch! That bad am I?

Let's just say that like the rest of us - you have your limitations - but when push comes to shove - you're ready to challenge them. That's why we're having this dialogue right now.

You mean I permitted this take over of my in-controlness?


Er... when? I don't remember inviting you, my otherness, to suspend me from the oh so high ceiling in my studio.

Well, it's a grey area - admittedly.

A grey area?! You mean you barged in illegally and took over without authorisation?

Oh come on... I wouldn't go that far. I merely stretched the letter of the law. But you do need to give it a little more thought rather than rushing to blame me or anyone else for your shortcomings.

My shortcomings? You hang me from an invisible hook 14 feet above the ground...

14 feet and six inches.

Yes, whatever - and you have the effrontery to say I should give it more thought.

Well yes - that would be more intelligent.


Because, firstly, you are not and never have been coerced or controlled by me or anyone else - no matter what you may like to imagine.

No? Are you sure?

And secondly - because even if I tried to do so, I could only get you up into the air by working through your very own natural facilities and abilities. This is your technology, not mine.

Technology? What do you mean? I don't see a machine holding me here.

It's inbuilt. It isn't anything as primitive as a machine. It's biologic, the technology of Is.

The what?

The technology of Is. Please don't ask me to repeat it again. I'm very sensitive on that score.

Ok - but what the heck's that?

I already told you - it's inbuilt.

Yeah - I heard you first time - but that's not telling me much.

Then why don't you try tuning in - and taking a look for yourself?

Oh yeah - good point... - and I do. I'm scanning myself - feeling the configuration and the force holding me delicately poised, perfectly balanced up in the air - admiring its intelligent design and functionality... My God - it really is a kind of technology, isn't it.

Would I lie?

But there's no machine.

Not exactly, no. But then again - what do you think your body is?

An intelligent machine?

A biologic interface technology - we prefer not to use the word "machine".

A "biologic interface technology" - sounds sweet but it's quite a mouthful.

Ok - call it BIT.

And you think that sounds better than machine? Ok - so my body is capable of levitation?

And much, much more.

Then why didn't I know about it?

Why do you assume you didn't? How could you not know what you of all people had to know.

Look - I never read instruction manuals.

No need. You had the entire dataspread when you entered the vehicle.

Vehicle? I wish you wouldn't refer to my body as a vehicle.

Actually I'm not. Vehicle refers to your body and it's localised mind.

Ah. That makes sense.

So, as I was saying - you have no right to claim you were ignorant of your vehicle's capabilities.

I'm not claiming anything. I'd love to have known I could bend the laws of physics and float up to the ceiling. Now that I've come to terms with the strangeness of the situation I'm actually loving it.

Love loving, are you? So you don't want to press charges any more?

What? Do I have the right to press charges against you?

Er... as I said, it's a grey area. I might be liable under the lèse-majesté section of the criminal code, for infringing your personal sovereignty, but you and I had a personal agreement years ago. It might be hard to prove in court, but who cares, I promised to give it my best shot.

Look - of course I'm not going to press charges. In any case, what would be the point? You're, as you put it, my otherness. But what was this agreement?

Come on Milo - you've got to stop assuming I'm your nanny. Stop relying on me for the answers.

I told you otherness - do you have a name, by the way?


Ok, Merry, I don't remember all this stuff. It's part of the human condition - being stuck in the 3D mind-body vehicle thingy.

Yes and no.

Yes and no?

It's only true as long as you hold it to be true. As soon as you accept what Is, you can manually over-ride the limitations of your 3D conditioning and - Bingo - you're once again in the driver's seat with full access to all information. Trust me - I can see it right before my eyes.

See what?

Your conscious awareness. Nothing has been deleted, nothing has been destroyed. As soon as you're ready, willing and desirous - you can revert to All.


Yep. The natural state of Allness - in which you have full access to all that is/ all that you be/ all that you are

Ok... if you say so.

Don't take it on trust Milo. Check it out for yourself. Instead of asking me - come into a meditative state of interested curiosity. Play the I-wonder game.

The what?

Last repeat - the "I wonder" game. You have this inbuilt sense of Wonder - it's a powerful tool, which like your Imagination can take you very far, very fast. Remember the nursery rhyme - twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are? Where do you think that came from? Why do you think it was taught to all these children?

No idea.

Yes you do.

Er... to remind us all that we shouldn't just look at the thing and be satisfied with a name or label. To encourage us to continue looking at the world around with a sense of wonder, and thus remember the true nature of things... Wow Merry! Where did that come from?

Well done Milo. It's working fine, isn't it. So just suspend your disbelief and allow the answers to flow.

Ok... but it feels like such an effort.

Yes. You've been conditioned to feel a little internal resistance. It requires practice. Don't force it. When you feel that slight lethargy - just meditate it.

Er - what do you mean?

Breathe it like a micro-meditation. Trust me - the lethargy will dissolve in half a mo. There's nothing to it. It's served its purpose. It was put there to help prevent you from knowing too much too easily.

But why? I don't get it.

Answer that yourself.

Ok. Breathe... Release... Flow... So I could experience this state of limited awareness. So I could feel what it's like to be disconnected from All that is and operate at the 3D level of "things matter".

Great. So it worked, didn't it. You were able to exist all these years, unsuspectingly within 3D - things matter - almost completely unaware of everything else - including me.

Yes, that's weird. I mean - I can feel you so clearly now - and it's obvious you've been with me all along - I just wasn't aware. Bizarre. How could I have failed to notice.

The magic and mystery of conscious awareness - or what not.

What not?

Its 3D version: conscious awareness through an inversion loop. Oops! Sorry Milo - I was supposed to let you answer your own questions.

Don't be so pedantic, Merry. Rules are made to be broken.

Ah ha - did you hear that! Talk about déjà vu.

Oh my God - it's all coming back.

What is?

That's what I said to you, isn't it, before entering the vehicle. "Don't be a pedant Merry - rules are made to be broken!"

Yes, you did. But what was the context?

Er... we were discussing how I could reactivate my conscious awareness while still in situ. I told you to give me a shove and you looked a little concerned, saying that would be a violation of the terms of incorporation - the non-interference protocol.


But if I'd known what a shock it was going to be...

You'd have preferred me not to have given you a shove?

No. I just could never have imagined how unaware it's possible to be down here in 3D. Wow! Imagine thinking levitation was something out of the ordinary. Imagine freaking out about holding a non-physical tonal configuration.

Yes. Well, I'd prefer it if you didn't tell too many people about what I've done. Rules are rules you know.

Oh come on Merry! Don't be so square!

Heaven forbid. So what now? Push came to the shove and you seem to be back, more or less. It's going to take a bit of practice before you remember fully All that is. In the meantime...

In the meantime - I'm exploding with energy. I want to go shake the whole world by the hand. I...

Need to put your feet back down on the ground. You've forgotten about keeping yourself zeroed.

Oops. You're right, so I have! Here goes... 0=1

Absolutely, 0=1 it is  I Am

Ah, that's good...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Merry school of Is

So tell us please, Merry, how you came to set up the School of Is all those years ago.

Well, your viewers may not remember what it was like back then in the 2010s.

A few of them will - but, you're right, most of them have difficulty relating to the world we've come from.

OK - so a little background. Back in the 2010s we were still only awakening to our huge untapped potential. We were living in a world of vast, primitive logic systems based on material resources. We were effectively asset stripping the planet and the whole of humanity, with a few exceptions, was in a state of amygdalan hyperactivity. This meant we were emotionally unbalanced and found it well nigh impossible to connect with our higher natural states of conscious awareness. We were absolutely convinced that the world and human society had to be regulated as a machine, rather than a living biological entity. We had not idea of viable, practical alternatives, or if we did, we were convinced that they were Utopian fantasies.

And money seemed to be the prime motivating factor back then...

Yes. Money was blown out of all proportion. Instead of being a means to an end, it had become an end in itself. We had lost sight of what wealth really was, and started to identify accumulated money as wealth.

Talk about putting the cart before the horse.

Yeah - but this was the logical end result of a few thousand years of intellectual development. Humanity had taken a left turn somewhere along the way and chosen the path of rational materialism. Things were only seen to matter, to be important or make sense to the extent they could be quantified and utilised materially. Everything had to have a material value, but our value system put little or no value on the most precious thing of all which is life - because life is not a "thing" and cannot easily be quantified. Thus we were willing to destroy life with reckless abandon, and the whole socio-economic, political, rational system - the whole paradigm was in a state of collective mass denial regarding what was going on.

In short, we were entering the end game of rational materialism.

Correct. It had brought us to the verge of planetary annihilation and mass extinction. There really seemed no way out. The system seemed to be unreformable. It was too vast. It controlled the minds of almost everyone, it reached into every aspect of our lives, it controlled the flow of resources and determined who was free from lack and who was in penury.

So in that state of huge systemic disfunctionality you decided to introduce an alternative.

Yes. It slowly dawned on me as I became more aware of the corruption and contradictions within the whole system and within myself, that something enormous was unfolding within me and throughout. Instead of focussing on the negative, I began to sense how the darkness was in fact revealing ever more clearly the light glimmering inside. It was an exponential progression - so the worse things got, the more abusive the matrix became, the easier it was for us to see the wood from the trees. We no longer had to fight the existing system. That would never bring us into the light. We simply had to reconnect, to remember, to reactivate our natural state of Is - the Isness of Be.

So how did this growing awareness translate into action?

Well - at first I was just working it out for myself, then I started sharing it with a few friends through a blog, then I was guided to go one step further - to open the Merry school of Is.

Ok. So take us back to the first tentative moments, when it was all beginning. You were treading on virgin soil, were you not?

Not exactly. There were lots of healers and Light workers who were providing courses to assist people in their awakening. All of this helped to bring in the new age. All of it helped raise the awareness of some kind of change - but economically, socially, politically, intellectually things were largely static. The matrix was a huge system of interlocking systems, perfectly designed to lead humanity to a jumping off end point - so instead of trying to fix it - I just recognised that there really was nothing to fix - that we were in the process of going through a vast, multi-level quantum shift. The individuals, groups and organisations that were putting up the greatest resistance to the change were in fact doing more than anyone else to facilitate the shift, though they'd have been horrified if you'd told them. People, you have to realise, were terrified of change because they had no notion of any alternative. As far as they were concerned - technology was a metal or plastic box - be it a car, a computer, a cell phone or a smart bomb.

Right. So you decided to facilitate the transition by providing an alternative.

Not exactly. I knew that I was powerless to do anything to make things change. I had no intention of pushing against a string. I realised that where there's a string there's bound to be a bow nearby, or a hammer to make it vibrate and resonate. Instead of following the old propulsion model of moving forward by pushing backwards, I decided to try an impulse drive - as in the Star Trek movies - a drive that pulled me into whatever most excited me, which meant I allowed myself to follow the path of delight.

So you just did what felt best at the time. Didn't you have any difficulties switching?

Not exactly difficulties. I was still experiencing lots of fear - but once I'd understood the new technology - how I was being drawn forwards ever faster, further, deeper back to my natural, blissful state of Is - the fear started morphing into fascination. I was more and more fascinated by what was unfolding - and I could feel how I was moving in two planes - so to speak.

The 3D material plane and conscious awareness.

Precisely. This was something new. It was so exciting to feel how everything happening in the 3D material plane was in fact the result of connections, openings, enfusion that I was accepting and welcoming in the conscious awareness.

So this shifted your perspective dramatically.

Precisely. I was feeling what was really going on, and in an increasingly detached way, able to enjoy the amazing synchronised action and movements of 3D reality. I was no longer trapped in the mechanistic mindset of rational materialism. I now sensed more or less unequivocally how I was One with all that is - whatever that might be.

So tell us about the school.

Well, Merry school of Is was a leap into pure unadulterated and inspired delight. I realised that it was time to start unlocking the sealed doors that had kept humanity in a state of technological infancy. Our enslavement had served its purpose. It had got us to the point where we were ready to reincorporate.

Reincorporate - what's that?

Well, the vast web of human experiences, much of which had involved horrendous suffering, remained extended like a web across space and time. Our minds had been shut down which had enabled us to experience everything with limited awareness, as what as opposed to Is, but as soon as our minds were ready to open, this huge web of accumulated experience became an incalculable resource. It became the foundation, so to speak, of our new awareness - and we were able to process anything and everything. It's a bit like a cow lying down to chew the cud, to digest the grass it ate earlier. Far from being a painful process of revisiting old suppurating wounds, the web stretching across the conscious awareness of humanity is a beautiful, magical, perfect crystalline entity which is a delight to engage. It is alive. In it we see that no one suffered in vain. Nothing that happened was lost or wasted. Everything had a magical, intricate side to it that only becomes clear now that the whole is complete.

Ok Merry - but we're running ahead of ourselves. Back to the early days - your school of Is.

Sorry Zie. Yes, well the school was a magical flight of fancy - but at the same time absolutely practical and, strange to say, scientific.

How so?

Well the old science had kind of ground to a halt. It had spent so long trying to avoid or deny anything that wasn't mechanistic or material that it more or less imploded under the weight of its internal contradictions. My job was to present the alternative. I knew that every existing technology could be replicated and enormously outperformed by the technology of Is.

But people knew nothing of this new technology.

No. They assumed technology had to be something - a box. They hadn't yet realised that we have the most amazing technological potential already built into our mind and body.

So where did you start?

A bit like the early days of computing - with 1s and zeros.

You had to go right back to basics.

Yes, but it was fun. I presented it as a new kind of math 0=1. I started exploring how we could go beyond theory and get the ball rolling. It was such fun. It still is, of course. I can't think of anything more exciting. Treading on virgin territory. Everything was there for grabs. Everything was waiting to be discovered - and what's better still - there were and are no material limits or restraints.

Ok - so you started teaching this in a class?

Yes. I got groups of people to meet up with me, or among themselves and to start playing with the technology of Is. At first they wanted a lot of instructions, but I had to repeat ad nauseam that no instructions were needed. It has to be a natural living biologic interaction. The technology of Is cannot be a mind down system. It has to be body up - with the conscious awareness as the hosting platform.

So how did people react to this?

With bemusement at first - but once they started to feel results - once they realised that biologic is a kind of natural logic - which is itself conscious - the results were beyond my wildest expectations.

So give us a glimpse of the early experiments.

Well, first of all we had to establish the framework - what I called the Engagement Protocol. We needed to be sure that engaging the impulse drive - tuning into the limitless power of Is - that no harm should befall us or the rest of creation. We were still terrified of what we called the dark side. We'd seen too much of how long years of suppression and distortion resulted in toxic or explosive reactions. So the Engagement Protocol was necessary to ensure that no imbalances within us, the students of Is, or the reality we were operating from should have negative consequences.

So how did you do that? Most of our viewers are certainly familiar with the Engagement Protocol - but it's been modified considerably since then, has it not?

Yes. We were still using the language and mindset of the outgoing paradigm, and were obviously affected and indoctrinated by the reality we were now emerging from. One of the main early issues was unhealthy attachments. We'd grown up in a world were things seemed to be lacking - where we always wanted more - and so we tended to be quite possessive in our relations to people and things in general. We hadn't yet made the great breakthrough in conscious awareness that came at the 2nd convention in Lisbon in 2017, so our interaction with that was somewhat cumbersome and oppressive. We didn't yet know how to open the magic box. It was a case of groping in the dark, but believe me when I tell you that, even at that stage we were flying compared to anything we'd ever experienced elsewhere.

So the Engagement Protocol?

Ok - we started experimenting with simple neutral objects - a stone, a feather, a pine cone, a glass of water, or with simple symbols on a piece of paper - a cross, a circle, a wavy line, or with simple sounds or notes - you get the idea. These were our ones and zeros. Before doing so we had to create the proper working space - to ensure that we were able to leave behind all negative beliefs, programmes or ideas that were still at work in our mind. We sat for a moment in silence around a table or in a circle. Each of us stated our name - it is... I am... Merry. Doing this ensured we were fully present, here and now. Then we read the declaration of Is:

Beloved all that Is. We come in peace and love. We come to play and learn as children of Is. We come in conscious awareness of the simple truth: the oneness, the allness, the isness of Be.
We renounce all harmful thought forms, belief systems or programs and affirm our wholehearted love and devotion to All that is. Guide us, beloved All, back to our natural state of beauty and joy. Enable us to restore the power of Is with simple, natural technologies within and through our conscious awareness. We willingly agree to be governed by nature's own law of One - it is   I am... Zero equals One - it is   I am... One. We open our hearts and minds to the magic, the power, the technology of Is. Let it be, let it be, let it be.

This having be done - something always changed in the room. We were in fact, by making this declaration of Is transported to another reality which essentially corresponded with the future. We were able to feel and tap into the main outline, the architecture, the achievements that awaited us somewhere in the future. This made possible the quantum leap from our seemingly primitive experiments with simple objects to where we are today - light years ahead.

Ok Merry. I think our viewers will be fascinated to hear what you were doing with these objects.

We were approaching them as small children do - touching them, tasting them, talking to them, trying to understand what they really amounted to rather than what our senses were telling us they were.

We knew that, 0=1, we were wholly interconnected or entangled with everything and everyone. The word formula - it Is   I Am - expresses that simple truth awareness. Our job was to go from the truth awareness to interaction. We needed to activate the dormant bio-logic intelligence within each and every one of us. Of course, doing this in a group was both more interesting and far more productive.

So the key was our imagination and our intuition. We were fascinated by the three tele-s - telekinesis, telepathy and teleportation. We knew that all these were a part of our inbuilt kit - we just needed to work out how to switch it on. We had to avoid doing what scientists had done for too long - which was thinking hard and concentrating. We knew that would yield the wrong results. Ours had to be child'splay - light and gay. We knew we didn't actually have to do anything - that we can quantum shift into any reality whatsoever, just as soon as we're willing to equalise with it. Think of it like going through locks on a canal boat. The gates only open when the water levels have equalised. Then it's easy. Try opening them prematurely and they're stuck fast by the weight of water. Or, alternatively, like jumping from one moving track to another. If you're not moving at the right speed you'll fall over - so there's a kind of chip built in that usually prevents you jumping until you're matching the speed or frequency of the track your jumping to. Another thing we knew was that there was no point pushing. Everything happens naturally, automatically, instantaneously when you activate the impulse drive and listen to what it's saying. The 3D mind, of course, doesn't like this idea and kicks up a fuss so we had to act as a nannies, holding it like a crying baby in our arms, singing it lullabies or distracting it until it got used to what is, in fact, perfectly natural, painless and magical.

Instead of the old way of working within mind - from a static position, we need to constantly switch sides like the wave form between zero and one, left and right, male and female,  - and so we used theatre and story as the basis of our research and experimentation. Each of us participated in telling the story of how we or our hero discovers how to activate the particular ability we are working on. The stories were such fun. We were downloading stuff all the time. Ideas, pictures, sounds, dances came to us. We were spontaneous. We knew the entire universe, the whole of creation was involved and responding biologically to our deadly serious, yet gay and riotous drama. We'd start drumming or playing on flutes, or pulling faces, or pretending to be on a boat in a storm. We knew we had to create great theatre, to activate the power of Is - the sleeping, gentle giant, to bring about cosmic fusion...

And we did.