Tuesday, June 19, 2018

deconcealing the registry

So, you mean to say that you’re actually responsible for the entire planet.

Well, I’m not trying to make out that I’m someone special.

No, I understand – but, the entire planet – are you sure you got that right?

And what exactly, in your mind, is the entire planet?

Well, it’s more than 40,000 km in circumference, not to mention 7 billion people, so we’re not talking chicken feed.

No, we’re not – but then again – what’s a kilometre when you learn to expand or compress space with the breath?

What do you mean?

Well, a kilometre seems like a constant – wouldn’t you say?

It is a constant.

Indeed – it seems like a constant, I repeat.

But you’re implying it’s not.

Well, things are only constant as long as we hold the field in strict alignment with our thingliness – our what is what.


The minute I select the quantum field option and engage the breath accordingly…


Well – watch and see. I select the quantum field – so now I’m engaging that which is, irrespective of what or how.

Er… ok

And now I hold myself in position with the breath as follows.


Now – do you notice what’s happening?

No – it can’t be. You’re simultaneously…

all over the shop, because I’m not staking a claim in 3D.

Staking a claim? What do you mean?

Well, as long as you’re doing the 3D thing you’re basically staking a claim – vying for possession or ownership of its assets, which involves attaching yourself to them and them to you as best you can.

But – I’m not trying to own assets!

Not ostensibly, no, but 3D was actually set up that way, as a kind of registry. Things can only actually exist in 3D if they’re registered to someone.

But surely there are trees… rocks… things lost or forgotten that belong to no one.

You’d think so, wouldn’t you, until you learn otherwise.


Yes – that everything requires its pound of flesh sponsor.

How do you mean?

Although people in 3D don’t see it – there’s a physical attachment between people and things.


Absolutely. Without exception.

You mean you can see who everything belongs to.


Like there’s a wire attached?

More or less.

How terrible.

Terrible? Why the big drama.

I don’t know – it seems kind of stifling – suffocating – knowing that everything is tied into a single vast matrix.

Yes, until you see the other side of things.

What other side?



Got it?

Oh… yes, I see.

You do?

Yes. Right. Well that changes everything.

It does, doesn’t it.


So I’m responsible for everything and nothing.

Yes. It’s funny, isn’t it?


How things seemed so big, so important, so full of weight and matter…

When in actual fact…

When in actual fact they all slot together in this… music, or flow of…

Not even that – I mean – you can perceive it as music, or a flow, or a dance, or anyway you like – but in the end it’s infinitely more and less.

More and less? Talk about contradictory…

Yes, but that’s only when we reason at the either-or 3D level, innit?


Outside 3D what do you see?

Well, every single form is but an expression of One – like cut faces on a diamond.


And they all fit together perfectly – without preference of hierarchy.


And every single gap separating one from another – be it time or space – is but a representation of the registry itself – which organises things in 3D differently.


Yes – in terms of what makes them different – as opposed to onely – in terms of their underlying, basic and fundamental unity.


So outside 3D it’s a different game – isn’t it – but how’s that going to help us here?

Well, 3D’s going through some changes.

It is?

Yes, as you’ve probably noticed.


Well, how else do you think I’m able to communicate with you so freely.


G-nomeportal was always there, hidden carefully from sight, but it was reserved for the fairy gazers and yogic adepts.


Whereas now… the two sides are blending into one another.

They are?

Yep. The far side is now much, much less far. As the planet appears to teeter on the edge of an ecological apocalypse – the two sides are brought into a new configuration – all of a sudden it’s becoming ridiculously easy to connect the dots, to sense the quantum field, to engage otherness.

Other what?

Other ness – the energies and forms which are now vital to bring about a union, a fertilisation of the egg and sperm of 3D and D3.


Indeed. God knows we’ve waited long enough – and the mother is ready.

She is?

Oh yes – she’s spectacular – you couldn’t have a better mother for your re-generation.

Oh… and the mother – what’s her name?


As in Islam?

Yes – that was her extreme masculinisation – but now she’s ready to shed her skin and assume her new role.



I’m not sure I feel entirely comfortable with the idea of some extreme religion…

Religion? Since when did I mention religion?

But Islam…

Quit 3D-ing everything I say, Zie. What could be more ridiculous than 3D-ing the quantum field.


Everything you think you know as a given or certainty is infallibly bound to be misleading or utterly mistaken once you take it to infinity – and since you’ve exhausted every other option here on Earth – it’s either infinity or bust, so quit playing the fool.

So, you’re saying that somewhat violent, scary religion known as Islam is now going to turn into the mother of a new Earth, a new humanity?

No, no, no. Tap, tap, tap – kindly view Isly.



Oh. I see.

You do?

Yes. My er…

Apologies? No need. It’s just a habit you need to get into now.

Tapping myself on the forehead?

Viewing Isly. You should be able to do it without the three taps – I just like being theatrical, as you know.

Oh, ok.

So, we’re at that moment of insemination – when the male and female halves which grew far, far apart, come back together again, and give a new unity, a new awareness of one, a rekindling of the old life force fire – fresh, abundant, liquid fire.

Surely not fire… Surely water?

There’s no water without fire – I assure you Zie. Why always assume it’s got to be one or the other.

Well, it can hardly be both, can it…

Let’s investigate – after all, you contain the two within you being 80% water and warm blooded to boot.


Tap… tap… tap…


That will do Zie. No need to lose yourself in elementals.

But it’s so nice.

Then take the trouble to get yourself there and do all the research you like.

What do you mean?

There’s so much to learn – so much to re-connect and re-discover as you emerge from the dark night of broken-mindedness. You simply have to invest a little energy in pursuing any particular direction and you’ll make huge progress – now that the two are back together as one.

But I wouldn’t know where to start?

You’re just being lazy. Start, as always, with the beetle.

Not that again.

Why not.

Because it’s ridiculous. What’s the beetle got to do with anything?

Nothing, which is precisely why it’s the best starting point.

How do you mean?

Well, it managed to slip past all the defences of the insane system you were in the process of constructing – with all your computers, AI, global wars and endless surveillance… the seemingly inconsequential beetle, the spider, the fly, the bacterium, the mycelium, even the viruses – they are the biological interface – where you come into direct contact with other – the other side of your divided-ness.


And so, everything you got disconnected from, everything you forgot about or lost – is easily accessible once you apply the beetle.

But why not the lion, the eagle, the…

All too closely associated with your pride and vanity – though they do have a small part to play. With the humble beetle, at the moment at least, there’s no recognition of the power you’re dialling into. It’s like a penny stock that no one bothers to buy, until suddenly it’s worth a million dollars, and then everyone wants it, but too late.


So start humbly – and know that the power of g-nomeportal and the magic of faery is fired up and ready to go, for anyone willing to come smallly, gently, learningly, feelingly – without the baggage of preconceptions or prejudice – for other is always going to confound your expectations until suddenly, click, you get it – and then it’s ridiculously simple – like – how could I have been so dumb – how could I have failed to realise, how could I have failed to…

connect the dots – yes – I see

Isly – yes, indeed. Now, beetle me.


Beetle me.


Get a move on, Zie. We don’t have all day.

I can’t beetle you. You’re er…


Not exactly.


Kind of

Quit fooling around – I don’t have all day.


‘m losing patience.

Tap… tap… tap… water… fire… beetle-ness


Oh – I thought it was something complicated.

Of course you did. You were 3D-ing, as per usual.

It’s weird, Merry – to see how easy things are once…

you stop making them difficult. Isly – we’re no more one form than any other. I can be beetle or anything else the minute you shift gears.

Yes, I see – but, what’s the point?

Well – take a look at yourself.


You see?

I’m beetle too. How did that happen?

Well, you’d have to beetle in order to beetle – duh!

Er… ok. Now, the trick is not to fixate on the form itself – that’s just going to lock you in another cul-de-sac.

Then what?

To connect with aspects of Other which are accessible through this form, but not through human form.

Oh… Like what?


Oh, sorry.

Intend it, Isly. Lighten up – dance it, spin it, play it, be it – the trick is to allow the energies or the conscious-ness to incorporate – to take form within your beetlyness.


Busily doing nothing usually works quite well – but this is your show. Let's see what you're capable of without me doing it all for you. But you're not completely on your own, in case you haven’t noticed.


Look around – what do you see? 

Oh – them.


Them beetles and… their keepers?

Yes, keepers, guardians or friends – no need to be too specific.


More or less.

Oh – how exciting.

Exciting? I thought you hated beetleness.

Suddenly I feel a wave of optimism – like a memory surfacing which promises so much more than I imagined.

Well go to it. Go meet your friends. Engage infinity – Isly.

Om. Tap… tap… tap… guys, I’ve….

Transmission incomplete 

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