Monday, April 23, 2018

in Xanadu

Guys, love is not.
Not what?
Not anything…
Oh come on! That’s bull…
Wait a minute. Stop jumping the gun.
Oh, I’m…
Yes – I know. Full of it.
Hey – no need to be abusive.
No abuse intended. Now shut up and listen.
What?! Forget it. I don’t appreciate being spoken to like that.
O as in Oh?
Just O.
No apology?
None whatsoever.
Well that’s it then. I’m out of here.
Ok, see you.
You know – you should think twice before speaking down at people.
Yep. See ya.
Don’t think you’re above common decency – just because you know a thing or two about the quantum field. You’re mistaken Merry.
Yep. Bye.
I can see you’re without remorse. Well don’t expect me to come back.
No. You’re welcome.
You’re just going to boot me out like that?
No. You said you’re going. I’m not standing in your way.
On the contrary – you seem to want me to go. How could I possibly stay when you spoke to me like that?
I have no idea. Really – it’s none of my business. And besides…
I don’t care.
What?!! I don’t believe it. You’re evil. You’re inhuman. A freak…
Zie splits open. Don’t ask me how. One part of him is standing there, beside himself with anger – hurling abuse, not without justification, at Merry. The other half – Marina – is watching, evidently amused. Merry seems to have no difficulty discerning the two. One half of him turns to Marina and asks –
How’s it going Marian?
Oh, not bad. That took some doing, didn’t it?
Yes. You’re tightly interwoven.
Is that the only way to separate us?
No. There are others.
Like what?
Oh – prayer and meditation – you know – gentle and holistic.
But you prefer high drama?
Well, you know me. Never one to turn down an opportunity to create a scandal.
So what’s the plan Merry?
Oh – we were talking about love – me and Zie.
Yes, I know, but you knew he wasn’t going to hear what you were saying.
So what does all this achieve?
No idea.
None? I find that hard to believe.
Well, at the very least it gives me the opportunity to chat with an intelligent, attractive young lady.
Oh, ever the flatterer.
Flattery? If you think that’s flattery you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Ok – you have my attention. What do you want from me?
Want? You make this sound so, how can I put it, mercenary.
I think I know you Merry. You always have an ulterior motive up your sleeve, or lurking in the shadows of your under-psyche.
Yes, you’re right. I thought it would be nice to have a chat.
I’m all ears… By the way – where was I?
You don’t know?
Duh… do I ever know?
You were at Zie-1.
Yes, I know that – but where exactly was i?
You know – I don’t really know. We could take a look if you like.
That would be nice. I feel it might er…
Help Zie to come to terms with something that’s kind of blocking him.
Yes, I think you’re right.
How are you going to arrange this Merry?
Well, if you don’t object I’ll pop Zie into a beetle I have ready, just by chance, for such an occasion.
"Just by chance" – I understand.
The casual observer observes something which makes utterly no sense – Zie who appears to be frozen mid-rant suddenly morphs into a rather attractive rainbow beetle and flies directly across the event horizon between x1 and x-1. Obviously, observing this, the casual observer immediately discounts it all as an aberration, and contrives to forget whatever it was in next to no time, or, t-c – where c denotes the speed of light – conveniently avoiding the need to face or deal with the quantum divide which we just happen to live astride. For a split second the casual observer scratches his/her head, wondering where Zie disappeared to, and then, conveniently, forgets the fact that Zie has just disappeared, i.e. dematerialised, i.e. transformed into a rainbow beetle – though, of course, it could have been any other type of beetle had Merry arranged things differently – and thus, long story short, the casual observer is able to continue observing the fact that 3D reality is utterly, utterly normal, and things are, as ever, in their rightful place, and entirely unaffected by quantum winds of change or even fluctuations. Any changes that do occur – which are observed without obliviation or other ex post facto editing techniques are all, naturally, entirely explicable in terms of known 3D agents of cause and effect, are they not… yawn. Nothing to be concerned about. Moving on... moving on... a crocodile with wings – how likely is that? Conspiracy nut!
Ah, there you are Zie.
Oh, Marina, hi! ###
Zie is suddenly smitten – not by the fact that he’s now in the form of a rather gorgeous rainbow beetle – which he utterly fails to notice, but that Marina, attractive and brilliant – is bothering to notice him. As we’ve already established – she’s his -1 so there’s little or no way he can look at her indifferently. His whole beetly body, his soul and inner essence vibrates, hums and buzzes with her captivating presence. Beyond feelings, passions or emotions – beyond anything you might misguidedly refer to as "love" there is this purely atomic experience of fact – that your -1 is the completion you've always secretly been yearning for, yet never imagined possible.
Ah, Zie, I see you’re already acquainted with Marina. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that you’re already head over heels in love with her!
Nifty move that, Merry. If there’s one thing that the quantum level can’t abide, it’s being observed, and if there’s one thing we can be sure as day of, it’s that a human beetle is as far from 3D reality as is quantumly possible. So, suddenly, Zie is utterly unable to continue being the lovestruck Romeo – as long as he’s being observed. It becomes an all but mathematical impossibility.
In love? No, of course not. I’m just, how can I put it, delighted to see you again Marina. It’s been a while hasn’t it?
Yes, indeed Zie. You’re looking well!
You too.
Do you think so?
Oh yes. I adore dung beetles.
Dung beetles – adorable.
Er… Zie. Are you quite alright?
Yes, of course.
I think Zie meant to say Abyssinian maid. He adores Abyssinian maids.
Oh, yes, that’s what I meant to say. Thanks Merry.
Don’t mention it.
So, I’m an Abyssinian maid? How very er… poetic.
Yes indeed. I blame Coleridge. He never could leave them alone.
The poet.
Yes, I know he’s a poet. You mean to say…
Yes, apparently so.
We're at the source of his poem Kubla Khan?
Yes, we must be, I suppose.
Oh my God. I don’t believe it.
I know, it seems far-fetched, doesn't it, but after all, we are dealing with the quantum stream.
Ok – so, let me get this straight – I’m an Abyssinian maid and this is Xanadu.
Yes, it would appear so.
Over there is Alph, the sacred river and – the stately pleasure dome?
It’s all coming back, isn’t it?
Yes, my God! But the problem is it’s either one or the other, isn’t it?
How do you mean?
Either it’s 3D reality with all those strange things you have there – what do you call ‘em?
Computers, mobile phones, microwave ovens…
Yeah, whatever – or it’s the living, singing poetry of epic, heroic tale – in which all of us are moving, breathing, flowing in time with its inner rhythm, its poetic essence, with not the slightest inkling of our entanglement with a diametrically opposed 3D variant.
Yes, apparently so.
So, what gives.
There has to be some way of squaring the circle.
Of bringing the two sides back into alignment.
Oh that – yes – I suppose there must be.
But what went wrong?
If I’m not mistaken it was the postman.
The what?
The postman. He knocked on the door – to deliver a parcel, and by the time Coleridge had gone back to his writing desk he’d completely lost the vision. Couldn't complete the poem. Damn shame.
You’re serious?
Never more so.
There’s got to be more to it than that. You can hardly claim the fate of humanity rests upon a single postman delivering his mail inopportunely.
Who’s to say it was the wrong moment? Maybe Coleridge was ahead of the game  the voice of a prophet. Maybe it wasn’t time for the full tale to emerge.
Maybe that’s what you and Zie have to bring to the world.
Us? But how – if he’s a beetle and doesn’t even recall his 3D self while he’s here.
But you do – don’t you?
Oh my God.
Yes! I do.
And this is a first, if I’m not mistaken.
It is. I’ve never remembered it more than a few fleeting seconds. What’s happened? What’s changed?
I’m guessing…
No – don’t guess. I want the real answer.
Actually I was speaking figuratively.
Oh, were you?
Well, yes, of course. We call this quantum alignment.
Do we? Why is it I’m under the distinct impression that you just made this term up?
Probably because I did just make it up – but that doesn’t stop it from being correct.
Good point. So quantum alignment – what exactly is it?
Good question. Apparently that’s when the time is ripe, or when the levels have equalised, or when the disks are spinning at the same rate – or at octaves of each other.
The rate of spin can be an octave higher or lower – more if necessary – but that doesn’t alter the fact that they’re matched.
Ok. So, if you’re right…
If?! Of course I’m right… What do you take me for. Goodness gracious – I'm sick of...
Temper temper Merry! What’s come over you?
Oh dear – I don’t know.
Yes you do – you set this whole thing up, didn’t you!
Did I? I don’t know what you mean?
By provoking me.
It wasn’t you Marina – it was me.
Sorry Zie, little confusion.
You mean to say, Merry, that you deliberately provoked me.
Er… ye-es – I guess you could say that.
But why?
Because he needed to split you in half – and that’s a lot easier when you’re in an agitated state.
Ok – I can see that. But that doesn’t explain why Merry is flying off the handle now, does it. He’s suddenly become positively human.
Of course he has – I mean – is.
He is now positively human – we’re the quantum other halves of his humanity.
We are?
Apparently so.
So where does Merry actually fit in? Do you imagine he’s Kubla Khan?
I shudder to think. Merry? Do you know who you really are?
Leave me alone. I’m not feeling well.
Oh come on Merry. Here – let me play on this dulcimer – that will put you in better spirits.
Oh – well done Marina – I had no idea you could play so well.
Thanks Zie. Neither did I. Amazing how things just come to you, isn’t it, on this side of the quantum curve?
Yes, indeed. There – he’s fallen asleep.
Merry’s fallen asleep? I don’t believe it.
Whyever not?
Because he’s never ever been asleep – not in my presence – not in all these years.
No? That’s a bit bizarre, isn’t it?
Not if he’s the observer – the reference point from which all is observed.
Do you imagine such a thing is possible? Wouldn’t we just vanish if that were the case – once he fell asleep?
I’m not sure. I suspect not.
Wheels within wheels?
Yes, I think so. There’s always another horizon – always an observer observing the proceedings.
So how do we get back.
Yes, how do we make sense of all this.
don’t know?
Actually – I do.
Temper temper?
Yes, that was it, wasn’t it?
You think so?
I’m sure of it. I don’t know why – but emotions such as anger evidently cross the quantum curve.
Yes, that would explain a lot. So who’s going to do it?
Who’s going to do it – I can’t believe you’re trying to thrust the responsibility on me again. You always do.
I do not.
Yes you do. It’s always me.
Now wait a minute.
Wait a minute? I’ve been waiting a minute since the day you were born – and what’s there to show for my infinite patience?
I think I’ve done pretty well actually.
Pretty well? Look at you – you’ve learnt nothing.
What do you mean “learnt nothing”. I’ve learnt at least as much as you.
Well if that’s the case then explain this…
No, don’t you dare.
Marina suddenly shifts form and turns into a dung beetle and starts fighting with Zie, beetle to beetle.
Ow, you’re crushing my… oh – what do you call this body part?
Suddenly the two of them are laughing hysterically – laughing till tears roll down their faces – and there is Merry too – watching the proceedings.
Beetles don’t laugh!
No, I suppose not.
So that means we’re back again – in human form.
Speak for yourself. I was always in human form.
Don’t be ridiculous Zie. You could never come to my home in human form.
Oh – I suppose you’re right. Come to think of it – I do seem to remember being a rather beautiful rainbow beetle – which is more than can be said for you Marina.
Don’t you dare!
If I’m not mistaken…
Don’t you dare – I said.
I don’t see what you’ve got against dung beetles. They’re very noble creatures – greatly revered by the ancient Egyptians, if I’m not mistaken.
Right – that’s it. I’ve had enough.
Cool it Marina… it’s just a form – it’s no big deal.
Cool it? I’ll…
And for a split second Marina is on the point of exploding – about to flip back onto the otherside of the quantum stream – when once again she finds herself at variance with herself, or with her preconceptions.
Seriously Merry – was there any particular reason why I was a dung beetle?
Or an Abyssinian maid?
Good question Marina – is there any rhyme or reason to anything – we might ask – but until we’ve figured out how the various pieces fit together in our fragmentary tale – we’re not going to get very far.
You mean the tale of Coleridge and Kubla Khan?
Yes – I think it’s important.
Important? How important?
Absolutely vital.
But he just forgot everything.
As we all do.
No, surely not.
Surely you don’t Merry?
Forget everything.
You think I’m the exception?
But you’re the observer, aren’t you?
Yes, until I fall asleep. And then?
And then who was?
It was us, wasn’t it. We shifted into full beetle mode – through anger ending up here in laughter.
You emoted.
We emoted – we journeyed through emotion – and form, time and space accommodated us. They yielded to our right of passage.
But we weren’t really observing, were we?
No, how could we be  we were fighting.
In your emotional state. But there was another part of you which you’re overlooking.
There was?
Yes. Feel it now, if you would. Here – look at this.
Merry starts swaying his head back and forth – and the next moment he appears to be a serpent – a serpent who gazes with utter, absolute detachment – without any emotion whatsoever. A somewhat chilling, soulless stare, from a human perspective.
No – that’s appalling. I don’t want to know.
I know – it’s sickening – but let’s be honest...
No, I can’t.
Come on Zie. If we don’t we’re never going to learn. We’re never going to bring the two sides back together again. It’s not like this is something new. It’s always been there – we’ve just avoided knowing what we know.
I don’t care Marian – I for one am not a serpent.
Well I am – so see how it feels now.
Marina – follows Merry swaying her head from side to side – and the next moment she too is a serpent. This is something Zie can neither deny nor come to terms with. Close to despair, yet, at the same time, feeling the moment has come – Zie throws back his head and howls like a wolf, emptying the loneliness of eternity before he follows suit and joins the other two. They slip, they slide, they flow, they fly – now dragonlike – through the various chapters and layers of story – over Xanadu, over Fantasia, Atlantis and beyond, beyond, beyond – weaving the various plots and sub-plots together into one epic tale… a serpent's twisting coiling tail, led by its utterly cold, dispassionate, impossibly objective, infra red vision. S they fly at the speed of time. S they unwind and wind all the countless karmic threads, arriving at a singularity – an Om-ic One where nothing is left, nothing remains.
Ok, Ok Merry – I accept love is not… Big deal.
You’re right Zie, it is a big deal, when you let the big, big not, the nought of love spin freely, like a wheel, like a disk… to infinity and beyond.
A flying saucer perchance?
Oh yes, why not.
So, now that I’ve swallowed my pride and accepted you were simply goading me to anger to split me in two…
I think it’s only fair that you should read the next chapter which I wrote with Marian, while you were sleeping…
Oh nooooooo… you never. Just when I thought we'd reached the end...
the serpent rears its fearful head
with eyes of seeing naught but hate
and bites your soft behind
Lovingly? I thought you said...
O, never mind ~ 
