Tuesday, April 17, 2018

running with the hare

When i reached the edge of humankind
i sat down and wept
with broken hearted naked joy

Er guys… can we have a break from all this heavy poetry stuff?
Er… yeah, why not.
It’s just there’s only so much i can handle. It does my head in after a while.
Yeah, me too.
So what’s it going to be?
You mean you have nothing planned?
Well in that case i might as well go home.
You sure?
Are you sure that would be a good idea?
A good idea?
To go home.
To go home? Of course – if there’s nothing doing here.
It’s just – we’ve taken some liberties with the quantum field.
Er… what exactly do you mean?
It’s like – you may find it hard to access the regular matrix settings where your home is generally positioned.
May i enquire who authorised you to “take liberties” as you put it?
Actually you did.
I did? When?
You remember how you felt about things happening in the world at large – wars and horrific things.
And you said enough – 0=1 – you read the “over my dead body” riot act to things in general, as well you might.
Well, all that was nicely executed. We’ve now reached the stage where things are no longer able to happen without explicit consent.
We have? No more bombs?
Oh – the bombs can be fired off all they like, but they can’t hit the target and cause loss of life without your explicit consent.
Awesome. Well I’m not going to give it, am I?
No, probably not, unless you decide you’re not ready to face the broader reaches of the quantum stream.
Well, anything that’s about to happen is only about to happen here in 3D reality.
Out there in the quantum stream it’s all just competing potentialities and various jurisdictions – all of which has to be routed through your conscious awareness.
Ok. I don’t see what the problem is. I’m sure my conscious awareness can handle just about anything.
As indeed it can – if you’re ready to let it run uninhibited.
Well, why would I try to stop it?
You might, for instance, have concerns about your sanity.
Oh that? Is that all?
Actually it’s quite a big deal. If you start trying to hold things in the familiar channel, to throttle the flow of meta.
As in matter?
Meta is matter before it becomes matter.
So I’m supposed to let it flow uninhibited?
Absolutely – otherwise you create a sail effect.
A what?
Any obstruction’s going to act like a sail – especially if you’re still operating from an essentially 3D perspective. That’s because the quantum field leads back to infinity in a way 3D cannot.
And so there’s a wind or stream which is powerful enough to dematter anything in almost zero time – if matter were foolish enough to attempt to escape beyond the envelope.
Yep. You’ve certainly noticed by now that 3D reality is a circumscribed, contained space.
Like planet Earth.
Exactly, except it’s not in fact gravity itself that keeps you locked in this particular 3D.
No – gravity is merely something that is thought to act upon things – but at the quantum level things are always nothinged by other.
Nothinged – as in cancelled out?
Well – yes and no – if they were cancelled out you might imagine the sum of the parts is zero or nought.
And it’s not? There’s more to us than nothing – even at the quantum level?
Yes and no.
Damn your equivocations Merry.
Yes and no because at the quantum level you are infinitely elastic – you no longer insist on thinking you’re this or that, or taking one form, one position or another. Like electricity or light – you are no longer defined locally. You can be anywhere or everywhere.
In other words I become part of the universal consciousness?
Yes – that’s a fairly truthful way of describing it, though every naming always brings its own difficulties – sooner or later… which is why we tend to put all the really important information into stories.
Yeah – like fairy tales or myths.
They’re the closest you get to an operating manual for the quantum side of things – because they avoid categorical thinging or naming. Everything in fairy tales is able to be dismissed as pure fantasy or fiction – and thus, can sail very, very close to the headwinds of infinity.
Oh. So I should be studying fairy tales, should i?
Not necessarily. You’ll find yourself studying them, or not perhaps studying – more like tuning into them just as soon as you’re ready to download information pertaining to infinity.
Oh – it just happens naturally – you’re saying?
Yes, more or less – because if you’re not ripe for the wisdom, truth or coded messages in them – you’ll just fail to absorb anything, or you’ll start trying to process them in terms of 3D things – which will increase the size of your sail – not diminish it.
So I’ll get blown further back.
So I can’t try to do anything to make this happen.
Why would you want to try?
You know – to get ahead… to make progress.
Progress? You’re thinking materially. All the progress in the world, or the entire universe amounts to nought where the quantum field is concerned.
You’ve been taught that the universe is something big – which it is from within 3D.
And you’re saying it’s not?
How can it be big or small? Infinity, by definition – cannot be measured, not because it’s too big or too small…
No? Then what?
Things are what you get when infinity endeavours to gaze at its own navel, to see itself blink.
Compulsively, obsessively, infinity becomes aware that there’s something else besides itself – and seeks to validate or confirm what it is, or what it is not – in terms of any other thing or things it’s able to calculate, conceive or perceive.
You mean infinity starts second guessing itself?
Yes. It gets all tied up in knots trying to slow itself down to the point where matter materialises. It pats itself on the back and believes it’s making progress – if it just goes a bit further it will get to the truth.
The philosophers stone?
Yes. So mathematically, fractally, chemically, biologically, genetically – you name it – on multiple fronts simultaneously – it’s chasing its own tail – trying to hit the event horizon – the speed at which things reveal themselves fully – or reveal what their essence might be – or reveal the observer gazing into them.
And you’re saying this approach is doomed to failure?
Not exactly.
What then?
This approach takes the conscious awareness deeper and further into matter – into things – and that’s a journey beset with pain and suffering – a journey which certainly enables us to catch glimpses of beauty – a journey which intrigues, which appals, inspires and exhausts us – until we hit the bottom of the pile – our energy is so extended – spread so thin – is so wrapped up in things that we can neither proceed nor retreat.
Yes, entropy.
And is there no other way? Are we all doomed to founder on the sandbanks of entropy?
Yes and no.
Yes and no? I should be annoyed – I usually am when you equivocate like this.
Strange isn’t it – this alternative response you're experiencing.
Yes – i guess it is. Is there anything to it?
You mean is it significant?
Of course.
So what does it signify, the fact that I’m able to respond to your yes-no equivocation… thusly?
What if I just fall silent for a moment or two and allow you to feel what it is…
What if… ok
Take your time – probe, investigate, allow a latent curiosity to sniff around and discover what’s at stake, what’s at play… the dog's nose, the cat's whiskers, senses you've never even dreamt you possess.
That will do.
That will do? But we’ve barely started.
Actually, that’s not strictly true. You flipped outside time almost immediately. In human terms or Earth time you’ve been frozen in contemplative inquiry for seven years and fourteen days.
I have? Are you sure?
Look into my voice – feel where I’m coming from.
How?... Oh
You see – you’d never have figured out how to scan the depths of where I’m coming from prior to now – seven years well spent, I’d say.
You mean to say I’ve spent seven years fourteen days learning how to navigate the feeling space within…
Yes, that’s not a bad way of putting it. These things take time – but fortunately you have an infinity at your disposal.
An infinity? Isn’t that a contradiction in terms? How can infinity be an?
In the same way you can be you – a being thing.
Oh – ok. That makes sense.
So instead of trying to grasp things or fit infinity into those little boxes you set up for your 3D rational thinking process…
Yes, I get where you’re coming from… I have to stay on the feeling, sensing, knowing side of things – where I can feel what I’m pushing against – I can factor myself into the equation – something I never used to do.
Correct. And what does that mean?
Factoring myself in – it’s like yes-noing myself.
It’s like unknowing and reknowing myself in terms of whatever I’m examining, whatever I'm working with.
To what end?
If you can’t change it – then you can discover how it and you are somehow, somewhere already a perfect fit – but only if i is willing to let go of every preconception that’s been locking me in whatever thing I’m holding myself out to be.
Good. Isn’t it a painful experience – isn’t it like taking self-denial to the nth degree?
Not exactly – no. You’d think so, wouldn’t you?
Yes, in the 3D state of mind you would definitely think so.
But in actual fact – there’s a sweetness, a giving, a blending, a merging, a dissolving of barriers and separation which is really very close to what we would experience in 3D when coming together sexually.
Ah ha, is that so?
Yes. I guess this can be described as fusion?
Correct, it can, it is.
So all those obstacles and difficulties – once we’re ready, once we’re willing to grab the nettle… once we’re willing to immerse ourselves in the quantum stream – to dissolve our shibboleths – to experience that supreme act of surrender and, paradoxically, conquest – pleasure and pain, then, and only then do we come close to discovering…
It is i am?
It is i am
That i was always ever the universe, always ever infinity, always ever one – no matter what, no matter what…
In matters vegetable, animal and mineral… yes – there was always going to be another iteration, extrapolation, postulation or frequency of thing above and beyond – no matter what – so in the end, it matters not in the least where or when you agree to accept universality – it’s always going to feel kind of strange at first…
“Kind of strange” – talk about inverted hyperbole!
Yes – beyond endurance yet infinitely doable, just like dying or being born – a moment of high strangeness followed by a lifetime, actually more like an eternity of blissful discovery.
Blissful discovery… something tells me that we’re the flip side of that.
Something tells you right – which is how and why no matter how dire, dreadful and horrific things seem to be here – in this “reality”…
In actual fact, once “other” is factored in…
Once we allow infinity to really stretch out and lengthen her stride…
Then the worst of things to manifest here in 3D require that complete disconnect provided for us by “matter”, a complete failure to perceive what’s really going on, what’s really unfolding – to appear to be bad in what we refer to as “time”.
In what we refer to as time… Ah yes – and there’s a ten thousand word story waiting to be told, is there not?
Indeed – for supposing linear time were not in fact bound to advance one step at a time…
Imagine it could waltz – one two three, one two three – ah time – I see you run rings around the conscious 3D mind.
Indeed, indeed, indeed. But let us adjourn. We have breathed a web of darkness and light – we have introduced softness and malleability into a rigid exoskeleton which is, even now, rediscovering the syncopated beat, the missing moment during which alterations in the narrative present themselves – if I’m willing to let bygones be bygones – if I’m willing to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds…
To feel the faintest breath of infinity which indicates a concealed door… into an other…
To find myself stepping in time with measureless all, as opposed to trying, ever trying to catch up with things...
one two three
two two three
three two three

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