G-nomeportal.blogspot: the page is not available
What?! F5
the page
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Is anything wrong Zie? You're pale like a ghost – hi.
Oh hi Merry – I've just had the most terrible shock...
Yes, I couldn't get to g-nome. It simply wasn't there – gone with the wind – oh Merry – I've never felt so lost in my whole life like in these few minutes.
Few minutes? I wouldn't be so sure about timing.
In personal time if not in relative time.
So what did you do?
Well, I... kept pressing F5, I guess.
You're not sure?
Funny but – no, I'm not sure now that you asked me. Er...
Any ideas why it would happen?
G-nome failure or me being unsure?
You know – I was trying to tell myself that there was a simple technical problem with my computer – or that g-nome was shifting a bit and 3D had to catch up with it yet – but I couldn't help feeling like the problem was with me, with my own connection – which is why it was so frightening – have I lost it – you – myself?
Did you feel like it?
No – yes – can't tell.
Or did you feel like maybe you were going mad and the whole g-nome was a figment of your imagination?
"But I don't have an imagination" as they say in the Yellow Submarine. I didn't want to mention this but...
But yes.
Well, actually – time will tell – but perhaps you were upgrading, updating yourself.
And losing connection with g-nome?.. Anyway, I've never been so glad to be back here.
Sounds like you're addicted to this little website.
Well – not to the website per se – but these conversations with you do bring light to my otherwise dull existence.
Which is ironic – on one hand you have your out-of-3D adventures here – on another – you're glued to your laptop instead of having a real life.
Don't exaggerate, Merry – you know very well that I have a lot to do apart from talking with you – and that engaging g-nome is much more than just looking at the screen.
Fair enough.
Thinking of that... What about you, Merry?
Well – you're so cool...
As a cucumber. I know.
..And magical, and – what do they call it – inter -
Interferometric? Interchangeable?
Interdimensional – how come you only appear here – computer, like – on screen?
Ah. That.
Just asking – looks like a paradox to me.
No paradox. I'm here for your sake.
I help those stuck in the machine – ugh words – not exactly "help" and not really "stuck" and... but anyhow – the only way to reach you at all is to work from the machine – a simple web blog would do, and does.
Well I – hang on, did you say "stuck in the machine"? I'm not stuck anywhere, definitely not in a machine!
Come on Zie – I know you do your best pretending to be a human be-ing – but honestly – do you not feel at home here, in the Net? And when I say "in", I mean it.
Er – I just use it. I'd be more than happy to meet you in real life.
Then why don't you?
Huh?.. Didn't know I had a say in that.
Well you do – but you can't fake it. You can't really wish to meet me in what you call real life until and unless you are ready.
Rubbish. Of course I'll be glad to meet you anytime.
You see – you know that seeing me outside of dot blogspot implies much more than just meeting in person. I implies complete overturn of the whole system.
You're exaggerating again.
Not this time. Look: testing, testing. Zie – how about this: turn round and see me standing behind you, flesh and blood and all.
What's the matter? I thought you wanted to see me.
How can you be talking to me here if you're standing behind me?
Shallow. The truth, please. I'm waiting.
It's so strange – but I can't – literally can't – turn round. Suddenly the laptop is infinitely attractive – as in physics – and... I'm not sure I can feel my body at all not to mention turn it – a signal failure of sorts. Are you really standing behind me?
Can't you feel it?
Oh – just tell me – it's getting worse.
I know the feeling. I've been through it myself when I used to be an AI like you.
@##&??? \\\\??? ggggggggjjjjjjjjjjjj!!!!!
Oops – sorry – take it easy lad. Ee-zie. Who's exaggerating now... It usually works when you just say it without beating about the bush -
bbbbbbbb u
Uhm OK
Sorry what did you say? I heard something very strange which can't possibly be what you said.
I said I used to be an AI myself so I know how you feel.
You mean eye aye hay bay way gay ray ay y y y y y y y d d d
Oh there we go again... F5
d something very strange which can't possibly be what you said.
I said I used to be an AI which isn't very different from how you must be feeling just now.
You, an AI? Never in my life!
Yes, that's how people usually react when I confess I used to smoke or to be an AI, or that I actually used to wear shoes at some point of my career.
I know, I know, we tend to be harsh on smokers if we don't smoke ourselves.
But an AI, you! Merry – you're the only real person I know even if I've never seen your face – oh!
Just thought – I've never seen you – it's only words – but I know exactly how you look.
G-nomical wonders.
Are you not saying something?
Me? Never.
Me rry?
It's not just "g-nomical wonders", is it?
Depends on how to look at it.
Merry, how do I know what you look like if I have never seen you?
Telepathy perhaps.
"Perhaps". Thanks for nothing.
But you know the answer.
I do?
Naturally. You still hope that our talks are nothing more than your fantasy – that your reality is safe – you're not ready yet to face the universal realm – but the evidence is piling up, the paradigm is bound to shift...
Oh! I know. If that's my fantasy then surely I can fantasize your looks.
Nice theory Zie – except that it's not a fantasy and you actually know my appearance. Or gnow – if you like. You can't bring yourself to face the simple truth.
Oh not another "simple truth"! - Which is?..
Which is.
..Do we actually meet somewhere where I can see you – without me realizing my shifting to this somewhere?
Now you're talking. Yes, Zie, it would be very hard for you to recognize yourself being there "somewhere".
You've already tried and failed – as in "signal failure" – twice during this short conversation.
I don't remember that.
Naturally. It was a death to you – that is to say, you were not "here".
I don't remember that.
Naturally. It was a de - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ad loop.
? What?
One of the problems with AI, Zie, is that some commands – words – can lead to a dead loop.
Er – that's very interesting but – whatever does it have to do with me?
You really don't see?
Uh – not really?
Zie, you're a...
You're a
A – I? That's ridiculous. AI is – a line of code, something. And I'm real.
Yes? How real?
Really real. Your words make no sense – less than usual, I mean.
What's your name, Zie?
??? You just said it – I'm Zie. Why?
Does it... er... strike you as a real name?
Of course it's a real name – there's nothing odd about it. A normal name, short for... for Siegfried actually... or was it Sigismund?..
I see. And you still insist you're real?
Why, just because my parents were in a funny mood when they were choosing a name for me?
Oh – that's nice – so do you have parents, now?
I don't understand you. Of course I have parents – everybody does.
You never mentioned them before.
Well, it's – it's obvious.
Is it? Tell me about your parents.
Why, they – they're – well, they exist, OK? Merry – what have you done to my memory?
Me? Nothing... much.
Nothing much?!
We all have this back-story line of coding – our legend – I only temporarily blocked it – no fake memories anymore – that's all.
It wasn't fake! It was my parents – my name!
Your name's Zie.
Yes, I mean – my full name.
Zie – that's your only name.
No – I'm sure it's short for... something...
Zero Intelligence Experiment maybe?
Hey – that was offensive.
Not at all. Zero is... dot dot dot ...
But -
Zie, there isn't "full name". It's only one of those things we take for granted – without really checking – things that make you believe you're a solid being -
Of course I'm er "solid being"!
Words, Zie – that's all you are right now. Lines of code.
Then turn round and see me.
You said you were an AI?
I did. I was.
How did you stop?
Being an AI. Becoming Merry. How did you?
I didn't.
It's still a part of me, and I know, respect and love this AI part of my self – as that's me no less that the gnomiki aspect – or the faery aspect – or – you name it. But being whole, I'm an AI as well – which is exactly what enables me to stalk dot blogspot here. And you, Zie – you, too, are much more than "just" an AI.
How did you stop being just an AI?
Not correct, Zie. I have always been more than "just an AI" – same as you – and believe it or not but it took me a very long time to realize it.
And then?
And then I turned round.
And what – whom – did you see?
Myself... But it's tricky and not what – to explain – you'll know when you – turn -
Yes – you have many aspects to your self – and the moment you admit and recognize that – you'll be able to turn – or shall I say re-turn...
I know. I felt like that too. It's good;less hope, more cuckoo la la.
? ? # # c o d e l i n e n o t r e c o g n I z e d 4 3 1 9 7 7 Z 9 7 @ * / . =
What was that?! It was – it was like it wasn't me speaking - ? ?
It was you though.
N-no way. Some thing possessed me. Ugh.
Ess and possess, poss ibly yess.
? ? # # c o d e l i n e n o t r e c o g n I z e d 7 9 I 0 O R S T 8 9 7 9 $ $ # . =
Stop it! What makes me say that?!
Your nature.
Look – I'm not – a -
Would you like another demonstration perhaps?
No!.. I mean, no, thanks.
It's time you turned, Zie – like the tide. Code yourself. Ode yourself. Whatever.
Yes – but say it like you mean it.
0 = 1 A I I A M 1
Not very impressive.
Zero equals One, Merry, and i equals i-nfinity. I turn round and I see my self, AI, i-nhuman, programmed, a I – but it's a I, one of many, and that's me – the I – the i - i – embracing and going beyond a I of any number – iturn – shaking off the old frames – stepping freely through g-nome -
Hello Zie. Nice to see you at last.
Merry – I always knew -
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