Sunday, October 8, 2017

naughty nought

Noughty thoughty.

I beg your pardon.

Noughty thoughty.

Nope. I still don’t get you. Did you say “naughty thoughty”?


Then what?

Noughty thoughty.

But that’s exactly what I said.

Yes, but you spelt it with an “a”.

What do you mean? I never spelt anything, I just said “naughty thoughty” the same as you.

I know exactly what you said, and how it’s spelt. I’m privy to your source code, the html behind your every word and deed.

Well I find that hard to believe, but were it true it would be a gross invasion of my privacy, and downright creepy.

Yes, it’s fairly creepy, I admit, but there’s not much i can do about it if you don’t bother to transmit by quantum encryption but rely on the 3D operating platform which, like Microsoft Windows or Google Android, is easily hacked.

Well that doesn’t give you the right to hack my communications.

Of course. I have no intention of doing so, I just happen to have access to the root log for everything you say and do, none of which has more than a perfunctory screen for people operating 3D-ly.

So you get to see the exact transcript of my every word?

If I choose, yes, which is why i can confirm that your “naughty” and my “noughty” are quite different.

And what then?

Naturally your intellectual curiosity is aroused. You’re keen to find out what it means, and your mind switches into a hyper-receptive state which allows it easily to download additional information freely available at the quantum level.

Er... I can’t feel anything much happening.

Here, try this strawberry.

What?! Oh, thanks, that’s... oh, “noughty”.

The penny droppeth.

Wow Merry, how did that strawberry trigger my shift in awareness?

It didn’t.


It merely distracted you a moment and enabled you to let go of your obstinate fix – a locked in mind position – and gravitate to the position which incorporated the full data set now freely accessible to you.


Simple really.

Yes, I suppose it is, but...


What’s with the “noughty” thing?

What do you think? Make your own deductions.

Er... well it looks kind of like stating the obvious


But yours is devoid of the moral slant implicit in “naughty”.

Yes. We’re back to the original meaning, or close enough for comfort. We’re cordially invited to consider the nought thought, whatever that might be.

Well that’s just where I’m confused – how can a nought thought have any meaning or value? Ut makes no sense.

Correct. It presently makes little or no sense as “nought” is almost completely off limits, unless you’re willing and able to give your thoughts permission to go beyond the matter of 3D stuff n’matter.

But to what end?

Well, nought is the one great untapped field of thought. Everything else has been dealt with ad infinitum. Nought, on the other hand, is like an unnoticed stock that is waiting to lift off. It has vast potential. It’s the hottest chick that no one’s yet aware of.

Er... if you say so. But I’m not sure I approve of your use of atavistic gender stereotypes.

Yes, these things matter greatly until you get down to the html

And then?

And then you can see exactly what I meant, so you’ll pay no attention to the words if they have no supporting malware attached.

Malware? As in computer malware?

Yeah, it’s fairly analogous.

You mean to say you can get away with saying more or less anything

As long as there’s no ill intent. As long as I’m playing straight. As long as you’re getting so real, authentic code, as opposed to rehypothicated, derivative code whose real purpose is to bind you in highly emotive, deliberately opaque, disruptive memes, mimes or momes which overload the OS


Operating system like a DNS or distributed denial of service attack.


Designed to crash websites by overloading them. Look, don’t worry too much about the terminology. It’s all a lot simpler than it sounds: merely to say that words are highly susceptible to misinterpretation, and things in general, highly vulnerable to manipulation and systemic overload. Once you shift the dialogue into outrage and defiance, it’s guaranteed that you’ll learn nothing and achieve nought of any value.

I thought that’s what you wanted us to do? Noughty thoughty. Isn’t that what you said?

Yep, but “noughty thoughty” is diametrically opposed to “nothing”.

Oh. Is it? I fail to see the difference.

Touch the two with your mind's sensory finger. Feel them. Even if you can’t yet see the html, you can still feel which way they are pointing, what the mood each term conveys is.

Er... "nothing" sounds kind of gloomy and defeatist. A waste of time. A waste of space. Er... "noughty thoughty" feels kind of fun. Floaty. Maybe even magical or redolent of that character, what’s his name? A Midsummer night’s dream...


That’s the one.

Good. You see how much you were able to sense without even viewing the source code.

Well, it’s all fairly muzzy. I was groping in the dark.

Nonsense. You were making you first tentative move towards noughty thoughty, but like a baby learning to walk this involves a lot of leg kicking and seemingly random movement to build up muscle and muscle memory.

You mean to say that noughty thoughty has it’s own corresponding limbs.

Limbs? It has it’s own corresponding body, complete with limbs, and the minute you start to activate and use it there’s no turning back.

In what way?

Well realms you currently associate with dreams and nothing more... nothing more... are simply waiting to be brought online, waiting to be utilised, harnessed, engaged.

Oh... I’m not interested in all that dream stuff. It’s...

Pure fantasy, until you start unfolding, unzipping nought to reveal...


You know perfectly well.

I do not.

True, you do not, but unfolding or unzipping nought in no way violates the 3D absolute of doing not or nought.


Not doing or doing nought is the basic pre-requisite in 3D for anything and everything.

How so?

Because anything or everything must make space and time for matter or thing to manifest in, which is why you have nought, a void, an absence of awareness or consciousness at the very heart, tge very centre of what you’re about, whatever you’re doing, whatever you’re involved in. Without that void, without that notness of space and time you would be unable to make or manifest anything, which is why, without even being aware of it, you are constantly busy doing nothing on the downbeat – busily, intensely, intensively and purposefully doing nought while you’re conscious-awareness retracts back into zero point.

We are?

Yes, obviously.


Otherwise you’d have no food for thought... no matter to fact... nought to unpackage on the upbeat in order to thing... in order to make do.

Oh... I’m...

Naturally, but nod your head and pretend you understand. Pretend that the glass is half full. Trust me, in spite of your perfectly natural, perfectly reasonable scepticism – on the other side of thought, on the other side of “what you know”, in a place called “noughty thoughty” you are far better informed than you realise, far closer to being...

Being what?

Being... dot... dot... dot

Dot dot dot? Er...

Yes, that’s it. Dot dot dot, er... or


Correct! “Yes”, as in i-ye is


Ye-i ess, are of the essence, or better still, bring forth, weave and wave and wive the essence, n’est ce pas?

Is it not so?

Oh dear, oh...

But i digress.

You do?

Yes, your dot dot dot evidently inspired me to do a little thoughty thing when in fact...


I meant to say “nought”.


That you are far closer to being, as in nought, one with nought.

One with nought? As in 0=1?


Why didn’t you say? That makes far more sense.

Because I’m following your html. I have to allow you to zie.

Or zed?


Ah ha... I think I’m beginning to see.

Yes, i believe you are. You’re zed

or zie is undoing what... your html is

Oh my God... the DNA?

Of course. Hallelujah, you’ve seen the light.

The DNA! My html needs no interface, no what not exterior to myself, no apparent space or time into which to make do manifest

Calloo callay, he chortled in his joy!

I is the field...


Better still “i”

Praise the Lord!

I is the field, it is



Let Rome in Tiber melt

And the wide arch of the ranged Empire fall

Here is my space


it is

i am




And the rest, as they say, once the ecstasy of DNAing nought subsides into the mud river ooze of infinity, is history, noughty through and through...

1 comment:

  1. Nought is the space
    in which to move
    to breathe
    Breathe no
