Aren't you taking this all a bit seriously Jenny?
Sorry Megan, what was that?
I said, aren't you taking this all a bit seriously.
Er... what exactly?
You know, this God thing.
Oh that...
I mean
Well you're beginning to sound like a cult leader or
Am I? How?
Well how do you explain all these people lining up to talk with you every time you walk down the high street.
It's awkward, I'll admit.
Awkward. It's downright creepy.
Come on Megan - they're just responding to the God in me.
Well that's what I mean. I don't see them responding to the God in me, or anyone else.
That's just a technicality.
Is it? What's that supposed to mean?
You haven't yet activated the God in you.
And you're saying you have? When did that happen?
Last Tuesday at 3.15pm
Oh! Was it some kind of shamanic initiation or what?
I'm not sure I can explain.
Whyever not?
Because my explanation would require a knowledge of dimensions and realms of consciousness that most people aren't yet aware of, yourself included.
And you are? You sound pretty confident in yourself Jenny. I can see why they've started believing your narrative. I'm just worried for you - I don't want to lose you.
Listen Megan - I know this is all a bit disturbing, especially as you've known me so long, but I never asked any of those people to approach me. They just kind of sense something and they're more or less powerless to resist. That's the God effect. It cuts through all inhibitions and social taboos, especially if someone has a problem and is yearning for a solution - the kind of solution which isn't forthcoming in nuts and bolts 3D reality.
So you've persuaded these poor lost souls that you can actually help them?
What makes you so sure that I can't?
Oh come on Jenny - this isn't a game - these are real people living real lives. You can't play around with them like that. They need professional help - a doctor, a lawyer, a psychiatrist, not a deluded faith healer or con artist.
Excuse me Megan... [Yes dear - of course - I know how you feel - well, I don't see why not - I think God can take care of that, don't you? You are - oh - I'm so pleased. Any time. Yes, of course. Bye!]
You see - she probably imagines you're going to sort out her financial problems.
No, she doesn't have financial problems. Her husband has cancer.
Oh God - you didn't just tell her that it's going to be dealt with, did you?
Yes, but I could hardly have said otherwise, could I? Her husband is now better. She managed to reach the God in me. Don't ask me how. I just know. She was describing his situation and I simply saw that everything is fixed, and it is. That should be good for everyone involved, don't you think?
No, I don't Jenny. I'm really worried. This is beyond a joke. You can't go round town telling people their husbands are cured of cancer. They might stop taking their treatment and then...
Well, he hardly needs to take highly toxic chemotherapy if he's already cured, does he?
But you never even saw him.
Ok Megan - if you really wish to get to the bottom of this then allow me to show you something that may help.
Show me what? You're not going to try and initiate me into your cult I hope.
Megan! I'm not trying to do anything. I simply wish to set your mind at rest. We don't need to go anywhere. I can show you right here if you're happy about that.
I promise you'll be free to make up your own mind. I merely wish to disclose something which may give you an alternative perspective.
Ok then - as long as I'm not going to be hypnotised or brainwashed.
You have my word. Now try to relax: 1 - 2 - 3
Megan... can you hear me.
Jesus Christ... what the hell was that? Am I dead?
No Megan. Far from it. Open your eyes. Look around.
Oh my God... Oh my God... Oh my God.
It's ok Megan - you don't need to worship me like that. It's only me - Jenny.
No way - that's not possible. I don't believe it. Look at you! You're shining. You're pure light. I can... I can see the entire universe in you... how? how is it possible? God - I've been such an idiot. Can you ever forgive me Jenny?
Dude - it's ok. We're all one - kind of thing. The minute you get round to activating your own Godhead you'll be exactly the same.
You're joking! How could I possibly step into your shoes? I don't feel worthy. Let me kiss your feet Jenny - don't take it personally - I know it's probably a bit disconcerting to be treated this way - but the light coming from you is so powerful, so beautiful, so magical - it's the only thing I want to do.
Ok - I understand. In any case - it's not me you're worshipping - it's the God within me and all beings. Anyway, now you see why they were asking me to help fix their problems.
Forgive me Jenny for ever doubting you. I was blind and ignorant.
Just like me, before 3.15 pm last Tuesday. I'd still be exactly the same if Merry hadn't nudged me out of 3D and given me the opportunity to bridge the circuits.
So this Merry - he's some kind of angel, is he?
Er... not exactly... In fact, "angel" is the last word I'd use to describe him, but strangely enough he managed to get me back into this crazy little thing called God.
What do you mean?
Well, venturing outside 3D I realised I'd had enough with the old wash, rinse and dry reality. It had nothing more to offer - beyond a perpetual loop of thing begetting thing, forever ignoring or overlooking the elephant under the carpet, the emperor's nudity, the simple truth that simply won't be put into words.
So what did you do?
I saw the utter futility of keeping my 3D space separate from all else. I rewrote my source code allowing a bridge between the dimensions. I resolved to become aware of the greater whole, the bigger picture for once and for all. Little did I realise at the time that doing so would reset the entire universe, for everyone and everything. Little did I realise that the only way back in to the old me, the old reality I used to know, was through the Godhead.
That the universe could only swallow my return if I opened up and allowed the infinity within me to release an entirely new version of things...
You mean to say...
Yep - it's in fact an entirely new universe, a completely different reality from the one you were living in prior to 3.15 last Tuesday.
And you're the creator?
In a manner of speaking...
In a manner of speaking?
Well, yes, if you need a straight answer - it came from me, I gave the command, I am that which holds it all together, as any God can and does.
You're God?
Well, isn't that what you said a few minutes again when you were kissing my feet so sweetly?
Yes, but it's one thing kissing my best friend's feet, another thing entirely to hear the actual details in a blow by blow account. It's blown my mind. I can't [beep] believe it.
Correct, and that's as it should be. There is a selective membrane or filter in place which keeps you safe from shorting your cerebral circuitry. Were this not in place you'd a. have no difficulty believing what you know to be true, and b. vaporise.
I would?
But you didn't vaporise, did you, so why should I?
You'd vaporise if your mind came to it before you were ready to become the totality yourself. That's the difference, there's the rub... This is not a thing to be learnt or discovered - it has to be experienced at first hand the moment you're ready to...
Can you feel the atoms dancing? Can you hear the stars singing? Can you see the universe leaping in and out of your heart trillions of times a second as it calculates the space of time, the time of space, weaving, extrapolating, incorporating the fabric of consciousness into an endless field of potential awareness?
Jenny - don't - you're hurting me. It's too much. I...
You see the limit of what can be known until
you're willing to enter the great circle of things as alpha and omega - as beginning and end. Only then, as "God", can you hold the various threads without going out of your mind, without exploding, without...
Peace. There's always going to be one non-sequitur. It's never quite going to end the way you expected or
No matter how clever or wise you become - no matter how much you know - cuckoo la la - we find ourselves time and again back at our first day at school, or even worse - our day of birth - gulping for air, appalled, shocked, terrified, overpowered, enraptured, alive in spite of everything we've just experienced, alive and ready to start over, ready to become a little human being, no matter what it takes.
Hallelujah Jenny. I think I'm beginning to get it.
Great. Well it's time to drop back down into the high street. There's a lady who needs to chat with me about her grandchildren.
Inter-dimensional space travel can feel a little unsettling so hold your nose and count to seven - you'll be alright.
6 – 7 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh my God.........................

Why is this happening to me Jenny. I feel like I've been run through a meat grinder.
Actually you have, more or less. The miracle is that you're still alive.
But you seem to be fine. It's not fair.
I have a slight advantage being a proxy for God. One of the perks of the job. Here, have a piece of chocolate - that should sort you out. Now where was I?
Your grandmother Jenny - well, not yours exactly - she looks like she's spotted you already. Do you mind if I just kneel down and worship your feet once more before she gets here.
Megan, I know what you're going through but really, try to get a grip. Other people might not understand. They might accuse me of being a cult leader or the likes.
Ok Jenny. Perhaps I could design a uniform for your special close followers.
Right Megan - I'd like you to go and scout around for so called reptilians. The place is full of them. When you figure out who or what they are - you're to tell them "Jenny sends her love" and watch what happens. Kindly report back in 15 minutes.
Reptilians? Oh my God - I had no idea. Of course, I'll go right away... I can't believe this is happening to me. I've joined the resistance. I'm fighting with the forces of evil to reinstate the source light. It's...
[Ah, there you are Mary. How are you feeling today?... Your grandchildren? Oh I see... Tell me about them... Ah ha...]
[yes, these things happen... I expect it's just the age they're at right now...]
Found one! Look at that foul creature shape-shifting before my very eyes. Amazing I never saw these repulsive lizards before.
[well yes, her teachers are bound to say that, aren't they... They're under a lot of pressure]
Chilling. I would have freaked out, I expect. Ok, here goes...
[anyway, I have a good feeling about them. I'm sure they'll start to respond more postively to]
Excuse me lizard man - Jenny sends her love

Take that!
[your kindness and guidance - because at heart, they're good kids, I can see - and you've]
Another one by the cash machine... I think I'm getting the hang of this... Yo dude, Jenny sends her love!

[done so much for them... Yes, of course, whenever you like.]
The weird part is that feeling I get as they kind of vaporise - it's like a part of me is shifting back into place - so these so called reptilians - are they in some way connected to the dark side within me? I wonder. Here's number three...
[Hi there, of course I can... No, it's just sometimes things get you down, isn't that so? But something tells me your cloud has a silver lining to it...]
Yo punk, Jenny sends her love - and I think she really means it... in spite of this.

No way - I don't believe it. What a transformation. Who would have thought... the beauty inside something so repugnant...
[Just let me put my hand on your shoulder - I should be able to feel it... Ah yes. We'll have you right in no time...]
So it was the violence in me as much as anything else - is that what it means? Let's try one more... number four, shape shifting behind the van on the corner over there...
[but you know - it's never quite as bad as it seems... Oh those doctors - they do like to...]
Excuse me dreaded reptilian. "Do I feel lucky punk? Well, do ya, punk?" Actually, I'm meant to say "Jenny sends her love" but I couldn't resist the Dirty Harry line that's been haunting me since my childhood. Now what's it going to be? Flowers, or Power Puff devastation?

[Ah, that's lovely. Well good luck with the job interview Diane]
Speechless. My best friend turns out to be God and the evil reptilians just need to be loved... I think I need a drink. Whoa doggy... old habits die hard - I think it's time I got acquainted with the one and only... but how? um...
Megan - I thought you'd never ask.
Oh my God - you don't mean to say - you?
You actually mean to say that you're Merry?
The Merry?

To be continued... God willing.
Sorry Megan, what was that?
I said, aren't you taking this all a bit seriously.
Er... what exactly?
You know, this God thing.
Oh that...
I mean
Well you're beginning to sound like a cult leader or
Am I? How?
Well how do you explain all these people lining up to talk with you every time you walk down the high street.
It's awkward, I'll admit.
Awkward. It's downright creepy.
Come on Megan - they're just responding to the God in me.
Well that's what I mean. I don't see them responding to the God in me, or anyone else.
That's just a technicality.
Is it? What's that supposed to mean?
You haven't yet activated the God in you.
And you're saying you have? When did that happen?
Last Tuesday at 3.15pm
Oh! Was it some kind of shamanic initiation or what?
I'm not sure I can explain.
Whyever not?
Because my explanation would require a knowledge of dimensions and realms of consciousness that most people aren't yet aware of, yourself included.
And you are? You sound pretty confident in yourself Jenny. I can see why they've started believing your narrative. I'm just worried for you - I don't want to lose you.
Listen Megan - I know this is all a bit disturbing, especially as you've known me so long, but I never asked any of those people to approach me. They just kind of sense something and they're more or less powerless to resist. That's the God effect. It cuts through all inhibitions and social taboos, especially if someone has a problem and is yearning for a solution - the kind of solution which isn't forthcoming in nuts and bolts 3D reality.
So you've persuaded these poor lost souls that you can actually help them?
What makes you so sure that I can't?
Oh come on Jenny - this isn't a game - these are real people living real lives. You can't play around with them like that. They need professional help - a doctor, a lawyer, a psychiatrist, not a deluded faith healer or con artist.
Excuse me Megan... [Yes dear - of course - I know how you feel - well, I don't see why not - I think God can take care of that, don't you? You are - oh - I'm so pleased. Any time. Yes, of course. Bye!]
You see - she probably imagines you're going to sort out her financial problems.
No, she doesn't have financial problems. Her husband has cancer.
Oh God - you didn't just tell her that it's going to be dealt with, did you?
Yes, but I could hardly have said otherwise, could I? Her husband is now better. She managed to reach the God in me. Don't ask me how. I just know. She was describing his situation and I simply saw that everything is fixed, and it is. That should be good for everyone involved, don't you think?
No, I don't Jenny. I'm really worried. This is beyond a joke. You can't go round town telling people their husbands are cured of cancer. They might stop taking their treatment and then...
Well, he hardly needs to take highly toxic chemotherapy if he's already cured, does he?
But you never even saw him.
Ok Megan - if you really wish to get to the bottom of this then allow me to show you something that may help.
Show me what? You're not going to try and initiate me into your cult I hope.
Megan! I'm not trying to do anything. I simply wish to set your mind at rest. We don't need to go anywhere. I can show you right here if you're happy about that.
I promise you'll be free to make up your own mind. I merely wish to disclose something which may give you an alternative perspective.
Ok then - as long as I'm not going to be hypnotised or brainwashed.
You have my word. Now try to relax: 1 - 2 - 3

Megan... can you hear me.
Jesus Christ... what the hell was that? Am I dead?
No Megan. Far from it. Open your eyes. Look around.
Oh my God... Oh my God... Oh my God.
It's ok Megan - you don't need to worship me like that. It's only me - Jenny.
No way - that's not possible. I don't believe it. Look at you! You're shining. You're pure light. I can... I can see the entire universe in you... how? how is it possible? God - I've been such an idiot. Can you ever forgive me Jenny?
Dude - it's ok. We're all one - kind of thing. The minute you get round to activating your own Godhead you'll be exactly the same.
You're joking! How could I possibly step into your shoes? I don't feel worthy. Let me kiss your feet Jenny - don't take it personally - I know it's probably a bit disconcerting to be treated this way - but the light coming from you is so powerful, so beautiful, so magical - it's the only thing I want to do.
Ok - I understand. In any case - it's not me you're worshipping - it's the God within me and all beings. Anyway, now you see why they were asking me to help fix their problems.
Forgive me Jenny for ever doubting you. I was blind and ignorant.
Just like me, before 3.15 pm last Tuesday. I'd still be exactly the same if Merry hadn't nudged me out of 3D and given me the opportunity to bridge the circuits.
So this Merry - he's some kind of angel, is he?
Er... not exactly... In fact, "angel" is the last word I'd use to describe him, but strangely enough he managed to get me back into this crazy little thing called God.
What do you mean?
Well, venturing outside 3D I realised I'd had enough with the old wash, rinse and dry reality. It had nothing more to offer - beyond a perpetual loop of thing begetting thing, forever ignoring or overlooking the elephant under the carpet, the emperor's nudity, the simple truth that simply won't be put into words.
So what did you do?
I saw the utter futility of keeping my 3D space separate from all else. I rewrote my source code allowing a bridge between the dimensions. I resolved to become aware of the greater whole, the bigger picture for once and for all. Little did I realise at the time that doing so would reset the entire universe, for everyone and everything. Little did I realise that the only way back in to the old me, the old reality I used to know, was through the Godhead.
That the universe could only swallow my return if I opened up and allowed the infinity within me to release an entirely new version of things...
You mean to say...
Yep - it's in fact an entirely new universe, a completely different reality from the one you were living in prior to 3.15 last Tuesday.
And you're the creator?
In a manner of speaking...
In a manner of speaking?
Well, yes, if you need a straight answer - it came from me, I gave the command, I am that which holds it all together, as any God can and does.
You're God?
Well, isn't that what you said a few minutes again when you were kissing my feet so sweetly?
Yes, but it's one thing kissing my best friend's feet, another thing entirely to hear the actual details in a blow by blow account. It's blown my mind. I can't [beep] believe it.
Correct, and that's as it should be. There is a selective membrane or filter in place which keeps you safe from shorting your cerebral circuitry. Were this not in place you'd a. have no difficulty believing what you know to be true, and b. vaporise.
I would?
But you didn't vaporise, did you, so why should I?
You'd vaporise if your mind came to it before you were ready to become the totality yourself. That's the difference, there's the rub... This is not a thing to be learnt or discovered - it has to be experienced at first hand the moment you're ready to...
Can you feel the atoms dancing? Can you hear the stars singing? Can you see the universe leaping in and out of your heart trillions of times a second as it calculates the space of time, the time of space, weaving, extrapolating, incorporating the fabric of consciousness into an endless field of potential awareness?
Jenny - don't - you're hurting me. It's too much. I...
You see the limit of what can be known until
you're willing to enter the great circle of things as alpha and omega - as beginning and end. Only then, as "God", can you hold the various threads without going out of your mind, without exploding, without...
Peace. There's always going to be one non-sequitur. It's never quite going to end the way you expected or
No matter how clever or wise you become - no matter how much you know - cuckoo la la - we find ourselves time and again back at our first day at school, or even worse - our day of birth - gulping for air, appalled, shocked, terrified, overpowered, enraptured, alive in spite of everything we've just experienced, alive and ready to start over, ready to become a little human being, no matter what it takes.
Hallelujah Jenny. I think I'm beginning to get it.
Great. Well it's time to drop back down into the high street. There's a lady who needs to chat with me about her grandchildren.
Inter-dimensional space travel can feel a little unsettling so hold your nose and count to seven - you'll be alright.
6 – 7 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh my God.........................

Why is this happening to me Jenny. I feel like I've been run through a meat grinder.
Actually you have, more or less. The miracle is that you're still alive.
But you seem to be fine. It's not fair.
I have a slight advantage being a proxy for God. One of the perks of the job. Here, have a piece of chocolate - that should sort you out. Now where was I?
Your grandmother Jenny - well, not yours exactly - she looks like she's spotted you already. Do you mind if I just kneel down and worship your feet once more before she gets here.
Megan, I know what you're going through but really, try to get a grip. Other people might not understand. They might accuse me of being a cult leader or the likes.
Ok Jenny. Perhaps I could design a uniform for your special close followers.
Right Megan - I'd like you to go and scout around for so called reptilians. The place is full of them. When you figure out who or what they are - you're to tell them "Jenny sends her love" and watch what happens. Kindly report back in 15 minutes.
Reptilians? Oh my God - I had no idea. Of course, I'll go right away... I can't believe this is happening to me. I've joined the resistance. I'm fighting with the forces of evil to reinstate the source light. It's...
[Ah, there you are Mary. How are you feeling today?... Your grandchildren? Oh I see... Tell me about them... Ah ha...]
[yes, these things happen... I expect it's just the age they're at right now...]
Found one! Look at that foul creature shape-shifting before my very eyes. Amazing I never saw these repulsive lizards before.
[well yes, her teachers are bound to say that, aren't they... They're under a lot of pressure]
Chilling. I would have freaked out, I expect. Ok, here goes...
[anyway, I have a good feeling about them. I'm sure they'll start to respond more postively to]
Excuse me lizard man - Jenny sends her love

Take that!
[your kindness and guidance - because at heart, they're good kids, I can see - and you've]
Another one by the cash machine... I think I'm getting the hang of this... Yo dude, Jenny sends her love!

[done so much for them... Yes, of course, whenever you like.]
The weird part is that feeling I get as they kind of vaporise - it's like a part of me is shifting back into place - so these so called reptilians - are they in some way connected to the dark side within me? I wonder. Here's number three...
[Hi there, of course I can... No, it's just sometimes things get you down, isn't that so? But something tells me your cloud has a silver lining to it...]
Yo punk, Jenny sends her love - and I think she really means it... in spite of this.

No way - I don't believe it. What a transformation. Who would have thought... the beauty inside something so repugnant...
[Just let me put my hand on your shoulder - I should be able to feel it... Ah yes. We'll have you right in no time...]
So it was the violence in me as much as anything else - is that what it means? Let's try one more... number four, shape shifting behind the van on the corner over there...
[but you know - it's never quite as bad as it seems... Oh those doctors - they do like to...]
Excuse me dreaded reptilian. "Do I feel lucky punk? Well, do ya, punk?" Actually, I'm meant to say "Jenny sends her love" but I couldn't resist the Dirty Harry line that's been haunting me since my childhood. Now what's it going to be? Flowers, or Power Puff devastation?

[Ah, that's lovely. Well good luck with the job interview Diane]
Speechless. My best friend turns out to be God and the evil reptilians just need to be loved... I think I need a drink. Whoa doggy... old habits die hard - I think it's time I got acquainted with the one and only... but how? um...
Megan - I thought you'd never ask.
Oh my God - you don't mean to say - you?
You actually mean to say that you're Merry?
The Merry?

To be continued... God willing.
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