Friday, September 8, 2017

Red shift phaseology

I do not.


No – I do not.

In that case Zie, I was mistaken.

Mistaken? When have you ever been mistaken?



If you say so.

I do, but that still doesn’t mean that I actually...

And thus Zie continues, hour upon hour, day upon day, endlessly attempting to work things out in his head, in his mind, in his reason, endlessly attempting to square the circle – to reconcile appearances and reality – which no matter how closely aligned they may seem, ultimately come apart at the seams, revealing a yawning gulf, which no amount of fidgeting, rearranging or reasoning can reconnect. In short, a complete disaster in the making, for once the Irish terrier mind catches this particular scent – it will not, cannot let go. Unless, that is, we open a new embassy, a new chapter in the book of mind craft – introducing it to something so compelling it cannot resist. But surely that, was it not, was always the plan – to take the rational mind to the very limit of square mindedness in order to catch a whiff, or a glimpse of something else.

Ah, there you are Zie.


Here, over here – don’t you see?


Any grunt will do. Apparently I don’t fit into your frame of mind – so to all intents and purposes I do not, therefore, exist.


You were over there.

Over where?

There, over there – over there – look. Isn’t that...

You mean that tree? Oh dear Merry. You don’t mean to tell me you were talking to a tree, as if it were me?



It was you over there a minute ago – but your clothes.

What clothes?

Your clothes were different. How did you manage to change from jeans to such an elaborate costume – you look positively – where did you get them from?

Red phase re-enters the fray, once more casting a semblance of sense in an anchorless dream sequence of ungrounded conscious ness.

Commentating. Pontificating. Man handling, molly coddling, patronising me, the reader of distinction that I be.

Ah, there you are Sebastian. Finally you step out of the shadows. Honestly – the lengths we have to go to, these days, to draw you into conversation. It’s positively absurd.

You mean to say all this was a charade – nothing more than an elaborate snare?

Oh – I wouldn’t go that far. A reawakening of old ties. An unravelling of biases. A long due respite from your self-imposed ministry of aloofness.

How utterly


How utterly


No matter – what’s done is done. Peace be with you red phase. You can hardly be held accountable for the wheels and gears we are caught up in. Personally I find the purple sufficient to sustain me through the...

Indeed, indeed, indeed

Have we got rid of them yet?

Absolutely – well done Zie.

Well done you too Merry.

What an excellent scheme – not unlike Hamlet’s purported madness.

So we have to wade through pages of verbal excrescences in order to create a little breathing space...

Excrescence – I’d hardly call it that.


On no account. It’s full of treasure which people will come and mine generations from now.

You’re kidding!

Only if you assume things are as they seem.

Oh – so that’s the game is it? And to what end, if I may inquire, does all this lead?

End? Why on earth would it end when we haven’t yet begun. Surely you're placing the cart before the horse.


But inspite of all appearances, if we can but perfect our conscious awareness

No – not another word – I will not hear such things said – not now – not never

Perfectly understandable, Sigismund, and yet it had to be done – someone had to step on your toes, an egg had to be cracked, and now, if
Perfectly understandable, Sigismund, and yet it had to be done – someone had to step on your toes, an egg had to be cracked, and now, if you listen closely, you’ll hear an omelette sizzling away on the range.

Oh – indeed I do.

Take my hand – let me draw
Oh – indeed I do.

Take my hand – let me draw you back into the broken thread

Don’t you mean the staggered debate?

Perhaps I do – but unless you take the hand proffered you’ll never know.

Fear – something in me is afraid.

There be fear – there be fear at root.

And yet...

And yet he says

And yet – if I don’t I’ll never know, will I – I’ll never know.

And thus the hydrogen atoms start to fuse in a chain reaction of incredible beauty, power and strength, scattering all atoms of lesser energies from their path.

Except those which choose purple phase, going beyond colour codes, to embrace i say not what, for words can only stain or even perforate the delicate skin of this celestial child, this beating heart betwixt, between the very fabric of space and time 

For once and for


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