Saturday, September 23, 2017

Merry Spells it out - part three

Chapter 6 – reading between the lines

Zoe was gazing at her copy of Spells, transfixed.

It wasn’t that the verse was particularly special, in fact, she was hardly aware of what she was reading, if she was reading at all.

Something else.

She was sensing something rising up, rubbing against the underbelly of her consciousness as she stood there, going through the motions of reading the book. And it wasn’t anything she knew or understood.

“Good book Zoe?” her mother asks as she walks past her room on the way to the laundry.

“Er, yes, more or less…” Her voice trails off as she feels parts of her anatomy she never knew existed – as if she’s connected to some kind of web, which apparently extends beyond anything imaginable. “Very good,” she adds when her mother’s already out of earshot. “Very stimulating.”

That was the last her mother sees of her in this world.

Dramatic – I know, but what can be done. The minute Zoe reconnects the fibres of her web, she suddenly remembers things she never even knew she didn’t know – and calmly, passively allows infinity to reach up through the space between the lines, to absorb her into its quantum field, causing her to vanish physically without a trace, without a sound, without so much as a by your leave, not as a thief might steal a Faberge egg, but as a librarian might remove a book from a shelf where a careless reader has inadvertently misplaced it – restoring it to its rightful place. And Zoe’s rightful place just happens to be on the other side of things – a place she has often visited in her dreams – yet never quite managed to understand, nor even accurately recall.

You might be concerned for her parents, her brother and sister – Mike and Marge – but if you knew how the quantum field operates you would have no such disquiet. You see Zoe had always been something of an aberration – like a misplaced codicil, and as soon as she was restored to her proper home – everything felt more right – much more right for all concerned – like an awkward equation has now been resolved. Observe – if you will – how your perfectly rational, 3D mind, struggles to accept how things can change imperceptibly in such a way that they’re restored to a natural state of harmony, which satisfies all. “How could Zoe disappear and her family just accept that?” you’re wondering – but really – is it so strange, when in their hearts, all of them and all of us, are children of nought, children of infinity, children of the great all that is. True, shock waves were created by her sudden disappearance – yet on the other side of things – waves of poetic resolution are dancing back and forth – calming, soothing the hearts and minds of people who would otherwise be running around, frantically clutching for straws.

“But where – where is she now?” you persist in asking – and I persist in answering not – for the minute you allow yourself to see her, the minute you allow yourself to sense her whereabouts – is the minute you too will transmute, you too will transform, you too will transliterate your bonded word into an other narrative, and thus, to all intents and purposes, disappear.


Amazing the way humans pick up on certain words – which light beacons in their mind, sounding the alarum of what cannot be. Sometimes I even regret using such words – and yet I must. Without scrupulous honesty my kite will not fly, my magicks will fizzle out, with neither a whimper, nor a squeaky pop – and I, proud to the last, intend to go out with a resounding Bang. Any shift in the quantum field, any leap into the bubbly waters of infinity – is always going to be accompanied by a fundamental change of perception. So from our 3D perspective – Zoe is now a beetle, but from her own, things are seen differently. In fact, from her perspective we are worse than beetles, falsely assuming we’re humans. “Humans?” she’s thinking, “how could they so foolishly assume they’ve reached the honour, the dignity, the sublime perfection of humanity, when from over here they look like sorry little grubs, feeding on faeces and detritus?” But, you see, perception is a remarkably powerful tool which can fill in every gap and utterly convince us that we’re noble creatures making minor errors along with the way, as opposed to being filthy grubs, almost incapable of apprehending our vile grubbiness.

“Speak for yourself,” laughs Molly.

You see, in the space between lines, in the silence between words, in the silence between the notes in a symphony is where infinity makes and unmakes everything we think we know, everything we think to be real, everything we think matters – and in that space – we ourselves merge with the tone, the signature, the essence, the shape, the spin, the feel of that thing or those – experiencing it or them in every way imaginable – it is i am – so to speak, and thus there is the unspoken potential, the distinct possibility to experience that thing, or those, in any number of different ways – just as long as I’m willing to give time of day, to embrace, to engage infinity, just as long as I’m willing to let the magicks flow and swirl and surge around and through the it that is me.

Ah me – the triumph and despair of what i be.

“Triumph and despair?! You do talk a lot of nonsense Ethelred. Indeed you do.”

I smile knowingly – there’s really nothing to be said. Until/ unless people are willing to embrace/ engage infinity they are compelled to see things rightly or wrongly – from one side or t’other – yet never wholly, never simply, never isfully. Any attempt to lead them into the quantum stream is only going to cause fear and discomfort. They are there to keep you aware of the other side of perception – to help you to continue to hold the various fields in alignment – for you neither want to sink into hell, nor fly off into heaven – your job is remarkably simple – and decided unglamorous – to maintain equilibrium – to hold the balance. Infinity will do the rest, not you. You could never move fast enough, or think fast enough for that matter. Only by holding the balance – do you eliminate yourself from the equation, and enable infinity to work its magic, for all hell to break lose – shifting every molecule, every filament or field in the universe, not to mention every x, y or z in alphabet soup of consciousness. Infinity, infinity, there’s no thing like infinity, it rewrites every line of code, it dances with divinity – ah yes – once infinity is let loose God will never be the same again…

1 comment:

  1. There's a robin
    Singing in the rain
    A wee robin
    Singing in the rain

    If you see a little beetle
    Fly upon a gleeful glen
    Say hello and wave hello
    For it might be me

    See me touch the purple heather
    Every shade and every hue
    See me fly to hills and mountains
    See me rise

    Shed no tears upon me going
    Laugh or cry, I will not stay
    I will land on your soft fingers
    And then buzz

    There's a robin
    Singing in the rain
    A wee robin
    Singing in the rain

    Say hello and wave hello
    For it might be me
