Monday, September 11, 2017

colour iterating


..Hello? Is there anybody here?..

Oh well, never mind bodies. Is there anyone? Anyone? Hello?..

..Yes! Yes, I'm here! Hello?..

Oh, good!.. Being here, all alone -

-Yes, don't suppose I could bear much more of that, too.

Er... Any idea where we are?

Nope. Can't see... a thing. You?

No, neither.

But at least we can hear each other. That's a start.

Or be aware of each other anyway... Er, who are you, exactly?

Uh – not sure. There aren't enough points of reference.

..I know how it feels.

Try to see me. Try to observe me.

Ca'n't! Unless you are this darkness that goes on all around...

That's what I see as well. Perhaps we should try a different frequency.

Well, I... Oh my word! How did you do that?!

Did what?

I – I can see you now. You're Red, that's who you are – but how?

Red? Interesting.

Can you see me too?

Nope. You should try shifting, too. It's easy.

But how?!

Can't say. It's intrinsic.


Just shift sideways from mother darkness. That should do the trick.

Mother Darkness? Why would you call it Mother Darkness?

It's obvious once you've shifted – makes no sense until you do that.

Uh... I... I don't know, I don't think it's working for me, I'm not...

Shh. It's easy if not automatic when you get the punchline

Huh? What punchline?

The Darkness is you.


Or you are the Darkness.

Nonsense. The darkness is all around me – not me.

Enough words. Emanate or stay as you are – but personally I won't hang around waiting for you. Once you start shifting, moving, once the wheel is turning you just get the knack of it – but of course you don't have to move with me – you can chose to dwell in this perfect calmness where no thing is.

Where no thing is? What about us, then?

But we are not things, are we?


I'm counting to three.

Why three?

Two, then. Emanate now or never. Zero... One...

Don't go!

Ah – that's better.

Uh... Did I do it?

Why, can't you tell?

But I'm not Red? I don't feel like Red. Did something go wrong?

You don't feel like Red? How do you feel?

Not-Red. Who am I, Red?

Do you want me to observe you? There's no way back, you know.

Yes. I need to know.


Why?! You're asking me why I need to know who I am?! Isn't it -

No, no. I say you went sideways on the Why axis, whether I took the Ex – also known as Eggs – axis.


So you're Violet.

Like a flower?..

Amazing! See, you've just created flowers! Wow.

It was an accident.

Told you the wheel wants to keep turning. We'll have a whole Universe in full bloom in a blink, just you watch it.

Wait, wait... But are there... you know... more – er – like us?

What do you reckon, Violet? How many numbers are there between 0 and 1? Shades between two neighbouring colours?

I – I don't know, Red, I've never been good at math. It looks like there are just two of us here.

Two – and do you really, honestly and sincerely believe that we are two?

You and I.

Yeah, but what is this mysterious “and” - or “,”, pause – between “you” and “I” that makes you believe we are somehow separated?

But here we are, Red and Violet, talking to each other.

But what if you rewind to the beginning? In the beginning and after all we are...

In the beginning and after all, but not in the middle?

My dear Violet...

And as we'll keep sliding along our axes, bringing the existence about – will it not set us farther and farther apart, till we completely lose the sight of each other?! Of our initial zero point here?! Of who we are?!

Calm down, Violet.

I don't want to be all alone again!

Violet... Consider this: we are not even moving.

Sliding along our axes, you said.

Well – remember the zero point? It's not a point – once we shift from the ultimate stillness it becomes a tiny circle or a sphere – and as it grows, inhales, it carries us on its surface – away, it would seem – and as it shrinks, exhales, it brings us back – and all the while we don't really move...

Abstract, ab-stract, ab... clever word play...

To put it plainly – separation is but an illusion, even now.

But it's going to feel real!

Do you mind, boys?


But I know you.

How can I know you? A moment ago you never existed.



Unless you are from the higher dimension, like the Sphere to the Flatland.

Well spotted.

Am I allowed to name you?




It's you – Sylver, the one who holds the bridge...

Infra, Ultra – methinks it's time for you to go – and no matter how far apart you might think to find yourself from yourself -

Dot dot dot, dear Sylver

Dot dot dot

See you, Red

See you, Violet


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