Saturday, April 8, 2017

Otherly er

You want to know how we released infinity back into the wilds of 3D?

How or why?

We didn’t.


It was always there, baked into the fabric of 3D itself. It had only ever been a matter of time before the seal broke, before people started to notice the “anomalies”.


That’s what they’d call them. They had forgotten, hadn’t a clue poor dears that theirs was the anomaly.


Of course! A reality that seemed to be contained, in which paradox seemed to be manageable, in which things seemed to make sense in a cause n effect sort of way.

Oh that.

That indeed. The great fallacy

of matter

You’ve heard. You know?

I do. The fallacy was our undoing, is still in fact our Achilles heel in spite of all we’ve learned, all we’ve been through.

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, when matter itself we have since learnt

amounts to nought... Yes, the great irony, without the least bitterness, that the “kingdom of God” was and is at hand, flying beneath the radar coverage of things in general

or things what matter, more particularly.

So you mean to say you had no hand to play in all this? It all just happened!?

Oh, you’re trying to either/or it are you? Quaint.

Well we can’t completely retreat to...

can’t? We can do more than that. We can stop pretending that things are what count, we can feel the fabric of space-time’s curvature, another way of saying the essing nature of things, as the serpent gently propels itself forward with ridiculous ease, merely by flicking its tail and feeling the paroxysm rising up its body, giving no definitive answer to who is propelling whom, or what what, chicken or egg, it is-i am...

You mean to say a general fog of relativity?

I mean nothing of the sort. I mean an emergence back into isness, the essness of be, discovering there are neither points nor places, merely memories and perceptions.

Memories and perceptions, you say? You may be right, but I still feel you’re being disingenuous claiming you had no hand in the above.

And if I did, if i am a lever, let this be nothing more than flotsam and jetsam on the flood tide of reality, which could only have been created, could only have emerged from the mists and swamps of infinity thanks to the artifice of slow-yield seemingly straightened wavefulness.

Ah, that’s where you’re coming from, that’s what you’re getting at. Well I for one

and one for all... Until you’ve breathed and lived the waveform of is you’re merely contemplating or considering the nature of things from yet another angle. Sooner or later this requires full immersion... a willingness to let the waters of darkest nought do their worst, to restore the balance of trade between both sides of the equation, the be all and end all, the grand journey back to er


Er... this!

Where did he go, bloody show off. Er... oh, come to think of it...

Hail fellow well met, on the dark and dismal side of er...

of er... Ah, that’s what you meant so elusively. Well, i for one intend to prove you wrong, if it be within my power, to forge a link with another outpost of 3Deity, and start the ball rolling again.

Resurrecting the dead in the process! Of course it be within your power, if you are set on the above, unless, that is, you decide to make space for er and allow time to wag its tail felicitously

Ah, the biological imperative! Is not that what you’re referring to?

Indeed I am, otherly to the bitter end.

Let it be so, er...






observational modulation
switching to ess
entropic sine sense

volumising nought
expressly redolent


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