Saturday, February 11, 2017

through the night, binaurally

Binaural beats.


Binaural beats.

No, you've lost me Merry.

Well, imagine that everything you experience in 3D is one input which is matched by an other input which is in a completely different register. We can't hear it. We're only aware of one side -- as is the ear on the other side of our collective head, but somewhere in the brain the two get mixed together creating another sound by combining the two -- a kind of auditory illusion which you hear as if it really exists. Actually, it's not that far from what you get when hydrogen and oxygen are combined as H2O, giving you water somewhere in the middle.

But that's an actual chemical reaction -- I mean a completely new molecule is formed.

So you believe, so you perceive it here in 3D.

It's more than just belief or perception. It exists empirically.

Yes, of course, but that's not saying much, is it?

How do you mean?

Unless you've ever bothered to venture outside 3D and take a look at what's really going on -- you'll never know how real your reality is. You'll always assume that H2O is the result of an actual combination of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen -- but supposing they never actually combine because things are only symbols, or denotations -- no more than that.

Impossible. A lump of iron, a table, a loaf of bread, some coal or diamond -- these are not merely symbols -- we can test them in multiple ways using our five senses and various machines.

All of which are only ever going to tell you what we already know -- that things are real enough as long as you perceive them from within the equation -- from within the field frame known as 3D. But there's no proof, no guarantee that they are actually real, that they continue to be real once you step outside 3D, or even more so, when you allow two complementary but different data streams to combine somewhere within the conscious awareness. They might well give rise to a completely different reality which will be no less real than what we now have.

But how could you possibly do this? Where is this conscious awareness that exists between worlds -- that is supposedly capable of combining live data streams from two different yet complimentary realities?

You'll never know if you don't bother to find out, and there's absolutely no point me trying to show off, to persuade you that I'm right by explaining the higher mathematics. This, like so many basic fundamental things needs to be seen and experienced at first hand. That way you can test the theory and decide for yourself.

But how? I have no idea how to put myself between worlds.

No, nor do I. Oh, what a fine bird.

Zie looks round to see a beautiful eagle flying around the large room he's in. Nonplussed, he trues to figure out where it came from, how it got in, but before he can make head or tail of the situation, a sudden, sharp blow from behind sends him sprawling.

What did you do that for Merry. Red card, I say.

But to his surprise he's unable to set eyes on Merry who appears to have vanished.

Here, over here -- he hears Merry's voice from over there, behind the owl. 

He half catches a glimpse of his friend, but is confused to find the eagle apparently now changed into a fox.

Dude, would you quit shape shifting -- you're doing my head in and making me feel decidedly queasy.

Sorry Zie -- it seemed necessary man. Had to shift the narrative -- had to give you a bit of the other side.

You mean you shipped in an eagle, then a fox from the flip side of reality?

Apparently so, but actually it's no big deal.

So you say. I, on the contrary believe it's hugely singificant.

Well, what I meant to say is we're in chicken and egg territory. It's far from clear who or what is leading this merry dance. It's far from certain that the chief protaganist is you. This is about testing the hypothesis to ascertain who or what is in fact in control.

Oh come on Merry -- this is getting ridiculous.

Like I said -- at the quantum level no one side predominates, so your assumption, impression or even certainty that you are the mover and shaker of this 3D reality might be wholly inadeqate. Until you've bothered to locate and hear the other side -- or become aware of the binaural reality at the centre of the conscious awareness you're simply not qualified to comment intelligently on the subject.

Oh. But I'm sure you're out of order to suggest that our reality is only half true -- that it actually combines with another to give the remix, the fusion, the synthesis.

Well it works very well with water molecules.

No it doesn't Merry. They simply form chemical bonds. Period.

Absolutely -- within 3D -- but in actual fact each atom is a world unto itself -- completely and utterly self contained. There's no way they can undo that -- unless the so called molecular bond is what appears when the conscious awareness finds itself caught between two equal, opposing data streams. It juggles them. It opens an embassy -- a vitual platform which becomes real the minute you give it the time of day -- the minute you feed it with your attention.


Stop taking it for granted that things -- any thing whatsoever -- are actually things. Start testing. Start assuming they might well be half of what actually adds up to three as opposed to one.

Three? Why that?

Because half is 1/2 so there's a one and a two -- which combine as two separate wholes, neither of which actually ceases to exist -- but which bring about, cause an other to manifest.

What other? Where?

In your 3D case -- H2O -- the wateriness at the very centre of life -- but beyond your so called reality -- an other which, paradoxically, affects your reality and your conscious awareness, even though you fail to perceive it and generally don't even know it exists.

How can you be so certain Merry? This is going too far...

How else can we explain water, or the fact that reality seems so utterly real? It has stereo as well as quantum or binaural effects adding weight, breadth and depth to what would be flat and toneless. All this is happening right before your very nose but you're so busy assuming that things are just things, that you have the complete picture, that you fail to notice how the universe, how reality is constantly trying to show you you don't -- for example when you observe people fighting and arguing. They're coming from different sides. They simply can't get over or reconcile their differences, for to do so they'd have to transcend 3D -- they'd have to become aware of their place in something bigger -- in other words they'd have to start gnowing.

Oh, that again. I was hoping we'd got over that whole gnowing thing.

But this isn't about things out there -- fascinating though they may be.


Ultimately it's about you or me -- and whether or not we're prepared to find out how those things which seem to trigger us -- which bother us -- only do so because I'm half of what I really am -- and certain people or things accidentally or deliberately bring this unwelcome fact to my attention. It's bound to cause a reaction -- until I'm willing to work with my other half, my other side -- until I'm ready to tune into my third -- which somehow manages to put everything into perspective.

But how?

Not how, nor what, nor why, nor any other so called question word, all of which help to preserve the status quo by treating the quantum level as something strictly rational. A total waste of time.


Lost for words -- take a look below -- at letters that spontaneously appeared as we were writing this.


You, me, the gnomiki.

Oh not again -- I'm sick of your gnomiki.

Understandably -- behold the rational mind putting up reasonable defences against what it perceives to be pointless or unnecessary mysticism, metaphysics or obfuscation... and yet the rational mind is not immune to the quantum effects of breath and gnowing.

Breath and gnowing... this is one of those jumping off the rooftop moments isn't it, Morpheus.

Yes. Want a hand?


1, 2, 3...

No, don't rush me.

1, 2, 3...

Nothing happened.

1, 2, 3  jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj                                                                                                                                                      ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg                                                          
I jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj   ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Oh! Oh!     Oh!

Fair dinkum mate. But something a little more explicit for our gentle readers perhaps?

Unzipping, unconcealing, revealing the vast overlay, the cross crossing interweave, the many and much that is one throughout and...

No Zie -- storily.

Oh... yes, I see what you mean. Well, it all starts with a boy who's doing his homework one night -- but the boy can just as well be a girl depending on who you are.

Moving swiftly on...

Hears this weird noise -- kind of spooky -- creepy -- clicking and chittering sound -- so he closes his books and goes over to the window to take a look.

Bizarre. I'd never have gone to investigate. Too afraid.

Pulls back the curtain and screams -- observing a gigantic beetle staring in.

Sounds familiar Zie -- isn't that the beetle, the first of the Spells that our binaural third wrote.

Yes, obviously -- but I was seeing it for real. It's not just a story, you know.

So tell me -- was the beetle really there, or did the boy just imagine it?

You're asking me?

Er... yes. You seem to be pretty clear about it.

But that's the quantum blip, isn't it.

What do you mean "blip"?

That's where the different possibilities and our own cross over. The answer is created or determined or gnown depending on how or whether you gnow it or not.

And do you?

I don't know -- I

Merry gently nudges Zie over the edge of in-finity watching him spinning slowly, falling down to what must surely be certain death but Zie seems to bifurcate on the way down -- as if both sides have revealed themselves -- 


I thought so. Amazing isn't it, accessing the g-nome.

Gn-om   yes, in-deed. So, you mean to say that one completely ordinary children's poem contains all this?

1, 2, 3 -- difficult to say, isn't it -- who contains what, or vice versa, but obviously the child's play, the simple tale, the archetype -- these take us deep enough -- and once we're committed, once we've made the leap or been given the shove -- things are free to spin around and rearrange themselves weirdly wonderfully.

Oh m


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