Wednesday, February 8, 2017

entanglement unentangled er

Supposing you’re right Merry... supposing it really is a zero sum game and things actually add up to nought...

Any other explanation gives us a something for nothing universe, which is an even more ridiculous proposition.

Well, I’m not saying you’re wrong, it’s just I find it difficult how any of these outlandish theories can actually make a difference in the real world of shopping, bills, work and family.

There is no real world to make a difference in.

Well that’s just where I disagree.

You’re welcome.

It’s preposterous to say there is no real world.

I agree. Preposterous but true all the same. Instead of focusing on things, turn your eye towards the other side of matter, the other side of things, the side that you constantly, persistently ignore just because it’s inconveniently close to what you are, because it’s awkward to step back from and consider calmly, rationally, objectively because you’re so hopelessly entangled in this 3D reality, this world of things.

So you think you’re able to step back, o great philosopher?

Actually it isn’t that hard, it just requires a little motivation and determination. Once you start noticing the results it becomes so exciting, so rewarding you’ll never want to stop.

You mean to tell me you’re actually able to unentangle yourself and view things as are?

As opposed to as they seem --  yes. Before too long you become aware of the programme or technology that makes things seem so utterly convincing, that persuades you to take them at face value. It’s like a sugar coating, a lens or filter which ensures your attention is all on the ball and not on anything happening off-screen.

So you see more, and you think that’s an advantage?

Well yes, it gives me the opportunity to work on other things, rather than serving the matrix, the 3D mind machine which literally demands your attention and exacts a heavy payment for its rendering of reality.

Er...  like what?

It standardises, homogenises reality and simply requires complete subservience, complete fealty. It’s your feudal overlord, you its vassal.

Hang on, Merry, that’s a bit steep. I’m no one’s vassal. I’m free and independent.

Within prescribed borders: as long as you don’t try to stray from the life path it, the borg offers you.

So now it’s the borg, is it? A bit casual with terminology, aren’t we?

In essence it’s neither the borg nor the matrix. In essence it’s your relationship with in-finity, with the greater is, the all, the om...

Ok, ok, I’ve got the message: something incredibly vague and vacuous. A walk on the wild side of metaphysics.

Couldn’t have put it better myself. That’s indeed how it looks or seems from an entrenched 3D perspective, but once you’ve established a need to know, a willingness to unentangle, unentrain yourself, to experience the sunny side of nought, it ceases to be vague or vacuous, as you so alliteratively put it.

Well that’s just it, isn’t it Merry.

Yes, I suppose it is.

You know what I’m about to say.


I don’t...

You were about to say you’re quite happy in your present circumstances and feel no pressing need to know anything that might upturn the apple cart of your beliefs and convictions.

Oh... well more or less.

And I don’t blame you. Usually people only make the leap when they’ve crossed a line and can’t go back, either because the borg is terminating them with cancer, for example, or because they simply know too much and can no longer continue pretending it’s real any more. Finding themselves between a cliff and a hard place they’re compelled to either leap or fail.

Oh... you make it sound somewhat brutal.

It’s about seizing the infinitesimal chance.

Carpe diem?


Well fortunately I don’t find myself in those dire straits.

Oh, but you do.

What are you talking about. I’m perfectly content with my lot and I have no intention of pushing against the envelope.


Merry, what’s going on.

Oh nothing.

Quit fooling around. I know you’re up to something.

Oh that.

That what?

Well I took the liberty of editing a little of the source code.

You did what?

I rewrote a small section of the matrix.

You’re kidding, right?

So the matrix is no longer able to figure out who is what any more.

Oh Jesus, you didn’t?

It’s been scratching its head for a while, expending its remaining inertia, but we can safely say that seem is now coming apart at the seams.

Shit. How could you have been so insanely reckless?

Oh you know... nothing much to do, feeling a little bored, looking for a spot of excitement...

So you decided to blow up the entire universe?

No, only the matrix. Look, if it can’t handle a little "0=1 what’s it all about meaning of life introspection' then quite frankly I think it’s time it went.

But all the people... The devastation they’re going to endure, just for an idle whim.

Oh, I wouldn’t say 0=1 is an idle whim. More a divine inspiration, a bolt from the blue, a cosmic spanner in the works, a...

Shut up Merry! This is serious.

Oh, so all of a sudden you feel an urge to get serious about disemborging? How very last minute of you.

I’m not kidding Merry. You don’t seem to realise what you’ve done.

Of course I realise Zie, I’ve brought z axis back into play. You’re now guaranteed to experience everything that’s been blocked and held back by that dyke all these years past. You’re going to rediscover the time wave as you flash in and out of pure conscious-ness, you’re...

Doomed, Merry. Forgive him for he knows not what he has done. You have just succeeded where Hitler, Stalin, Ghenghis Khan and all our well-intentioned bureaucrats failed – you have just consigned us to the demagnetisation dump of data, where all our 1s and 0s are going to be irreversibly scrambled.

Do you think so Zie? Do you think I’ll get the baddest hack ever award? Look, I know you’re going through some emotional processing right now so I don’t want to disturb you or anything...

Disturb me? You’re worried about disturbing me? Maybe you should have thought about that before rewriting our source code.

Like I said, it’s an emotional moment which you’d best process uninterrupted, but if at any time you feel like you’d actually like to consider your options, feel free to drop in.

Do? Haven’t you done enough?

What, rewriting an itsy weeny bit of code? Give me a break. That was just a...  processing Zie, that’s it, deep breaths, breathe deeply, deeper, deeper and one

Merry suddenly taps Zie on the forehead and spins him around what we can only assume to be the z axis.

Ah, so that’s what you meant by seizing the infinitesimal chance? How did you do that? How did you move so fast?

You think I moved fast? How about this?

Again Merry lurches towards the axis which seems to emerge from nowhere, kicking his heels out he spins around it like he’s getting sucked into a vortex until he blurs into a disk form which is your indistinguishable from a UFO. The UFO is absolutely motionless, shockingly so, but seems to draw phantom images of space-time time-space through its quantum field. Zie watches spellbound, sensing how Merry is traversing space and time without violating a single law of physics. Energy is being conserved. Input outputs amount to zero. Nothing is happening beautifully, and Zie feels an irresistible urge to laugh and dance, which is precisely what he does.

So you see, Zie, things are not quite as dire as they seemed once we’re ready to find our feet, once we’re ready to step into a narrative filled with starlight and in-finite possibility. But that’s the kind of story that has to be written at the very edge of conscious-ness, at the place of no return. What used to be the borg in a story of repressed desires and fear of change, is now transformed, turned inside out, a veritable tardis, the z y x in-finity drive, bigger the further you go inside, so yes, I did end time as you knew it but it was time  for change, that world, that reality was choking to death on you, you in it. So choke no more, children of in-finity, I madly, gaily, joyfully, merrily present you with in-finity, the only place you’re guaranteed to experience everything you possibly can, without needing a permit to violate the manxome laws of Lewis Caroll space-time. Om
cuckoo la la

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