Why isn't anything happening?
Because telekinesis is a joke.
I have a different theory Zie.
Go on then, blow me away.
I'm pretty sure it does work, but too fast.
Too fast?
Yes -- you see if I move that bottle in one trillionth of a second, and then shift it back again...
Well why don't you just leave it there?
I guess because it doesn't feel right.
Because everything in existence is actually perfectly balanced all the time.
What!? You call this balanced? The world's a mess.
Well yes -- yet things are not flying around spontaneously. They're balanced. They're not falling over.
Of course they're not moving. Why on Earth would they be moving? They'd need a force acting on them to move. No force - no movement. Newton's second law.
Well yes, that's how we see it at our slow end of things -- where we're thinking, looking, reacting in the time frame between seconds and milliseconds, but when you get down to the billionth, trillionth or quadrillionth of a second range, the nano, pico or femto second -- at that level things are not really things at all.
That's bunkum. Things don't stop being things just because you've upped the magnification and sliced time into smaller pieces.
Perfectly rational response -- yet as you approach the event horizon of zero time -- as you reach the actual speed or frequency at which things pulse on and off, in and out of the quantum vacuum, that's where they stop being recognizably separate, discrete things, and become one single thingness, which constantly keeps itself balanced as any conscious being must.
Conscious? Why on Earth do you call this hypothetical one-single-thingness a conscious being? Are you out of your mind?
Well yes, I suppose I am. The 3D mind simply cannot go that far, can it? But in my attempt to describe what I experience when I take a peek...
But you just said the 3D mind can't go there, so how on Earth could you take a peek?
It appears that consciousness is scalar -- that every level or scale or magnitude corresponds with every other -- so we're actually able to scale up or scale down ad infinitum, somehow or other. Think of it as the octave. I may not be able to sing or hear beyond a certain range -- but I can go into some kind of harmonic resonance with other octaves beyond my sensory capabilities, as above so below, and they will reveal themselves or manifest through me at my particular level. It's something like that, isn't it?
I have no idea.
The main thing is not to take my word for it, but to be open to the possibility that the vastness of space is not necessarily out there -- geographically speaking. It's just as likely to be in the nano, pico or femto moment of time, where the laws of physics are quite different, where everything we take for granted is more or less the reverse of what's on the other side of the time curve, as you approach the timelessness of conscious-ness. So, it seems highly likely that what we call teleportation is in fact how things move at the pico or femto level.
You seem to assume I'm familiar with these ridiculously sounding terms Merry.
My apologies Zie. Nano is 10-9, pico is 10-12 and femto is 10-15.
But why does it have to be teleportation? Why do you need to introduce psychic powers to something perfectly rational. What's wrong with a good old fashioned shove? And why do you need to go down to such ridiculously small fractions of time?
Why do scientists need to search for ever smaller particles at CERN? Why not just look at regular atoms and molecules? They imagine the answer is hidden around the next corner in a greater degree of magnification. In my case it's different: I already know the answer, but I'm trying to find a way to give the rational mind something to chew on so it doesn't feel completely redundant. In this instance it's a case of trying to explain how anything can ever move if things are all inter-woven, inter-connected and entangled. You see, when you look at yourself at the atomic scale it becomes a mystery how you're able to move your arm at all -- how you succeed in persuading many trillions of atoms to move together. We take it for granted -- but these atoms are a vast galactic field when viewed under the right magnification. It looks like there needs to be some mind-field of conscious-ness guiding or directing the process, i.e. telekinesis, or else we can stop assuming that things actually move at all, rather that the entire universe morphs and evolves through us countless times per second.
Actually, I think it's called muscle contraction to give a more mundane explanation. Your muscle contracts -- the arm moves and every atom shifts accordingly.
Yes, at the macro body level. But down at the subatomic level of matter, or subnano timeframe, things are different -- we have everything backwards in our mind. We assume things matter in themselves, overlooking completely the timewave, ignoring the critical speed of conscious-ness at which all matter becomes pure thought, all things self-aware -- so evidently they're not subject to Newton's laws at the nano timescale; evidently matter is not simply matter.
But why? Whyever not?
A bit like the way a pond skater can walk on water, a fly can walk up a wall -- different forces predominate -- different forces and different ways of perceiving and organising the thingness of thing.
The what?
The thingness of thing. Whatever it is that makes things seem to be things -- that makes them appear to stand out and be separate and interactable with one another. You see, at our level we're far, far removed from the pulse speed of conscious-ness -- the rate at which zero and one flips all matter between two polar extremes, creating the apparently physical nature of things. As you come closer to this background zero-one pulse, matter more and more appears to be and indeed is a wave form. We can actually access that wave form if we tune in, and we do so all the time to a greater or lesser extent without even realising it.
We do?
Yes, which is why some people can move so beautifully on a skateboard or dancing, or can move things in a way that beggars belief juggling or making trick shots -- because they're not actually throwing an object from a to b -- they're actually tuning into the underlying wave form which generates the possibility for any thing to be moved anywhere. They're coming as close as is possible to telekinesis or teleportation within the 3D paradigm.
Oh God. You do love your tele-stuff, don't you?
Absolutely -- it's weird science -- the kind of science you observe when looking at very small creatures at the micro or nanoscopic level -- the micro or nanoscopic time frame.
So telekinesis is impossible at our level because it would put things out of balance.
Yes no. It's impossible as long as I stop working the 3D mono-mind frame model.
Mono-mind frame?
Yep -- where the frame is fixed -- there's only one -- and you can only push through if you use material force, pressure, effort -- like propulsion.
Well, that's describing reality isn't it Merry. It's called work isn't it -- and you seem to want something for nothing. Welcome to the real world.
Yes, but there's another model which is closer to reality -- which is closely aligned to the underlying conscious thing-ness of being.
That model requires you to use both sides of your conscious-ness -- your on and off side -- your one and your zero side -- your hold and release side. Once you start using both sides things can and do start moving effortlessly -- without tipping, tilting, upsetting the balance.
It requires a certain amount of awareness-ness building.
You have to become more aware of your degree of awareness, or consciously aware. That can only happen if you're one step removed from what you're observing -- if you know or accept that you're not really seeing what's going on -- you're only seeing half or a fraction of half -- ad infinitum.
So as you start to become aware of how you are constantly interacting with the field of all that is -- the one thing, the one-ness, the one if you like -- of which you're a part -- observing in a detached way -- detached because you've switched your point of attachment from the things around you to the breath itself -- which is constantly 0 1ing, in out-ing, on off-ing -- only then can you start to see what's really happening around you.
Yes, so sooner or later you start seeing, sensing, feeling another layer, another representation of reality. You can still see the old one at choice, but you're not stuck in it -- bound by it. You can now relate to either side, use either side for doing stuff. You can now start moving things, including yourself, as a wave function rather than an object or particle which requires external intervention. All movement, all action can and does come from within, when the quantum level is activated.
It's really that simple -- you begin to realise that you were walking lock step with 3D reality because your attention was strapped to it -- spellbound -- glued. You couldn't unglue your attention by wanting to. You had to shift it into something else -- into an appropriate to your scale manifestation of waveflow, of the quantum flux, the pulse, the field -- which we just happen to call the breath -- which we just happen to assume is something that we "do" -- little suspecting that it's far, far bigger than what I could possibly do -- that it involves the whole universe, the whole of reality, that it's part of the balancing, shifting balance wave that holds everyone and everything in alignment -- that reality or the oneness actually breathes through you just as much as you yourself breathe within it.
That the breath can and does reconnect, reatune us into one -- it is i am in which "i" in fact "is". Note, of course, that this is the small i as opposed to the egoic, corporate I that you present yourself as within 3D.
So, really there's nothing to it. Let the breath be the bow passing back and forth across the violin strings of perception -- informing your awareness of reality with vibrational realtime data -- a stream of 1s and 0s, or possibly even parallel streams if the breath is, in fact, a series of parallel hairs as the violin bow is.
Once you're able to feel with the breath the minor pull, the minor fluctuations, the nanoshift in the one field of all that is -- whenever you try to move something or yourself -- then you can ride those sensations -- you can follow them back into zero -- deep within conscious-ness and back out again -- into conscious aware-ness on the other side -- wherever you now be. You're no longer working with things -- because things only mattered when you were far removed from the 0=1ness. You're instead allowing your perception of things to flow within -- to realign how you perceive reality and that, believe it or not, happens only when you merge with the one single thingness -- when you perceive a different way of arranging yourself in the greater order of things -- and as long as you're not pushing or pulling, but allowing the oneness to draw forth an ever sweeter union, an ever greater harmony of is, then things will always, always accommodate whatever it is you seek or need. To the 3D being this would involve passing through a mental or physical wall, but to the flow master of breath, it involves a yielding, a releasing and reaccepting of something wholly unexpected, wholly original, shocking and yet delightful which redefines in an instant all that is.
Because telekinesis is a joke.
I have a different theory Zie.
Go on then, blow me away.
I'm pretty sure it does work, but too fast.
Too fast?
Yes -- you see if I move that bottle in one trillionth of a second, and then shift it back again...
Well why don't you just leave it there?
I guess because it doesn't feel right.
Because everything in existence is actually perfectly balanced all the time.
What!? You call this balanced? The world's a mess.
Well yes -- yet things are not flying around spontaneously. They're balanced. They're not falling over.
Of course they're not moving. Why on Earth would they be moving? They'd need a force acting on them to move. No force - no movement. Newton's second law.
Well yes, that's how we see it at our slow end of things -- where we're thinking, looking, reacting in the time frame between seconds and milliseconds, but when you get down to the billionth, trillionth or quadrillionth of a second range, the nano, pico or femto second -- at that level things are not really things at all.
That's bunkum. Things don't stop being things just because you've upped the magnification and sliced time into smaller pieces.
Perfectly rational response -- yet as you approach the event horizon of zero time -- as you reach the actual speed or frequency at which things pulse on and off, in and out of the quantum vacuum, that's where they stop being recognizably separate, discrete things, and become one single thingness, which constantly keeps itself balanced as any conscious being must.
Conscious? Why on Earth do you call this hypothetical one-single-thingness a conscious being? Are you out of your mind?
Well yes, I suppose I am. The 3D mind simply cannot go that far, can it? But in my attempt to describe what I experience when I take a peek...
But you just said the 3D mind can't go there, so how on Earth could you take a peek?
It appears that consciousness is scalar -- that every level or scale or magnitude corresponds with every other -- so we're actually able to scale up or scale down ad infinitum, somehow or other. Think of it as the octave. I may not be able to sing or hear beyond a certain range -- but I can go into some kind of harmonic resonance with other octaves beyond my sensory capabilities, as above so below, and they will reveal themselves or manifest through me at my particular level. It's something like that, isn't it?
I have no idea.
The main thing is not to take my word for it, but to be open to the possibility that the vastness of space is not necessarily out there -- geographically speaking. It's just as likely to be in the nano, pico or femto moment of time, where the laws of physics are quite different, where everything we take for granted is more or less the reverse of what's on the other side of the time curve, as you approach the timelessness of conscious-ness. So, it seems highly likely that what we call teleportation is in fact how things move at the pico or femto level.
You seem to assume I'm familiar with these ridiculously sounding terms Merry.
My apologies Zie. Nano is 10-9, pico is 10-12 and femto is 10-15.
But why does it have to be teleportation? Why do you need to introduce psychic powers to something perfectly rational. What's wrong with a good old fashioned shove? And why do you need to go down to such ridiculously small fractions of time?
Why do scientists need to search for ever smaller particles at CERN? Why not just look at regular atoms and molecules? They imagine the answer is hidden around the next corner in a greater degree of magnification. In my case it's different: I already know the answer, but I'm trying to find a way to give the rational mind something to chew on so it doesn't feel completely redundant. In this instance it's a case of trying to explain how anything can ever move if things are all inter-woven, inter-connected and entangled. You see, when you look at yourself at the atomic scale it becomes a mystery how you're able to move your arm at all -- how you succeed in persuading many trillions of atoms to move together. We take it for granted -- but these atoms are a vast galactic field when viewed under the right magnification. It looks like there needs to be some mind-field of conscious-ness guiding or directing the process, i.e. telekinesis, or else we can stop assuming that things actually move at all, rather that the entire universe morphs and evolves through us countless times per second.
Actually, I think it's called muscle contraction to give a more mundane explanation. Your muscle contracts -- the arm moves and every atom shifts accordingly.
Yes, at the macro body level. But down at the subatomic level of matter, or subnano timeframe, things are different -- we have everything backwards in our mind. We assume things matter in themselves, overlooking completely the timewave, ignoring the critical speed of conscious-ness at which all matter becomes pure thought, all things self-aware -- so evidently they're not subject to Newton's laws at the nano timescale; evidently matter is not simply matter.
But why? Whyever not?
A bit like the way a pond skater can walk on water, a fly can walk up a wall -- different forces predominate -- different forces and different ways of perceiving and organising the thingness of thing.
The what?
The thingness of thing. Whatever it is that makes things seem to be things -- that makes them appear to stand out and be separate and interactable with one another. You see, at our level we're far, far removed from the pulse speed of conscious-ness -- the rate at which zero and one flips all matter between two polar extremes, creating the apparently physical nature of things. As you come closer to this background zero-one pulse, matter more and more appears to be and indeed is a wave form. We can actually access that wave form if we tune in, and we do so all the time to a greater or lesser extent without even realising it.
We do?
Yes, which is why some people can move so beautifully on a skateboard or dancing, or can move things in a way that beggars belief juggling or making trick shots -- because they're not actually throwing an object from a to b -- they're actually tuning into the underlying wave form which generates the possibility for any thing to be moved anywhere. They're coming as close as is possible to telekinesis or teleportation within the 3D paradigm.
Oh God. You do love your tele-stuff, don't you?
Absolutely -- it's weird science -- the kind of science you observe when looking at very small creatures at the micro or nanoscopic level -- the micro or nanoscopic time frame.
So telekinesis is impossible at our level because it would put things out of balance.
Yes no. It's impossible as long as I stop working the 3D mono-mind frame model.
Mono-mind frame?
Yep -- where the frame is fixed -- there's only one -- and you can only push through if you use material force, pressure, effort -- like propulsion.
Well, that's describing reality isn't it Merry. It's called work isn't it -- and you seem to want something for nothing. Welcome to the real world.
Yes, but there's another model which is closer to reality -- which is closely aligned to the underlying conscious thing-ness of being.
That model requires you to use both sides of your conscious-ness -- your on and off side -- your one and your zero side -- your hold and release side. Once you start using both sides things can and do start moving effortlessly -- without tipping, tilting, upsetting the balance.
It requires a certain amount of awareness-ness building.
You have to become more aware of your degree of awareness, or consciously aware. That can only happen if you're one step removed from what you're observing -- if you know or accept that you're not really seeing what's going on -- you're only seeing half or a fraction of half -- ad infinitum.
So as you start to become aware of how you are constantly interacting with the field of all that is -- the one thing, the one-ness, the one if you like -- of which you're a part -- observing in a detached way -- detached because you've switched your point of attachment from the things around you to the breath itself -- which is constantly 0 1ing, in out-ing, on off-ing -- only then can you start to see what's really happening around you.
Yes, so sooner or later you start seeing, sensing, feeling another layer, another representation of reality. You can still see the old one at choice, but you're not stuck in it -- bound by it. You can now relate to either side, use either side for doing stuff. You can now start moving things, including yourself, as a wave function rather than an object or particle which requires external intervention. All movement, all action can and does come from within, when the quantum level is activated.
It's really that simple -- you begin to realise that you were walking lock step with 3D reality because your attention was strapped to it -- spellbound -- glued. You couldn't unglue your attention by wanting to. You had to shift it into something else -- into an appropriate to your scale manifestation of waveflow, of the quantum flux, the pulse, the field -- which we just happen to call the breath -- which we just happen to assume is something that we "do" -- little suspecting that it's far, far bigger than what I could possibly do -- that it involves the whole universe, the whole of reality, that it's part of the balancing, shifting balance wave that holds everyone and everything in alignment -- that reality or the oneness actually breathes through you just as much as you yourself breathe within it.
That the breath can and does reconnect, reatune us into one -- it is i am in which "i" in fact "is". Note, of course, that this is the small i as opposed to the egoic, corporate I that you present yourself as within 3D.
So, really there's nothing to it. Let the breath be the bow passing back and forth across the violin strings of perception -- informing your awareness of reality with vibrational realtime data -- a stream of 1s and 0s, or possibly even parallel streams if the breath is, in fact, a series of parallel hairs as the violin bow is.
Once you're able to feel with the breath the minor pull, the minor fluctuations, the nanoshift in the one field of all that is -- whenever you try to move something or yourself -- then you can ride those sensations -- you can follow them back into zero -- deep within conscious-ness and back out again -- into conscious aware-ness on the other side -- wherever you now be. You're no longer working with things -- because things only mattered when you were far removed from the 0=1ness. You're instead allowing your perception of things to flow within -- to realign how you perceive reality and that, believe it or not, happens only when you merge with the one single thingness -- when you perceive a different way of arranging yourself in the greater order of things -- and as long as you're not pushing or pulling, but allowing the oneness to draw forth an ever sweeter union, an ever greater harmony of is, then things will always, always accommodate whatever it is you seek or need. To the 3D being this would involve passing through a mental or physical wall, but to the flow master of breath, it involves a yielding, a releasing and reaccepting of something wholly unexpected, wholly original, shocking and yet delightful which redefines in an instant all that is.
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