Governments from the bottom of their hearts do the best they can to make the system they head work. Unfortunately the system is actually a bunch of individuals, so called "people", and doesn't seem to behave as systems should. In short, it's persistently and stubbornly messy. Either because the people are incompetent, or wilfully disruptive: they fail to march in step. If, however, they're compelled to do so come hell or high water, as soldiers during the first world war were, they end up hacking, disrupting the compliance entrainment signal of submission and conformity, not with weapons or high technology, but almost absurdly antedilvially, by writing poetry! Poetry, I warrant you! like David firing a pea-shooter at Goliath, and yet it somehow seems to work. Their pathetic interventions shatter the fragile consensus, the delicate composure and uniformity needed for great, system making undertakings.
So what to do about this messiness? How to bring the cogs in our societal machine to order? Such is the dilemma faced by rulers who honestly, sincerely wish to bring the rabble back into alignment, to transform the wild, unkempt heath on which chaos proliferates, into a model garden of thingfulness.
Er... Merry, who are you talking to?
Oh... hi Zie, I was just rehearsing my gardenomics lecture.
Yes, or gardegnomics we sometimes call it.
As in garden gnome?
Possibly, or perhaps as in garden om, for the great om, even the common or garden om, is at the heart of a vibrational science.
Can't say I'm too familiar with vibrational science Merry.
No, it's not being taught at the moment.
Perhaps because it isn't in fact scientific?
Perhaps, but we digress.
Indeed we do. Could you explain why you're suddenly into politics Merry. I thought you were above such matters.
Above? Whatever gave you that notion?
You mean to say you...
No Zie, I don't. Politics and politicians are of interest and valuable to the extent that they reveal the real rulers.
What real rulers are you on about Merry? Is this your latest conspiracy theory?
Actually your politicians are only able to make headway with their political projects to the extent that these correspond with the administrative systems you're currently hosting.
Administrative systems? What on earth gives you the notion that I'm hosting an administrative system? It sounds positively creepy.
Yes, but it's not just you Zie, it's basically everyone, and naturally you're largely unaware of the nature of these systems as you're living inside them and have little or no opportunity to see what lies beyond.
So you say... but I happen to think otherwise.
Yes, that's as intended.
Well the minute you became aware that you're actually hosting administrative systems which basically run you, or run the only part of you which is of any interest and value...
Which part?
The part which interfaces in-finity, which gives you, or them, access to unlimited inergy and enformation.
Typo Zie, don't you mean energy and information?
No, it's all cart-before-the-horsely reversed in 3D. I say and mean inergy enformation, which is both similar yet fundamentally different...
Well what?
Aren't you going to say which part of me gives them access to inergy enformation?
Oh, I thought you'd joined the dots.
Sorry you to disappoint, Merry.
Actually it matters little what we call it. What's in a name? In fact it's the system administrators who insist on filenames for everything under the sun. Otherwise their digital systems can't function integrally.
So you mean to say the alternative natural system doesn't rely on names?
Actually I mean to say the alternative isn't a system as such. It's more like collaborative, creative chaos.
With no rules?
And no rulers, like nature herself.
Oh my God Merry, as I feared and suspected, you're an anarchist through and through.
Ah, you see the host you are hosting will always insist you digitize analogue reality, reducing it ultimately to ones and zeros. Thus the in-finity that I encapsulate, embody and amify becomes a thing to label or name, for how else can it be incorporated into your system.
Cut it out Merry. I'm a human being like anyone else. I don't incorporate a system.
In which case let it be known that they, the system administrators, are embedded into the conscious awareness itself, or the main access link thereunto. From there it's a piece of cake to run the show and ensure you spend the rest of your life putting the cart before the horse in every way conceivable, providing them with the vast resource of your conscious awareness almost gratis.
Absolutely. You see how well they're trained the part of your mind that you still have access to, to think? It will automatically, always reject anything that comes close to revealing the inner working of their system -- but what they can't hide is the footprint of their system in 3D reality.
What do you mean?
Well, everything that's been set up in you and through you -- then gets incorporated in the outer reality -- at the societal level. In other words, those dreadful governments you love to hate and endlessly berate are almost identical in structure and purpose to the same governance systems, protocols and procedures which make your inner reality what it is.
Nonsense. Absolute nonsense.
In some respects you're actually worse than the government -- because you're better able to suppress the opposition. In other respects the external government takes the lead and guides you into an escalating systemic dystopia.
I thought you said governments are working for us -- at the beginning of your presentation.
As indeed they are -- to the best of their awareness, the problem being that they have no awareness of what they're really doing. That part of the conscious awareness is inaccessible -- you lack access codes - you don't have the necessary security clearance.
And who does?
Oh, system administrators whose job it is to ensure that the system continues functioning smoothly, continues to yield a rich flow of inergy and enformation -- which is astronomically valuable and jealously guarded.
So, supposing your insane theory is right -- supposing we're actually hosting them...
Supposing? Just look at what you're doing in the world, to the world. Does that look like normal, natural behaviour? And yet you can't help yourselves. You're working for them -- and they're delighted if you destroy the planet. It's inevitable, as far as they're concerned, but by that time they'll have cracked the code which you contain and they'll be able to move on to the next level, the higher level of your life tree - which actually extends to in-finity and beyond.
You mean we're currently preventing them from going further?
Yes. Amazingly they can't proceed further up your tree until they extract every last drop of inergy and enformation -- which paradoxically involves destroying the very body, that most precious conscious awareness they are feeding on -- yet in doing so they'll be able to ascend to a higher level of awareness and attach themselves to your father-mother level of conscious awareness -- the part of you that still dwells in the stars so to speak -- the part of you which is the consciousness or awareness of planets, galaxies and stars.
Oh God Merry -- this is sounding so...
Ridiculous. I know. My apologies but words are words and as soon as we use them we get completely the wrong impression -- completely the wrong idea -- that's the beauty of their control mechanism. It's almost impossible to countermand. It's so deeply embedded you're convinced that you're thinking your own thoughts.
Stop it Merry -- you're giving me the creeps.
But you missed the beginning, the title of my lecture which is wriggle room.
Wriggle room -- as in room to wriggle about.
Well I understood as much, but what does it mean?
It means that no matter how rigidly they control you -- they have to allow wriggle room, or the conscious awareness shuts down completely and they lose their source of funding and feeding.
So what does it mean?
It means that in spite of their tremendous resources, their amazing control, their prescience and what not -- you still have wriggle room.
But they're shutting that down too, aren't they. You yourself said that the outside and the inside are connected.
As they are.
Well, we can see how governments are clamping down on free speech, free thought, on liberties.
Yes, which indicates they're running scared -- because the more they clamp down, the more they risk two possible outcomes -- both of which are highly unfavorable to them.
Either the conscious awareness will get bored and throw in the towel -- the moment it decides this 3D reality no longer has sufficient room to wriggle in -- in which case they lose their host.
And we all die.
Not exactly. You merely disembody -- but it's hardly the same as death in the general understanding of the word.
Or, the other alternative -- they make the wriggle room so tight and restrictive that they draw attention to themselves -- and humanity suddenly, collectively, without knowing how, just does it.
Does what?
Goes ballistic.
Er... like fighting a war you mean?
Nothing so crude. You see, no matter how much they control the conscious awareness, you still have the truth sense -- residual awareness -- and once they've lost their secrecy, once the iron claw is felt good and strong -- something shocking can and does happen.
I'm not sure I should say, but I guess it's inevitable at this stage of the proceedings that it leaks out, so let it be.
Yes? What?
Pause a moment Zie -- this is something to be felt and experienced multi-dimensionally. Be calm. Be of good cheer. Know that you are truly one with all that is.
With absolutely all that is?
Even with them?
Even with them.
You mean?
Oh my God.
So what happens then?
It's an iceberg moment.
As in Titanic?
No, as in the iceberg suddenly flipping over because it's grown top heavy.
So what happens then?
At the very moment humanity becomes strongly aware that things are not what they seem, that the not-rightness of this reality is systemic and runs deeper than anything you can conceive...
At that very moment there is what we might refer to as a Christing.
A Christing -- as in Christ?
Yes and no -- this isn't just about Jesus Christ. This is the same for any person, no matter what their background may be.
So why call it a Christing? Isn't that going to be a divisive term?
Not really -- Christ is more a title than a name -- an anointed one -- one who's rising or risen back into the root directory of the conscious awareness.
Shouldn't that be "descended" into the root directory.
Like I said -- things are inevitably back to front and inside out -- as long as we're operating within a system.
Ok. So what happens -- how does humanity manage to regain control of the conscious awareness? Surely they're waiting for us and guarding all the access points.
Absolutely -- but a Christing happens outside space and time -- outside anything even they can imagine. It comes from the other side of in-finity, or Source, or God, as much as it comes from our side of things.
And they can't defend the other side?
No, because the other side is not countable or containable -- and because they themselves are part of in-finity -- it's fundamental to them as much as it is fundamental to us.
So what happens to them? Are they removed or killed?
What then?
Er... it's more like fusion.
Fusion? Oh my God! You don't mean.
Yes. We embrace what we cannot hope to destroy. We suddenly discover that we are in fact symbiotic -- that we have, without realising it, been trying to figure out how to harmonise, how to come together, how to unite. Doing so we become one. We grow. We reaffirm the life edict.
But they're alien. They're monsters. They're parasites. They want to suck everything from us.
Yes -- but they are nature's response to everything we were not, everything we failed to be, everything we refused to be. Nature abhors a vacuum. Nature created them, created it to rebalance us or, if necessary, terminate us. In any case -- the only way to overcome their systems defences is by doing the opposite of what is expected. They expect us to struggle -- to try to pull free, to resist. They cannot understand or expect the opposite -- that we can find it within ourselves to love them, to embrace them -- to recognise the great One allness present throughout, present within them -- and to suddenly - wholeheartedly harmonise with it. As soon as we do so -- convergence -- harmonic resonance -- poetry in motion, the music of life, of love, of dot dot dot -- words cannot, words cannot, words cannot describe.
Understand Zie that this shift, this sudden flash of awareness known as the Christing passes through the very heart of creation -- is, in a sense, one of God's own heartbeats -- is a moment of complete and utter transformation. Thus the rules of the game, and the game itself, is no longer what it was -- evolveth -- and yes, this path of evolution is not something new -- hath happened many times already. It's written into our creation code -- is fundamental to the conscious awareness itself.
OM wriggle OM wriggle... stop
So what to do about this messiness? How to bring the cogs in our societal machine to order? Such is the dilemma faced by rulers who honestly, sincerely wish to bring the rabble back into alignment, to transform the wild, unkempt heath on which chaos proliferates, into a model garden of thingfulness.
Er... Merry, who are you talking to?
Oh... hi Zie, I was just rehearsing my gardenomics lecture.
Yes, or gardegnomics we sometimes call it.
As in garden gnome?
Possibly, or perhaps as in garden om, for the great om, even the common or garden om, is at the heart of a vibrational science.
Can't say I'm too familiar with vibrational science Merry.
No, it's not being taught at the moment.
Perhaps because it isn't in fact scientific?
Perhaps, but we digress.
Indeed we do. Could you explain why you're suddenly into politics Merry. I thought you were above such matters.
Above? Whatever gave you that notion?
You mean to say you...
No Zie, I don't. Politics and politicians are of interest and valuable to the extent that they reveal the real rulers.
What real rulers are you on about Merry? Is this your latest conspiracy theory?
Actually your politicians are only able to make headway with their political projects to the extent that these correspond with the administrative systems you're currently hosting.
Administrative systems? What on earth gives you the notion that I'm hosting an administrative system? It sounds positively creepy.
Yes, but it's not just you Zie, it's basically everyone, and naturally you're largely unaware of the nature of these systems as you're living inside them and have little or no opportunity to see what lies beyond.
So you say... but I happen to think otherwise.
Yes, that's as intended.
Well the minute you became aware that you're actually hosting administrative systems which basically run you, or run the only part of you which is of any interest and value...
Which part?
The part which interfaces in-finity, which gives you, or them, access to unlimited inergy and enformation.
Typo Zie, don't you mean energy and information?
No, it's all cart-before-the-horsely reversed in 3D. I say and mean inergy enformation, which is both similar yet fundamentally different...
Well what?
Aren't you going to say which part of me gives them access to inergy enformation?
Oh, I thought you'd joined the dots.
Sorry you to disappoint, Merry.
Actually it matters little what we call it. What's in a name? In fact it's the system administrators who insist on filenames for everything under the sun. Otherwise their digital systems can't function integrally.
So you mean to say the alternative natural system doesn't rely on names?
Actually I mean to say the alternative isn't a system as such. It's more like collaborative, creative chaos.
With no rules?
And no rulers, like nature herself.
Oh my God Merry, as I feared and suspected, you're an anarchist through and through.
Ah, you see the host you are hosting will always insist you digitize analogue reality, reducing it ultimately to ones and zeros. Thus the in-finity that I encapsulate, embody and amify becomes a thing to label or name, for how else can it be incorporated into your system.
Cut it out Merry. I'm a human being like anyone else. I don't incorporate a system.
In which case let it be known that they, the system administrators, are embedded into the conscious awareness itself, or the main access link thereunto. From there it's a piece of cake to run the show and ensure you spend the rest of your life putting the cart before the horse in every way conceivable, providing them with the vast resource of your conscious awareness almost gratis.
Absolutely. You see how well they're trained the part of your mind that you still have access to, to think? It will automatically, always reject anything that comes close to revealing the inner working of their system -- but what they can't hide is the footprint of their system in 3D reality.
What do you mean?
Well, everything that's been set up in you and through you -- then gets incorporated in the outer reality -- at the societal level. In other words, those dreadful governments you love to hate and endlessly berate are almost identical in structure and purpose to the same governance systems, protocols and procedures which make your inner reality what it is.
Nonsense. Absolute nonsense.
In some respects you're actually worse than the government -- because you're better able to suppress the opposition. In other respects the external government takes the lead and guides you into an escalating systemic dystopia.
I thought you said governments are working for us -- at the beginning of your presentation.
As indeed they are -- to the best of their awareness, the problem being that they have no awareness of what they're really doing. That part of the conscious awareness is inaccessible -- you lack access codes - you don't have the necessary security clearance.
And who does?
Oh, system administrators whose job it is to ensure that the system continues functioning smoothly, continues to yield a rich flow of inergy and enformation -- which is astronomically valuable and jealously guarded.
So, supposing your insane theory is right -- supposing we're actually hosting them...
Supposing? Just look at what you're doing in the world, to the world. Does that look like normal, natural behaviour? And yet you can't help yourselves. You're working for them -- and they're delighted if you destroy the planet. It's inevitable, as far as they're concerned, but by that time they'll have cracked the code which you contain and they'll be able to move on to the next level, the higher level of your life tree - which actually extends to in-finity and beyond.
You mean we're currently preventing them from going further?
Yes. Amazingly they can't proceed further up your tree until they extract every last drop of inergy and enformation -- which paradoxically involves destroying the very body, that most precious conscious awareness they are feeding on -- yet in doing so they'll be able to ascend to a higher level of awareness and attach themselves to your father-mother level of conscious awareness -- the part of you that still dwells in the stars so to speak -- the part of you which is the consciousness or awareness of planets, galaxies and stars.
Oh God Merry -- this is sounding so...
Ridiculous. I know. My apologies but words are words and as soon as we use them we get completely the wrong impression -- completely the wrong idea -- that's the beauty of their control mechanism. It's almost impossible to countermand. It's so deeply embedded you're convinced that you're thinking your own thoughts.
Stop it Merry -- you're giving me the creeps.
But you missed the beginning, the title of my lecture which is wriggle room.
Wriggle room -- as in room to wriggle about.
Well I understood as much, but what does it mean?
It means that no matter how rigidly they control you -- they have to allow wriggle room, or the conscious awareness shuts down completely and they lose their source of funding and feeding.
So what does it mean?
It means that in spite of their tremendous resources, their amazing control, their prescience and what not -- you still have wriggle room.
But they're shutting that down too, aren't they. You yourself said that the outside and the inside are connected.
As they are.
Well, we can see how governments are clamping down on free speech, free thought, on liberties.
Yes, which indicates they're running scared -- because the more they clamp down, the more they risk two possible outcomes -- both of which are highly unfavorable to them.
Either the conscious awareness will get bored and throw in the towel -- the moment it decides this 3D reality no longer has sufficient room to wriggle in -- in which case they lose their host.
And we all die.
Not exactly. You merely disembody -- but it's hardly the same as death in the general understanding of the word.
Or, the other alternative -- they make the wriggle room so tight and restrictive that they draw attention to themselves -- and humanity suddenly, collectively, without knowing how, just does it.
Does what?
Goes ballistic.
Er... like fighting a war you mean?
Nothing so crude. You see, no matter how much they control the conscious awareness, you still have the truth sense -- residual awareness -- and once they've lost their secrecy, once the iron claw is felt good and strong -- something shocking can and does happen.
I'm not sure I should say, but I guess it's inevitable at this stage of the proceedings that it leaks out, so let it be.
Yes? What?
Pause a moment Zie -- this is something to be felt and experienced multi-dimensionally. Be calm. Be of good cheer. Know that you are truly one with all that is.
With absolutely all that is?
Even with them?
Even with them.
You mean?
Oh my God.
So what happens then?
It's an iceberg moment.
As in Titanic?
No, as in the iceberg suddenly flipping over because it's grown top heavy.
So what happens then?
At the very moment humanity becomes strongly aware that things are not what they seem, that the not-rightness of this reality is systemic and runs deeper than anything you can conceive...
At that very moment there is what we might refer to as a Christing.
A Christing -- as in Christ?
Yes and no -- this isn't just about Jesus Christ. This is the same for any person, no matter what their background may be.
So why call it a Christing? Isn't that going to be a divisive term?
Not really -- Christ is more a title than a name -- an anointed one -- one who's rising or risen back into the root directory of the conscious awareness.
Shouldn't that be "descended" into the root directory.
Like I said -- things are inevitably back to front and inside out -- as long as we're operating within a system.
Ok. So what happens -- how does humanity manage to regain control of the conscious awareness? Surely they're waiting for us and guarding all the access points.
Absolutely -- but a Christing happens outside space and time -- outside anything even they can imagine. It comes from the other side of in-finity, or Source, or God, as much as it comes from our side of things.
And they can't defend the other side?
No, because the other side is not countable or containable -- and because they themselves are part of in-finity -- it's fundamental to them as much as it is fundamental to us.
So what happens to them? Are they removed or killed?
What then?
Er... it's more like fusion.
Fusion? Oh my God! You don't mean.
Yes. We embrace what we cannot hope to destroy. We suddenly discover that we are in fact symbiotic -- that we have, without realising it, been trying to figure out how to harmonise, how to come together, how to unite. Doing so we become one. We grow. We reaffirm the life edict.
But they're alien. They're monsters. They're parasites. They want to suck everything from us.
Yes -- but they are nature's response to everything we were not, everything we failed to be, everything we refused to be. Nature abhors a vacuum. Nature created them, created it to rebalance us or, if necessary, terminate us. In any case -- the only way to overcome their systems defences is by doing the opposite of what is expected. They expect us to struggle -- to try to pull free, to resist. They cannot understand or expect the opposite -- that we can find it within ourselves to love them, to embrace them -- to recognise the great One allness present throughout, present within them -- and to suddenly - wholeheartedly harmonise with it. As soon as we do so -- convergence -- harmonic resonance -- poetry in motion, the music of life, of love, of dot dot dot -- words cannot, words cannot, words cannot describe.
Understand Zie that this shift, this sudden flash of awareness known as the Christing passes through the very heart of creation -- is, in a sense, one of God's own heartbeats -- is a moment of complete and utter transformation. Thus the rules of the game, and the game itself, is no longer what it was -- evolveth -- and yes, this path of evolution is not something new -- hath happened many times already. It's written into our creation code -- is fundamental to the conscious awareness itself.
OM wriggle OM wriggle... stop
Christing, согласование всего с нашим общим сознанием