Friday, December 16, 2016

the end - don't try this at home

Do I have to?

Not if you don’t want to.

Phew. I’ve never been particularly into death.

Me neither, but this isn’t really about death Zie.

No? You could have fooled me.

More about liberating the life force within you.

By jumping off a cliff? I don’t think so.

Like I said, things have changed since you were born. Your reality is no longer what it was.

So you think I’m now suddenly able to fly?

No. You’re no more able to fly now than you ever were.

Then what on earth are you proposing I jump off a cliff for?


Liberation? Sounds like a funny sort of way to achieve liberation. I think most people would call it derangement or suicide.

Yes, that would have been a reasonable description in the past, but like I said, things have moved on.

So, not being able to fly, I’m going to be liberated by plunging to the ground and splatting myself into bloody pulp?

I’m not suggesting you do anything I wouldn’t do myself, Zie.

So go ahead then. Kill yourself.

Ok, but it works best if you go first.

I bet it does.

Nothing like a bit of blind trust, is there?

Or blind stupidity. Perhaps you could remind me of the physics involved before I decide to immolate myself.

Sure Zie. Since we entered the new paradigm, a few years ago, you’re no longer bound by space-time physicality. That’s why you’ve all spent so long playing around with the internet and getting used to the idea of virtual space. It’s a cut and paste generation which recognises that things can be stored anywhere and retrieved at will. The same is true of you and me. But we won’t figure it out fully until we give the system the chance to show what its capable of – how it now operates.

So we’ve been upgraded, you’re saying?

Precisely. You’re no longer in fact bound by space or time – though these appear to be determinants until you get round to questioning and challenging their primacy.

Well if this is true Merry – how come there aren’t more people discussing this new found freedom? You’d think half the world would have cottoned onto it by now.

Many have.

Many? How many is many?

Oh – several million.

Several million individuals are no longer bound by space or time.


They can just jump off a cliff and fly away.

Not exactly fly – but once the ground is gone – you’re basically in hyperspace – or quantumised, if you know what I mean.

No, can’t say I do.

Oh come on Zie – it’s the old particle wave dichotomy. You can be and are both – as long as you detach yourself from observation.

And standing on the earth, in your opinion, is the same as being observed.

In a manner of speaking – yes. As long as you’re safely attached to something or other you tend automatically to see yourself in terms of that thing – as a part of it – or as an adjunct or attachment to it.

So in the few brief seconds before I smash into the ground – 240 feet below – you think I can achieve some kind of enlightened quantum awareness – thus dissolving the 3D field lines?

Yes, I do. Look Zie, instead of endlessly talking about it – why not just give it a go. What have you got to lose?

What have I got to lose!? I... I’m speechless Merry. People don’t just dissolve into thin air you know. They fall and it hurts.

Not if they jump from a fatal height.

Oh Christ – I’m talking with a madman.

Look Zie, just trust me for once. It’s going to be fine. The alternative is much worse.

What do you mean?

Your world’s currently collapsing in on itself. It’s gone beyond the point of no return. It’s going to get uncomfortable, to say the least.

So jumping’s a big improvement – is it?

Yes. Jumping’s like agreeing to embrace the truth, the light...

The death at the end of the tunnel. I happen to enjoy being alive Merry. I was planning on living till a ripe old age – and you want me to throw it all away – just because you’re able to dematerialise, and figure the rest of humanity should be able to do likewise.

I’m no different from you.

Not true.

Once you’ve made the leap – you’re exactly where I am.

Which is?

Neither here nor there, back in black – the wonderful state of quantum indeterminacy. Finally, gloriously engaging three – the third, once again.

Once again? You mean we’ve been here before?

Of course you have. How could you doubt it?

Er – no one’s ever told me about this before. Why on earth am I supposed to take it on trust...

Take nothing on trust. Simply do the maths. Zero equals one. What more do you need. In-finity is. Not what seems.

Oh please – stop throwing mind numbing slogans at me. This isn’t some kind of weird suicide cult, by any chance, is it?

This is about realising what life really is, what life really means. It’s about catching the wave – and surfing it back into a meaningful relationship with in-finity – with all that is – rather than cowering from the storm of material things under the lintel of perfectly rational fear.

So I’m supposed to just ignore “perfectly rational fear” am I?

No, you’re not.

Then what?

Try this for size... Merry is gone, vanished without warning – causing an excruciating reaction in Zie’s mind and body. A silent scream of non-acceptance: this shouldn’t be. It makes no sense. It undermines the very essence of what is what.

Scream if you have to, or roll on the floor and have a tantrum – Zie hears Merry’s voice – but sees no one.

Hyperventilation. A panic attack – which stops as suddenly as it started the moment Zie becomes aware that Merry in fact went no where – was at hand – but in a different frame of reference. He appears to be floating in the air – but something tells Zie that is only how it looks. It’s really just a different way of organising or packaging the data – relative to what is what – the 3D frame itself.

So it’s like an optical illusion.

Does that really matter?

Then what?

You – your reaction is much more important. You observed how vulnerable you are to any thing that doesn’t happen within your frame – but what I’m suggesting is that all the changes that are now needed, now unfolding, now taking root – all of them are coming from outside the box. Period. Either you’re desperately hanging onto yesterday – or you’re ready to be a part of the new story, the new paradigm.

By jumping off a cliff? Why not just shoot myself?

Ok – if you like. It actually works just as well – only I prefer the old fashioned ways – and I happen to like the sensation of launching into the abyss. Nothing like a little gut wrenching vertigo.

Stop mocking me Merry. This is bad enough without you making fun of the process.

Ok – I’ll try to be serious – but really – the fuss you’re making – it’s hardly surprising.

Fuss? I’m just trying to avoid

The inevitable.

Maybe you’re right Merry, but I don’t see millions of people lining up to throw themselves into the arms of mother gravity.

No, but someone’s got to lead by example.

Yes – all those nutters doing bungy jumps or wingsuit flights – they’re doing pretty well.

Actually they’re not coming close. This has to be an all or nothing action. You have to firmly, irrevocably embrace and/or engage in-finity – only then can the default programme kick in and lift you into other – the reverse side of matter. Only then can you experience the bodiless life force – the oneness – the allness – the isness of be.

Words, words and more words – all trying to lead me into an unprovoked, unnecessary suicide attempt.

Exactly – now instead of chatting inanely – feel the fear, the excitement, the in-sanity, breathe it, experience it – feel the energy flows within you, around you, throughout. You’re not in any way endeavouring to kill yourself. On the contrary – you’re reaching out for, looking to embrace life – beautifully, magically, absolutely.

How noble minded of me – and I’m sure I’ll go splat with a big, self-righteous grin on my face.

Suspend your disbelief Zie – don’t commit yourself – just breathe the feelings – the emotions – the moment full of adrenalin, fear and blood pulsing in your ears – until something within – your inner voice – lets you know whether you’re ready or not to proceed. Let it come from within – not from me or anyone else.

This does the trick. Zie allows the abstract to wrap itself around him – and suddenly – one, two, three – he’s spinning into the void.

to be continued, if 0=1.

1 comment:

  1. There's an old-fashioned way to fly
    Or not to fly
    There's an old-fashioned way to die
    Or not to die.

    The music plays a careless motif
    As you look down the cliff.
    This line will end with fun
    For 0 = 1.
