Yeah, apparently matter doesn't really contain any matter.
You're absolutely right Pi. Matter doesn't matter - but your mind's programmed to believe it does, no matter what the scientists now know to be true.
Yeah - and this scientist who's talking about it says no one really knows what is what.
Precisely. How could anyone know what is what if no thing whatsoever exists. What's there to know?
Well, I wouldn't go that far - this scientist says that instead of things - it's got to be consciousness itself that really matters.
Yeah. Consciousness is what seems to hold everything together. Anything else is just... er... things, which as we've already established - don't matter.
OK Pi - "consciousness" is definitely a good step in the right direction...
But "consciousness" itself doesn't actually exist.
?? What do you mean?
I don't "mean" - meaning is not something I have any intention of doing. If I "meant" I'd be sinking back into the quagmire of "what matters".
OK Merry - how am I supposed to ask what you mean if you don't like that particular expression?
Directly. It doesn't matter what "I mean" because we're dealing with the underlying computer code of reality or existence - as it were. So instead of personalising this and asking what I mean - try asking why consciousness doesn't exist.
But I don't agree - I think it does.
In which case remain in your non-agreement if so you choose - but if you wish to explore whatever it is that I'm sharing with you - that's only done if you suspend your disbelief and make this into a magic journey of discovery.
But why should I take your idea on trust before I've even heard what you're going to say?
Take no thing on trust - things are things - neither to be trusted in nor disbelieved.
Then what?
I'm simply giving you a different way of seeing things - just like a story. If you want me to continue with the story - you need to be in the right state of mind. You need to be ready to listen - ready to hear the magic and the truth of the story. You see - a story's only story if it contains magic and truth - even if the story itself is pure fiction.
OK - in that case won't you tell me your story - why doesn't consciousness exist?
Good question Pi. How many syllables are there in the word consciousness?
Three. Why?
Because we're dealing with fundamentals here. We're looking at what truly is, what simply is - the isness, if that makes sense to you. As soon as you toss a three syllable word into the arena you've gone into something intellectual, something heavy, complicated, clever and confusing. Lots of c words as you can c.
OK - so if not consciousness then what?
Not what. Any word that's a what word is, by definition, going to be some thing or other. We've already established the fact that matter matters not. So instead of putting great store and value in things, including words or idea-things, put store in that which is - which is not consciousness.
But why? Why not consciousness?
Already answered Pi. Instead of "why not consciousness", consider the alternative.
What alternative?
What consciousness is almost.
Which is?
Precisely what?
Precisely what you said - only without the question mark. Consciousness is almost "which is". It's almost that which is.
But saying "which is" isn't saying anything is it? It explains nothing.
Correct. It explains no thing - for there is no thing to explain. Instead of "explaining" things, we are learning to see, to feel, to know and understand "which is". This requires a little patience, a little practice and application - so deeply entrenched is our way of thinking and doing in what-matters.
OK Merry. So let's say I'm going along with everything you say, and I'm ready to stop thinking in terms of things, and transition to "which is" - how do I move forward? What's the game plan?
It's not enough to talk about things or think about them. That's what the mind wants.
It does?
Yes. You see, we're working in a what-matters mind. That mind will do anything to avoid letting go - to avoid shifting into the cosmic, the universal Mind. It does this by creating ever more things that matter, ever more complicated words, concepts, ideas, theories and what not - all of which lead nowhere - for all are designed to keep the dog chasing around, catching its own tail. Instead of putting your trust in things - simply look at the fundamentals wherein, as even the scientists now admit - things themselves matter not - so perhaps, just perhaps, it's time for us to stop thinging and to start Is-ing, to stop thinking, and to start be-ing.
Yes Pi - it really is that simple. As soon as you use the word "consciousness" - you're focussing on some thing big and complex out there - rather than the simplicity, the magic, the power of Is - which is neither here nor there - but can only be, by definition - every where.
OK Merry. I see where you're coming from - but Is is still kind of vague, kind of confusing, isn't it?
Not really - not when you understand the relationship between Is and nought.
Well, if matter matters not - then matter is in fact "nought" whereas we, as human beings, are the embodiment of Is. There is complete equality between the two sides. 0=1. As soon as you stop chasing consciousness, and start accepting Is which is - you're able to shift into the awareness of true nature, as opposed to the "seem of is" you're currently in.
Seem of is?
That's the version of reality in which things not only seem to matter, but actually come to matter, over and above you as living embodiments of Is. You're imprisoned by a way of perceiving things, and perceiving reality itself in terms of things, rather than the isness where 0=1. You're trapped in a virtual reality which I sometimes call the seem-of-is. Bur you don't have to stay trapped in it. Fundamentally there's no thing keeping you there - once you become aware of fundamentals. Once you're willing to see and hear and know. It's a magical journey of awakening. It involves a quantum shift not into a brave new world, not into any thing whatsoever, simply back home to Mind, to Self, to Is, your natural state of being, before you first signed up for this virtual reality you're currently at play in.
Playing? I don't think that's the right word. And in any case, if humanity has been stuck in the seem of Is for thousands of years now, how on Earth do you think I'm going to be able to get out.
It's just a seem-of-Is. It's virtual. No thing matters. Stick to the fundamentals. That means that time itself is part of the seem. Your mind of what-matters insists that time is real, that it exists - but scientists themselves have now agreed it isn't, it doesn't. But you don't have to rely on scientists. Fundamentally, there is no past. There are no thousands of years. There's a kind of computer programme that ensures we have a time based sense of continuity no matter what.
But what about memories?
Memories are memories. Things are things. Words are words - but once you're ready, willing and intent on coming back into your natural state - the isness of be - once you've accepted 0=1, the fundamental relationship between Is and all things - then it's time to stop relying on things, on hearsay, on beliefs, and to start sensing, processing, feeling, knowing and understanding the isness of here and now - which is ever expanding, without limit. Do this: allow yourself to stop thinging and to start being, and you are free. Neither past nor future has a hold over you. No thing has power over Is. 0=1.
But things - you know - they still matter. Bullets flying towards you are still going to kill you - this isn't a movie.
This is whatever you make it. You decide. You choose. Until you accept and re-instate the simple truth, 0=1, it is - I am - then you remain a victim of circumstances, of things beyond your control. Maybe you're secretly hoping you can fix the system and get it under control. As long as you're hoping this - you'll continue bloodying your nose against the brick wall of reality, but as soon as you're ready to let go, to wake up, to Is your Be - then 0=1, you're home - and believe me, no thing comes close to the awesomeness, the allness, the oneness, the isness of Home.
But what is Home?
Not what, of course. Home is where the heart is.
Then what is heart?
Heart is nought. It is no thing and yet it is all. 0=1.
More mysticism. More meaningless I know-not-what.
Indeed. The fundamentals are precisely that: mystical, meaning-less, and most certainly I know not what - just as long as you allow the negative to reveal the positive concealed within.
Er... How can a negative contain a positive?
How can it not? How can any thing be fundamentally negative or positive? if you're willing to see and know what is? Take a magnet - it's must be negative and positive. You too - your body has a negative and a positive end. This is elementary mathematics. As soon as I take sides - as soon as I insist some thing is negative or positive - that's a role, a game I've chosen to play in the seem of Is, and thus the dog runs in circles, chasing its tail.
So you'd have everything equal would you? Pure relativism?
Cuckoo la la. I'd not have any thing, for to do so I'd have to be in denial of all that is... I'd have to be standing on my head trying to pretend to myself that things do indeed matter. Instead, let me breathe, for breath is calming and helps reconnect all that is, and let me feel and know the oneness, the allness, the isness. As soon as this is my simple, unwavering intent, then no thing can hold me in thrall. I am free, as so are you.
But how does this change anything?
What is there to change? Things only have power over you, only seem tyrannical as long as you give them power by choosing to remain in the mind of what-matters. Make the quantum leap back to Mind of Is and the snake is no longer venomous, the dog no longer barking mad, matter no longer calls the shots.
But how? How? How?
Gaily. Effortlessly. Following your inspiration, your joy, your bliss. You're meant to fly, not trudge through life. You're meant to shine, not sputter or hiss. Instead of looking for what you're supposed to do or think or thing, start with no thing whatsoever. The doors and walls of your prison have long since been removed - only your belief that they are there keep you in here - in the shadow of your real-it-y. I tell you again - you cannot not be free unless you make that conscious choice, so take responsibility for your own decisions, and if necessary, conduct a running audit of your choices. Whom are they serving - you or the machine-code mind of what-matters?
Run an audit? Ok - and if I find I'm unwittingly working for the dark side?
Then allow story to shift the polarities - that's what story does. No thing could be simpler. For every dark there needs must be an equal and opposite - both of which are present in any given situation. This is why in religion they say that any thing can be forgiven. Th energy of hate and love are a mere twist in the tale away from one another - and if you choose to rediscover the hero in yourself - the magician, the clown, the knight, the prince, the princess... the various parts you've suppressed or denied, then you'll find that no thing can stand in your way. As soon as you switch roles - the entire universe, the whole of reality shifts accordingly, for all the world, as well you know, is the stage on which you write, direct, produce and play the story of life: it is I am.
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