Supposing there's no such thing as gravity...
Supposing, just supposing that gravity itself doesn't exist at all.
May I present my hour glass.
Nothing amazing to look at I know, but it does the job as well as any other.
And what - you might ask - is it's job?
To tell the time?
Perhaps not.
Then what?
Perhaps it's purpose is to capture time, or reveal its passage, its motion, its flow.
Yes, why not. In the same way dust in the air enables us to see a light beam we'd not otherwise be able to discern, and radioactive ink enables us to see how fluids move through the soil from one plant to another, likewise grains of sand are carried by time from lower to higher entropy - if you know what that means... from higher to lower potential energy if that makes any more sense, or to a deeper, more absolute state of rest.
Hum... interesting is it not, how things like to move from low to high entropy, and how the universe is supposedly like a slowly unravelling coil - until eventually everything stops and it collapses, freezes or explodes - depending which side of the theoretical fence you choose to sit on.
So what? you might ask. What's this got to do with gravity being nought?
Well supposing what we refer to as gravity is really just the shadow of the vacuum, the void, the ether - call it whatever you like - that is present everywhere and in all - but we can't see it just as a fish can't really see water. Supposing that the vacuum isn't "up there" in space as we've been taught - but right here - everywhere - and if the vacuum is nought - then every and any thing is 1. One of course longs to get back to zero and will do whatever it can to terminate it's separation from it's otherness. It's a bit like a charged particle, isn't it? It's fairly desperate to recombine with another particle of an opposite charge to return to a balanced state.
So let's suppose, once again, gravity as such doesn't really exist. What exists are not exactly charged particles, but a universe of things that we're living in, and under the surface of ground an equal universe of opposing charge, and both are contained within the vacuum that they appear to be unable to feel, see or recognise - both seek to recombine to return to a balanced state and time is a measure of rate of flow between the two.
The rate of flow between the two? I hear you ask. What on earth is that supposed to mean?
It's not supposed to mean a lot. It was a stop gap measure - a temporary explanation to tide you over - for at present you haven't the conscious awareness to sense the interflow, the interexchange between our world and other. You didn't even sense the absurdity of having plus one emerging from zero, or a supposedly expanding universe. Absurd - when you start to sense the way it truly is.
So remove "other" from the equation and of course you have and need gravity - to explain the apparent falling motion of things - attracted to larger things - but why, why, why do things matter? Why should they attract one another? What lies within, below, or beyond "things" that we're not yet aware of?
Ah ha - you see "things" can only exist in an eddy of time. Without a timepool - without timespin - a time vortex - all valid terms - one thing one would immediately recombine with another - but here we are in a kind of particle accelerator continuum that we call the universe, and the matter particles are rotating one way, and the minus-matter particles - ridiculous sounding isn't it - so let me give them a lighter sounding name - I'll call them the farticles because they're less particle and more the kind of thing you desperately try to avoid noticing - they go the other way - and if at times the two collide then things tend to get explosive and cancel one another out. But as long as they're in a time whirl, to coin a new phrase, they're too busy rotating to be able to recombine, and so you have this preposterous state of thingness - in which things seem to exist in spite of the fact that markets are perfect and supposed to discount everything else instantaneously - so the theory goes.
Hum, we've run away with ourselves as we are wont to do.
Wont to do - a lovely remnant of a bygone age. A paddle steamer turn of phrase if I may so describe it.
So gravity doesn't exist because matter itself doesn't matter - it neither attracts nor repels - but wherever you find matter - you're bound to find a corresponding time whirl around it - or else that matter would simply cancel itself out for the void is present throughout - both within and all around. Now these time whirls are as good as gravity if you know no better - because like it or not - like the grains of sand in my hour glass - you're going to come inexorably closer to ground zero - which involves flying up towards the ceiling of our reality - what we call the ground - and we are like bubbles - only we prefer to see things backwards and thus claim we're falling down.
Big difference! - some might exclaim - but in fact, how you describe something or how you see it is 90 percent of the battle - if you're battling to free your mind and escape the effects of gravity - then start by realising that a. it doesn't exist and b. you have an equal and opposing something-ness on the other side of ground zero - and it's high time you stopped denying it and realised there's more to you than meets the eye.
There's more to me than meets the eye - you might boldly affirm, but unless you're ready to engage "other" you'll be blowing hot wind, and the farticles will be no closer to aiding and abetting your escape from the gravity trap, which is in fact, the mind trap, or the tyranny of time. Once you've cottoned on and realised that time is at the centre of so called gravity - and time's flow is in fact all about rate of spin - then you're half way there - as any whirling dervish worth his salts will tell you. Alter your rate of spin in any meaningful way and you affect gravity. Period. It's a no brainer if you think about it... we all know about centrifugal or centripetal forces - duh - and gyroscopes - and bicycles or coins mysteriously not falling over as long as they're spinning sufficiently fast - and they can spin both ways - length ways and on the axis...
So what's wrong? Why are we taking so long to join the dots and evade gravity?
I guess we're secretly afraid of other side - of crashing into the farticles and becoming nought.
What would you say if I told you there's a black hole inside each one of you?
Flabbergast or know it all yawn or none of the above?
Cuckoo la la - of course there is - for what it's worth - and you are the field of conscious awareness that contains the entire universe that's trying to fall into you - and arrive at its final state of entropy. If you were able to switch off - to come into a zen like state of peace and oneness - you'd know what I'm talking about - but even if you're not - you'll still have caught tantalising glimpses of this - though you may have deliberately tried to suppress or ignore these insights - because it can feel too much, at times, to know that you're infinitely close to collapsing the wave form of all matter.
Cuckoo la la is what I say. It works quite nicely so I'd recommend you give it a try.
Alternatively you could stick with the tried and tested - "I don't believe a word of that", or "what utter nonsense" or "bloody barmy if you ask me" which I make a point of stating that I don't. I'm sensitive to criticism and disbelief is, you may agree, an implied form of criticism.
Hum - but don't let me dwell on negativity. If you're ready to escape the evil clutches of gravity - which is the greatest conspiracy of the material universe - then there's really nothing to it. I mean - you don't fight gravity with matter or thing - you're bound to lose. You simply prove its non-existence by learning to spin, to engage, to interact with other - and that way you and your farticles can either recombine if you're looking for the ultimate experience of oneness thereby returning to source - or by replacing the matter myth with something less heavy and substantial - which I call story.
Story - you splutter.
Yes. Why not?
Because... more spluttering gargling apoplectications...
You see how the mind insists of having things oh so serious and weighty. The first step towards gravity's demise is being gay, light of heart and merry. This is not the mindset you were taught in school. It may require cultivation. I can teach it to you if you like - for an exorbitant fee - or for less if you promise to make me your guru and kiss my feet...
Yes, in very bad taste - but ultimately who cares. You're gravity's slave as long as you take yourself, your beliefs and your mind's mechanics so seriously. It's time to lighten up and er... let go.
So what we discover when we become aware of that which is - as opposed to that which serves the material status quo - otherwise referred to as "what matters" is that space is no more out there than in here and every where - so we don't actually have to fly up in a rocket to leave this planet - dur - kind of dumb that if you ask me. We have to start opening up our conscious awareness to the other side of the equation - and given the enormity of what we're going to discover - trust me - it's way beyond belief - way beyond what the material mind we serve can handle - this can only be done with story and by being gay and merry.
I know - you don't like that term. Why do you think gay was taken over in the 20th century and given another meaning?
Maybe, you're thinking (I'm tuning into you) - because we were on the verge of discovering that gayness was what's required to rediscover and reactivate the power of story - to engage the quantum field, to turn back time in the non-linear sense.
Yes, yes and yes. We've been so close to this discovery, this reawareness for so long now it's laughing at us. All the pain and heartache we've been through and we've literally been a breath's-hair away from dissolving the fibres, the filaments of time and space which seem to be so strong, so very inescapable as long as you're in a serious, rigid, matter of fact state of mind, but believe it or not...
Believe it or not your mind has other levels - other modes, other dimensions - whatever you wish to call them - it matters not - and there your relationship to matter is completely different. So, this is really about getting to know your mind - which is easy once you've realised that you're not presently in your mind - rather you're in a mental construct - the mind of matter - or what some have coined the matrix.
Does it need a miracle to leave it?
Well yes, of course it does - but then you've never stopped experiencing miracles from the moment you were born - it's just the obtuse, prosaic mechanical mind-of-matter never recognised them and never will. But here you are - hey ho - reading this utter drivel - this pure fabrication - complete non-sense - and yet you're recognising, feeling, aware of I know-not-what - which still makes perfect sense to your quantum mind. So may the power of story fill your time-flux sails and lift you into the other side of Is - where you are now ready and able to re-engage your allness and open up the uni-verse that you've never ceased to be.
So let us not mourn the demise of matter's gravity. Let us instead set out to discover the magic of space beyond the numbing dreariness of mechanistic materialism. The uni-verse awaits, just as soon as we're willing to jump into the pilot's seat and grasp the controls. No-thing could be simpler once I'm willing to see that the infinite is a mathematical certainty and can neither be understood nor tackled by relying exclusively on the straight lines of the rational mind. Dur! I wanna see it bend, and if it ain't child's play I guarantee it'll defeat the greatest mind. So let's be gay and fly away - gravity has had its day.
Supposing, just supposing that gravity itself doesn't exist at all.

Nothing amazing to look at I know, but it does the job as well as any other.
And what - you might ask - is it's job?
To tell the time?
Perhaps not.
Then what?
Perhaps it's purpose is to capture time, or reveal its passage, its motion, its flow.
Yes, why not. In the same way dust in the air enables us to see a light beam we'd not otherwise be able to discern, and radioactive ink enables us to see how fluids move through the soil from one plant to another, likewise grains of sand are carried by time from lower to higher entropy - if you know what that means... from higher to lower potential energy if that makes any more sense, or to a deeper, more absolute state of rest.
Hum... interesting is it not, how things like to move from low to high entropy, and how the universe is supposedly like a slowly unravelling coil - until eventually everything stops and it collapses, freezes or explodes - depending which side of the theoretical fence you choose to sit on.
So what? you might ask. What's this got to do with gravity being nought?
Well supposing what we refer to as gravity is really just the shadow of the vacuum, the void, the ether - call it whatever you like - that is present everywhere and in all - but we can't see it just as a fish can't really see water. Supposing that the vacuum isn't "up there" in space as we've been taught - but right here - everywhere - and if the vacuum is nought - then every and any thing is 1. One of course longs to get back to zero and will do whatever it can to terminate it's separation from it's otherness. It's a bit like a charged particle, isn't it? It's fairly desperate to recombine with another particle of an opposite charge to return to a balanced state.
So let's suppose, once again, gravity as such doesn't really exist. What exists are not exactly charged particles, but a universe of things that we're living in, and under the surface of ground an equal universe of opposing charge, and both are contained within the vacuum that they appear to be unable to feel, see or recognise - both seek to recombine to return to a balanced state and time is a measure of rate of flow between the two.
The rate of flow between the two? I hear you ask. What on earth is that supposed to mean?
It's not supposed to mean a lot. It was a stop gap measure - a temporary explanation to tide you over - for at present you haven't the conscious awareness to sense the interflow, the interexchange between our world and other. You didn't even sense the absurdity of having plus one emerging from zero, or a supposedly expanding universe. Absurd - when you start to sense the way it truly is.
So remove "other" from the equation and of course you have and need gravity - to explain the apparent falling motion of things - attracted to larger things - but why, why, why do things matter? Why should they attract one another? What lies within, below, or beyond "things" that we're not yet aware of?
Ah ha - you see "things" can only exist in an eddy of time. Without a timepool - without timespin - a time vortex - all valid terms - one thing one would immediately recombine with another - but here we are in a kind of particle accelerator continuum that we call the universe, and the matter particles are rotating one way, and the minus-matter particles - ridiculous sounding isn't it - so let me give them a lighter sounding name - I'll call them the farticles because they're less particle and more the kind of thing you desperately try to avoid noticing - they go the other way - and if at times the two collide then things tend to get explosive and cancel one another out. But as long as they're in a time whirl, to coin a new phrase, they're too busy rotating to be able to recombine, and so you have this preposterous state of thingness - in which things seem to exist in spite of the fact that markets are perfect and supposed to discount everything else instantaneously - so the theory goes.
Hum, we've run away with ourselves as we are wont to do.
Wont to do - a lovely remnant of a bygone age. A paddle steamer turn of phrase if I may so describe it.
So gravity doesn't exist because matter itself doesn't matter - it neither attracts nor repels - but wherever you find matter - you're bound to find a corresponding time whirl around it - or else that matter would simply cancel itself out for the void is present throughout - both within and all around. Now these time whirls are as good as gravity if you know no better - because like it or not - like the grains of sand in my hour glass - you're going to come inexorably closer to ground zero - which involves flying up towards the ceiling of our reality - what we call the ground - and we are like bubbles - only we prefer to see things backwards and thus claim we're falling down.
Big difference! - some might exclaim - but in fact, how you describe something or how you see it is 90 percent of the battle - if you're battling to free your mind and escape the effects of gravity - then start by realising that a. it doesn't exist and b. you have an equal and opposing something-ness on the other side of ground zero - and it's high time you stopped denying it and realised there's more to you than meets the eye.
There's more to me than meets the eye - you might boldly affirm, but unless you're ready to engage "other" you'll be blowing hot wind, and the farticles will be no closer to aiding and abetting your escape from the gravity trap, which is in fact, the mind trap, or the tyranny of time. Once you've cottoned on and realised that time is at the centre of so called gravity - and time's flow is in fact all about rate of spin - then you're half way there - as any whirling dervish worth his salts will tell you. Alter your rate of spin in any meaningful way and you affect gravity. Period. It's a no brainer if you think about it... we all know about centrifugal or centripetal forces - duh - and gyroscopes - and bicycles or coins mysteriously not falling over as long as they're spinning sufficiently fast - and they can spin both ways - length ways and on the axis...
So what's wrong? Why are we taking so long to join the dots and evade gravity?
I guess we're secretly afraid of other side - of crashing into the farticles and becoming nought.
What would you say if I told you there's a black hole inside each one of you?
Flabbergast or know it all yawn or none of the above?
Cuckoo la la - of course there is - for what it's worth - and you are the field of conscious awareness that contains the entire universe that's trying to fall into you - and arrive at its final state of entropy. If you were able to switch off - to come into a zen like state of peace and oneness - you'd know what I'm talking about - but even if you're not - you'll still have caught tantalising glimpses of this - though you may have deliberately tried to suppress or ignore these insights - because it can feel too much, at times, to know that you're infinitely close to collapsing the wave form of all matter.
Cuckoo la la is what I say. It works quite nicely so I'd recommend you give it a try.
Alternatively you could stick with the tried and tested - "I don't believe a word of that", or "what utter nonsense" or "bloody barmy if you ask me" which I make a point of stating that I don't. I'm sensitive to criticism and disbelief is, you may agree, an implied form of criticism.
Hum - but don't let me dwell on negativity. If you're ready to escape the evil clutches of gravity - which is the greatest conspiracy of the material universe - then there's really nothing to it. I mean - you don't fight gravity with matter or thing - you're bound to lose. You simply prove its non-existence by learning to spin, to engage, to interact with other - and that way you and your farticles can either recombine if you're looking for the ultimate experience of oneness thereby returning to source - or by replacing the matter myth with something less heavy and substantial - which I call story.
Story - you splutter.
Yes. Why not?
Because... more spluttering gargling apoplectications...
You see how the mind insists of having things oh so serious and weighty. The first step towards gravity's demise is being gay, light of heart and merry. This is not the mindset you were taught in school. It may require cultivation. I can teach it to you if you like - for an exorbitant fee - or for less if you promise to make me your guru and kiss my feet...
Yes, in very bad taste - but ultimately who cares. You're gravity's slave as long as you take yourself, your beliefs and your mind's mechanics so seriously. It's time to lighten up and er... let go.
So what we discover when we become aware of that which is - as opposed to that which serves the material status quo - otherwise referred to as "what matters" is that space is no more out there than in here and every where - so we don't actually have to fly up in a rocket to leave this planet - dur - kind of dumb that if you ask me. We have to start opening up our conscious awareness to the other side of the equation - and given the enormity of what we're going to discover - trust me - it's way beyond belief - way beyond what the material mind we serve can handle - this can only be done with story and by being gay and merry.
I know - you don't like that term. Why do you think gay was taken over in the 20th century and given another meaning?
Maybe, you're thinking (I'm tuning into you) - because we were on the verge of discovering that gayness was what's required to rediscover and reactivate the power of story - to engage the quantum field, to turn back time in the non-linear sense.
Yes, yes and yes. We've been so close to this discovery, this reawareness for so long now it's laughing at us. All the pain and heartache we've been through and we've literally been a breath's-hair away from dissolving the fibres, the filaments of time and space which seem to be so strong, so very inescapable as long as you're in a serious, rigid, matter of fact state of mind, but believe it or not...
Believe it or not your mind has other levels - other modes, other dimensions - whatever you wish to call them - it matters not - and there your relationship to matter is completely different. So, this is really about getting to know your mind - which is easy once you've realised that you're not presently in your mind - rather you're in a mental construct - the mind of matter - or what some have coined the matrix.
Does it need a miracle to leave it?
Well yes, of course it does - but then you've never stopped experiencing miracles from the moment you were born - it's just the obtuse, prosaic mechanical mind-of-matter never recognised them and never will. But here you are - hey ho - reading this utter drivel - this pure fabrication - complete non-sense - and yet you're recognising, feeling, aware of I know-not-what - which still makes perfect sense to your quantum mind. So may the power of story fill your time-flux sails and lift you into the other side of Is - where you are now ready and able to re-engage your allness and open up the uni-verse that you've never ceased to be.
So let us not mourn the demise of matter's gravity. Let us instead set out to discover the magic of space beyond the numbing dreariness of mechanistic materialism. The uni-verse awaits, just as soon as we're willing to jump into the pilot's seat and grasp the controls. No-thing could be simpler once I'm willing to see that the infinite is a mathematical certainty and can neither be understood nor tackled by relying exclusively on the straight lines of the rational mind. Dur! I wanna see it bend, and if it ain't child's play I guarantee it'll defeat the greatest mind. So let's be gay and fly away - gravity has had its day.
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