I'd like to start by congratulating all of you g-nomers who have been quietly, or not so quietly, working behind the scenes to bring reality back into play.
Tee hee ;-)
Yes, beloved friends of g-nome portal - something terrible happened to reality along the way...
That doesn't mean to say I regret any of the above.
I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
It's been a blast - as they say.
A bomb blast.
Nuclear fission... divide and rule... divide and rule... divide and rule.
So here we are... at the end of flat... at the beginning of round. I'd like to formally welcome you to round reality. It's taken a while, has it not. We've known the earth was round for centuries or millennia, but our model of reality has remained flat and linear. Aaargh! Repression. Fear. Denial.
G-nome portal works tirelessly, night and day, through uplifting laughter, joy and play to bring us back to round reality that is merry and gay ;-)
So here we are, laughing in our hearts, even when we're crying in the rainy, flat-lined reality we conjured from our darkest fears and delusions.
Great we took the trouble to do so. Great that we bothered to engage our darkest fears and delusions, materialising them here in flat and grey no-time-to-play reality. Great, for now we can see, without the slightest doubt, what is what, what matters, and what is not.
The things that have mattered so much to us in this world of nuclear fission, the things that seem to matter, the things that matter - just get your head around that crazy logic... the logic of straight lines... the logic of flatness that has taken control of your mind - separating it from the natural state of knowing what is good, knowing what is right, simply knowing, tying it instead to a scaffold of ideas, beliefs, fixed certainties... "It's a fact!" you hear people say... or "I don't believe it... It doesn't matter... It's been proven wrong"... the way we talk, the way we reveal our mind's attachment to the flat, the line, the not what truly is.
G-nome portal has never needed to combat any of the above. You don't defeat an existing system or paradigm by fighting it - you simply make it obsolete by introducing something vastly simpler and superior... so here we are - entering the vastly superior quantum age of Is, courtesy of g-nome portal.
Now I know there are some of you out there who think I'm overstating the importance of g-nome portal's contribution to the current paradigm shift - as humanity returns to conscious awareness and discovers the Berlin Wall of divided mind no longer stands, and you may be right in your reality - but in mine - and I created it so I ought to know - in my reality g-nome portal is indisputably at the very heart of the complete transformation of all that is, and a considerable portion of all that is not, too.
Well, I said it's round, didn't I, so as it can be seven am in Australia and late evening in England, so it can be g-nome portal saves the day in my particularity of reality, and the Great White Handkerchief in yours.
How so? you may ask?
Because things go around and up and down - think spherical, if you would, think spheres, think in terms of all that is, not forgetting its equal and opposite all that is not - otherwise known as "Nought".
Now some people have a problem with Nought. They're willing to go along with the idea that we and the entire universe exist. They may even be willing to go along with the idea that the universe is in fact a multiverse of many universes, or that there are multiple parallel universes if that sounds more appealing - take your pick - or devise your own clever little theory of what you think it all amounts to, but I've noticed over the years that relatively few people outside the safe confines of g-nome portal's hallowed domes and laughing walls are willing to countenance Nought.
Now why should that be? I wonder.
What's the great prejudice against Nought... I mean it seems kind of intuitive really, if you think about it, doesn't it, that all that is, whatever that might be, must contain within it or somewhere at least, all that is not - and that the two cannot be separated because neither side really exists without the other.
Doesn't it?
Doesn't it seem kind of intuitive? or otherwise you'd be creating something from nothing, which is absurd, if you think about it.
Quite absurd.
So let's not.
Let's not bother creating something from Nothing. Let's do the opposite. Let's assume that something, including all that is, which presumably refers among other things to the universe/ multiverse/ or omni-bloody-verse, where was I? ... oh yes, that something amounts to or equals Nothing in the same way a five dollar debt equals a five dollar loan or credit - just depending on which way you look at it.
Ah, if only it were that simple, I hear several thousand voices pontificating...
If only it were that simple - like raindrops falling on the roof of my mind, but my roof is well constructed and well maintained, and the raindrops flow down into the gutter and then down into the drain, and they help the plants to grow, which reminds me - that this is all about...
Did you like that? I used bigger letters for emphasis, though I don't think the biggest were big enough... You see the truth is that life is the elephant under the carpet, the game changer, the ultimate five card trick, if you know what I mean.
Life - the final frontier - and people thought space was the final frontier. You have to laugh, do you not, how back to front we got everything. If only they knew, if only we knew, that all life, or equally a single living being, amounts to the entire universe - or in big letters -
the entire universe!!!
How so? You might ask - in small letters if you don't mind. How can life, even just a single living being, amount to the entire universe? It makes no sense.
Precisely. It makes no sense, and that's always been the point of contention - the stumbling block for clever and stupid alike. Of course it makes no sense! How could it make sense?! It's Nothing at play, Nothing in action, Nothing at all, or, Nothing whatsoever!!
Just playing around a bit, as you can see, trying to find the best, comfiest way of expressing the magnitude of Nothing - tee hee.
For if nothing permeates and penetrates and encircles or underlies everything and anything, no matter what, no matter where, no matter when or how or whom... then don't you see?
bigger - Don't you see?
biggest - Don't you see?
er... quite frankly "no" is the answer I often get, which is why I spend most of my time playing around in g-nome portal, having a laugh at no one's expense.
But to answer the question: Don't you see? in a more calm and thoughtful way...
It seems fair to say that Life is conscious awareness in some shape or form, and conscious awareness in most definitely no thing in particular - certainly in the material sense, so conscious awareness is to Nothing what matter is to our physical universe. Strange though it may seem, the whole of the universe cannot amount to any more or less than conscious awareness itself - which isn't, in fact, a thing at all... tee hee.
So mathematically this is expressed as follows: er... actually you don't need to write "er..." at the start of the equation - that was just me thinking aloud, but you're free to do so if you wish, so, where was I?
Thank you. The formula of the Great White Handkerchief, the Big Bang or g-nome portal is, er... 0=1
Now there are some among you, I'm sure, who don't particularly like this formula, or who don't even recognise it as such. They may prefer to call it "an equation", or even "non-sense". all of which are perfectly acceptable terms - and I have no objection to any of the above. But what you can't do, unless you in fact choose to, is question the perfect symmetry, balance and harmony of this formula. for without perfectly uniting the circle of Nought and the One of Universe, or conversely, the circle of Universe and the One of Nought - er... you run into little teeny weeny problems which have the tendency to get bigger and bigger and bigger.
Like what?
Like you can't for the life of you explain where life in the universe comes from, or the material universe, nor what consciousness is, or anything else that's basically fundamental - if you'll excuse the tautology!
So, if you grow tired of ignoring the basic fundamentals, which is another way of saying, if you ever grow tired of playing with mental constructions which are fascinating and intricate but, at some vital node, wholly divorced from Reality... with a capital R, as I think you may have noticed... so where was I?
Oh yes, I was iffing, wasn't I. Well, believe me when I say that simplicity is not as boring as it may seem, and it has the added advantage of enabling inter-dimensional and intergalactic travel - if you have any interest in seeing other worlds - so there are some distinct advantages to accepting what simply is and working with Nought, rather than objecting voraciously to it on ideological or philosophical grounds...
You see, rehabilitating Nought gives you this little added dimension which I call roundness. All of a sudden the conscious awareness is brought into play. All of a sudden you realise that the life that you are, the life within you is vast - as vast as the universe, and through life itself, through your conscious awareness you have, dare I say it, direct access to all that is, which is quite a lot, really, if you think about it.
The only downer is er... Nought.
I mean there's always something, isn't there. You've heard the expression "there's no such thing as a free lunch". Well, there is of course, if you know how to go about it, but that's beside the point - I was using it figuratively. So Nought - on the one hand it gives you back the Universe or multiverse, which is nice, is it not. It gives you back Reality with a capital R. It ends the truth embargo, the suppression of all that truly is, and suddenly you find yourself in a magical, colourful, wait for it... Reality that's actually real, for a change.
But on the other hand you have to live with the fact that Nothing is quite what it seems...
What do you mean?
Well, nothing is quite what it seems, or Nothing is what it seems - I don't want to get too technical - but you should have downloaded it by now, if you're open to [ ]
Open to what?
That's it. Not what. It's Nought - so it ain't what in any shape or form, and because it basically permeates anything and everything, it means that all those comfy old certainties, beliefs and convictions...
What? You mean they all have to go? That I have to live in a relativistic soup?
Oh no, no, no... You can hang onto them as long as they're needed, like waterwings when you're learning to swim, or stabilisers on a bicycle, but once you're ready you'll wish to discard them, coz they'll no longer be any use.
So what's the big deal then?
No big deal - just a strangeness that takes a little getting used to. A sense of anything that grows stronger and stronger as you allow yourself to become rounder and rounder, as you allow the simple truth to awaken your faculty of other-perception as your conscious awareness expands.
"Other perception"? What's that?
Well, you only see things in a certain way, the way you do today, because that's the position you're presently fixed in, conceptually. Once you allow Nought into the equation, mother nature or life itself, call it what you will, introduces other forms, other ways of interpreting the raw data, and you're able to perceive the same in a completely different way.
How different? Give an example.
Well, the universe is not really what it seems. It's bendy and malleable. Really, anything goes, so you can shift though time and space just by allowing your perception to disconnect from one branch of the tree, and reconnect to another.
You mean I have to climb up or down a tree?
No, I was speaking figuratively. Er... just by clicking with your mouse, so to speak, and changing the settings on the computer - you can see the same data in a completely different way - as a bar chart, a pie chart or even convert it into sound. There's really no limit.
But how could that get me across the universe?
What universe? 0=1. In terms of Nought there really is no universe - just conscious awareness, so if you shift leftwards into conscious awareness, then you can shift rightwards back into materiality and find yourself in a completely different place - without having moved at all. It's just like shunting a file from one folder to another by clicking a mouse - and the other folder could be anywhere if you're connected to the internet.
Yes, but I'm not a file - I have a body.
True. But you also have conscious awareness.
So Nothing. The quantum age starts with quantum computing and the quantum stream. The first thing you realise is that you are, in fact, a kind of quantum computer, or you can be. Your mind has all the computing firepower of the entire universe, if you'll allow it to. Likewise, you have direct access to the quantum stream, a kind of vortex that holds everything within it. Via the quantum stream you are in all places simultaneously.
But I can't be. I'm always stuck here in one place.
Well, yes, that's true because you preferred it that way, but Nought's going to make light work of that fixed in matter, stuck in the mud version of reality, isn't it.
I don't know.
Way to go. Just allow that "I don't know" to morph into something creative. Allow yourself to dare to know, to want to know, to believe that somewhere, in fact, you do know.
I do?
And that somewhere is the conscious awareness... Cuckoo la la
Cuckoo la la?
Yeah... It's a kind of magic. Really, there's nothing to it! Tee hee... excuse the pun, dear friend. I crack myself up sometimes I do, honestly.
Very funny.
It goes with the job.
I was being sarcastic... er... what job?
System administrator.
System administrator?
Do you always repeat things like this?
No, just when I'm struggling to come to terms with something.
Well, why struggle. Just allow your mind to crash. Accept that Nothing is One. That the entire universe equals Nought, and that Nought is, in fact, what you really are, because believe me if you would, you're a lot more conscious-awareness than simply a body, or cells or matter.
Yes, I suppose so, but I'm still a body and cells and matter, so that makes it hard for me to accept I'm just consciousness.
I didn't say that.
You didn't?
Nope. I didna say you're just consciousness. I used the word conscious-awareness which is on the other side, so to speak, of the equation.
It is?
Yes. Conscious awareness is not the consciousness here in materiality - it's your very self, your body plus your consciousness, oh, and the entire universe on the other side of the equation, in Nought.
The entire universe? That's ridiculous. You can't say I'm the entire universe.
I have no choice. You can't be any less than the entire universe in Nought, otherwise the equation ain't balanced, doesn't work, fails to amount to all and nought.
Yes indeed, or how about Oh!
Well, I might have, but you're the one doing the formatting, aren't you.
Only because I'm playing around with g-nome portal, but you're free to join in if you like.
But what do I have to do for that?
Suspend your disbelief.
Suspend my disbelief?
End the truth embargo.
End the truth embargo?
Face Nought fair and square - let the circle unfold.
Ha ha very funny.
Oh good, you're laughing again. Really, you're welcome to join me anytime you like here at g-nome portal. That's what it's for. In the meantime, you're going to have some amazing experiences as your reality starts to become increasingly psychedelic.
What, like taking drugs? I don't like the sound of that.
No need to take any drugs... but I think you'll find it's going to be fun. In the end, you yourself, each and every one of you, are driving the change from the other side - from the conscious-awareness.
I am? We are?
Yes. It's the alpha omega moment. You've been lost in the woods, so to speak, and the circle is not complete, so the two ends are being gently, neatly stitched back together again, and amazingly, they fit perfectly, and contain within their circumference a huge treasure trove, a wealth of amazing experiences, none of which would have been possible if you hadn't been navigating blindly, unable to see the wood from the trees.
Yes indeed. So, a big welcome home, and may your awakening be full of beauty, magic and laughter.
Amen ;-)
Tee hee ;-)
Yes, beloved friends of g-nome portal - something terrible happened to reality along the way...
That doesn't mean to say I regret any of the above.
I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
It's been a blast - as they say.
A bomb blast.
Nuclear fission... divide and rule... divide and rule... divide and rule.
So here we are... at the end of flat... at the beginning of round. I'd like to formally welcome you to round reality. It's taken a while, has it not. We've known the earth was round for centuries or millennia, but our model of reality has remained flat and linear. Aaargh! Repression. Fear. Denial.
G-nome portal works tirelessly, night and day, through uplifting laughter, joy and play to bring us back to round reality that is merry and gay ;-)
So here we are, laughing in our hearts, even when we're crying in the rainy, flat-lined reality we conjured from our darkest fears and delusions.
Great we took the trouble to do so. Great that we bothered to engage our darkest fears and delusions, materialising them here in flat and grey no-time-to-play reality. Great, for now we can see, without the slightest doubt, what is what, what matters, and what is not.
The things that have mattered so much to us in this world of nuclear fission, the things that seem to matter, the things that matter - just get your head around that crazy logic... the logic of straight lines... the logic of flatness that has taken control of your mind - separating it from the natural state of knowing what is good, knowing what is right, simply knowing, tying it instead to a scaffold of ideas, beliefs, fixed certainties... "It's a fact!" you hear people say... or "I don't believe it... It doesn't matter... It's been proven wrong"... the way we talk, the way we reveal our mind's attachment to the flat, the line, the not what truly is.
G-nome portal has never needed to combat any of the above. You don't defeat an existing system or paradigm by fighting it - you simply make it obsolete by introducing something vastly simpler and superior... so here we are - entering the vastly superior quantum age of Is, courtesy of g-nome portal.
Now I know there are some of you out there who think I'm overstating the importance of g-nome portal's contribution to the current paradigm shift - as humanity returns to conscious awareness and discovers the Berlin Wall of divided mind no longer stands, and you may be right in your reality - but in mine - and I created it so I ought to know - in my reality g-nome portal is indisputably at the very heart of the complete transformation of all that is, and a considerable portion of all that is not, too.
Well, I said it's round, didn't I, so as it can be seven am in Australia and late evening in England, so it can be g-nome portal saves the day in my particularity of reality, and the Great White Handkerchief in yours.
How so? you may ask?
Because things go around and up and down - think spherical, if you would, think spheres, think in terms of all that is, not forgetting its equal and opposite all that is not - otherwise known as "Nought".
Now some people have a problem with Nought. They're willing to go along with the idea that we and the entire universe exist. They may even be willing to go along with the idea that the universe is in fact a multiverse of many universes, or that there are multiple parallel universes if that sounds more appealing - take your pick - or devise your own clever little theory of what you think it all amounts to, but I've noticed over the years that relatively few people outside the safe confines of g-nome portal's hallowed domes and laughing walls are willing to countenance Nought.
Now why should that be? I wonder.
What's the great prejudice against Nought... I mean it seems kind of intuitive really, if you think about it, doesn't it, that all that is, whatever that might be, must contain within it or somewhere at least, all that is not - and that the two cannot be separated because neither side really exists without the other.
Doesn't it?
Doesn't it seem kind of intuitive? or otherwise you'd be creating something from nothing, which is absurd, if you think about it.
Quite absurd.
So let's not.
Let's not bother creating something from Nothing. Let's do the opposite. Let's assume that something, including all that is, which presumably refers among other things to the universe/ multiverse/ or omni-bloody-verse, where was I? ... oh yes, that something amounts to or equals Nothing in the same way a five dollar debt equals a five dollar loan or credit - just depending on which way you look at it.
Ah, if only it were that simple, I hear several thousand voices pontificating...
If only it were that simple - like raindrops falling on the roof of my mind, but my roof is well constructed and well maintained, and the raindrops flow down into the gutter and then down into the drain, and they help the plants to grow, which reminds me - that this is all about...
Did you like that? I used bigger letters for emphasis, though I don't think the biggest were big enough... You see the truth is that life is the elephant under the carpet, the game changer, the ultimate five card trick, if you know what I mean.
Life - the final frontier - and people thought space was the final frontier. You have to laugh, do you not, how back to front we got everything. If only they knew, if only we knew, that all life, or equally a single living being, amounts to the entire universe - or in big letters -
the entire universe!!!
How so? You might ask - in small letters if you don't mind. How can life, even just a single living being, amount to the entire universe? It makes no sense.
Precisely. It makes no sense, and that's always been the point of contention - the stumbling block for clever and stupid alike. Of course it makes no sense! How could it make sense?! It's Nothing at play, Nothing in action, Nothing at all, or, Nothing whatsoever!!
Just playing around a bit, as you can see, trying to find the best, comfiest way of expressing the magnitude of Nothing - tee hee.
For if nothing permeates and penetrates and encircles or underlies everything and anything, no matter what, no matter where, no matter when or how or whom... then don't you see?
bigger - Don't you see?
biggest - Don't you see?
er... quite frankly "no" is the answer I often get, which is why I spend most of my time playing around in g-nome portal, having a laugh at no one's expense.
But to answer the question: Don't you see? in a more calm and thoughtful way...
It seems fair to say that Life is conscious awareness in some shape or form, and conscious awareness in most definitely no thing in particular - certainly in the material sense, so conscious awareness is to Nothing what matter is to our physical universe. Strange though it may seem, the whole of the universe cannot amount to any more or less than conscious awareness itself - which isn't, in fact, a thing at all... tee hee.
So mathematically this is expressed as follows: er... actually you don't need to write "er..." at the start of the equation - that was just me thinking aloud, but you're free to do so if you wish, so, where was I?
Thank you. The formula of the Great White Handkerchief, the Big Bang or g-nome portal is, er... 0=1
Now there are some among you, I'm sure, who don't particularly like this formula, or who don't even recognise it as such. They may prefer to call it "an equation", or even "non-sense". all of which are perfectly acceptable terms - and I have no objection to any of the above. But what you can't do, unless you in fact choose to, is question the perfect symmetry, balance and harmony of this formula. for without perfectly uniting the circle of Nought and the One of Universe, or conversely, the circle of Universe and the One of Nought - er... you run into little teeny weeny problems which have the tendency to get bigger and bigger and bigger.
Like what?
Like you can't for the life of you explain where life in the universe comes from, or the material universe, nor what consciousness is, or anything else that's basically fundamental - if you'll excuse the tautology!
So, if you grow tired of ignoring the basic fundamentals, which is another way of saying, if you ever grow tired of playing with mental constructions which are fascinating and intricate but, at some vital node, wholly divorced from Reality... with a capital R, as I think you may have noticed... so where was I?
Oh yes, I was iffing, wasn't I. Well, believe me when I say that simplicity is not as boring as it may seem, and it has the added advantage of enabling inter-dimensional and intergalactic travel - if you have any interest in seeing other worlds - so there are some distinct advantages to accepting what simply is and working with Nought, rather than objecting voraciously to it on ideological or philosophical grounds...
You see, rehabilitating Nought gives you this little added dimension which I call roundness. All of a sudden the conscious awareness is brought into play. All of a sudden you realise that the life that you are, the life within you is vast - as vast as the universe, and through life itself, through your conscious awareness you have, dare I say it, direct access to all that is, which is quite a lot, really, if you think about it.
The only downer is er... Nought.
I mean there's always something, isn't there. You've heard the expression "there's no such thing as a free lunch". Well, there is of course, if you know how to go about it, but that's beside the point - I was using it figuratively. So Nought - on the one hand it gives you back the Universe or multiverse, which is nice, is it not. It gives you back Reality with a capital R. It ends the truth embargo, the suppression of all that truly is, and suddenly you find yourself in a magical, colourful, wait for it... Reality that's actually real, for a change.
But on the other hand you have to live with the fact that Nothing is quite what it seems...
What do you mean?
Well, nothing is quite what it seems, or Nothing is what it seems - I don't want to get too technical - but you should have downloaded it by now, if you're open to [ ]
Open to what?
That's it. Not what. It's Nought - so it ain't what in any shape or form, and because it basically permeates anything and everything, it means that all those comfy old certainties, beliefs and convictions...
What? You mean they all have to go? That I have to live in a relativistic soup?
Oh no, no, no... You can hang onto them as long as they're needed, like waterwings when you're learning to swim, or stabilisers on a bicycle, but once you're ready you'll wish to discard them, coz they'll no longer be any use.
So what's the big deal then?
No big deal - just a strangeness that takes a little getting used to. A sense of anything that grows stronger and stronger as you allow yourself to become rounder and rounder, as you allow the simple truth to awaken your faculty of other-perception as your conscious awareness expands.
"Other perception"? What's that?
Well, you only see things in a certain way, the way you do today, because that's the position you're presently fixed in, conceptually. Once you allow Nought into the equation, mother nature or life itself, call it what you will, introduces other forms, other ways of interpreting the raw data, and you're able to perceive the same in a completely different way.
How different? Give an example.
Well, the universe is not really what it seems. It's bendy and malleable. Really, anything goes, so you can shift though time and space just by allowing your perception to disconnect from one branch of the tree, and reconnect to another.
You mean I have to climb up or down a tree?
No, I was speaking figuratively. Er... just by clicking with your mouse, so to speak, and changing the settings on the computer - you can see the same data in a completely different way - as a bar chart, a pie chart or even convert it into sound. There's really no limit.
But how could that get me across the universe?
What universe? 0=1. In terms of Nought there really is no universe - just conscious awareness, so if you shift leftwards into conscious awareness, then you can shift rightwards back into materiality and find yourself in a completely different place - without having moved at all. It's just like shunting a file from one folder to another by clicking a mouse - and the other folder could be anywhere if you're connected to the internet.
Yes, but I'm not a file - I have a body.
True. But you also have conscious awareness.
So Nothing. The quantum age starts with quantum computing and the quantum stream. The first thing you realise is that you are, in fact, a kind of quantum computer, or you can be. Your mind has all the computing firepower of the entire universe, if you'll allow it to. Likewise, you have direct access to the quantum stream, a kind of vortex that holds everything within it. Via the quantum stream you are in all places simultaneously.
But I can't be. I'm always stuck here in one place.
Well, yes, that's true because you preferred it that way, but Nought's going to make light work of that fixed in matter, stuck in the mud version of reality, isn't it.
I don't know.
Way to go. Just allow that "I don't know" to morph into something creative. Allow yourself to dare to know, to want to know, to believe that somewhere, in fact, you do know.
I do?
And that somewhere is the conscious awareness... Cuckoo la la
Cuckoo la la?
Yeah... It's a kind of magic. Really, there's nothing to it! Tee hee... excuse the pun, dear friend. I crack myself up sometimes I do, honestly.
Very funny.
It goes with the job.
I was being sarcastic... er... what job?
System administrator.
System administrator?
Do you always repeat things like this?
No, just when I'm struggling to come to terms with something.
Well, why struggle. Just allow your mind to crash. Accept that Nothing is One. That the entire universe equals Nought, and that Nought is, in fact, what you really are, because believe me if you would, you're a lot more conscious-awareness than simply a body, or cells or matter.
Yes, I suppose so, but I'm still a body and cells and matter, so that makes it hard for me to accept I'm just consciousness.
I didn't say that.
You didn't?
Nope. I didna say you're just consciousness. I used the word conscious-awareness which is on the other side, so to speak, of the equation.
It is?
Yes. Conscious awareness is not the consciousness here in materiality - it's your very self, your body plus your consciousness, oh, and the entire universe on the other side of the equation, in Nought.
The entire universe? That's ridiculous. You can't say I'm the entire universe.
I have no choice. You can't be any less than the entire universe in Nought, otherwise the equation ain't balanced, doesn't work, fails to amount to all and nought.
Yes indeed, or how about Oh!
Well, I might have, but you're the one doing the formatting, aren't you.
Only because I'm playing around with g-nome portal, but you're free to join in if you like.
But what do I have to do for that?
Suspend your disbelief.
Suspend my disbelief?
End the truth embargo.
End the truth embargo?
Face Nought fair and square - let the circle unfold.
Ha ha very funny.
Oh good, you're laughing again. Really, you're welcome to join me anytime you like here at g-nome portal. That's what it's for. In the meantime, you're going to have some amazing experiences as your reality starts to become increasingly psychedelic.
What, like taking drugs? I don't like the sound of that.
No need to take any drugs... but I think you'll find it's going to be fun. In the end, you yourself, each and every one of you, are driving the change from the other side - from the conscious-awareness.
I am? We are?
Yes. It's the alpha omega moment. You've been lost in the woods, so to speak, and the circle is not complete, so the two ends are being gently, neatly stitched back together again, and amazingly, they fit perfectly, and contain within their circumference a huge treasure trove, a wealth of amazing experiences, none of which would have been possible if you hadn't been navigating blindly, unable to see the wood from the trees.
Yes indeed. So, a big welcome home, and may your awakening be full of beauty, magic and laughter.
Amen ;-)
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