Monday, November 24, 2014

Accounts receivable - how the banksters are repaying every last penny

We quit politics. It was fun taking on the establishment, but we were never serious about it. We knew that we couldn't really change the world that way.

How then Zie? With guns?

With guns? When have guns ever changed anything?

Every day. Once your opponent is dead you're free to do whatever it is you want to do. How do you think they, the global banksters became so powerful. They killed Lincoln when he started issuing his greenback, they did the same to Kennedy when he started issuing treasury notes instead of Federal reserve notes... It doesn't take a lot of carefully selected assassinations to change the course of history you know.

All temporary...

Temporary? These changes have lasted for hundreds or thousands of years.

Yes, but they've brought us to precisely where we need to be.

They have? Where's that?

The here and now. The dawn of the quantum age.

And what, pray tell, does that change?

Well, up until the last year or so, it was easy to manipulate and control material reality using force.

And now it isn't, you're saying?

I would do, if you'd give me the chance.

Sorry about that.

Not at all. I understand your impatience. You see, these banksters as you call them had to borrow heavily from the funds of the human collective consciousness to get away with murder, which is how they were able to rob everyone and effectively take over the planet, but every loan has a payback date, and theirs is now due.

But how on Earth is anyone going to enforce a loan repayment against this cabal?

Ah, but you fail to realise that it was loaned by the collective consciousness of humanity, of which they themselves are an integral part. Their lower self may not recognise this, but their higher self has never for a single moment ceased to be One with all humanity. Energetically the loan is now due, and being paid whether these so-called villains are willing or not.

So-called? You don't think they are?

It matters not what I think... If the world truly is a stage then they played an important part in helping humanity evolve. Let's see where they take it from here, as the energetics shift and many of them find themselves no longer willing to continue participating in the infamy they've been engaged in, often unwittingly so.


Yes indeed Oh. It's truly an Oh moment for all of us.

So if you're out of politics, and the loans are being called in, as you say, how are you going to occupy yourself now?


Musically? You're going to form a band? It's a bit late for that isn't it?

Oh, I don't think so. It's never too late to have fun. Never too late to make music.

But why? Why make music if we really need to save the planet?

Strange though it may seem the planet can, far more than you credit her for, take care of herself.


What she really wants is for all her children, that's us, to be doing whatever they love most. Once we're being creative, inspired, magical, productive each in our own way - that rebalances the energies and the planet finds herself in a completely different vibration. Everything falls into place, so to speak.

If you say so. But music - how can that help?

Because there are some of us who need to weave a web of sound, to connect the earth with the stars, the planets, the moon, to paint pictures with sound, to tell tales with sound, to heal and transform with sound - not by writing good music to sell on the internet, but by using the magic of sound to reprogramme the matrix itself.

And sound's the best medium to do so?

It's one of the best, but so is any other medium, if you happen to like it. An artist can do the same, as can a writer, or a doctor, an engineer, or a businessman - as long as they allow themselves to be inspired and to interact with the energies of the Earth and all-that-is as they follow their inspiration, and not simply adhere to a pre-determined template. That mindless following of templates was what led us so far into the darkness of this seemingly bottomless black hole.

So the matrix can be reprogrammed in any way?

Absolutely, because no matter what you do, even if you appear to do nothing, simply sitting in prayer or meditation, you never cease to be the boundary or interface between the conscious awareness and so called reality. Once you start to feel how the two connect through you and whatever you're doing, then you can achieve more by what appears to be magic than running around like a headless chicken, seeking to set the world to rights.

So you're advocating the use of magic?

It is, in fact magic, but not of the manipulative type. It's the natural magic of Is - which brings harmony to all, once we step back and accept that God or Nature can do a far better job of this than we can.

Ah. But won't it be rather dull after all the action and excitement you've been having Zie, what with taking on the one world government not to mention Ted Langley.

Oh no - you see that's all surface stuff that's mostly just noise - you know - two dimensional. Here we're opening up a whole new world. We're able, in fact, to open up space itself and travel to other planets or other realities through sound, or we can work with Gaia to clean up toxic nuclear waste though sound. There's so much to be done... and of course, when you know you're doing something useful - it feels great.

Yes, but what about money? You still have to make a living don't you?

Er... apparently that's all taken care of, now that we're shifting rapidly into this age of conscious awareness. Anyone who does something beautiful starts shining with that beauty. They're able to share it with anyone else. It isn't exactly a payment system, but people you share that light with, are bound to want to share with you or others. We're at the tipping point. We're really at the point where people will switch to using this light as the basis and currency for whatever work needs to be done, because it can't be faked, and everyone will be able to feel and see it increasingly clearly.

Wow! But if you're not good at anything?

Come on Chi, everyone's good at something, and this light that we all radiate, it comes from the Oneness, the source within. Anything I do that benefits humanity - even meditation or going into nature to help the trees or other creatures, helps bring out the light in me.

So, the whole focus of humanity is shifting back to this light.

Absolutely, and it's going to transform our world in no time whatsoever - just allow yourself the simple pleasure of feeling it, and doing whatever feels best for you, whatever helps spin your straw into gold.

Amazing. Let the goodness shine!

Let the darkness reveal it's inner light!

1 comment:

  1. Просмотрел в этом блоге твои записи (1 = 0 и т.д.) и вспомнил свою переписку с философом из МГУ Шиловым о его книге "Риторическая теория числа" и соответствующей своей статьей на эту тему, см. в б-ке , там же наиболее интересная часть моей переписки с ним в дневнике за 2-е полугодие 2012 г. Думал: я весь мир как и ты перевожу на язык нашей "фантазии", на язык-алгоритм нашего творческого сознания.
