Sometimes you fail to realise how much things have changed because you're caught up in the minutiae.
Journalling is one way of dealing with this. Keep a journal of the quantum shift, if you like. Write about the little things (or big things) you're experiencing, discovering or remembering.
Definitely start with yourself and your own experiences. Do so with a sense of wonder - for we're living in an age of wonders in which nothing is quite what it seems, no thing is completely off-limits. Practice noticing the small things that we tend to overlook, or ignore, that are signs of your shifting consciousness, of your raising conscious awareness.
What kind of things?
Oh, anything you like. I started noticing the birds a few years ago, and how their flight seems to be telling me something. I don't necessarily know what exactly it's saying - but that doesn't stop me recognising a flight formation, a moving pattern overhead, and just sensing that it's communicating something outside my normal awareness frequency band. If I agree to be open to whatever it is, and don't criticise myself for not having an immediate answer, then it's just a matter of time before I learn to read this new language. Clouds too - then can tell you stuff, as can anything else.
But where's the wonder in that?
It seems small, doesn't it, and insignificant, but you start sensing this interconnectedness. I first noticed it because birds would repeatedly fly overhead in order to come between me and the sun. I mean, you can't fail to notice that if it happens time and time again, can you? Then there was a crow that tapped me on the head as it flew over - I'll put the poem down below if you're interested. Actually, that wasn't the only crow to tap my head. So that was like "first contact"... first awareness that the birds are actively working with us and playing a part in our raising conscious awareness.
But this is just noticing stuff that we previously failed to see. It's a far cry from the so called magik that you've been promising us, isn't it?
Well, like all good scientists we need to start with careful observation, and without a journal the mind tends to play tricks on us, erasing or diminishing stuff that doesn't corroborate its template or story.
Er... I wasn't aware the mind has an agenda?
Well obviously it does. How else do you think we're able to function in this limited 3D awareness. The mind has to filter, police and censor quite heavily what we're absorbing. Anyway, discerning observation helps us to become increasingly aware of what the mind's been trying to hide from us, and that's when we start to become aware of the magiks.
Magiks? What's that?
Or they? you might ask. It's the field of magik we're living in: a wholly different way of perceiving reality, almost a parallel reality, in which the creative power, the force we refer to as "story" in 3D reality, takes centre stage.
But story's just fiction!
Yes, that's how it's perceived in 3D reality, but once you start to sense everything you've hitherto been blocking, filtering and denying, you realise there's another process at work... A process which requires careful study. It's like you're back in the first grade again. It's humbling to say the least. That's why magik is nothing like what you imagine it's going to be. It involves a quantum shift into an entirely different mindset... one in which everything is interconnected at the quantum level... in which we are not what we presently think we are. This is all about shifting perception, and allowing one model of reality to be replaced by another less hateful, less based on denial... more open to the fundamental magik of life itself!
So magik is real once we shift realities?
Oh yes, of course it is, but we were conditioned not to see it. You wouldn't believe the extent to which we don't see stuff - UFOs, fairies, orbs and...
Hold on Merry - we don't see these things because they don't exist.
Precisely. Catch 22. They don't exist until you start seeing them.
No, that's not what I meant. They simply don't exist.
Of course they don't, unless they do. It all depends on your conscious awareness.
No Merry, it depends on your level of sanity.
Fair enough. Look Zie, no one's asking you to see anything you don't want to. If you do see anything interesting, first of all test whether it's real or not.
Well, real things tend to appear more than once.
So do delusions.
Yes, but you have to test intelligently. It isn't necessary to sell this to other people. We're not looking for fame or attention, we're simply journalling the effects of the shift in consciousness in a sober, down-to-earth, matter of fact way, from our heart.
Well I hardly think writing about the dragons you saw flying down main street is sober or down-to-earth.
Ironic isn't it... These things seem fantastic because we've unlearnt how to see them, but if you think about it mathematically, you realise they have to exist.
They do? What kind of mathematics is that?
Oh God Merry. That's the end of any rational conversation... The mathematics of insanity.
Not so. Our math has to recognise and incorporate the life factor - the factor that consciousness is, in fact, infinite. Once you do that, once you've established the basics - what I call your alpha-omega points, then you can be as rational as you like.
Well, you start by recognising that conscious awareness is basically an infinity drive...
A what?
Well, I call it an infinity-drive because it gives you, a seemingly finite being, direct access to the infinite. So, obviously, once that's been established, and you're no longer bound by finite so called "material reality" there's absolutely no point attaching too much importance to any one version of reality. The reality you're living in and experiencing is to a large extent consensual.
It is? Er... what does that mean?
What does what mean?
What you just said, that reality is to a large extent "consensual"?
Well, there's the consensus that people have more or less agreed to agree on, which means that anything outside that consensus is taboo and largely invisible.
You mean we only see what we've agreed to see?
Yes, that's generally true. Sometimes people see more, but their minds tend to filter out those things - making you forget them, encouraging you to ignore them. That's why keeping a journal's a good idea.
Ok... so if I keep a journal I'm going to start seeing weird and wonderful stuff, you're saying?
Not necessarily, but keeping a journal sends a message to your self that you're ready to audit and scrutinise what is, rather than simply accepting at face value what seems to be.
But why would I need to send a message to myself?
To let your Self know that you're open to change... that you're ready to investigate reality, and take a greater interest in what you're actually experiencing, as opposed to what you think you've been experiencing.
And what does that achieve - sending this message?
Well, you're essentially the boss. Once you announce to your self that you wish to make your life a little more scientific...
Scientific!! You're saying seeing dragons and leprechauns is scientific?
No, I'm saying the scientist isn't prevented from seeing what he or she is actually seeing. The scientist makes a conscious effort to be open-minded and eliminate prejudice.
Ok - fair enough.
So, we eliminate prejudice, and we're now coming from an awareness that reality, while appearing to be contained, "normal" and finite, is actually floating in the quantum stream.
The what?
Well, I call it the quantum stream. I like the name, don't you?
Not really - it sounds incomprehensible.
Which is precisely what it is, but not in a nasty way... You see, within the quantum stream all the things you take for granted, such as reality itself, including your house, your car, even your body, actually exist in superstates - not as "things" but as parallel and competing potentialities.
Not as things? You mean my house isn't really a house?
Not really - well - in 3D reality yes - it's real as you already know - but once you realise that 3D reality is floating in the quantum stream... then nothing is quite what it seems. Your house, for instance, can be both house and not-house, which is the zero aspect of "house".
Oh God, Merry, this is doing my head in.
Yes - that's the trouble with heads - they like to have everything neatly fixed in place, and yet your consciousness is not bound by walls, a floor or ceiling.
But that's just my consciousness which is floaty and insubstantial. The things around me are real enough, aren't they?
True, no one's disputing that, but the quantum stream flows through everything, which means that anything is, in fact, possible.
How? Why? What's the quantum stream got to do with anything? I've lived perfectly well without it all my life. Why does it need to come and complicate things now?
It doesn't have to do anything... it simply is, but you can continue as before and resist the rising tide of conscious awareness if you so choose, but if your sense of wonder, your sense of magik grows a little stronger, you'll start to notice things that you didn't notice before. For example, you might notice the walls of your room bending or moving... or you may find that your room has turned inside out and you have an experience which later you rationalise away as a "waking dream", in which you found yourself sitting outside in a meadow by a river with some friends...
Well, you yourself admit my reason will sort it out for me, so what's the problem?
No problem. We just want to calmly document the occurrence and frequency of these intriguing episodes, all of which are manifestations of the quantum stream enabling us to experience our erstwhile single/ fixed reality in other ways, at different frequencies.
Ok - so I don't need to freak out if I have a vivid imagination and start hallucinating... I can blame it on the quantum stream and that er... what did you call it?
Infinity drive.
Yes, that's the one! Sounds impressive... so instead of keeping myself in order, applying a little restraint to my vivid imagination, you think I should let it run wild and take me where it will?
Ah Zie, who am I to say what you should or should not do? I can, however, empathise. I admit it's natural to feel a little fear and trepidation when you discover that something you assumed was solid and dependable is not in fact so. Remember what it was like when, as a child, you discovered your parents are not infallible, or when you realised you aren't going to live forever? It kind of takes the rug from under your feet. We like to depend on little certainties, do we not, and for a while they seem to serve us well, until we outgrow them.
So why go down that path? Why encourage an LSD attitude to reality - where anything goes? How can that be sober?
Well, I certainly don't want to encourage you to start imagining stuff that's unreal - unless you wish to create something magical as a writer or artist might, but that's different.
Then what?
We've been denying the simple truth.
Which is?
0=1. It is - I am.
Simple?! You call that simple?
Well... yes. It's really very simple, just as soon as you stop thinking.
!!! I thought Descartes, the great philosopher, said "I think, therefore I am."
Yes, he did.
So why then do you want me to stop thinking?
Actually I don't want you to anything. I'm answering your question. The answer makes perfect sense as long as you don't try to understand it in terms of what it's not.
Explain, if you would Merry.
Well, 0=1 or "It is I am" is simple as long as you accept the infinite, present throughout. If you can't/ won't/ don't accept the infinite, then your mind will throw a tantrum whenever you're presented with the basic formula of that which is.
So I'm throwing a tantrum, you're saying?
No, you're quite calm, but you've been taught and brought up to operate more-or-less exclusively from within your rational 3D mind... and thus it takes a little gentle practice to learn to relax, and let go.
It's a bit like someone learning to do yoga or to meditate. If you want to do it - you can and will - the stillness is within you and you'll access it just as soon as you've proven to yourself that you're ready to do so. A little self-discipline and some patience are all it takes.
So, this is a different way of thinking?
Kind of. Actually, it's the same way of thinking, just a different mind.
Er... how can I have a different mind. I've only got one brain you know.
Not true. Your brain has two halves which are quite different, though connected, and there are various brain waves that give you different experiences of conscious awareness, so there's a lot more to the mind than meets the eye.
Ok. So, you're suggesting I need to move beyond the 3D mind, and again I ask you why - if I'm living quite happily in 3D reality?
No, I'm not suggesting you have to, I'm merely answering your preceding question, but if you yourself are ready to do so, to shift into your quantum, non-localised mind, then it's not at all difficult, and it can be a fun, engaging learning process... a journey of discovery.
But how will I know if I'm ready or not? I don't want to be goaded into this by you or anyone else.
Certainly not. Be your own master. Feel what is right for you. It's a question of integrity. If you can continue living in the old paradigm and wish to do so, if you're happy there, then why change what's working well? There's no need to start looking under the bonnet of your car, or inside your computer's hard drive if everything's running smoothly.
Then what? Why this sudden urge to start questioning the fundamentals if doing so might shake potentially harmful apples from the tree of knowledge?
Or the tree of life? Good question Zie. No need to do anything, as I've already said, until the foetus outgrows the womb and has to start confronting the what next - the great beyond. Besides, contrary to what you just said, I'm not in fact questioning the fundamentals...
No? You could have fooled me!
... which have always been hidden from sight by the great taboo.
What great taboo are you talking about?
What we agreed not to see and not to know... in order to create our consensusal reality.
So if you're not questioning them, what are you doing?
I'm establishing them.
The fundamentals.
You are?
Yes. The scientists in our old materiality paradigm never could establish the fundamentals - because they couldn't really accept what simply is... the essentially boundless nature of the conscious awareness.
I'm not surprised... it sounds like a load of bunkum.
Yes, but without incorporating the infinite into your model, you can't explain how anything originates... life itself, for that matter. You either have to resort to God being the instigator, or say it was just a cosmic accident waiting to happen - and then suddenly - BANG - the powder keg of unmaterialised, undifferentiated reality exploded into being.
Ok Merry - science has its problems, I'll admit that, but your version seems to be equally absurd - in which anything goes, no matter what, because it's all just "consensual". You're throwing out the kitchen sink with the baby, don't you think?
Yes, I might be, but what I'm really doing is following my heart, and my heart says that life is truly WonderFul, truly AmaZing, and that there's a cosmic force holding everything together that we refer to as Love. I'm Excited by this. I want to learn more... and keeping a journal of my quantum shift is a good way to keep myself grounded and encourage requisite scientific observation. Then I can look back as time passes, and have a clearer perception of how things are progressing.
Or maybe your real motivation is in order to speed the process up - to accelerate it?
I don't think it can be accelerated. Heart and mind need to remain in balance, which means I have to be dispassionate, calm, detached - otherwise I'll fail to see the real wonders, the real magik.
And what might they be?
Truly, I cannot say. Words have their limits you know.
Oh, how depressing.
Why so? The frequency of words and the mind that plays with them prevents us from accessing the natural flow of isness... the simple, magical joy of being...
Being what?
Just being with a capital B, which is our inestimable birthright.
and here's the Crow, if you're not averse to verse...
Journalling is one way of dealing with this. Keep a journal of the quantum shift, if you like. Write about the little things (or big things) you're experiencing, discovering or remembering.
Definitely start with yourself and your own experiences. Do so with a sense of wonder - for we're living in an age of wonders in which nothing is quite what it seems, no thing is completely off-limits. Practice noticing the small things that we tend to overlook, or ignore, that are signs of your shifting consciousness, of your raising conscious awareness.
What kind of things?
Oh, anything you like. I started noticing the birds a few years ago, and how their flight seems to be telling me something. I don't necessarily know what exactly it's saying - but that doesn't stop me recognising a flight formation, a moving pattern overhead, and just sensing that it's communicating something outside my normal awareness frequency band. If I agree to be open to whatever it is, and don't criticise myself for not having an immediate answer, then it's just a matter of time before I learn to read this new language. Clouds too - then can tell you stuff, as can anything else.
But where's the wonder in that?
It seems small, doesn't it, and insignificant, but you start sensing this interconnectedness. I first noticed it because birds would repeatedly fly overhead in order to come between me and the sun. I mean, you can't fail to notice that if it happens time and time again, can you? Then there was a crow that tapped me on the head as it flew over - I'll put the poem down below if you're interested. Actually, that wasn't the only crow to tap my head. So that was like "first contact"... first awareness that the birds are actively working with us and playing a part in our raising conscious awareness.
But this is just noticing stuff that we previously failed to see. It's a far cry from the so called magik that you've been promising us, isn't it?
Well, like all good scientists we need to start with careful observation, and without a journal the mind tends to play tricks on us, erasing or diminishing stuff that doesn't corroborate its template or story.
Er... I wasn't aware the mind has an agenda?
Well obviously it does. How else do you think we're able to function in this limited 3D awareness. The mind has to filter, police and censor quite heavily what we're absorbing. Anyway, discerning observation helps us to become increasingly aware of what the mind's been trying to hide from us, and that's when we start to become aware of the magiks.
Magiks? What's that?
Or they? you might ask. It's the field of magik we're living in: a wholly different way of perceiving reality, almost a parallel reality, in which the creative power, the force we refer to as "story" in 3D reality, takes centre stage.
But story's just fiction!
Yes, that's how it's perceived in 3D reality, but once you start to sense everything you've hitherto been blocking, filtering and denying, you realise there's another process at work... A process which requires careful study. It's like you're back in the first grade again. It's humbling to say the least. That's why magik is nothing like what you imagine it's going to be. It involves a quantum shift into an entirely different mindset... one in which everything is interconnected at the quantum level... in which we are not what we presently think we are. This is all about shifting perception, and allowing one model of reality to be replaced by another less hateful, less based on denial... more open to the fundamental magik of life itself!
So magik is real once we shift realities?
Oh yes, of course it is, but we were conditioned not to see it. You wouldn't believe the extent to which we don't see stuff - UFOs, fairies, orbs and...
Hold on Merry - we don't see these things because they don't exist.
Precisely. Catch 22. They don't exist until you start seeing them.
No, that's not what I meant. They simply don't exist.
Of course they don't, unless they do. It all depends on your conscious awareness.
No Merry, it depends on your level of sanity.
Fair enough. Look Zie, no one's asking you to see anything you don't want to. If you do see anything interesting, first of all test whether it's real or not.
Well, real things tend to appear more than once.
So do delusions.
Yes, but you have to test intelligently. It isn't necessary to sell this to other people. We're not looking for fame or attention, we're simply journalling the effects of the shift in consciousness in a sober, down-to-earth, matter of fact way, from our heart.
Well I hardly think writing about the dragons you saw flying down main street is sober or down-to-earth.
Ironic isn't it... These things seem fantastic because we've unlearnt how to see them, but if you think about it mathematically, you realise they have to exist.
They do? What kind of mathematics is that?
Oh God Merry. That's the end of any rational conversation... The mathematics of insanity.
Not so. Our math has to recognise and incorporate the life factor - the factor that consciousness is, in fact, infinite. Once you do that, once you've established the basics - what I call your alpha-omega points, then you can be as rational as you like.
Well, you start by recognising that conscious awareness is basically an infinity drive...
A what?
Well, I call it an infinity-drive because it gives you, a seemingly finite being, direct access to the infinite. So, obviously, once that's been established, and you're no longer bound by finite so called "material reality" there's absolutely no point attaching too much importance to any one version of reality. The reality you're living in and experiencing is to a large extent consensual.
It is? Er... what does that mean?
What does what mean?
What you just said, that reality is to a large extent "consensual"?
Well, there's the consensus that people have more or less agreed to agree on, which means that anything outside that consensus is taboo and largely invisible.
You mean we only see what we've agreed to see?
Yes, that's generally true. Sometimes people see more, but their minds tend to filter out those things - making you forget them, encouraging you to ignore them. That's why keeping a journal's a good idea.
Ok... so if I keep a journal I'm going to start seeing weird and wonderful stuff, you're saying?
Not necessarily, but keeping a journal sends a message to your self that you're ready to audit and scrutinise what is, rather than simply accepting at face value what seems to be.
But why would I need to send a message to myself?
To let your Self know that you're open to change... that you're ready to investigate reality, and take a greater interest in what you're actually experiencing, as opposed to what you think you've been experiencing.
And what does that achieve - sending this message?
Well, you're essentially the boss. Once you announce to your self that you wish to make your life a little more scientific...
Scientific!! You're saying seeing dragons and leprechauns is scientific?
No, I'm saying the scientist isn't prevented from seeing what he or she is actually seeing. The scientist makes a conscious effort to be open-minded and eliminate prejudice.
Ok - fair enough.
So, we eliminate prejudice, and we're now coming from an awareness that reality, while appearing to be contained, "normal" and finite, is actually floating in the quantum stream.
The what?
Well, I call it the quantum stream. I like the name, don't you?
Not really - it sounds incomprehensible.
Which is precisely what it is, but not in a nasty way... You see, within the quantum stream all the things you take for granted, such as reality itself, including your house, your car, even your body, actually exist in superstates - not as "things" but as parallel and competing potentialities.
Not as things? You mean my house isn't really a house?
Not really - well - in 3D reality yes - it's real as you already know - but once you realise that 3D reality is floating in the quantum stream... then nothing is quite what it seems. Your house, for instance, can be both house and not-house, which is the zero aspect of "house".
Oh God, Merry, this is doing my head in.
Yes - that's the trouble with heads - they like to have everything neatly fixed in place, and yet your consciousness is not bound by walls, a floor or ceiling.
But that's just my consciousness which is floaty and insubstantial. The things around me are real enough, aren't they?
True, no one's disputing that, but the quantum stream flows through everything, which means that anything is, in fact, possible.
How? Why? What's the quantum stream got to do with anything? I've lived perfectly well without it all my life. Why does it need to come and complicate things now?
It doesn't have to do anything... it simply is, but you can continue as before and resist the rising tide of conscious awareness if you so choose, but if your sense of wonder, your sense of magik grows a little stronger, you'll start to notice things that you didn't notice before. For example, you might notice the walls of your room bending or moving... or you may find that your room has turned inside out and you have an experience which later you rationalise away as a "waking dream", in which you found yourself sitting outside in a meadow by a river with some friends...
Well, you yourself admit my reason will sort it out for me, so what's the problem?
No problem. We just want to calmly document the occurrence and frequency of these intriguing episodes, all of which are manifestations of the quantum stream enabling us to experience our erstwhile single/ fixed reality in other ways, at different frequencies.
Ok - so I don't need to freak out if I have a vivid imagination and start hallucinating... I can blame it on the quantum stream and that er... what did you call it?
Infinity drive.
Yes, that's the one! Sounds impressive... so instead of keeping myself in order, applying a little restraint to my vivid imagination, you think I should let it run wild and take me where it will?
Ah Zie, who am I to say what you should or should not do? I can, however, empathise. I admit it's natural to feel a little fear and trepidation when you discover that something you assumed was solid and dependable is not in fact so. Remember what it was like when, as a child, you discovered your parents are not infallible, or when you realised you aren't going to live forever? It kind of takes the rug from under your feet. We like to depend on little certainties, do we not, and for a while they seem to serve us well, until we outgrow them.
So why go down that path? Why encourage an LSD attitude to reality - where anything goes? How can that be sober?
Well, I certainly don't want to encourage you to start imagining stuff that's unreal - unless you wish to create something magical as a writer or artist might, but that's different.
Then what?
We've been denying the simple truth.
Which is?
0=1. It is - I am.
Simple?! You call that simple?
Well... yes. It's really very simple, just as soon as you stop thinking.
!!! I thought Descartes, the great philosopher, said "I think, therefore I am."
Yes, he did.
So why then do you want me to stop thinking?
Actually I don't want you to anything. I'm answering your question. The answer makes perfect sense as long as you don't try to understand it in terms of what it's not.
Explain, if you would Merry.
Well, 0=1 or "It is I am" is simple as long as you accept the infinite, present throughout. If you can't/ won't/ don't accept the infinite, then your mind will throw a tantrum whenever you're presented with the basic formula of that which is.
So I'm throwing a tantrum, you're saying?
No, you're quite calm, but you've been taught and brought up to operate more-or-less exclusively from within your rational 3D mind... and thus it takes a little gentle practice to learn to relax, and let go.
It's a bit like someone learning to do yoga or to meditate. If you want to do it - you can and will - the stillness is within you and you'll access it just as soon as you've proven to yourself that you're ready to do so. A little self-discipline and some patience are all it takes.
So, this is a different way of thinking?
Kind of. Actually, it's the same way of thinking, just a different mind.
Er... how can I have a different mind. I've only got one brain you know.
Not true. Your brain has two halves which are quite different, though connected, and there are various brain waves that give you different experiences of conscious awareness, so there's a lot more to the mind than meets the eye.
Ok. So, you're suggesting I need to move beyond the 3D mind, and again I ask you why - if I'm living quite happily in 3D reality?
No, I'm not suggesting you have to, I'm merely answering your preceding question, but if you yourself are ready to do so, to shift into your quantum, non-localised mind, then it's not at all difficult, and it can be a fun, engaging learning process... a journey of discovery.
But how will I know if I'm ready or not? I don't want to be goaded into this by you or anyone else.
Certainly not. Be your own master. Feel what is right for you. It's a question of integrity. If you can continue living in the old paradigm and wish to do so, if you're happy there, then why change what's working well? There's no need to start looking under the bonnet of your car, or inside your computer's hard drive if everything's running smoothly.
Then what? Why this sudden urge to start questioning the fundamentals if doing so might shake potentially harmful apples from the tree of knowledge?
Or the tree of life? Good question Zie. No need to do anything, as I've already said, until the foetus outgrows the womb and has to start confronting the what next - the great beyond. Besides, contrary to what you just said, I'm not in fact questioning the fundamentals...
No? You could have fooled me!
... which have always been hidden from sight by the great taboo.
What great taboo are you talking about?
What we agreed not to see and not to know... in order to create our consensusal reality.
So if you're not questioning them, what are you doing?
I'm establishing them.
The fundamentals.
You are?
Yes. The scientists in our old materiality paradigm never could establish the fundamentals - because they couldn't really accept what simply is... the essentially boundless nature of the conscious awareness.
I'm not surprised... it sounds like a load of bunkum.
Yes, but without incorporating the infinite into your model, you can't explain how anything originates... life itself, for that matter. You either have to resort to God being the instigator, or say it was just a cosmic accident waiting to happen - and then suddenly - BANG - the powder keg of unmaterialised, undifferentiated reality exploded into being.
Ok Merry - science has its problems, I'll admit that, but your version seems to be equally absurd - in which anything goes, no matter what, because it's all just "consensual". You're throwing out the kitchen sink with the baby, don't you think?
Yes, I might be, but what I'm really doing is following my heart, and my heart says that life is truly WonderFul, truly AmaZing, and that there's a cosmic force holding everything together that we refer to as Love. I'm Excited by this. I want to learn more... and keeping a journal of my quantum shift is a good way to keep myself grounded and encourage requisite scientific observation. Then I can look back as time passes, and have a clearer perception of how things are progressing.
Or maybe your real motivation is in order to speed the process up - to accelerate it?
I don't think it can be accelerated. Heart and mind need to remain in balance, which means I have to be dispassionate, calm, detached - otherwise I'll fail to see the real wonders, the real magik.
And what might they be?
Truly, I cannot say. Words have their limits you know.
Oh, how depressing.
Why so? The frequency of words and the mind that plays with them prevents us from accessing the natural flow of isness... the simple, magical joy of being...
Being what?
Just being with a capital B, which is our inestimable birthright.
and here's the Crow, if you're not averse to verse...
The crow
to the world of crow
night is white, where black is snow.
Crow’s song is “caw”, an ugly
But “caw” is more like
clapping hands
For crows to show they
It’s not their real way of
Oh no, they use a language of
A tapping and scratching and
shuffling of feet
Is the way that they chat
whenever they meet.
Walking down the street one
I strolled a stroll along the
A crow decided this was
It didn’t like my footsteps’
So swooping down it flew
right at me,
With wing or claw it gently
tapped me
On the head, with startling
Causing me to bob and weave,
But more than that, I knew
that crow
Required a magic dance, and
I started leaping up and down
For crow to see me play the
Stamping my feet upon the
While this made passing
people frown
Who didn’t like my antics
And thought that I was being
a child,
The crow knew better, “cawed”
and smiled,
It liked my dance, it heard
my walk
And saw, though human, I
could talk.
For crows are sure beyond all
That people have no brains at
Our feet seem dumb, they hear
us shout,
But think we’re merely trying
to caw.
So let crow know that you can
You’ll have to learn a funny
And one more thing, try not
to stare,
For human eyes are known to
Like danger signs they warn
"I can't believe that!" said Alice.
ReplyDelete"Can't you?" the Queen said in a pitying tone. "Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes."
Alice laughed. "There's no use trying," she said: "one can't believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."