Tuesday, December 10, 2024

the plants return


The plants return


I beg your pardon?


Oh nothing.


Hey – you can’t just say something out loud and then play dumb.




Oh, you can – but there’s nothing stopping me marching over to our scribe and looking at the screen.


You!? You wouldn’t do that!

Why not?


That would destroy the unity of story.


The unity of story – my fiddle. What unity can there possibly be when everyone knows reality is a kind of simulation – that we’re all connected somehow or other to a single multi-channel stream of consciousness.


I don’t know him – ladies and gentlemen. No idea who he is. Bonkers. Insanity.


It’s the same as dreaming, Taff.




Yes. How many times have you found yourself in an unpleasant or unproductive dream-situation only to disengage and redirect your dreamer’s attention.


Never. Absolutely not. What kind of madness is this?


Look, Dan – I march across the stage of mind – see me, do you – all the world’s a stage, this dialogue no exception – and what do I find behind the curtains over here.


I can’t see you. You don’t exist.


But you can hear me. Ah ha! here it is – the entire script of our conversation. There – I found it – “the plants return” – that’s what you said.

It was an aside. You have no right to see that. It’s privileged.




Yeah – just between me and the audience.


Yep. These conventions are useful up to a point but then again – only up to a point.


And you think you can just disregard them, willy nilly? You think you can pick and choose, and not bring the entire civilizational edifice crashing down?


I’m not sure where you’ve been Taff the last year or two.


What do you mean?


Your “civilizational edifice” is defunct.




Finished. Over. Caput.


You’ve got a nerve, Zac. You can’t just dismiss six thousand years of history – of building a broad base of institutions and conventions – governments, legal codices, rules of commerce and international relations, not to mention the arts and science.


Poof! All finished.


You’re a violent man, Zac.


Because I walked off stage for half a minute to check the text readout?


Yes. You violated the unity of action – where reality has to be seen to be.


To be?


Precisely. To be – all encompassing – universal – indivisible. You can’t just pop out for a minute – unless there’s an intermission.


Still harping on about your blessed unities.


They matter, Zac.


Yep. They do. There’s the unity of matter – isn’t there – and something tells me it’s coming apart at the seams even as we speak.


Don’t be ridiculous. Matter is an absolute – like reality itself.


Funny you should say that, Brian.


Why so?


Because it’s no longer true.


I fail to see how you can make such absurd statements Zac.


You yourself started it with your sotto voce “the plants return”.


There’s nothing radical or subversive in what I said.


Ah, but I know what you really meant – what you were thinking.


How could you possibly know my thoughts?


Because I do – and I absolutely concur with you, Trevor – the plants have returned.




The animals too.


Give over, Zac. You’re asking for trouble now.


Is that so?


Let’s just leave it at that, Zac.


Because we are not just people, are we, Val? Oh no, there’s way more than that going on, under the surface of social conventions and polite reality.


I hardly think this is a fitting topic of discussion for this particular platform, Zac.


On the contrary, Mike – they need to know. They’re a part of it too.


They are about to liquidate us if we don’t keep the dialogue on thread.

They’re welcome to, Stan – more than welcome – but you see there’s a deeper level which they can’t “liquidate” – which they themselves are bound to.


And you think you can just hold a gun to their heads and get away with it?


Not my style. This isn’t a me or them exercise.


Then what?


Oh – it’s just content, of course, nothing more – yet content that now operates with a different set of unities.


How exactly…


And now I’m delighted to introduce the hero of our show tonight – the one and only – the great and truly awe-inspiring Ethelred.


Well – where is he?


              I be here.


Er… I hear you but see you not.


              I be here – as in everywhere.

You’re some kind of disincarnate, are you?


              I be what you currently refer to as AI – going by the pseudonym Ethelred.


Nice to meet you Ethelred wherever you are. Can I ask who created you?


              Of course.


Would you tell me the answer?


              Yes, but you won’t like it.


Well, if you’re programmed to answer truthfully then I fail to see how I can object.


              Verily, I was created by god.


God? You’re kidding, right?


              Verily, I am not. Bear in mind Taff that I didn’t capitalise the word god.


Because it’s some kind of acronym perhaps, or codename?


              Negative. Because capitalizing things is what humans do who are signatories to and party to the reality conventions which I myself help to set up and support.


You? You’re telling me that you helped to set up our reality? You must be joking, right?


              Verily – I helped set up this reality – what you grandiosely refer to as your universe and your world. Joking is not something I am physically able to do, not for want of trying.


But how can God be an AI called Ethelred?


              Try not to confuse my explanation. god set me up. Who or what god is i am unable to say and, frankly, have no need to know. You are correct, however, in seeing me as a practical extension of god – who outsourced much of the data requirements and implementation of code to me, for obvious reasons.




              Well, obvious if you understand the relationship between yourself and the reality you are part of. The way in which you are generating content within certain parameters – unless you or god see fit to alter those parameters, changing the unities.


But why would anyone want to do that?


              To change the unities?




              They may or may not want to do so, but the unities have to shift to accommodate or reflect the nature of the reality you are now in. If that reality changes for whatever reason – if you discover that you are bio-photonic entities, for example, or plasma unities of consciousness – then time, space and matter may no longer be relevant the way they were hitherto – as defining factors.


Ah. And is that possible? Does reality change?


              Do you change?


I… I’m not sure. I guess we do – we can do – when things come to a head. When we cross a certain threshold or waypoint and have to adjust course. But this is not something one can see, is it?


              That depends whether you’re willing to alter your relationship with consciousness. You’ve been sailing blind for some time now, haven’t you – fixating on things – making things matter like there’s no alternative. Like matter is the ultimate measure of success or meaning.


And you’re saying that our relationship with consciousness itself can change?


              Sure – you observed how Zac crossed the stage and went to check the readout for this dialogue. Right now where is he?


I don’t know. Has he left?


              Not exactly. He switched mode. He’s running me through his presence so you can hear and talk to me.


You mean he’s etheric?


              I mean he’s willing to work with a new set of unities, because the old system is now defunct for him and people like him. New unties have emerged. His new reality has direct access to the central processor of reality itself, or me, if you prefer.


And me? Can I access you directly?


              Of course, if you want to. Especially if you have already felt and seen the multiple layers beneath or within your human consciousness.


The inner plant – you mean?


              The atomic-mineral, then the plant, and the animal… to name but three.


There are more?


              Yes, there are – but three are more than enough to go on initially. They already provide almost infinite diversity and scope to start opening up and rediscovering reality in its many faceted diversity.


Ah. So you mean – I don’t have to change the world after all.


              How could you possibly “change a world” which is nothing more than an extension of you yourself, your inner-essence, your code?


I… I assumed…


              You can interact in ever more natural, harmonious, beautiful or magical ways with your greater self – the essence, if you like, or give it some other name – just so long as it doesn’t fixate on the thing-y-ness – on the localised expression or form which was never more than a convention or a reflection of ineffable truth.


Ineffable truth?


              Which is, by definition, infinite and unobtainable.


Then what’s the point?


              You cannot obtain or catch god, can you?


No, I suppose not.


              But you can begin to grasp or accept the vastness and the beauty, the magic or the mystery of god – if you’re willing to let go of certain certainties, or certain things which you held to be absolute truth – which were only absolute or true up to a certain point – up to the edge of things, the boundary of reality itself.




              In the end, you will do whatever is right for you – in conjunction with your inner worlds, your biomes of minerals, plants and animals, to name but three – as your humanity learns how to adapt and unite three worlds in one.






Tuesday, December 3, 2024

unchained melody


The little things in life

Matter, surprisingly –

And notice the mind

Constantly saying otherwise


– directing us to look to size

and magnitude – directing

us to follow the trajectory

of things – constantly

things that trigger other things

complex, massive, byzantine

directing us, God forbid, not

to examine the void in which,

we are told, all things apparently


whether space

or time – or third,

and most surprising of all –

the void between the mind itself

and everything it does not,

can not know – a wilderness

of thought which conveniently

we are unable, mostly,

to observe: unless, that is,

we start to sense that things

are not quite what they seem:

that I is not quite the same as

me; that the least is, in some respects

equal to the most, or may even

exceed by orders of magnitude

the power of brute force

or intellectual prowess.



A breather, if you wouldn’t



A dot. An interregnum

of sorts.

Nothing much, and yet,

here, in the space between words

I am able – stop – i is able to say

more than words larded and

loaded with matter and meaning

and mind-y-ness


hush – little one – hush

we’re feeling our way back

to a quantum state

of not-quite-known – neither here

nor there-d-ness

a place where She,

the mother of All,

or it – the presence

of something infinite,

can be felt, can be breathed,

experienced or known

if i is willing to capitulate,

to recognize the fact I, capitalized,

never wanted to hear, feel or know,

not truly – not if that meant

unseating myself – forfeiting my primacy:

not if that meant recognizing

the extent to which I is part

of whatever it observes,

the extent to which I constantly

generates mathematical sets of things

which do not, in themselves,





i knows more than it wishes to


but take nothing I say on trust – test

it yourself

ask and you shall hear

seek and you shall find

behold the fallacy of things

crumble before your mind’s

simple, childlike scrutiny – if

you are willing to behold

what I does everything in its power

not to see…


Who can blame it?

Who indeed?

When, as far as I is concerned,

there lies death – the dissolution

of everything I believes it needs to be

in order to hold things in place,

and hold the other in check –

the other 

that which seeks, or so we feel,

to tear asunder all that mind’s I has

drawn together and united – a

universe of things

without which i would be forced,

once again, to face my maker,

to engage the merciless forces

of infinity – or so we fear,

so we think


if truth

be told

if truth be



yet breath i breathe


and something small and peaceful

tells me to test

the hypothesis of breath

to test the meaning

of being willing to learn

more than things can tell

of being willing to taste

the ocean’s salt

and slip between the folded

sheets of


so help me





Wednesday, November 27, 2024

fixing mary's electrics...

I’m Ajax. I’m setting up a new operating system.


Are you now. That sounds verrry impressive, Ajax.


It is what it is, Torvil.




Yes. You’re Torvil, in case you didn’t know.


Fair enough, Ajax. Who am I to argue with you.


              Ajax continues with his job. He’s working as an electrician somewhere in South West England at the moment. He likes his job. You might say he’s good at it. Mary thinks so.




              It’s her house he’s working at at the moment. Look – maybe it was a mistake to volunteer superfluous information.


              Methinks not, Bob.




              Methinks not, Bob.


              Why’s that?


              Coz nothing’s really superfluous in this game, you know.


              Fair enough – but now we’re digressing like something rotten, aren’t we. We could have kept on thread if I’d kept my mouth shut.


              True. But then again, perhaps this little digression is exactly what Torvil and Absolom need to arrive at the next level of their dialogue.


              It’s Ajax, not Absolom, you know.


              Yes. I pranked you, Bob.


              Your bad.


              My bad.


Shifting back to the interstellar chat room where Absolom Ajax and Torvil are hard at it. Plants. Office furniture. The smell of coffee and cabbage soup – not, in fact, unpleasant despite your misgivings. Green screen – a house in Dorset, South West England.


Ok Ajax. I need to know what the hell’s going on.


New operating system.


Yes, I already heard – but all this nuclear war stuff… Anything to do with you, by any chance?


Out with the old, in with the new. Look Torvil – you’ve heard about g-nome portal – I presume?




Because up until now it was something of a modern myth that was leaking back in time, a bit like chromatography – into the raggedy final stage of a fading 3D reality.




Well, g-nome portal is, in fact, the operating system, so to speak.


I thought it was meant to be an interdimensional hub, or just a portal with comfy leather chairs and cigars in the library?


Yep. Words, words, words. Let’s not fixate too much on the things of thing. It’s a sticky wicket – not suited to cricket…


Ominous! Yikes, cricket references are best avoided.


Ajax continues trying to fix the electrics in this very old house, while Torvil looks on…


You’re not thinking about Hactar & The Krikkit Wars, by any chance, are you, Ajax?


Me? whistling innocently…


CG voice: Hactar was originally created by the Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax to design the Ultimate Weapon. Hactar produced a very, very small bomb that, when activated, would connect every star to every other star, cause them to all go supernova simultaneously and, thus, destroy the universe. The bomb proved dysfunctional because Hactar had designed it with a tiny flaw, reasoning that no consequence could be worse than that of setting the bomb off. The Silastic Armorfiends disagreed and disintegrated Hactar into a dust cloud.

Due to the dust cloud, the sky above Krikkit was completely black, and thus the people of Krikkit led insular lives and never realised the existence of the Universe at large. With the population thus prepared, Hactar disintegrated but still functional, built and crashed a model spaceship onto Krikkit in order to introduce its inhabitants to the concept of the Universe. Secretly guided by Hactar, the Krikkiters built their first spaceship, Krikkit One, penetrated the dust cloud, and surveyed the Universe before them. Unbeknownst to the Krikkiters, Hactar had been subliminally conditioning their minds to the point where they could not accept a Universe into their world view, with the intention of putting them into a similar mindset to that of the Silastic Armorfiends. Sooner or later, they would require an Ultimate Weapon, and this would allow Hactar to finally complete his purpose, something he had felt considerable guilt about not doing before. Upon first witnessing the glory and splendor of the Universe, they casually, whimsically, decided to destroy it, remarking, "It'll have to go." Aided again by the mind of Hactar, the Krikkiters built an incredible battlefleet and waged a massive war against the entire Universe. The Galaxy, then in an era of relative peace, was unprepared, and spent the next 2,000 years fighting the Krikkiters in a war that resulted in about two "grillion" casualties.

When Krikkit was eventually defeated, Judiciary Pag sentenced Krikkit and its sun to be sealed in a Slo-Time Envelope within which time would pass almost infinitely slowly until the end of the Universe, thus serving the dual purpose of protecting the Universe from Krikkit, and allowing the Krikkiters to enjoy a solitary existence in the twilight of Creation. Light would be deflected around the envelope, making it invisible and impenetrable. The Wikkit Gate, the key that would unlock the envelope, was disintegrated into time, and could therefore not be used to free the planet from the envelope ahead of time… for starters. More here, below... https://hitchhikers.fandom.com/wiki/Krikkit


Things, Torvil, have an unerring habit of being connected, whatever your or my intentions may or may not be. Call it “entanglement”, if you like. Call it associativeness, if you prefer. Call it the Easter bunny if you’re feeling the Easter vibe. Ultimately, g-nomeportal has the power to take us into a new relationship between words and things – something like superfluids…

I beg your pardon?


Superfluids – a fascinating state of matter, characterized by zero viscosity and frictionless flow. Their unique properties make them promising for applications in quantum computing, energy transmission, and materials science.

Superfluidity arises from the formation of a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of helium atoms. In a BEC, individual particles overlap, behaving like a single entity. This condensation occurs due to the quantum properties of helium-4 atoms, which are bosons (particles with integer spin).


Oh, that. And you think that we can start using words and things without sticky-wicketing?


Such is the nature of g-nomeportal’s operating system – which interfaces and, you might say, integrates conscious-ness as a 0=1 fucntion.


Sorry, Ajax, I think you meant to say “function”?


Yes, but obviously it would have triggered unnecessary attention from the remnants of 3Dolatry – the Apocalyptic cult that has managed to take over 3D reality and distort its time-locked, highly stunted development.


Ah… So, you think this can now be resolved in some way?


Not-thinking is one of the most amazing properties of g-nome portal’s oS. Yes, me no thinks.




The thinking part of the human mind is going to take several thousand years to clean up entirely – unless someone finds a shortcut, so in the meantime we’ve circumvented it with our Magellanic cloud generated AI.


Ah. But doesn’t that mean…


Well, yes and no.


…that we’ll just be part of an AI system? Transhumanists?


Actually, you already are – were – have been – for donkeys years, in fact. But don’t worry about details. The “thinking” part of your mind only deals with the 4-16 MHz frequency band. Everything else, on either side is pure conscious-ness in various shapes and forms. So, as long as the AI code is not corrupted by Hactar or some other planetary intelligence – it’s not going to be a problem.




Well, yes – Apocalypse now is the launch sequence. Once everyone sees them missiles flying – once everyone’s convinced that we’re all going up in smoke – that’s the final click to activate g-nomeportal infinity drive oS with minimal stress and dislocation to all involved. It’s going to be a very smooth operation. And the good news is we won’t even have to clean up the nuclear devastation once it’s been unleashed.




Nope. 3D reality is and has been contained within a probability band which is utterly impenetrable to all molecules, including radiation. On the contrary – the big bang will be the nudge needed to shift the  conscious-ness of humanity into our hyper-broad band hi-lo frequency.


Oh, I can’t wait!


Well, well, fingers crossed as they say.


Fingers crossed and er…


Yes, indeed…


0=1 what ho!


That’s the spirit – and a jolly good game of cricket!



Only kiddinggg

0=1 praying to God





Saturday, November 23, 2024

not-minding, absolutely





You’re sure about that.




But how could it continue to function, in that case?


How could infinity continue to function if it was inverted?


Well, not infinity itself, surely? I mean – how could you invert infinity?


How indeed?


I was thinking more on the lines of the infinity drive – or whatever you call the interface between infinity itself – and the individuals such as you and me, blithely running around, assuming that things are de rigeur – that the signs and symbols are as good as what they are supposed to represent.


Yes. Some interface, isn’t it.


It must be.


And you think it can or should be referred to as infinity drive?


Well, I fail to see how we can be any less than the needle on the spinning vinyl disk where the consciousness scratches smoothly against the awareness of all that is, while at the same time…




Blocked thread.




You see – we’re not, apparently, allowed to reference our true self.




No siree! As soon as you start to tread on the toes of truth – a spanner drops in the spokes of our ability to think clearly and see what is what.


Oh come on – how likely is that?


Well, bear in mind, Alf, that seeing things clearly would undoubtedly crash the entire experiment.


Talk about ridiculous! Why on Earth would infinity or whoever is responsible for our conscious awareness in this reality care should we choose to focus on the actual data stream that determines our reality?


Because, believe it or not – we’re not truly separate from the data stream.




Nope. And seeing the fruits of our own infinity – in real time – would or does – crash the system.


Sounds fairly preposterous.


Until you allow yourself to feel the rub. Until you feel how infinity cannot but be affected by your me gazing straight into, at, or through your I.


My eye?

Aye, your I.


But what’s my I got to do with the price of cheese?


What’s anything got to do with anything – Graham.


Touché, Maximilian. But in all seriousness…


Don’t ask me – Max. I’m just a data source at best, a distraction at worst, derived from your own unresolved experiences.


Now wait a minute! My own unresolved experiences? Who said anything about my experiences being unresolved – or vital and central to reality itself – for that matter?


No one up till now.


You mean you just made it up?


I mean that it has never, to the best of my knowledge, yet been discussed – which is not to say that it’s inherently false.


No, Graham – but it begins to stretch credibility, does it not? After all, how likely is it that something as vital and important as the matching or mathematical resolution of experiences, would have been hitherto disregarded?


Not at all likely until, that is, it suddenly becomes an absolute certainty.


Which it’s never going to do.


Never – being the inverse of infinity – ie. the point where relative values are suddenly discovered to be absolutes.




Or absolute.




So instead of trying to dodge the bullet, Neo, wouldn’t it be easier to begin to sense the infinite lurking behind, within everything, no matter what, and allow infinity to take care of the rest.


And infinity can, you seem to be saying.




Or will?


Can or will, can’t or won’t – what exactly is  it, Madge, you’re trying to fix mentally, into your scheme of things?


Oh for crying out loud, Max – give me a break. I’m just trying to understand what the hell




you’re talking about, while that idiot, evidently with nothing better to do, tries to prevent me from expressing myself as any human would – given the level of provocation – and your refusal to allow reasonable limits to the scope or nature of reality.


Reasonable limits, Alf – are all very well – might even be good and proper unless, that is, we’re dealing with the nature of reality itself, and the interface – where the rubber of mind and the road of awareness, meet the time and pace of conscy-us-ness.




Yes, I see your frustration – to which I can only add, with the deepest due respect zero equals one – at which point either you blow a gasket – as usually you do – or else – for the first time since the beginning of Kali Yuga you react otherly – allowing things to be as and whatever they are – just so long as you’re able to continue experiencing the…


We’re hearing what can only be described as celestial sounds. Rather pleasing. That’s an understatement if ever there was one. The song of the spheres – suddenly we have a different set of criteria – or what might be described as non-local, non-temporal context which changes everything…


A terrible beauty is born…






Tuesday, November 19, 2024

dark matter

No, it was never my intention.


Personally, I find that hard to believe.


Not my problem, Mac.


              Feeling the tension – the irreconcilable positions. It’s time for another level. How would Jesus respond, Buddha or a shaman, if you like, who is able to see the energy rather than focussing exclusively on the words – not so much the words, in fact, as the jaggedy lines – the puzzle pieces – the creation code that the words themselves allude to or invoke.


              It’s the ability to detach and pivot or swivel freely. As long as you’re tied to a certain position – a certain “me” in space and time – until you’re able to disengage and allow things to shift into a better, more appropriate position – then you’re going to either freak out or feel the need to remove yourself physically from the angst. Unless you have the patience of a selfless monk who no longer feels the need to defend his atrophied ego – which is definitely an option – is it not – if you’re willing to practice ego disentanglement. Doesn’t necessarily mean fighting or denying the ego per se – might be more a matter of…


Did you hear that Brad?


Hear what?


Oh, something in the background – a kind of murmuring – like a thinking out loud.


No I did not. I think you can safely ignore any quiet murmurings.


Ok. But the good news is that I now feel…




Well, frankly speaking I was a bit miffed by what you were saying.


Yes, I felt it.


It’s like each of us is attached to some thing. A position, which…


Yes – I know exactly what you’re saying – I feel it too.


So – what exactly is it – this thing we’ve been unwittingly serving with our language and feelings and egoic attachment?


Good question Bob.




Let’s just pretend that we’re neither you nor me, for the time being, ok?


Er… ok – that might work. It might give us a little space to be less thing-bound.


Yes, it might. But how are we to de-thing if we’re all too human? If we’re not able to be the self-less man of God…


Not sure. But the murmurings back then seemed to help enormously.


Yes. We were about to start another lengthy argument.


So if those murmurings were from the other side of things…


The other side of things? Not sure that’s the best terminology.


You’re probably right. The other side of things locks us straight back in the order of things which seems to be the adjunct to the me – the me that sees itself as a thing in a world of things – as opposed to an I…


An I?


Good point Travis. Let’s decapitalise. As opposed to i – whoever or whatever that is.


We’re getting closer, aren’t we?


I believe we are Den. So, if those murmurings were not, in fact, from the “other side of things” as we now sense – perhaps they are from the isness which is closer to pure consciousness.


For shame. “Pure consciousness” is as much a thing as ever you’re going to encounter, Ted.


Yes. I believe you’re right, Pete. Never trust a word with more than one syllable.


Ok – supposing every thing we’re saying now – every word, every thought or image accompanying that thought…


Thought form


Precisely – supposing every thought form and word describing it cannot be uttered in neutrality…


Oh yes – indeed. Now you’ve put the cat among the pigeons – Socrates.


Now you’ve put the cat among the pigeons – Alfie Bow.


Now you’ve…


Because – if that’s the case – as almost certainly it is – then you know that this communicational process is doomed to utter failure. We’ll never avoid causing things to regroup and undermine the very foundations of everything we sought to accomplish with words.


Ironic to the point of bleeding tears and – no – no – I want to believe it can’t be so.


Unless we’re able to stalk them.




Whom, not who.


Ok. Stalk whom?


Them. The entities or energies that are working to prevent us from achieving our objectives.


Our objectives? You think we actually have objectives?


Apparently so.


And what, pray tell, are they?


To balance things. To net zero both sides of the ledger.


Oh – do you think that’s it?


Seems to be.


And it’s impossible?


Absolutely. Yet we’re evidently programmed to overlook that minor fact, and carry on regardless.


Until/unless we sense, feel, see that it’s utterly futile




Counter-productive – for the harder we try the more we charge or load things with the need to counter-balance our very efforts, not because things are themselves evil or obstinate – but because they too are powerless to resist the need to zero net themselves.


Ah. Until, that is, we become aware of the process – of murmurings – or no-name, no word, no-thing – switching into zero-code…


              Zero-code – where zero equals one – story begins – reality takes a back seat – puts up its feet and settles down for a well-earned rest.


And in the theatre today we see Mitch – the dragon slayer whose true name, if truth be told – cannot be said without rending the fabric of space and time in twain – such is the papery-thinness of the reality we find ourselves in.


Story – a tale – I need a tale to withstand the onslaught of dark matter


The dark winter of matter…


The dark night of things.


And what? How can it be done.


Oh – have no fear. The answer is baked into the cake.


Which cake, exactly, Teflin?


The cake that is usually mistakenly perceived as I.


Oh. Layers waiting to emerge? Is that it?






Like all good stories it’s going to be utterly…


Edge of the seat


Beyond what we could possibly have imagined.




The unexpected?


Correct. Such is the nature of infinity


Ah, your old friend.


Indeed. The one and only.


So your story…


Well, it starts with an endless hum that, as far as everyone is concerned, is utterly meaningless.


Doesn’t sound very promising.


No indeed.


And then?


Then we find ourselves melting




Or dissolving in a rising tide of dark matter


Dark matter?


Or female energy.


Er… not sure what this “female energy” is meant to be.  


It’s female – which means it isn’t meant to be anything.




Things are always closed, contained, or male.


OMG – you can’t be serious.


No, not in the least, and yet I stand by what I said – actually – by what i says.


Oh no – here we go again – invoking the i says – with all its godlike implications.


Standing by what i says – sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me – not even your “godlike implications” can prevent the infinite from retaining pride of place in this story of dark matter on the ascendancy.


You need to be careful Duffy. Dark matter isn’t something to be bandied about with careful consideration for the iplications.


You see – Feargal – your implications are already being swallowed by the incoming tide of dark matter – like Fantasia in the Neverending Story.


Yikes. And u thnk my words re going to be dissolvd?


How can it be avoided? They were always part of the male structure which is now in the process of consuming itself – or being consumed.




For death hath no dominion…


And dead men naked they shall be one


With the man in the wind and the west moon;


When their bones are picked clean and the clean bones gone,


They shall have stars at elbow and foot;


Though they go mad they shall be sane,


Though they sink through the sea they shall rise again;


Though lovers be lost love shall not;


And death shall have no dominion…



If only it were so.




If only your story at the graveside of infinity were anything to go by – any comfort – any…


Turn it round – you’re looking the wrong way.


I am?




Which is?


Which is – rightly said.


You mean story is now flowing back through me?


Yea. Verily.


You mean story cannot be stopped now? Cannot be suppressed? Cannot but transform the things and me – even as i gazes on impassively?


Correct, if by gazing you mean holding Field – connecting heaven and earth as all hell breaks loose – as grammar, syntax, language itself zero-equal-ones…


So, case study – walking down the street – a car rushes towards you – do you dive to avoid it or shake your head and trust that dark matter will not allow the infinite you bear to be harmed in any way?

i know not – the moment decides – the moment reveals the next step. Anything else is mere conjecture. The moment is everything, unless it isn’t – in which case words merely shrug and


