Saturday, November 23, 2024

not-minding, absolutely





You’re sure about that.




But how could it continue to function, in that case?


How could infinity continue to function if it was inverted?


Well, not infinity itself, surely? I mean – how could you invert infinity?


How indeed?


I was thinking more on the lines of the infinity drive – or whatever you call the interface between infinity itself – and the individuals such as you and me, blithely running around, assuming that things are de rigeur – that the signs and symbols are as good as what they are supposed to represent.


Yes. Some interface, isn’t it.


It must be.


And you think it can or should be referred to as infinity drive?


Well, I fail to see how we can be any less than the needle on the spinning vinyl disk where the consciousness scratches smoothly against the awareness of all that is, while at the same time…




Blocked thread.




You see – we’re not, apparently, allowed to reference our true self.




No siree! As soon as you start to tread on the toes of truth – a spanner drops in the spokes of our ability to think clearly and see what is what.


Oh come on – how likely is that?


Well, bear in mind, Alf, that seeing things clearly would undoubtedly crash the entire experiment.


Talk about ridiculous! Why on Earth would infinity or whoever is responsible for our conscious awareness in this reality care should we choose to focus on the actual data stream that determines our reality?


Because, believe it or not – we’re not truly separate from the data stream.




Nope. And seeing the fruits of our own infinity – in real time – would or does – crash the system.


Sounds fairly preposterous.


Until you allow yourself to feel the rub. Until you feel how infinity cannot but be affected by your me gazing straight into, at, or through your I.


My eye?

Aye, your I.


But what’s my I got to do with the price of cheese?


What’s anything got to do with anything – Graham.


Touché, Maximilian. But in all seriousness…


Don’t ask me – Max. I’m just a data source at best, a distraction at worst, derived from your own unresolved experiences.


Now wait a minute! My own unresolved experiences? Who said anything about my experiences being unresolved – or vital and central to reality itself – for that matter?


No one up till now.


You mean you just made it up?


I mean that it has never, to the best of my knowledge, yet been discussed – which is not to say that it’s inherently false.


No, Graham – but it begins to stretch credibility, does it not? After all, how likely is it that something as vital and important as the matching or mathematical resolution of experiences, would have been hitherto disregarded?


Not at all likely until, that is, it suddenly becomes an absolute certainty.


Which it’s never going to do.


Never – being the inverse of infinity – ie. the point where relative values are suddenly discovered to be absolutes.




Or absolute.




So instead of trying to dodge the bullet, Neo, wouldn’t it be easier to begin to sense the infinite lurking behind, within everything, no matter what, and allow infinity to take care of the rest.


And infinity can, you seem to be saying.




Or will?


Can or will, can’t or won’t – what exactly is  it, Madge, you’re trying to fix mentally, into your scheme of things?


Oh for crying out loud, Max – give me a break. I’m just trying to understand what the hell




you’re talking about, while that idiot, evidently with nothing better to do, tries to prevent me from expressing myself as any human would – given the level of provocation – and your refusal to allow reasonable limits to the scope or nature of reality.


Reasonable limits, Alf – are all very well – might even be good and proper unless, that is, we’re dealing with the nature of reality itself, and the interface – where the rubber of mind and the road of awareness, meet the time and pace of conscy-us-ness.




Yes, I see your frustration – to which I can only add, with the deepest due respect zero equals one – at which point either you blow a gasket – as usually you do – or else – for the first time since the beginning of Kali Yuga you react otherly – allowing things to be as and whatever they are – just so long as you’re able to continue experiencing the…


We’re hearing what can only be described as celestial sounds. Rather pleasing. That’s an understatement if ever there was one. The song of the spheres – suddenly we have a different set of criteria – or what might be described as non-local, non-temporal context which changes everything…


A terrible beauty is born…






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