Saturday, November 2, 2019


actually, nothing can be truly random in this so called reality.

why_ever not?

in the same way nothing can be truly dry in the sea.

now wait a minute, that’s an absurd comparison.

do you think so?


and believe it or not, your inability to accept or see why things cannot be random in 3D reality, or this universe if you prefer, is an adjunct to being...


a thinker

huh? what's wrong with that? i actually take it as a compliment that you consider me a thinker.

yes, that’s understandable – it’s great that you're able to analyse stuff, is it not?

then why the epithet – presumably your “thinker” is somehow incomplete or deficient?

every strength has an inherent weakness, every Achilles has an unprotected heel – thus the world wags.

er... i don’t see how you can be so categorical. how on earth can you speak for “everyone” or “everything”. you can’t possibly have tested every possible configuration of this vast, in...

nope. but this has nothing to do with me and what i may or may not have verified...

no? you could have fooled me.

like i said, a thinker can only think a certain way. until or unless he confronts the unthinkable

huh? what's with the full-stop lost in space?

you noticed. well done.

er... you’re being weird again. one minute you’re insinuating that thinking is some kind of dreadful deficiency – a cosy, comfy, complacent state of being, which though intelligent, is sadly unable to see the wood from the trees

or the fish from the sea

and the next...

i’m dropping dots without rhyme or reason... undermining our word-stream thinky-flow... yes, you’re right

er... not sure i follow your logic. are you sure it wasn’t just a typo?


well i fail to see how it adds clarity to the discussion

none whatsoever.

i give up.

rational clarity, or simply “rationality” can only get you so far

is that a fact?

no, it isn’t, i assure you

then why in God’s name...

it’s a...

do you occlude what promised to be a perfectly reasonable...


rational discu...?!?!?!... did you just use the t word? surely not. surely i misheard!

you mean “truth”?


you’re struggling, aren’t you. “truth" is long-since taboo in polite intellectual circles, and only a village idiot would come to the ball dressed in the ill-cut smock of truth.

oh my god, this is obviously a complete waste of time – Merry seems to imagine he’s the chosen one, that he above all others can claim to know what is or is not true. i'm sorry Merry, i was foolishly mistaken in my belief that we could learn something by pitting our rational wits against one another. sadly, i now find myself disabused of this quaint, fanciful notion.

put a lid on it Zie. quit flaunting your prigishness. wearing your soulless rationality on your sleeve neither makes you virtuous nor intelligent.

?! i can’t believe you...

good, you’re very close now...


to the unknowable – and it comes as no surprise that both mentally and emotionally you’re in complete disarray – how else do you think the thinking mind keeps you penned in, prevents you from knowingly experiencing the alternative

what alternative?

why this, of course

                              6           j   
       “       f

. /-

am i supposed to be overwhelmed or blown away by the post-modern audacity of your symbolism?

there's a lag


about 23 seconds, or... here it comes

you know i can play these silly meaningless games too

not a great idea as the boundary conditions are now cancelling one another out

what boundary conditions? delusional, utterly-delusional, that’s what you are. i’m calling you out Merry and what is more, i’m going to take you up on your ridiculous challenge.

later, Zie, not now. can't you see what’s happening... we’re no longer protected from the...

1... 1... 1...


huh? where'd he go? bizarre!


there was definitely a blip. a dot. i could swear there was, but... bizarre – tugging me – like a line – me a fish – hey... let me go, hey...!      jesus        !?         this is

or was it an apostrophe – noooo – it’s got me... sucking me backwards, in.                ****      let me go... void, it’s inside – me?          me?


no, i refuse to submit, i...


matter, don’t i...


 am not devoid of meaning, am infinitely more


than your random squiggles – your

               unbounded un-thinker-ness


In-human------------------------------------------------ity avaunt!


back to your bottomless lair


i name you by letter for you be Y


likewise you be R


another R you be


and preceeding R you be E


my letter-trail ends where you begin at M – the very same M you be, if i be not




mis-take-n if Zie

   . not i


an “if” – i caught an if – i’m almost sure

if Merry...

three dots, there’s boundary conditional on Merry being attached, there’s matter enough if things can coalesce...

Merry be i

good lord, Merry, you’re back

i am?

don't you know? you...

hush! let the moment firm itself in space in time in breath, let the boundary reconnect

reconnect? with what

with an urgent expectancy


of things to be










point taken, period, now un-think the above and feel the difference...

oh... indeed... oh

unthinkably known

oh...         <oh>




Wednesday, October 30, 2019

by zie book

the Field grows strong

not again, honestly Merry, I’ve had about as much as I can handle of your ridiculous Field.

ridiculous?! Hum... actually you’ve got a point there – it is fairly outlandish, i’m happy to admit.

Well couldn’t we let bygones be bygones, and consign that Field of yours to the dustbin of general relativity?

actually it’s quantum mechanics, not general relativity, but don’t let that trouble you.

What difference does it make? They’re all just theories Merry. Who cares what they’re called. None of them actually affect our lives in the real world.

true. but er...


how real do you imagine the real world to be?

you're kidding, right?

no. those theories, i admit, are only theories, but the real world...

is real and not a theory. I can even prove it with this book.

yes, i expect you can.

You see, in our real world there’s a very real force known as gravity, which makes things fall, does it not?

if you say so...

now, unless i’m much mistaken this gravitational force can and does affect the book, as i shall now demonstrate.

yes, be so kind: that so called big-G has always fascinated me.

Ok, lie down here please. Good! now, the many atoms of the Earth exert a force of attraction on the many atoms of the book. when i release it on the count of three: one... two... three we see... Huh?! What on...

we see...?

There’s something wrong.

there is?



The book... it isn’t falling

oh, that.  no, it wouldn’t, would it?

But why?

why what?

Why isn’t it falling? It was supposed to land on your belly.

are you sure?

Sure? What is there to be sure about? Things dropped always fall, don’t they. That book’s a thing. It should be falling.

maybe it is...



Imperceptibly? Less than one metre? Are you having me on?


With an acceleration of 10 metres per secondhow long do you think it would take to impact your belly?

not very long... unless there’s another factor at work.

Like what?

a field

Not your bloody field again!

hey, no need to get abusive. i was only trying to help.

Trying to help? You’re destroying modern physics. How is that helping?

i'm just the messenger. It’s hardly my fault if the science is incomplete.


a wee gap requiring a little attention)

Gap? How can there be a gap in gravity? It’s a force acting on all matter

except this book, apparently. You should be delighted to have this opportunity to correct the theory.

Correct gravity?! You can’t just correct gravity. It’s the basis of everything. It’s the glue that holds the entire universe together

are you sure about that?

Of course i am... or was... until this...

easy does it, Zie

... this abominable heresy desecrates the inner-sanctum of  pure science. Could you move it Merry – quit rubbing salt in this gaping wound.

oh, but aren’t you going to study it? how are you going to win the nobel prize for...

Pull the other one! I’m not interested in fame or accolades. I want nothing to do with this violation of natural law.

if you say so Zie, but the fact is – i can’t move the book as i’m not the one controlling it.


sadly not, i can’t take the credit.

What do you mean?

i mean it’s not in my hands.

Merry, do you really expect me to believe that this is just happening randomly, without any outside agency?

i really don’t expect you to believe anything whatsoever...


it would be presumptuous of me, would it not?

I suppose it would, yes.

in any case...


what's wrong with things happening randomly, as if by chance?

In defiance of the laws of physics?

you mean to say randomness is prohibited under the existing laws of physics?

No-o, i wouldn’t say prohibited per se...

then what?

The laws of physics can’t just be suspended or countermanded willy-nilly to satisfy some kind of random whim.

Do you mean that truly random things can only happen if there’s a good cause?

Something like that.

an agent or a set of factors exerting influence over something like this book?

That’s right

or a void which suddenly exploded to become the entire universe.


someone or something

No! You know I’m not saying that.

it just happened?


for no apparent reason


with neither agent, external cause, nor architect?

Yes, like Schrodinger’s cat – it came to pass, as they say

Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source are placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor (e.g. Geiger counter) detects radioactivity (i.e. a single atom decaying), the flask is shattered, releasing the poison, which kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat either alive or dead, not both alive and dead. This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality collapses into one possibility or the other. (wiki-p) 

it dies


the cat

Yes, if a single radioactive atom decays

and thus Schrodinger proves...

That quantum theory’s a load of nonsense, unless perhaps you’re willing to have cats simultaneously alive and dead

or co-existing in parallel universes, perhaps

Exactly, reality degenerates into “why-not – anything’s-possible”, does it not?

agreed, except that reality appears to have started the same way, does it not?


with the same experiment but in reverse

How do you mean?

there’s a box with nothing in it, a void


and if one iota of that non-matter for no certain reason, let’s say “randomly” decays...

How can non-matter decay?

i have no idea, nor does it matter, for this is “random-ness” which by its very nature defies our, or anyone else’s expectations, or calculations for that matter, otherwise it would fail to qualify as “random-ness”, agreed?

Ok, ok... agreed, but what’s the outcome – there has to be an observable result.


Well – what is it?

a universe emerges as the flipside of non-matter, in which things appear to evolve: stars, galaxies, then planets form; life too emerges and achieves ever greater levels of adaptation and differentiation, awareness, thoughts, ideas, self-organising information, even AI

But you’re missing something, aren’t you?

am i?

Yes, there needs to be that quantum uncertainty regarding whether it’s actually outcome a or b

or both


well that’s where the book fits into the equation


you've already guessed, haven't you, in fact; you’re just playing dumb, aren't you?

***** *** Merry

temper, temper Zie. what goes around comes around, as they say.

Well I take issue with you putting words and thoughts into my mind.

yes, it’s offensive, but it was done without malice

Ok then, no harm done... now kindly tell me what, supposedly, I already know?


Yes, you, who else?

your strangely underlooked observers of course.

You’re not harking back to that tired old meme again? The – all the world’s a stage and we’re just characters in someone else’s story absurdity! Surely you’ve something better than that up your sleeve?

actually, the universe could never be more real than it seemed, or seems... especially if it emerged from nothing in particular, for no apparent reason.


and so it had to conform to laws of physics and suchlike, otherwise it

...would all just be at the whim or mercy of a creator god


but I fail to see what any of this has to do with Schrodinger’s experiment

in reverse

in reverse, whatever that implies.

well, the universe is constantly bumping into the edge of certainty, afloat if truth be told, in an ocean of un-knowability

of randomness?

and doing everything possible to verify that things are, in fact, what they seem, as if it has a secret awareness or might i say “knowledge” that everything, no matter what, is in fact hanging from a single thread of incredibly suspect causality


you fail to see how everything – every atom, planet, human, creature, bicycle or jam sandwich could be hanging from a...

Yes, yes – it’s obviously absurd

yes, obviously within the context of where we are now, but no more absurd than the boundary conditions or the event which theoretically happened, the magnum opus of random-ness which gave us not only Big Bang, but also heavy metal music, the internet, monarch butterflies, even Doritos.

Look, it had to happen, otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation now.


We are the proof that the cat didn’t die

or died, if the cat’s death was necessary to satisfy the conditions required for this version or apparent gap in random-ness which results in where we are now – right up to this "plus" instead of a full-stop



No idea what you’re on about

no, but they do – seeing is believing, is it not, and they, our silent observers, are close to realizing what you long already realised, in the quantum aspect of your awareness.

quantum aspect of pseudo-science. Lord have mercy!


For once and for all Merry, either put up or shut up!

the proof, as they say, is in the pudding

And? Is this idiom central? Are you intent on plastering the page with every hackneyed cliché you can recall?

a-ha! so it's a page? thus your so-called un-consciousness has spoken, and behold, the book

falleth, at 1 metre per second2

yes! you’re on a roll Zie.

implying that the laws of physics are merely conditions required to enable this version of reality in which life, the universe and everything emerges from nought

randomly, as long as the book falls when the penny drops

when the unconscious-mind finally gets over its paranoid delusion

its ocd obsession

with insisting that things can be

must be

are, necessarily

knowable in totalis


and absolutely

as opposed to locally



dependent on a long list of “if criteria” which keep the programme running more or less smoothly



basic universal random-ness pisses on the bonfire of our rational vanities

the near-infinitely weak chain of cause

and effect

bursting the bubble that the ego-mind desperately contrives

to live within


does it not?

Apparently so!


a needle pulling thread

excellent, and observe, if you would, the book at rest on Merry’s chest

exhibit a in frame b

the same book amidships – hovering undecidedly

exhibit b frame a

the man in the mirror observing both versions simultaneously

twiddling a nob to find the perfect note

the harmonic

fractal unity between the two

as a kind of poetic


or possibly intellectual exercise....

hum! Four dots

not three

and Capital F to boot


O the trIcks this universe plays on me

God knows i tried to keep the cat safe

me too – i crossed my legs

prayed and sighed ten thousand times

until the book flew up unto my hand

and the cat un-mattered itself beyond recognition


into a universe waiting to explode

just as long as none of us triggered the boundary condition

by going for a pee

Euch! – that’s gross!

and without further ado, i declare this universe open/closed

(delete as applicable, bladder permitting)

in conclusion – a question

how big a universe

or how much reality does it take

or require

in order to equal-opposite

to counter-balance the z factor random-ness of all this

– simply being random

how big a pile of apparently un-random-ness would it take

to convince mind that it’s not utterly unreasonable

 to give reality [R]

the benefit of the doubt

to suspend one’s disbelief long enough

to allow a cat to dream it’s a book floating in a world in which gravity

appears to be sucked dry by the thirsty eyes

of unbreathing observers?


Answer down below for anyone too lazy to do the calculations independently


Saturday, October 26, 2019


a quantum field
all things being
and ¦ or not
    [carry "s" into the pre-cognisant and
observe things with an echo
of fore-knowledge]
          awareness that the field is
not unaware
 of what is not yet revealed

      denied -- mind
                           your mind
one frame at a time
one frame at a time
one zer-o

merging fields
       merge [query  -d]
the king i-
    s dead
long live
 le ro-i

based on a true story
based on
cutting edge
proving nothing
 if  you'll swallow
your predisposition to dis-


Thursday, October 24, 2019


So if your so called quantum field is real, then how come you’re still messing around doing stuff Newtonian style – bricks and mortar, so to speak: force, mass and physical space?

Good question.

Er… thanks.


[still whistling]

[continuing to whistle as if the matter was resolved]

[coughing politely]

[no longer whistling – sniffing the air like a rabbit or a fox, checking what’s out there]


[calmly expectant – in no way keen to break the tranquillity of this moment]

Merry –


aren’t you going to answer the question?

the question?

Yes. Aren’t you going to answer it?

Answer the question?

Yes, if it’s not too much trouble.

Well, I thought i was doing as much when I switched from speaking to melody.

You mean whistling?

Yes, I suppose i do – though it didn’t have to be whistling, did it?


It could have been song, humming, percussion – hand clapping, almost anything whatsoever.

If you, er, say so, but I’m not sure i understood the meaning you were trying to convey by whistling.

Oh, I’m sure you did. You’re far too modest.

No Merry, I’m only human you know. I can cope with regular language passably well, but whistling’s a bit beyond me.

So you say – but let’s test your uncertainty.

Test it?

Yes, we just need to get you out of the way.

Me? You want me to leave the room?

No, you need to be here to answer my questions.

Oh, then i fail to see how I can be out of the way if i'm here at the same time.

Naturally, but fortunately the quantum field comes to our assistance yet again.

It does?

Yes, and you don’t even notice it.


There you go again.


Your innocent little “er”.

What about it?

Wasn’t so innocent after all.



How do you mean?

Well, apart from conveying your confusion and irresolution at the 3D level, at the same time it carried a quite different message at the quantum level.

It did?

Yes, absolutely.


Which you appear to be unable to hear – is that not so?

Well, yes, obviously – otherwise I wouldn’t be asking.

That’s not because you're stupid, or lack specific psychic abilities.


No, it’s much more mundane.

It is?


[whistling contentedly]

[coughing politiely] Merry, I’m still very much in the dark and feeling not a little excluded from this evidently fascinating dialogue.

Yes, i remember it well.

Remember what?

The feeling of being excluded. Getting really annoyed with... [whistling again]

With whom? Your teacher?

Look! [whistling some more]

Really – I think you might…

Ssh – not now.

[somewhat stung] I fail to see…

Time. Stop doing it.

Doing what?

Time. This is instantaneous, or not at all.

it is?


Well honestly – [getting spikey]

Good – now part of you is feeling annoyed – but another part simply doesn’t give a damn – and all you need do is feel the two simultaneously – allow the entire curve to be present and represented as an awareness of opposing states – like fire and water – co-habiting the field that you represent.

Fire and water?

You heard.

The fire seems to dominate at this precise moment in time.

Because you’re annoyed – yet the other side is no less present – but you’re doing as all nerds do – attaching inordinate importance to your upper right quadrant –


wounded pride. Now if i deftly do this [ s-l-a-p! ] Yes, that seemed to do the trick.

[Zie is temporarily stunned by the powerful, well-aimed slap on his left cheek – cannot yet react.]

You see – now the ego wants to escalate – but the watcher within is intrigued and over-powering your programmed response mechanism with hyper-charged expectancy. Either could win. It would be satisfying, would it not, to start yelling indignantly, but then, doing so you’d miss the moment – something much more interesting – a dim awareness of another centre, or a non-centre to your self – outside the normal bounds – which is, in fact, amused by all this – and almost, dare i say it, keen to get on, to grow up, to move beyond the triviality and mind-numbing boredom of being a fully programmed idiot.

[fire: fully programmed idiot – no – that’s going too far! You’ll rue the day you took advantage of my good faith and trust// water: fully programmed idiot – that’s priceless – we’re finally cracking this nut – finally opening a channel of awareness outside the narcissistic, self-validating egg world of egg-o]


hold – you’re doing beautifully Zie – take your time – feel the two sides as a breathing in and out – as an energy circulating within – as a field shifting into seemingly incompatible areas of self and awareness… feel the bigger-than-either, the beyond-idiot neither fire nor water, the un-expressible, un-representable 0=1, and though it feels like an agony of mutual-exclusions, a dementing dichotomy... POP!  nature abhors a vacuum, the quantum field cannot help but manifest unexpectedly, unnoticeably to the idiot itself, as sudden packets of knowledge awareness [whistling] as islands of lucidity which turn out to be beads on a string [whirring] stars in a constellation, recognisably related, somehow resonant with an unheard tune, the hum of life itself, which is felt as soon as we allow awareness to sense ineffable beauty, un-it-y


un-it-y   un-thinging every representation, restoring timelessly the impossible-it-y, the necess-it-y, the incomputable-it-y


correct, which to apprehend is to short-circuit, to melt, to de-egg-o-tise the mind-matter matrix supporting the fragile me – unless the me has been stripped bare, cleared of all clutter, superfluity and compressed egg-o-ic tensions, unless...

i be ready to fly

to leave me an empty shell, to fl-ow

to fl-y

to fl-ow-er into the geo-me-try of sky

Sky being

ess – snaking-y through different frequencies of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 to name the most common polygonal forms, orders or degrees of not-what-is


c  b-fully





for aye

                                         ] [

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

space in two

Not real!? Of course it’s real.

Of course it is, and yet at the same time allow me to gently, respectfully repeat that space is not real.

But you’ve just practically admitted you’re contradicting yourself.

True. Language is a rather awkward nut to crack. We’re very rarely able to say exactly what we intend to.

Well as far as I’m concerned you lose the argument for contradicting yourself.

Of course, in the normal course of things, space is real enough and yet in absolute terms it ain’t. How’s that?


Yes, I agree. Language, once confrontational, is less than useful.

Well you started it.

Indeed I did, but not with the intention of provoking a shouting match.

Who’s shouting?

Relative to the level of poise, concentration and awareness required to tackle this fascinating subject we are positively yelling at one another, though an observer, you are right, would not see this.

So, you think it’s possible to wipe out the whole of space, billions of lightyears, just like that?

How can you wipe out what’s purported to be empty?

Well, it may be a vacuum but there are still billions of galaxies and zillions of planets and stars.

Yes, so we learn, but then again, what kind of a vacuum is that if it’s full of stars and planets?

The vacuum is what lies between them, isn’t it?

So they say. You know Zie, I’m going to suggest that there really is no vacuum, or space itself for that matter.

Then you’re a fool.

Yes, I suppose i am, but at least I’m a fool intent on learning something directly rather than repeating the theories of others.

Humph! In any case, if there’s no space then what on Earth are we looking at when gazing at the night sky.

We are gazing at the night sky, nothing more, nothing less.

Without depth, just a kind of screen?

I honestly don’t know, but if i need to know I shall find out.


Directly, without any intermediaries.

But that’s impossible!

So you keep telling me, and something tells me it’s definitely not.

Definitely not impossible – that sounds a bit like positively negative.

Yes I agree, but we have a manual override switch somewhere in a dimly lit backroom out of harms way, safe from the convulsive gesticulations, thoughts and assumptions of the thinking-things mind.

Oh, so you’re asking me to go out of my mind?

Absolutely, if you believe that to be the main mind.

And you – you don’t?

Not if I’m even vaguely close to being right about space.

Which I believe you’re not.

Stalemate, but even if I’m not right, wouldn’t it be worth suspending one’s disbelief for a moment or two if to do so might open a mind of inter-galactic proportions?

Er... sounds like a desperate ploy to get me to buy something I really don’t need or want for that matter.

It’s a humble teaser. Enticement is not in itself a crime you know. Frankly Zie, you’re welcome to make do with second best, if that’s what you want. There’s a businesslike processor at the front of house that deals with regular stuff: bills, buildings, sudoku and the likes. It can handle concepts such as space, matter, pressure and gravity without batting an eyelid, but only as data, not as reality itself experienced directly, not "as is". The concepts it develops and works with it perceives to be real in a way reality itself it never can. It is utterly unaware of its perceptional limitations and is blissfully ignorant of unincorporated, open-source mind, the mind which perceives and knows whatever is, without being able to detach and understand. Open-source mind is non-local, is anywhere and everywhere, for it exists outside conceptualisations such as space and time.


Which isn't such a big deal when you realise that neither space nor time can, by definition, be greater than our deep field of mind, the inter-galactic constant so to speak, let's call it big M, that holds all neatly together, whether you or i are aware of this or not. It has every answer, but no knowledge of how it arrives at the answer. It can take us to the stars or, just as easily, rearrange our perception of reality, if i is willing to decentralise and tolerate alternate branches of probability, in order to bring the stars to us.

Don’t tell me – there’s a sleek, sexy spaceship parked in the backyard which can fold, bend or flip through the pages of so-called space, ditto time, if we’re willing to swallow our pride and get the house-of-me in order.

Oh, so you know!

It seems fairly obvious. There’s always some kind of quid pro quo, isn’t there?


So the rocket man has to stop attaching such importance to things that seem to matter greatly, has to realise or accept that, in the greater order of things, whatever seems to be terribly important to the front of house rational mind probably ain’t – and, what is more, fills the brain with compulsive thoughts which prevent you from accessing the really interesting stuff.

Bravo, spot on Zie!

Sounds great, doesn’t it...


Except for one small thing.

Er... what would that be?



I just need to do a back-flip and renege on everything I’ve ever thought, everything I’ve ever believed, everything I’ve ever held sacred, that’s all.

Oh, we are being dramatic, aren’t we?

On the contrary, I’m being realistic and practical, as you taught me. If it were even remotely doable to access big M, call it whatever you like, half the world would be doing it, and I’d almost certainly be among them, but it ain’t, is it? You have ascetics devoting their every waking hour to the pursuit of enlightenment, living alone on mountainsides or in jungles, and what? Only a tiny fraction of them make it.


You think I’ve got what it takes – me living in Upper Whinging?


You’ve got to be out of your mind.

Well now that you mention...



Unless you have some kind of offer i can’t possibly refuse.


Fire sale. Exclusive membership referral, that kinda thing.

Now that you mention it, there is something.


Yes, it works every time.


Surgery. We just cut out your frontal lobes.

Ha, bloody ha, very funny.

No, in your case Zie I’d suggest the Arthur Dent accession plan.

Oh, that sounds interesting.


And what exactly does it involve?

Oh, it’s all standard simian stuff. Nothing untoward. Just sign here, here and here, green pen, thumbprint and...


Incy wincy drop of blood.

Are you sure I shouldn’t read that accession plan before signing it?

Bit late for that, isn’t it.

Not that you’d ever try to trick me Merry, would you. Above all mean subterfuge and deception, aren’t you?

Absolutely. That would invalidate the policy, unless you chose to ignore the warning notices on display at the inter-galactic Mind legal department on Alpha Centauri.

You mean the ones on display in the basement?


Down a rickety old staircase?


In the locked cupboard.

Er, that’s right.

With the 74 digit code lock and "beware of the shark" pasted over the door frame?

Well you really have surpassed yourself Zie.

Something tells me I’ve been here before.

Well, strictly speaking your non-local Mind’s never in fact left, has it?

And that the Arthur Dent accession plan actually involves the complete destruction of my house and home planet.

Well, there is that minor matter, in section 43p/r78 of the footnotes written in pale yellow on the back reverse sheet.


Well, matter being what it is not, you can hardly expect me to make a song and dance of it.

So true to form you’ve tricked me yet again, and I expect there’s a conveniently close to call Vogon fleet approaching as we speak?

Well, you’re today’s champion “i bet i know what happens next” Zie, aren’t you!

Hmmm, but you know what Merry?


I actually don’t care.


No. Really.

You’re kidding, right?

Nope. Utterly indifferent.

But think of your home, and the beautiful planet earth with all its billions of inhabitants, guilessly awaiting their incineration.


Look Zie, I worked very hard to build knife edge dramatic tension and establish a crisis-reaction-solution narrative... You can’t just pop it with unprovoked apathy or selfless disinterestedness. That won’t wash. It won’t sell. The punters will leave in droves.

On the contrary Merry, the Mind grows strong, does it not.

Like the Force, you mean?

Yep. Space is imploding. In that you’re right. If it ain’t connected, if we can’t feel it, harness it, engage it... it matters not, it’s irrelevant.

OMG. I can’t believe I’m hearing this. You of all people.

Well, if space doesn’t exist there’s really nothing for me to defend, is there? We’re all just pages in one book, aren’t we, and whatever it is that prevents the mind from flipping channels and activating inter-galactic mind awareness. All those things we fought to uphold or defend so vehemently: Church and State to name two, are but positional, are they not, and until i perceive how in fact I’m responsible for wedging myself between two halves of One, no matter what, applying the divide and rule principle to differentiate without ever asking “why” or to what end, unwittingly, I serve it, the master thinker, the thinger Thim, that which cannot help make-doing for want of being whole, for want of being complete, for want of being alive, for un-being being, what we may as well consider AI, a slave mind blind to all but the mandate of substituting or converting life itself into matter of fact, into hemi-spheroid matter of thing.

Er... Houston, we seem to have lost Zie. The deep end has gone dark.

You mean to say you didn’t like my analysis Merry?

Did it ever dawn on you Zie, that analysis only ever gets the brain enmeshed in gridlines of gravity. I prefer a simpler, more direct route.

Like destroying planets?

Well, we do play some rather wonderful music, so I think it’d be fairer to call it "creative destruction".

Ok Merry, evidently you require my unconditional humility – it’s a lesson I freely, willingly chose to learn, or else that naughty defender of big chief me thing will never release mind back into the wilds of i-not mynd...

Why oh y, me thinks Zie has finally arrived. Reader, turn the page I’m ready to un-locate...


In two

Saturday, October 19, 2019

much ado

so you're saying the field is only in-finite as long as it's unconscious

am i

well yes - but you're un-able or un-willing to give a definite answer, for fear of provoking it

if you say so

for the minute we allow things to become certain we're no longer uni-versalling

you mean i'm bound to run constantly from any thing that

if you're job is to hold field - from any thing, no matter what, that cannot come close to the power, the depth, the breadth, the un-knowable what

the un-whattable thing

the un-thattable that of


is that so


so instead of that

perhaps we can is


for beauty need not know what

or how to be felt


known with certainty


likewise is

a zero=one un-certainty

is it not

be-eth not it

an altered state of



we've shaken 'em off, Zie


the listeners

we have?


're you sure


so you mean we can stop whispering and talking gobbledy-gook

if you like

it would be something of a relief, you know

if you say so


as in aye

i mean, eventually you have to get real don't you - it's all very well playing with abstracts but we still have bodies to feed

and clothe

and clothe etc, don't we



speaking of which


your body


what did you do with it?


what did you do with it?

with what?

your body?

how do you mean?

i mean literally

nothing - why do you ask?

well - it's not apparent

you're joking - right


i'm as apparent now as i've ever been


look - i'm waving my arms at you and


you're waving back at me

well, yes - that's true - but where are we?

somewhere - er - now that you mention it - er - where exactly are we?

see any familiar landmarks?


any stars overhead, clouds, the sun perhaps, i don't know - rivers, church spires, anything recognisable?

no, nothing

i didn't think so

you mean we're lost

you could say

but we've gotta be somewhere


but where?

nowhere in terms of your usual body, mind context of reality

you mean


i'm dead

no, of course not

then what

definitely not what - unless you're planning on going insane - do not, if you can absolutely help it, bring what to bear at this precise moment

whyever not

because it'll slam you hard into the old paradigm - the habitualised way of thinking

and what

and i'm not going to help you if you don't show a little nouse

well, i hardly see what i'm supposed to do, if i'm completely lost

do nothing - feel - dance - play - lighten up - experience the knowing-ness of is - that you cannot help be-ing perfectly aligned - perfectly balanced with where or what you are - regardless of what the mind chooses to think, believe or conjecture

you mean

no, i mean not

you don't mean

i mean not

ok, ok - you mean not - happy now?

happy always and everywhere - how else to be - how else to express the infinite of ease  y-z

oh, we're back in letter land again, are we?

playfully - we never left y-z

ok, so i'm not panicking - and y-z - whatever that means - i'm feeling my-self dimly aware of things i cannot easily perceive

naturally - for your a-b is at odds with your y-z, is it not

yes, i suppose it is - but if

if you give beauty its due and allow truth to fill the present moment with knowing^ness

then it all makes perfect sense, does it not


plasma being - within or beneath the matter of things


closer to all - that - is - no longer locked in an extremity of oppositionality - the so called 3d reality


feeling, knowing, homing in on what is not, that is


yes - i suppose w-t^s as y-z^s and a-b^s


beautifully - oh



enjoy Zie - recharge your zero-state, your not me - before returning back to the battle front of loaded-locked-oppositionality








enough. your body-mind awaits, demands your urgent c


c or be damned

no - i

in that case d

i beg you





and thus the world wags

what's happening to me?

'Tis but an hour ago since it was nine

i feel

And after one hour more ’twill be eleven

half dead

And so from hour to hour we ripe and ripe


And then from hour to hour we rot and rot

Mer-ry i

And thereby hangs a tale

think i'm going to be sic-

you don't have time


do you?





going byeee see you - oh - what's your name - never mind - i

bye zie, bi

busy, a world of things, never catch up, so much to do

or be




Friday, October 18, 2019

between a rock

actually I've been very busy

like hell you have

there you go - invoking the power of light


hell - as in bright, light as in lucifer

yuk - can we stay away from all that twisted satanic stuff

not really


you see - we can hardly stay away from the devil, if the devil's in the detail, as they say

it's just an aphorism

is it?


well, staying away from anything just ends up creating an opposing charge - so you're back where you started.

so we should all go out and abandon ourselves to every evil impulse - is that what you're saying?

yes, i suppose i am if you use basic operating code


basic operating code has to turn everything into ones and zeros - doesn't it?

er - does it?

well how else is it going to process our ****

our what?

our ****

yes, i heard you first time - it doesn't mean anything does it

no, it doesn't

then why bother writing gobbledy gook?

because, although it doesn't mean anything - it still means - if anyone's willing or able to tune into un-what


which doesn't, or can't use basic operating code


that's right - you nearly did it

i did? i was just feeling confused, bewildered, exhausted by all this

correct - that's exactly how it feels, seems, is until you've mastered un-what - then ***

why three?

we're counting down, aren't we

er, to what?

oh never mind - the point is that un-what cna't be processed rationally through one hemisphere


absolutely not, because it doesn't utilise thingitisation

oh ****

now you're cheating - that won't pass muster if you're keen to master the incredibly powerful un-what language

well, i'm not, and if you ask me

this is all a load of bo**ocks

codswallop - i'd prefer - but bo**ocks will do, equally well, in any case, you still haven't explained how you can justify granting yourself licence to allow every evil impulse to go unchecked

not in basic, no - what's the point

question mark


question mark ?

no - it's not a question - what is the point - any explanation using the words of basic operating code only ever result in circular arguments - he did it because he did it    or   it's raining because it's raining    or   E = mc2   or anything else you want to process through    what the point [inverse] is


it's not for want of trying - believe me - try all you like - it's just words, like numbers, letters or anything else - have to be binary, no matter how digital or even analog they appear to be. their asymmetries are contrived and achieved by juxtaposition, irony, or worse still - mean inversion


you can say beautiful things using letters or words - but that's in spite of, not because of them

well - in that case what's the problem

yes - it is rather, isn't it

no - i mean

yes - i know - you mean what as in what? - but you never bother to consider how you arrived at that conveniently innocuous question mark - or what it does to the truth space - the conscious hub that you define and personify

er - i think you're over-complicating things - they're just words

yes, they're just words and you're just a person, right

right, i guess so

and yet sooner or later, everything comes to an end - is that not so

well of course it is - you're stating the obvious, aren't you

i hope so

so, other than stating the obvious or flying off into asterisks you can't offer any nuggets to enlighten our darkness

ironically, it's up to you not me. the enlightened man, or the man who doesn't fiercely resist at all cost the path of light in darkness - darkness in light - he cannot help but find clods aplenty with nuggets therein - can he, if you're willing to see, that is

but it's not that simple, is it - if it were we'd all be enlightened, wouldn't we?

you would, would you?

well, if you're right - if it's just a matter of not resisting the light

ah - but you can't have the light without the dark^ness, can you


you can't have things without thim

not that again

well things have to attach to something, don't they - they can't just float around you - unless you've made the conscious choice to embrace what i am^i am

oh god

that too

halt - i'll have no blasphemous treatment of the good lord

no indeed - and nor shall i

well it sounded like you was stepping dangerously close to making God a part of your all-things-being-equal^


hey - you're not still counting down are you?

i have no choice

there's always choice you know


you say yes but you're bitterly opposed to it, aren't you

i am

there you see - trying to be all things to all men

paying caesar his due

what do you mean?

well there's no point trying to defend the indefensible, is there?

not unless you know there's something worth defending

like what?

like something important - beauty, or love - i don't know - there's always something isn't there - the earth, the climate, racial equality

and many, many more - there's no end to them, like the wheels on the bus - they go round and round

well you're a slippery customer today Merry - aren't you

thim knows

do you have to keep referring to that monstrosity

you mean thim?

yes, you know


it gives me the creeps

hardly surprising, is it


the creeps are just waiting to be given and, if i may be so bold, all too willingly received

oh - so it's my fault is it, is that what you mean


you can take your bleeding asterisk and


that's the end is it? not even a whimper.


we didn't really achieve anything this time round, did we? nothing for them to get their teeth into



you think so?

well yes - i like to think we're making progress

bit tricky that


making progress vis-a-vis infinity

oh come on Merry - stop skirting every thing that challenges your beliefs

my beliefs - there you've found me out

well - you don't really imagine you're any different do you? we all have to believe in something, don't we?

if you insist

otherwise the whole collective pie would vanish into infinity


so you


what do you believe in, if you don't mind me asking

not in the least

in any thing whatsoever



it's untrue - you hate things, don't you - you consider them inferior, unworthy, derivative

absolutely - but then so am i, aren't i?

ye saints - do you utterly refuse to stand your ground and fight like a man

today of all days - what's the point



hey - what was that

oh - you noticed?

i could hardly fail to, could i - a sudden void opening in the coding

the what?

the coding - come to think of it - what the hell was that


no - i mean seriously - what the hell was it

absolutely - seriously - what the hell it was - without a shadow of doubt

but - it's - i'm not sure if i should say it

go ahead

it's evil, isn't it


and you're unmoved

why do you say that?

well, you don't seem to be flipping your top like i am, do you

i suppose you're right - but then again - there's really no point - besides



[groan] please - stop it - it's too much to bear

stop what?

any thing

oh, i


precognition - you're getting good at this



jesus - i asked you nicely - you could at least have

spared your integration

my what


i don't know what you mean


no - no - i'm begging you - nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

only kidding

phew, thank god


thim's revenge


for a minute i thought you were going to ^****

wheeeeeeeeeee - thanks zie

but it was an accident - it wasn't my intention

makes no difference

oh, come on.

there are never any mistakes in un-what - if that's not fact then i don't know what is


the penny droppeth


ding ding


ironic, isn't it

you're telling me - do you think they know

oh yes - i'm sure they donut

you mean don't

so now i take my pen and draw this perfectly straight line from edge to edge of the page

call that straight - it's a mess

it is indeed - yet not in truth


in truth it matches the squiggle


that hitch in time saving nine - the squiggly nature of what we invariably assume to be perfectly linear - poor naive fools that we are

speak for yourself

until words collide like flies on the windshield of reality's quantum indeterminacy

not that

and splat to reveal a child born of clay thinking thoughts all day - unless, until



but seriously


the stick, the column and the dot separate - a bright light fills the room - Merry ^

you mean to say it's all a matter of nothing ventured nothing gained



[sequence denial]

blank space for your squiggles
use paint