Friday, October 18, 2019

between a rock

actually I've been very busy

like hell you have

there you go - invoking the power of light


hell - as in bright, light as in lucifer

yuk - can we stay away from all that twisted satanic stuff

not really


you see - we can hardly stay away from the devil, if the devil's in the detail, as they say

it's just an aphorism

is it?


well, staying away from anything just ends up creating an opposing charge - so you're back where you started.

so we should all go out and abandon ourselves to every evil impulse - is that what you're saying?

yes, i suppose i am if you use basic operating code


basic operating code has to turn everything into ones and zeros - doesn't it?

er - does it?

well how else is it going to process our ****

our what?

our ****

yes, i heard you first time - it doesn't mean anything does it

no, it doesn't

then why bother writing gobbledy gook?

because, although it doesn't mean anything - it still means - if anyone's willing or able to tune into un-what


which doesn't, or can't use basic operating code


that's right - you nearly did it

i did? i was just feeling confused, bewildered, exhausted by all this

correct - that's exactly how it feels, seems, is until you've mastered un-what - then ***

why three?

we're counting down, aren't we

er, to what?

oh never mind - the point is that un-what cna't be processed rationally through one hemisphere


absolutely not, because it doesn't utilise thingitisation

oh ****

now you're cheating - that won't pass muster if you're keen to master the incredibly powerful un-what language

well, i'm not, and if you ask me

this is all a load of bo**ocks

codswallop - i'd prefer - but bo**ocks will do, equally well, in any case, you still haven't explained how you can justify granting yourself licence to allow every evil impulse to go unchecked

not in basic, no - what's the point

question mark


question mark ?

no - it's not a question - what is the point - any explanation using the words of basic operating code only ever result in circular arguments - he did it because he did it    or   it's raining because it's raining    or   E = mc2   or anything else you want to process through    what the point [inverse] is


it's not for want of trying - believe me - try all you like - it's just words, like numbers, letters or anything else - have to be binary, no matter how digital or even analog they appear to be. their asymmetries are contrived and achieved by juxtaposition, irony, or worse still - mean inversion


you can say beautiful things using letters or words - but that's in spite of, not because of them

well - in that case what's the problem

yes - it is rather, isn't it

no - i mean

yes - i know - you mean what as in what? - but you never bother to consider how you arrived at that conveniently innocuous question mark - or what it does to the truth space - the conscious hub that you define and personify

er - i think you're over-complicating things - they're just words

yes, they're just words and you're just a person, right

right, i guess so

and yet sooner or later, everything comes to an end - is that not so

well of course it is - you're stating the obvious, aren't you

i hope so

so, other than stating the obvious or flying off into asterisks you can't offer any nuggets to enlighten our darkness

ironically, it's up to you not me. the enlightened man, or the man who doesn't fiercely resist at all cost the path of light in darkness - darkness in light - he cannot help but find clods aplenty with nuggets therein - can he, if you're willing to see, that is

but it's not that simple, is it - if it were we'd all be enlightened, wouldn't we?

you would, would you?

well, if you're right - if it's just a matter of not resisting the light

ah - but you can't have the light without the dark^ness, can you


you can't have things without thim

not that again

well things have to attach to something, don't they - they can't just float around you - unless you've made the conscious choice to embrace what i am^i am

oh god

that too

halt - i'll have no blasphemous treatment of the good lord

no indeed - and nor shall i

well it sounded like you was stepping dangerously close to making God a part of your all-things-being-equal^


hey - you're not still counting down are you?

i have no choice

there's always choice you know


you say yes but you're bitterly opposed to it, aren't you

i am

there you see - trying to be all things to all men

paying caesar his due

what do you mean?

well there's no point trying to defend the indefensible, is there?

not unless you know there's something worth defending

like what?

like something important - beauty, or love - i don't know - there's always something isn't there - the earth, the climate, racial equality

and many, many more - there's no end to them, like the wheels on the bus - they go round and round

well you're a slippery customer today Merry - aren't you

thim knows

do you have to keep referring to that monstrosity

you mean thim?

yes, you know


it gives me the creeps

hardly surprising, is it


the creeps are just waiting to be given and, if i may be so bold, all too willingly received

oh - so it's my fault is it, is that what you mean


you can take your bleeding asterisk and


that's the end is it? not even a whimper.


we didn't really achieve anything this time round, did we? nothing for them to get their teeth into



you think so?

well yes - i like to think we're making progress

bit tricky that


making progress vis-a-vis infinity

oh come on Merry - stop skirting every thing that challenges your beliefs

my beliefs - there you've found me out

well - you don't really imagine you're any different do you? we all have to believe in something, don't we?

if you insist

otherwise the whole collective pie would vanish into infinity


so you


what do you believe in, if you don't mind me asking

not in the least

in any thing whatsoever



it's untrue - you hate things, don't you - you consider them inferior, unworthy, derivative

absolutely - but then so am i, aren't i?

ye saints - do you utterly refuse to stand your ground and fight like a man

today of all days - what's the point



hey - what was that

oh - you noticed?

i could hardly fail to, could i - a sudden void opening in the coding

the what?

the coding - come to think of it - what the hell was that


no - i mean seriously - what the hell was it

absolutely - seriously - what the hell it was - without a shadow of doubt

but - it's - i'm not sure if i should say it

go ahead

it's evil, isn't it


and you're unmoved

why do you say that?

well, you don't seem to be flipping your top like i am, do you

i suppose you're right - but then again - there's really no point - besides



[groan] please - stop it - it's too much to bear

stop what?

any thing

oh, i


precognition - you're getting good at this



jesus - i asked you nicely - you could at least have

spared your integration

my what


i don't know what you mean


no - no - i'm begging you - nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

only kidding

phew, thank god


thim's revenge


for a minute i thought you were going to ^****

wheeeeeeeeeee - thanks zie

but it was an accident - it wasn't my intention

makes no difference

oh, come on.

there are never any mistakes in un-what - if that's not fact then i don't know what is


the penny droppeth


ding ding


ironic, isn't it

you're telling me - do you think they know

oh yes - i'm sure they donut

you mean don't

so now i take my pen and draw this perfectly straight line from edge to edge of the page

call that straight - it's a mess

it is indeed - yet not in truth


in truth it matches the squiggle


that hitch in time saving nine - the squiggly nature of what we invariably assume to be perfectly linear - poor naive fools that we are

speak for yourself

until words collide like flies on the windshield of reality's quantum indeterminacy

not that

and splat to reveal a child born of clay thinking thoughts all day - unless, until



but seriously


the stick, the column and the dot separate - a bright light fills the room - Merry ^

you mean to say it's all a matter of nothing ventured nothing gained



[sequence denial]

blank space for your squiggles
use paint

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