Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The great unzipping

You mean to say that three words can bring the entire world to a standstill?
I expect you're going to say that's preposterous!
I was if you hadn't interrupted me.
My apologies Zie.
Somehow I doubt the sincerity of your apology Merry. You seem to take a cruel delighted in thwarting my sense of reasonableness.
No more than you seem to take a delight in insisting that reality should fit within your sense of what is reasonable.
Well we have to have some yardstick of what makes sense or what is reasonable, don't we, otherwise we'd be believing all kinds of nonsense.
Such as?
Oh you know... aliens on Mars... er, fairies... er... can't think of any more.
You could try believing all the pseudo science that's being taught these days - such as human civilisation being only a few thousand years old, such as gravity being the force that holds the universe together, or another one I like - that it's impossible to travel faster than the speed of light. All of these laws are only true based on the information currently available. It's like reading the first six pages of a nice long novel, and trying to deduce and extrapolate from those the rest of the novel.
So, you think we should just  believe anything, fairies and all.
I don't see what you've got against fairies.
I have nothing against them. How can I have something against imaginary creatures that don't in fact exist?
Well, you fail to realise you have the power to conjure anything, including elemental beings, from the vacuum of infinity.
The what?
The vacuum of infinity. It's full of infinite potentiality, and as soon as you start imagining or saying something does or doesn't exist - whether positive or negative it matters not - your words and thoughts ripple through the vacuum ensuring that the fairy template is now part of the universal template. What that means is fairies do in fact exist.
Just because I said they didn't.
Yes and no. You see, looking at it another way - you can only say something doesn't exist if there's already something in existence going by that name for you to deny and repudiate.
That's what you say Merry - but I personally think that's ridiculous.
Yes. I'm not surprised.
You're not?
No. In your place I'd think the same.
What's that supposed to mean?
Well, supposing I was a snowman... I'd make it my business to say that green meadows filled with flowers was a ridiculous notion.
Oh - so you watched "Frozen" too, did you. I don't see the connection. I'm not threatened by fairies per se. I'm not going to melt and turn into a puddle if they somehow exist.
No, but the world view that you represent, or might I say "occupy", which you identify with is totally at odds with the existence of fairies. You yourself - the biological entity, the flesh and blood human being that you are - can in fact believe in fairies, aliens, 9/11 conspiracies and anything under the sun, because these are just things which you choose to either work with conceptually or deny. They do not alter the fact that you are a flesh and blood human being. You are infinitely more than the concepts, ideas or beliefs that pass through your mind's halls of association.
My what?
Your mind has halls of association - it forms associations between various things, ideas, concepts and beliefs - in accordance with your world view. If you have an expansive world view then there will be very little that is off limits and excluded. If, on the other hand, you have a closed world view, there will be many things, concepts, ideas or beliefs which are necessarily excluded because they threaten or contradict the narrowness of your world view.
But why would I choose to have a narrow world view?
You may need to.
You may have suffered emotional, mental, psychology or even psychic trauma which you're not yet ready, willing or able to deal with. It may be a matter of survival. Your delicate psyche, your endangered or threatened ego may require you to wage a war against things that seem to undermine it.
Oh. Is that so? So it's all about trauma?
No, not only trauma - but trauma's definitely a major part of the problem. It could also be that you're a narrow minded prig.
Damn it Merry - do you have to make fun of me. I'm trying very hard to sort this out. I don't want to be unnecessarily prejudiced.
Ok Zie. I apologise, but sometimes it's just too hard to resist. Just consider the irony of you telling me you don't believe in fairies... Merry's unable to repress his laughter and ends up rolling on the ground clutching his sides in pain. Ouch - that hurts. Sorry about that Zie. I couldn't help it.
Couldn't help what? I don't see what's so funny. Why don't you explain.
Oh don't, don't Zie. It's too much! Merry groans as he again gives in to the body shaking laughter, and something happens - like a glitch in the matrix. At some point Zie notices... but can't say what - rubs his eyes in alarm. Something inside him is suddenly terribly afraid - so afraid he can't even turn aside or run, but something else in him - another part of his nature which he usually keeps under close guard comes to the fore. This part of his nature - the reckless, wild spirited, free part of Zie is filled with delight, is ecstatic - you mean to say you're one of them? You're a fairy?
Me, a fairy? Don't be ridiculous! and poor Merry shakes and sobs in convulsions of laughter and... some pain. But Zie sees a kind of double vision - and there's a fuzzy side to Merry which looks decidedly elf-like.

An elf? You're an elf?
Merry carries on laughing - is having real problems breathing. Zie's getting concerned. What is it? he thinks to himself. What's so funny? Why the hysterics? Why the convulsive... something... something unexpected, unknown, unprecedented - Zie feels something like a zip sliding open and a part of himself unfolding. No!! the staid, straight-laced part of him cries aghast. No!! Back. Get back in. I'm not. Not. It isn't possible. It can't be. It's unacceptable. It's...
Demonic? Is that what you're afraid of.
Yes, God damn it. Demonic. It's demonic. It's an aberration. It shouldn't be. Can't be. Mustn't be. I won't allow it.
Won't? Even if it is? Even if nature demands it?
Nature be damned. I'm a human being, not a freak, not a monster, a beast, a wight...
No Zie. You simply are - above all form, all description, all definition, and yet the elemental being is a fundamental part of your nature - like it or not. Denial of this has been a major part of the tragedy now unfolding on Earth - our repression of all that is elemental in the name of progress, our slavish devotion to technology and materialism, our insistence on rationalism, logic and a world view that denies the other side of the equation - the other side of Is. Where do you think all these repressed fears come from - fear of spiders, snakes, bats...
Because they're repulsive, evil things of the night. Dark and twisted, abominations.
Ah... and yet they are - and denying them twists you up in knots, preventing you from being wholehearted, at peace, and one with yourself.
I can't face it Merry. It's too...
Horrific? Repulsive? Look at what's happening to the Earth. It's burning Zie. It's nearly all gone. All the noblest species are all but extinct in the wild. There's nothing left. The oceans are half dead, our ground water polluted, the soil, the air... disaster stares us in the face wherever we look. If that isn't horrific then I don't know what is. Believe me, there's nothing repulsive about facing the isness - mother nature within yourself no less than outside, allowing both sides to have their say - to reach a state of balance and harmony. That's the only way you're going to achieve balance and harmony in the world. The only way - by confronting your worst nightmare - your supposed demon - and discovering that it's merely a matter of perception, of form - that in fact, in truth, in essence you're neither one nor t'other.
Neither human nor abomination?
Neither one side nor the other... both... either... neither. This is the holy trinity. Once you allow the two to be - simply to be whatever they truly are - then the third emerges from the shadows and the two are subsumed into it. You thus transcend your whatness and rise into your isness. Ascension.
You call it ascension? Like it's a spiritual awakening?
What else could it be? You think you can have spiritual awakening as long as you're denying your fundamental nature - a part of what you are? You think it's enough to pray or meditate while you're secretly terrified of letting the genie out of the bottle - terrified that people will discover your ugly little secret - terrified that you're in fact a monster, an aberration, an abomination..?
Peace, Zie. Be at peace and know the simple truth - that all form is merely form. All things, merely things. All that you think - merely an exchange between the two sides of consciousness - that which you've chosen to accept and work with, and that which you've hidden away, suppressed, denied. Well now we've reached the end of that process. The great unzipping - I call it - somewhat irreverently I hasten to add - and it feels a lot like splitting your sides - somewhat painful as you observed, but full of laughter and emotional release which keeps the pain down to a minimum.
And this is now happening?
Yes. Everyone's going through it right now. The great unzipping is brought forth by this - by these words, this story, your participation and mine - and the denial that we never even imagined was part of our very formation - that helped make us human - which is now redundant, obsolete, trinitied - for the third is stirring, making itself felt, bringing the two back into line with each other. Fight that if you will - I think it's fair to say it's a battle you're destined to lose - and so be it!

Hallelujah and all that!
Cuckoo la la
It is I am

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Binaural beating around the bush

Supposing every thought we think, every word we write or speak, every thing we do...
Redefines reality.
Yes. The idea is that reality is plastic or infinitely fluid. It's a field of information. It responds to everything and anything. It continues to respond every second. Every second it assimilates the new data in the field and realigns, adjusts, reorganises itself.
Well - let's test it.
By working directly with the field. By programming it, tuning it, playing it like an instrument.
This is how.
Er... you're not doing anything.
Precisely what?
Not doing anything is infinitely more powerful that doing something. Bear in mind that people are constantly doing things, and feel compelled to do so.
By not doing we can start to feel how the field connects into our Self - how we are a part of it - how it is a part of us.
And nothing.
Things are merely the end product. Nothing is the matter of this field.
Nothing is the matter?
Yes. Infinity is nothing. Infinity is no thing, or every thing, or any thing - for that matter.
And what? Where is this all leading.
Back home. Back to source. Back to is.
To is?
Yes. The uncollapsed wave form. The thing that is not what.
Usually when we observe some thing or any thing - the act of observation - the mere fact collapses the wave form of Is - and you have something definite as a result - in the famous double slit experiment either a particle or a wave. We have a quantity - a finite - a something or other - all because we bothered to look - to observe. Such is the power of observation. Such is function of consciousness as we know it - to push things either one way or the other - to either side of the quantum fence.
Why? Have you never wondered why we're constantly leaving a trail of finiteness wherever we gaze, and what that achieves?
Er... no. I can't say I've ever given it a moment's thought.
Our act of observation polarises infinity giving us instead reality.
So that's our function - you're implying - to transform infinity into reality?
Partly. You see, translating infinity into reality achieves nothing if there isn't a reverse flow of data - a kind of feedback which flows back again into infinity.
And is there?
Yes. Haven't you guessed?
Er... you mean the way we see things as things?
Precisely - our awareness of reality. So our awareness flows the other way - transmitting the finite thing that our consciousness helped materialise, back into infinity - thus completing one cycle, one rotation of conscious-awareness.
Exactly. You see - without our awareness flowing back into the field that is infinity - nothing matters, nothing is in fact real, nothing in fact exists. Notice must be given - consciousness must primed for another cycle, another journey back into the plain of matter.
So this is all a fairly predictable progression?
Yes and no. You see - we can observe in subtly different ways. We can observe more left or right - more male or female, more matter or more spirit - and doing so affects the outcome of the double slits experiment.
Then what?
Conscious-awareness and reality are - hand in hand - so to speak - until we become aware of this.
Of what?
Of the fact that our conscious-awareness is both sides of reality - at its inception and its close.
Yes. Reality is like a heart beat. It isn't in fact continuous. It closes with each cycle or rotation.
It does?
Absolutely. You can and should test this by applying your conscious-awareness to a control subject within reality - anything will do - a stone if you like - and with a little practice it should become abundantly clear that you're a part of an on-off process - that reality itself does not and cannot exist independently of you, or the consciousness that you live-stream.
So if that's true - what are you saying? What does it mean?
Once you become aware of your centrality - then you no longer need to move objects around the board as if they're really there. You can simply change how you're observing until you match the resonant frequency of those objects - until you allow consciousness and awareness to balance one another without yourself getting personally involved. That should be sufficient.
For what?
To go quantum.
Which means what?
The opposite.
Er... what do you mean by that?
I mean not what.
Not what?
Yes. The opposite of what.
Christ Merry - can't you be a little more clear in your use of language.
The opposite of what is "not what". "What" refers to the thingification of matter - how our consciousness tips the finities into matter on one side or t'other of the quantum fence. Going quantum, as I put it, means observing without doing this.
Without doing what?
Precisely - without tipping the finities into matter - without collapsing the wave form. Without in fact doing.
And? What does that achieve?
A new operational level in which we're no longer bound by the laws of matter. It enables us to play off one potential reality against another in a kind of parallel processing - a bit like the way binaural beats react in our brain to create a third sound that doesn't exist elsewhere.

So all of a sudden whole new areas of experience and potentiality open up. All of a sudden we're able to work with the finities at a whole new level.
Finities? What finities are you referring to Merry?
The almost stuff, almost matter, suggestive potentialities of the quantum field - before our consciousness has knocked it either side of the fence.
Well, we can spread our wings and fly with the finities.
We can? Speaking figuratively of course.
Speaking figuratively of course, but the magic of this quantum level is that it translates into a real world experience of actual flight.
But how can that be? How can there be a real world experience of reality if we haven't knocked the finities either side of the fence?
Because there's always going to be some kind of perception. There's always just enough friction. There's always another level where it's as good as real - as the binaural beats demonstrate.
So you're saying we can actually fly - physically - when we start interacting with the quantum field?
Yes. I'm saying that we can't avoid flying - because what you think of as gravity is reversed.
Oh my God. I'm not sure I like the sound of that!
Out of the frying pan into the fire! But you have a kind of brake mechanism. You can add as much gravity as you like by mixing in a bit of the old way of seeing - by partially collapsing the wave form - by nearly thinging infinity.
"Nearly thinging infinity"! You make it sound so simple.
If only you realised the complexity of what you're already doing in your oft maligned material reality... The only thing missing is the awareness of how you are a two way membrane - a two way flow that holds everything in the balance. Once this awareness takes root - it's just a matter of trial and error - like a baby learning to walk. All of a sudden you open up the other side of reality - the place I'm calling infinity - and infinity completely alters your perception of reality. All of a sudden things start making sense not as things presently do, in terms of what they are, but as a balance that beggars all description - which transcends the mind where "what" matters. All of a sudden you become aware of the other side that has been so lacking here in material reality.
The other side of what? Material reality?
The other side of perception. The other which reveals the harmony throughout... The harmony which has never, in fact, been lacking or absent - no matter what, no matter how - no matter.

Monday, September 21, 2015

The blank page meditation


I call this meditation “the blank page”
you'll need a sheet of paper
preferably A4 and a pencil or pen
now tie yourself to the mast and wait
let battle commence

feel     the sirens' lure
the overpowering urge to write
hold your ground
the aim     to keep the page completely blank
yet thinking mind
desperate to have its way
to mark as dog its territory does
will not let up     demands its day

caught between zero and one
in no man’s land
detached      observe the struggle unfold
manic mind doggedly insisting
something must be done
as silent self indifferently looks on
unmoved whether internal dialogue or peace
scribblings or nought prevails

sometimes a single dot is all you’ll find
after several hours of hard fought skirmishes
sometimes not even that
an infinitude of things unsaid
a page unsoiled by words
yet thick with papered over cracks

then once the smoke of half-thought-forms has dispersed
high overhead upon a yogic cloud you're perched
babbling mind enthralled
in a stream of aetheric consciousness
in communion with the gods
in a world of strange beauty     of silent verse
where paper and pen kneel down before
        unspoken OM
        wordless poem

Monday, September 14, 2015

Three incredibly gifted children and You

Arseniy, now 13, had never played the violin as just a musical instrument. Right from the start it had been a journey of discovery. Even when he could barely make a decent note he was already probing and learning how it was talking to him, helping him to feel things, helping him to become aware of himself and the world around. It was an interface like a computer keyboard that gave him access to the program code of all things, to the harmonics of our reality. This is what he was really up to when people saw him playing a musical instrument: tinkering with the fabric of material reality, and why it sounded so unearthly. He never discussed this with anyone having assumed everyone had common experiences, and when he discovered that few, if any, did there seemed even less point. If he was going to explain this relationship between himself, the violin and everything – it would have to be his music that did the talking. Someone would get it.

Masha, aged 11, was the same. She was learning to dance – classical ballet. She learnt the same moves as all the other pupils, but she was doing something different. She could feel how every move, when executed just right, held her in situ – in a place where things were in resonance. There was a kind of feedback – like she was enveloped in a field that both supported and resisted her – depending on whether she was working with it or against it. It wasn't just her body making the moves  it was mental as well. If her mind wasn’t tuned in – if she were only moving mechanically without consciously engaging this force – then things started to go wrong. Like a slap across the wrist – it reminded her to stay present, to be consciously aware throughout. If she really opened herself to the field – wow – that was something! It took her beyond the here and now – into a timeless everywhere.

Grisha, aged 14, did it with pencil and paint. He too was constantly brushing against the finities – feeling how his painting enabled him to tune into something indescribable. Everything else would fade out and he’d be utterly present – in a space where every brush stroke was an exchange with this field – feeling how he was working with something malleable that he could coax but never force. The more he opened himself to the isness, to the creative light within – the more alive and vibrant things felt – like humming strings, like he was playing a violin – and he knew the field, whatever it actually was, was responding to him, and it was good. “How do you draw like that?” his friends asked him. Even his art teachers were at a loss to explain how he did – how his pictures were so full of... difficult to say what. What could he say? He’d never spoken to Arseniy or Masha. He didn’t know who they were – but when one day he heard Arseniy play and saw Masha dance – he knew immediately that they were doing the same as him. He’d found his family. They’d understand one another.

And you? Are you an Arseniy, a Masha, a Grisha or just normal... unexceptional?

In fact, everyone is able to engage this field – if you choose to start working with your own creative power. That could be anything... a sport, meditation, singing, even the very art of being you... It's whatever best connects, best interfaces with this quantum field, where finities rather than things determine what is what.

Sometimes we find it hard to accept our creative power because we’re trying to be what we’re not – because we’re attached to an idea about ourself that may be only partially true. This will make it more difficult for us to really get attuned, but just as soon as we step aside and allow our inner-nature to take over – the discovery process gets underway, the journey begins. This discovery process always takes us beyond what we've been taught – so if we are too hooked on what the teacher was saying, on what we've already learnt, that too can slow us down. What we really need is to let go – to interact directly with the quantum field. As soon as we do that things click into place – the finities align and 3D reality ceases to be what it was a moment before. We’re now engaging something else: a kind of force that is present not only physically, as gravity is, but which responds to our conscious awareness – taking us deeper and further.

It's a journey that goes beyond what the mind can comprehend, which requires above all else practical experience. I don’t think it serves to overcomplicate things by naming or attempting to explain this force. In any case, it’s only there if you’re willing to work with it – once you’re willing to accept your place in the natural order of things, the isness of Be, and go from there. Doing so, you'll work out what can or cannot be done. You’ll become aware that, in a real sense, you’re able to reprogram reality  not only your reality but something bigger, for we’re living and working within a continuum, an isness of Be. 

So, dear friends, I wish you happy, magical creativity. May each of you find your way to the particular form of expression that enables you to tune into the field. With time you will become a master, for the master already waits within us. You'll be able to reach out further and farther until you're ready to bring it all back together – turning the somewhat unkempt, overgrown backyard of material reality into a garden of soft, magical harmonies, non-linear meaning and endless delight, with those finities that are anything but finite.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Maldek revisited

What on Earth do you mean Merry?

Well think about it Zie.

Er... it doesn't seem to help.

Ok. Try the alternative.

What alternative?

The one you've not yet tried.

Which one?

That one.

What do you mean?

Precisely that. Give yourself a moment to feel comfortable.

How can I feel comfortable if I don't know what the hell you're talking about?

With infinite ease.

Infinite ease? It sounds bloody impossible to me.


So what am I supposed to do?

Precisely not what you're doing right now. What could be simpler?

I give up Merry.

Excellent. I thought we'd get there in the end. Now recognise the fact that in your apparent defeat there's a victory for...

For what? For whom?

So where was I? Oh yes, a victory for...

Oh Christ - what's going on? Merry? Can you hear me?

A victory for...

God... This is terrible. Merry's finally lost the plot.

Ah... there you are Zie. You see, instead of trying to look for something weird and wonderful in the world around us - you just have to realise the simple truth.

Er... what simple truth is that?

But you'll never see it, you'll never get it as long as you want it to fit your scheme.

My scheme? I don't have a scheme.

Everyone does.

Do they?

Nothing is perceived to be of any value unless it fits into that scheme. Everything else is ignored, overlooked, rejected, denied, despised or nullified if it fails to slot neatly into allocated spaces.

This makes things sound pretty hopeless, Merry. If we can't even perceive what does not fit our mental scheme, we're most likely screwed.

On the contrary. All is well.

It is?

Yes. Watch this... Merry starts flickering then vanishes, flickers in a spot on the other side of the room, then outside the window, then in the car park behind the wall - and Zie's wondering how he can see that if he's here inside...

You saw, didn't you?

Yes - but how? I can't see through walls.

Obviously not. No one can see through walls, but we've activated the infinity drive. "Things" are no longer what they seem. Our minds are undergoing a creative readjustment process.

I don't think I like the sound of that.

No. It's hardly surprising. But you will love it... and again Merry starts flickering - this time appearing in multiple positions simultaneously, in various degrees of intensity or coherency.

Stop doing that Merry!

Oh, that feels better. You've no idea how uncomfortable it's been living in that ridiculous straight jacket where everything is pre-determined by the rigid mental "ity" scheme, rather than flowing naturally as "Is".

Actually I quite like it when things stay in their proper place.

Yes, notwithstanding the minor inconvenience of planetary annihilation.

You're such a doomsayer Merry. Things always work out in the end you know.

Tell that to the people of Maldek, Mars, Atlantis...

All just imaginary places Merry. You do have a habit of falling for these legends.

In which case, I'm now going to align with the consciousness of one of those so-called legends. You can see what it feels like first hand.

Er... perhaps that's not so wise.

Perhaps not - but I'm done with talking...

Oh Christ - where did he go?

Zie feels the room melting as the heat becomes unbearable. Sickening. A vision of hell. A racial scream as an entire planet falls off the edge into the infernal abyss. Lost. All is lost. Too late. Too late we accepted the simple truth... Too late...

Too late... too late... No... No... - Zie screams, convulsing wildly, writhing, flinging himself into violent contortions, spasms of unutterable terror...

He falls to his knees, sobbing for breath, racked by the grief of an entire planet laid waste, like an aborted foetus - unable to make sense of what has just transpired.

A healing energy washes over Zie as Merry disengages from the frequency of Maldek, reconnecting to the energy field of Mother Terra, Gaia, Earth.

This is not just for us, Zie - it's for them too. They are present here in us. They are appalled by our sickening complacency - for they know where exactly it leads. They expect more from us.

Oh my God...

And we are without a doubt ready to awaken - to re-engage the power of Is. To discard our compulsive obsession with ity - things that seem to matter - a perfectly rational yet soulless scheme that is, ultimately, completely devoid of meaning - despite being a masterpiece of logic and reason. For how can meaning be derived from "it" - whatever it may be? How?

But we can't just discard "it" and trust in the infinite? We'd be lost in the quantum stream and no better off than the people of Maldek.

And what, pray tell, is the quantum stream that you find so fearful - so destructive?

It's a place without refuge...

For those things that you secretly cherish and wish to hold onto. Things like money, status, things like ego and identity... the very things that keep you trapped in a sterile version of reality that lacks heart, that lacks the depths of meaning your soul most needs.

I don't know Merry. I... I'm afraid.

Yes. There's nothing wrong with being afraid. That's natural and a healthy state to be in - it won't kill you. On the contrary - it will carry you into a place of power and light.

You think so?

No, I don't think such things. It's first hand knowledge. Nothing less will do. You have seen. You know. You carry within you the pain, the fear, the racial memory - but also the light, the love, the joy, the gaiety, the infinite bliss of all that is - so may your journey be full to the brim with...

and for once Zie is quite content with three dots - without being told precisely what.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Fixing things is easy - activating your very own infinity drive

Ok... we've been having technical issues with infinity for ages - as in Aeons, as you've probably gathered. Fortunately the embargo has ended. Planetary conscious awareness is now once more able to tune into infinity. But how can you tune into something as vague, vast and voluminous as infinity? Where to start?

Actually it starts mathematically with 0=1.
Infinity based maths is fun to play around with. You don't have to worry about plus or minus... It isn't governed by logic. Logic, you see, works one way with linear causality. Instead of logic we utilise bio-logic - what you might call living or life logic. But more of that another time.

Behind the scenes technicians such as myself have been working tirelessly to bring the infinity drive back online for anyone to connect up and utilise.

What is it? Er... a kind of hyper-dimensional machine - for want of a better word - that enables you to short circuit the protocols of material reality that currently govern your 3D set-up here on Earth. The infinity drive takes you back to creation source code - thus superseding whatever rules, regulations, laws of physics and the likes that appear to hold things in a vice like grip. "Appear" is the operative word - for as soon as you access source code by means of the infinity drive - your laws of physics are no longer relevant. Nor, for that matter, are the millions of laws and regulations that pseudo-governing entities on Earth have been concocting. The infinity drive renders them null and void in the nicest possible way - without violence, conflict or confrontation. More on this subject at a later date.

So, to commence...

Small, practical baby steps.

Suspend your disbelief. Come with me on a journey into conscious awareness, if you will. Understand that doing so is entirely your choice, your responsibility. I can't guarantee you'll be able to come back - even if you later wanted to.

If you've chosen to proceed - may your journey with me and beyond, wherever it takes you - be full of light, joy, wonder and er... love.

Get a piece of paper - unless you're really good at meditation - in which case you can do this visually. Write down the following:

It is - I am
I hereby affirm my clear intention to activate the infinity drive on the count of 3:
1 - 2 - 3
By the power and authority vested in me - the infinity drive is hereby activated and fully operational.

Decorate this important document to make it beautiful, thereby highlighting your serious resolve in this matter. Light a candle if you wish. Invite someone you care about - optional - and read it aloud. Follow your own inner guidance... Play some music if you like - the hallelujah chorus for example, or do whatever feels right to mark and celebrate this historic occasion. Let's be grateful that the long journey through the dark finities of matter has come to an end.

Now, that you've taken this first, seemingly simple step to activate the infinity drive - give yourself time to let it sink in... to ponder the mysteries of infinity - how the infinite can now touch, enter and become a meaningful part of your life. Believe me - it's going to be one helluva journey - in the awesomest sense.

This activation is final and complete. You will notice shifts and permutations throughout the field of consciousness that is referred to as the conscious awareness. Be peaceful and observe these small changes. Trust that the conscious awareness has access to all information, and all the answers will be forthcoming if you allow this wholly natural, beautiful process of attunement and realignment to bring you back to your inter-dimensional senses. Home sweet home, at long last!

In peace and love,

Your infinity drive assistant technician

Merry JDae

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

In which Merry shreds a wad of hundred dollar bills

It’s just if you’ve got nothing better to do I could do with a hand.
Sure thing. What needs doing?
I need a witness.
A what?
Witness. I need a witness. Can you witness what I’m doing please.
Er... yeah, why not.

Merry takes an inch thick wad of hundred dollar bills out of his pocket and feeds them one by one into a paper shredder.
Four minutes later the last one’s gone through.
Thanks Zie. I appreciate the help.
Zie’s kind of struggling to comprehend what he’s just witnessed.
You... er... you just shredded a pile of hundred dollar bills?!
Yeah. 120 if I got the correct number.
120 one hundred dollar bills?!
12 thousand dollars.
Apparently so.
Well, as you’re my witness, unless both of us are delusional then yes, I did. Anything else?
Zie appears to be having problems processing what he’s just witnessed.
Flickers of cognition light up his face momentarily, then die away, like a fire that can’t make up its mind whether to burn or not.
If it’s not a dumb question Merry, could I ask you why?
I don’t know. It’s entirely up to you.
I mean, why did you just shred 12 000 dollars for no apparent reason?
That’s a good question Zie. I’ll answer it just as soon as you tell me why it bothers you.
Why it bothers me? You just shredded 12 thousand dollars and you want to know why it bothers me?
Not particularly, but that would give me reasonable grounds for answering your prior question.
Well isn’t it obvious?
I don’t know Zie. That’s for you to say.
Well, 12 thousand dollars is a lot of money.
Is it?
Er... a helluva lot of money. I can’t believe you just did that Merry. You must be off your rocker.
Ah – now we’re getting somewhere.
I mean – just think of all the good you could’ve done with that money.
Giving it to charity, helping people in need, buying me a new second hand car. Jesus Christ Merry – you just shredded 12 thousand dollars. Why?
You haven’t actually answered the question. You asked me to imagine what I could have done with the money – but I don’t see how that explains why you’re so bothered.
But it’s obvious, isn’t it?
So you tell me.
No one shreds money.
Disproven, I think you’ll agree.
Well, only a lunatic then.
Unless I happen to be of sound mind.
But... what a waste. What a terrible bloody waste Merry. I...
You could’ve helped me spend it, couldn’t you?
No... yes, of course I could, but that’s hardly the point.
Then what is?
Where did you get it from?
The money, Merry.
Oh that. Where does anybody get it from?
The bank, of course.
I didn’t know you had twelve thousand to burn.
To shred.
Ha ha, very amusing.
I didn’t... until this morning.
So this morning you just happened to get your hands on twelve thousand dollars.
And decided to shred it.
Yes. It seemed the wisest thing to do.
Zie’s still struggling to comprehend. Muscles that shouldn’t be living autonomously are twitching in his face – around the eyes, above the mouth, in the cheeks.
How do you do that Zie?
Twitch your muscles like that?
I... I’m not doing anything Merry. I think I need to lie down.
By all means. Stretch yourself out. Is there anything I can get you?
A glass of water would be nice.
But why did you need me to observe?
Not just to observe – to witness it.
Yeah whatever... just tell me why?
To ensure the magic works – certain procedures need to be adhered to. One of which is to have a witness.
Ok... And the magic – what exactly were you hoping to achieve, if it’s not too much to ask?
No, not at all, let me just get your glass of water.
A minute later Merry returns with a glass in his hand. - Here you are Zie.
Zie gulps back the glass and lies on his back trying to...
But you never said where the money came from.
Yes I did.
Well – you said the bank – but how could the money just appear like that in your bank account?
Anything’s possible, Zie.
Of course anything’s possible, but things like that don’t generally happen, do they. And that doesn’t explain why you needed to shred it all.
Ah – well there you’re definitely jumping to conclusions. I never said I “needed to”.
Well why else would you have done it?
That’s the million dollar question Zie. The fact is that I have my reasons, but it’s only fair to point out that "necessity" was not one of them. Think of it more in terms of art – creative destruction you might call it.
So first you were saying it was some kind of magic, now it’s an art installation. You’re not giving much away Merry. Is it really such a big secret?
No Zie. No secret at all. I just have to observe the protocols.
What bloody protocols?
The protocols of indeterminacy - where the infinity drive is concerned... Schrödinger's cat and all that.
You don’t mean to say your blasted infinity drive’s behind all this?
No, I don’t. The infinity drive's just a tool enabling quantum level creativity. But I'm the artist... 
I’m sick of hearing about it Merry. Infinity drive, infinity drive – and what have we got to show for it?
A box full of shredded 100 dollar bills.
What use is that?
None whatsoever. The very essence of the infinity drive... 
A useless machine that causes you to perform random acts of insanity.
A mechanism that realigns the flow of "finities", liberating trapped energies, bringing back planetary alignment when seemingly irrational, witnessed acts disrupt the causal stream, ending the tyranny of logic and reason.
It looks like all you’ve achieved is to substitute the tyranny of stupidity for the tyranny of logic and reason. Fat difference that’s gonna make.
Switch on the TV. Have a look what’s happening in the world. Go ahead... let's see if it worked.
Wars... An economic crisis... The usual stream of... what the hell?
You see!
And you think that’s connected? Oh come on, get real!
Of course it’s connected.
It’s just a random coincidence. How could shredding 12 000 dollars achieve that?
That's all it takes Zie - a minor hiccup in the causal stream. Every thing is connected as you're aware, so it's easy to affect the whole just as soon as you create an opening - a minor but meaningful disruption in the causal stream. Do something that seems completely and utterly illogical with the money as I did just now - shredding a pile of cash with you as my witness - and we momentarily collapsed the chain of causality. That enables something infinitely more powerful - the quantum field of conscious awareness to jump in the air, do a backwards somersault, yell “whoopee!” and the next thing you know the entire banking system extends a debt jubilee to every man, woman and child on the planet. Welcome to the age of infinity – where anything goes – just as long as any thing is.
Is what?
Just is. “What” is merely a matter of your perception, your interpretation.
Well, you’ve got balls, Merry, is all I can say.

Faery balls Zie, but that’s another story for another day.