Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The great unzipping

You mean to say that three words can bring the entire world to a standstill?
I expect you're going to say that's preposterous!
I was if you hadn't interrupted me.
My apologies Zie.
Somehow I doubt the sincerity of your apology Merry. You seem to take a cruel delighted in thwarting my sense of reasonableness.
No more than you seem to take a delight in insisting that reality should fit within your sense of what is reasonable.
Well we have to have some yardstick of what makes sense or what is reasonable, don't we, otherwise we'd be believing all kinds of nonsense.
Such as?
Oh you know... aliens on Mars... er, fairies... er... can't think of any more.
You could try believing all the pseudo science that's being taught these days - such as human civilisation being only a few thousand years old, such as gravity being the force that holds the universe together, or another one I like - that it's impossible to travel faster than the speed of light. All of these laws are only true based on the information currently available. It's like reading the first six pages of a nice long novel, and trying to deduce and extrapolate from those the rest of the novel.
So, you think we should just  believe anything, fairies and all.
I don't see what you've got against fairies.
I have nothing against them. How can I have something against imaginary creatures that don't in fact exist?
Well, you fail to realise you have the power to conjure anything, including elemental beings, from the vacuum of infinity.
The what?
The vacuum of infinity. It's full of infinite potentiality, and as soon as you start imagining or saying something does or doesn't exist - whether positive or negative it matters not - your words and thoughts ripple through the vacuum ensuring that the fairy template is now part of the universal template. What that means is fairies do in fact exist.
Just because I said they didn't.
Yes and no. You see, looking at it another way - you can only say something doesn't exist if there's already something in existence going by that name for you to deny and repudiate.
That's what you say Merry - but I personally think that's ridiculous.
Yes. I'm not surprised.
You're not?
No. In your place I'd think the same.
What's that supposed to mean?
Well, supposing I was a snowman... I'd make it my business to say that green meadows filled with flowers was a ridiculous notion.
Oh - so you watched "Frozen" too, did you. I don't see the connection. I'm not threatened by fairies per se. I'm not going to melt and turn into a puddle if they somehow exist.
No, but the world view that you represent, or might I say "occupy", which you identify with is totally at odds with the existence of fairies. You yourself - the biological entity, the flesh and blood human being that you are - can in fact believe in fairies, aliens, 9/11 conspiracies and anything under the sun, because these are just things which you choose to either work with conceptually or deny. They do not alter the fact that you are a flesh and blood human being. You are infinitely more than the concepts, ideas or beliefs that pass through your mind's halls of association.
My what?
Your mind has halls of association - it forms associations between various things, ideas, concepts and beliefs - in accordance with your world view. If you have an expansive world view then there will be very little that is off limits and excluded. If, on the other hand, you have a closed world view, there will be many things, concepts, ideas or beliefs which are necessarily excluded because they threaten or contradict the narrowness of your world view.
But why would I choose to have a narrow world view?
You may need to.
You may have suffered emotional, mental, psychology or even psychic trauma which you're not yet ready, willing or able to deal with. It may be a matter of survival. Your delicate psyche, your endangered or threatened ego may require you to wage a war against things that seem to undermine it.
Oh. Is that so? So it's all about trauma?
No, not only trauma - but trauma's definitely a major part of the problem. It could also be that you're a narrow minded prig.
Damn it Merry - do you have to make fun of me. I'm trying very hard to sort this out. I don't want to be unnecessarily prejudiced.
Ok Zie. I apologise, but sometimes it's just too hard to resist. Just consider the irony of you telling me you don't believe in fairies... Merry's unable to repress his laughter and ends up rolling on the ground clutching his sides in pain. Ouch - that hurts. Sorry about that Zie. I couldn't help it.
Couldn't help what? I don't see what's so funny. Why don't you explain.
Oh don't, don't Zie. It's too much! Merry groans as he again gives in to the body shaking laughter, and something happens - like a glitch in the matrix. At some point Zie notices... but can't say what - rubs his eyes in alarm. Something inside him is suddenly terribly afraid - so afraid he can't even turn aside or run, but something else in him - another part of his nature which he usually keeps under close guard comes to the fore. This part of his nature - the reckless, wild spirited, free part of Zie is filled with delight, is ecstatic - you mean to say you're one of them? You're a fairy?
Me, a fairy? Don't be ridiculous! and poor Merry shakes and sobs in convulsions of laughter and... some pain. But Zie sees a kind of double vision - and there's a fuzzy side to Merry which looks decidedly elf-like.

An elf? You're an elf?
Merry carries on laughing - is having real problems breathing. Zie's getting concerned. What is it? he thinks to himself. What's so funny? Why the hysterics? Why the convulsive... something... something unexpected, unknown, unprecedented - Zie feels something like a zip sliding open and a part of himself unfolding. No!! the staid, straight-laced part of him cries aghast. No!! Back. Get back in. I'm not. Not. It isn't possible. It can't be. It's unacceptable. It's...
Demonic? Is that what you're afraid of.
Yes, God damn it. Demonic. It's demonic. It's an aberration. It shouldn't be. Can't be. Mustn't be. I won't allow it.
Won't? Even if it is? Even if nature demands it?
Nature be damned. I'm a human being, not a freak, not a monster, a beast, a wight...
No Zie. You simply are - above all form, all description, all definition, and yet the elemental being is a fundamental part of your nature - like it or not. Denial of this has been a major part of the tragedy now unfolding on Earth - our repression of all that is elemental in the name of progress, our slavish devotion to technology and materialism, our insistence on rationalism, logic and a world view that denies the other side of the equation - the other side of Is. Where do you think all these repressed fears come from - fear of spiders, snakes, bats...
Because they're repulsive, evil things of the night. Dark and twisted, abominations.
Ah... and yet they are - and denying them twists you up in knots, preventing you from being wholehearted, at peace, and one with yourself.
I can't face it Merry. It's too...
Horrific? Repulsive? Look at what's happening to the Earth. It's burning Zie. It's nearly all gone. All the noblest species are all but extinct in the wild. There's nothing left. The oceans are half dead, our ground water polluted, the soil, the air... disaster stares us in the face wherever we look. If that isn't horrific then I don't know what is. Believe me, there's nothing repulsive about facing the isness - mother nature within yourself no less than outside, allowing both sides to have their say - to reach a state of balance and harmony. That's the only way you're going to achieve balance and harmony in the world. The only way - by confronting your worst nightmare - your supposed demon - and discovering that it's merely a matter of perception, of form - that in fact, in truth, in essence you're neither one nor t'other.
Neither human nor abomination?
Neither one side nor the other... both... either... neither. This is the holy trinity. Once you allow the two to be - simply to be whatever they truly are - then the third emerges from the shadows and the two are subsumed into it. You thus transcend your whatness and rise into your isness. Ascension.
You call it ascension? Like it's a spiritual awakening?
What else could it be? You think you can have spiritual awakening as long as you're denying your fundamental nature - a part of what you are? You think it's enough to pray or meditate while you're secretly terrified of letting the genie out of the bottle - terrified that people will discover your ugly little secret - terrified that you're in fact a monster, an aberration, an abomination..?
Peace, Zie. Be at peace and know the simple truth - that all form is merely form. All things, merely things. All that you think - merely an exchange between the two sides of consciousness - that which you've chosen to accept and work with, and that which you've hidden away, suppressed, denied. Well now we've reached the end of that process. The great unzipping - I call it - somewhat irreverently I hasten to add - and it feels a lot like splitting your sides - somewhat painful as you observed, but full of laughter and emotional release which keeps the pain down to a minimum.
And this is now happening?
Yes. Everyone's going through it right now. The great unzipping is brought forth by this - by these words, this story, your participation and mine - and the denial that we never even imagined was part of our very formation - that helped make us human - which is now redundant, obsolete, trinitied - for the third is stirring, making itself felt, bringing the two back into line with each other. Fight that if you will - I think it's fair to say it's a battle you're destined to lose - and so be it!

Hallelujah and all that!
Cuckoo la la
It is I am

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