Sunday, September 27, 2015

Binaural beating around the bush

Supposing every thought we think, every word we write or speak, every thing we do...
Redefines reality.
Yes. The idea is that reality is plastic or infinitely fluid. It's a field of information. It responds to everything and anything. It continues to respond every second. Every second it assimilates the new data in the field and realigns, adjusts, reorganises itself.
Well - let's test it.
By working directly with the field. By programming it, tuning it, playing it like an instrument.
This is how.
Er... you're not doing anything.
Precisely what?
Not doing anything is infinitely more powerful that doing something. Bear in mind that people are constantly doing things, and feel compelled to do so.
By not doing we can start to feel how the field connects into our Self - how we are a part of it - how it is a part of us.
And nothing.
Things are merely the end product. Nothing is the matter of this field.
Nothing is the matter?
Yes. Infinity is nothing. Infinity is no thing, or every thing, or any thing - for that matter.
And what? Where is this all leading.
Back home. Back to source. Back to is.
To is?
Yes. The uncollapsed wave form. The thing that is not what.
Usually when we observe some thing or any thing - the act of observation - the mere fact collapses the wave form of Is - and you have something definite as a result - in the famous double slit experiment either a particle or a wave. We have a quantity - a finite - a something or other - all because we bothered to look - to observe. Such is the power of observation. Such is function of consciousness as we know it - to push things either one way or the other - to either side of the quantum fence.
Why? Have you never wondered why we're constantly leaving a trail of finiteness wherever we gaze, and what that achieves?
Er... no. I can't say I've ever given it a moment's thought.
Our act of observation polarises infinity giving us instead reality.
So that's our function - you're implying - to transform infinity into reality?
Partly. You see, translating infinity into reality achieves nothing if there isn't a reverse flow of data - a kind of feedback which flows back again into infinity.
And is there?
Yes. Haven't you guessed?
Er... you mean the way we see things as things?
Precisely - our awareness of reality. So our awareness flows the other way - transmitting the finite thing that our consciousness helped materialise, back into infinity - thus completing one cycle, one rotation of conscious-awareness.
Exactly. You see - without our awareness flowing back into the field that is infinity - nothing matters, nothing is in fact real, nothing in fact exists. Notice must be given - consciousness must primed for another cycle, another journey back into the plain of matter.
So this is all a fairly predictable progression?
Yes and no. You see - we can observe in subtly different ways. We can observe more left or right - more male or female, more matter or more spirit - and doing so affects the outcome of the double slits experiment.
Then what?
Conscious-awareness and reality are - hand in hand - so to speak - until we become aware of this.
Of what?
Of the fact that our conscious-awareness is both sides of reality - at its inception and its close.
Yes. Reality is like a heart beat. It isn't in fact continuous. It closes with each cycle or rotation.
It does?
Absolutely. You can and should test this by applying your conscious-awareness to a control subject within reality - anything will do - a stone if you like - and with a little practice it should become abundantly clear that you're a part of an on-off process - that reality itself does not and cannot exist independently of you, or the consciousness that you live-stream.
So if that's true - what are you saying? What does it mean?
Once you become aware of your centrality - then you no longer need to move objects around the board as if they're really there. You can simply change how you're observing until you match the resonant frequency of those objects - until you allow consciousness and awareness to balance one another without yourself getting personally involved. That should be sufficient.
For what?
To go quantum.
Which means what?
The opposite.
Er... what do you mean by that?
I mean not what.
Not what?
Yes. The opposite of what.
Christ Merry - can't you be a little more clear in your use of language.
The opposite of what is "not what". "What" refers to the thingification of matter - how our consciousness tips the finities into matter on one side or t'other of the quantum fence. Going quantum, as I put it, means observing without doing this.
Without doing what?
Precisely - without tipping the finities into matter - without collapsing the wave form. Without in fact doing.
And? What does that achieve?
A new operational level in which we're no longer bound by the laws of matter. It enables us to play off one potential reality against another in a kind of parallel processing - a bit like the way binaural beats react in our brain to create a third sound that doesn't exist elsewhere.

So all of a sudden whole new areas of experience and potentiality open up. All of a sudden we're able to work with the finities at a whole new level.
Finities? What finities are you referring to Merry?
The almost stuff, almost matter, suggestive potentialities of the quantum field - before our consciousness has knocked it either side of the fence.
Well, we can spread our wings and fly with the finities.
We can? Speaking figuratively of course.
Speaking figuratively of course, but the magic of this quantum level is that it translates into a real world experience of actual flight.
But how can that be? How can there be a real world experience of reality if we haven't knocked the finities either side of the fence?
Because there's always going to be some kind of perception. There's always just enough friction. There's always another level where it's as good as real - as the binaural beats demonstrate.
So you're saying we can actually fly - physically - when we start interacting with the quantum field?
Yes. I'm saying that we can't avoid flying - because what you think of as gravity is reversed.
Oh my God. I'm not sure I like the sound of that!
Out of the frying pan into the fire! But you have a kind of brake mechanism. You can add as much gravity as you like by mixing in a bit of the old way of seeing - by partially collapsing the wave form - by nearly thinging infinity.
"Nearly thinging infinity"! You make it sound so simple.
If only you realised the complexity of what you're already doing in your oft maligned material reality... The only thing missing is the awareness of how you are a two way membrane - a two way flow that holds everything in the balance. Once this awareness takes root - it's just a matter of trial and error - like a baby learning to walk. All of a sudden you open up the other side of reality - the place I'm calling infinity - and infinity completely alters your perception of reality. All of a sudden things start making sense not as things presently do, in terms of what they are, but as a balance that beggars all description - which transcends the mind where "what" matters. All of a sudden you become aware of the other side that has been so lacking here in material reality.
The other side of what? Material reality?
The other side of perception. The other which reveals the harmony throughout... The harmony which has never, in fact, been lacking or absent - no matter what, no matter how - no matter.

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