Friday, November 28, 2014

Dragons and leprechauns - journalling the shift

Sometimes you fail to realise how much things have changed because you're caught up in the minutiae.

Journalling is one way of dealing with this. Keep a journal of the quantum shift, if you like. Write about the little things (or big things) you're experiencing, discovering or remembering.

Definitely start with yourself and your own experiences. Do so with a sense of wonder - for we're living in an age of wonders in which nothing is quite what it seems, no thing is completely off-limits. Practice noticing the small things that we tend to overlook, or ignore, that are signs of your shifting consciousness, of your raising conscious awareness.

What kind of things?

Oh, anything you like. I started noticing the birds a few years ago, and how their flight seems to be telling me something. I don't necessarily know what exactly it's saying - but that doesn't stop me recognising a flight formation, a moving pattern overhead, and just sensing that it's communicating something outside my normal awareness frequency band. If I agree to be open to whatever it is, and don't criticise myself for not having an immediate answer, then it's just a matter of time before I learn to read this new language. Clouds too - then can tell you stuff, as can anything else.

But where's the wonder in that?

It seems small, doesn't it, and insignificant, but you start sensing this interconnectedness. I first noticed it because birds would repeatedly fly overhead in order to come between me and the sun. I mean, you can't fail to notice that if it happens time and time again, can you? Then there was a crow that tapped me on the head as it flew over - I'll put the poem down below if you're interested. Actually, that wasn't the only crow to tap my head. So that was like "first contact"... first awareness that the birds are actively working with us and playing a part in our raising conscious awareness.

But this is just noticing stuff that we previously failed to see. It's a far cry from the so called magik that you've been promising us, isn't it?

Well, like all good scientists we need to start with careful observation, and without a journal the mind tends to play tricks on us, erasing or diminishing stuff that doesn't corroborate its template or story.

Er... I wasn't aware the mind has an agenda?

Well obviously it does. How else do you think we're able to function in this limited 3D awareness. The mind has to filter, police and censor quite heavily what we're absorbing. Anyway, discerning observation helps us to become increasingly aware of what the mind's been trying to hide from us, and that's when we start to become aware of the magiks.

Magiks? What's that?

Or they? you might ask. It's the field of magik we're living in: a wholly different way of perceiving reality, almost a parallel reality, in which the creative power, the force we refer to as "story" in 3D reality, takes centre stage.

But story's just fiction!

Yes, that's how it's perceived in 3D reality, but once you start to sense everything you've hitherto been blocking, filtering and denying, you realise there's another process at work... A process which requires careful study. It's like you're back in the first grade again. It's humbling to say the least. That's why magik is nothing like what you imagine it's going to be. It involves a quantum shift into an entirely different mindset... one in which everything is interconnected at the quantum level... in which we are not what we presently think we are. This is all about shifting perception, and allowing one model of reality to be replaced by another less hateful, less based on denial... more open to the fundamental magik of life itself!

So magik is real once we shift realities?

Oh yes, of course it is, but we were conditioned not to see it. You wouldn't believe the extent to which we don't see stuff - UFOs, fairies, orbs and...

Hold on Merry - we don't see these things because they don't exist.

Precisely. Catch 22. They don't exist until you start seeing them.

No, that's not what I meant. They simply don't exist.

Of course they don't, unless they do. It all depends on your conscious awareness.

No Merry, it depends on your level of sanity.

Fair enough. Look Zie, no one's asking you to see anything you don't want to. If you do see anything interesting, first of all test whether it's real or not.


Well, real things tend to appear more than once.

So do delusions.

Yes, but you have to test intelligently. It isn't necessary to sell this to other people. We're not looking for fame or attention, we're simply journalling the effects of the shift in consciousness in a sober, down-to-earth, matter of fact way, from our heart.

Well I hardly think writing about the dragons you saw flying down main street is sober or down-to-earth.

Ironic isn't it... These things seem fantastic because we've unlearnt how to see them, but if you think about it mathematically, you realise they have to exist.

They do? What kind of mathematics is that?


Oh God Merry. That's the end of any rational conversation... The mathematics of insanity.

Not so. Our math has to recognise and incorporate the life factor - the factor that consciousness is, in fact, infinite. Once you do that, once you've established the basics - what I call your alpha-omega points, then you can be as rational as you like.


Well, you start by recognising that conscious awareness is basically an infinity drive...

A what?

Well, I call it an infinity-drive because it gives you, a seemingly finite being, direct access to the infinite.  So, obviously, once that's been established, and you're no longer bound by finite so called "material reality" there's absolutely no point attaching too much importance to any one version of reality. The reality you're living in and experiencing is to a large extent consensual.

It is? Er... what does that mean?

What does what mean?

What you just said, that reality is to a large extent "consensual"?

Well, there's the consensus that people have more or less agreed to agree on, which means that anything outside that consensus is taboo and largely invisible.

You mean we only see what we've agreed to see?

Yes, that's generally true. Sometimes people see more, but their minds tend to filter out those things - making you forget them, encouraging you to ignore them. That's why keeping a journal's a good idea.

Ok... so if I keep a journal I'm going to start seeing weird and wonderful stuff, you're saying?

Not necessarily, but keeping a journal sends a message to your self that you're ready to audit and scrutinise what is, rather than simply accepting at face value what seems to be.

But why would I need to send a message to myself?

To let your Self know that you're open to change... that you're ready to investigate reality, and take a greater interest in what you're actually experiencing, as opposed to what you think you've been experiencing.

And what does that achieve - sending this message?

Well, you're essentially the boss. Once you announce to your self that you wish to make your life a little more scientific...

Scientific!! You're saying seeing dragons and leprechauns is scientific?

No, I'm saying the scientist isn't prevented from seeing what he or she is actually seeing. The scientist makes a conscious effort to be open-minded and eliminate prejudice.

Ok - fair enough.

So, we eliminate prejudice, and we're now coming from an awareness that reality, while appearing to be contained, "normal" and finite, is actually floating in the quantum stream.

The what?

Well, I call it the quantum stream. I like the name, don't you?

Not really - it sounds incomprehensible.

Which is precisely what it is, but not in a nasty way... You see, within the quantum stream all the things you take for granted, such as reality itself, including your house, your car, even your body, actually exist in superstates - not as "things" but as parallel and competing potentialities.

Not as things? You mean my house isn't really a house?

Not really - well - in 3D reality yes - it's real as you already know - but once you realise that 3D reality is floating in the quantum stream... then nothing is quite what it seems. Your house, for instance, can be both house and not-house, which is the zero aspect of "house".

Oh God, Merry, this is doing my head in.

Yes - that's the trouble with heads - they like to have everything neatly fixed in place, and yet your consciousness is not bound by walls, a floor or ceiling.

But that's just my consciousness which is floaty and insubstantial. The things around me are real enough, aren't they?

True, no one's disputing that, but the quantum stream flows through everything, which means that anything is, in fact, possible.

How? Why? What's the quantum stream got to do with anything? I've lived perfectly well without it all my life. Why does it need to come and complicate things now?

It doesn't have to do anything... it simply is, but you can continue as before and resist the rising tide of conscious awareness if you so choose, but if your sense of wonder, your sense of magik grows a little stronger, you'll start to notice things that you didn't notice before. For example, you might notice the walls of your room bending or moving... or you may find that your room has turned inside out and you have an experience which later you rationalise away as a "waking dream", in which you found yourself sitting outside in a meadow by a river with some friends...

Well, you yourself admit my reason will sort it out for me, so what's the problem?

No problem. We just want to calmly document the occurrence and frequency of these intriguing episodes, all of which are manifestations of the quantum stream enabling us to experience our erstwhile single/ fixed reality in other ways, at different frequencies.

Ok - so I don't need to freak out if I have a vivid imagination and start hallucinating... I can blame it on the quantum stream and that er... what did you call it?

Infinity drive.

Yes, that's the one! Sounds impressive... so instead of keeping myself in order, applying a little restraint to my vivid imagination, you think I should let it run wild and take me where it will?

Ah Zie, who am I to say what you should or should not do? I can, however, empathise. I admit it's natural to feel a little fear and trepidation when you discover that something you assumed was solid and dependable is not in fact so. Remember what it was like when, as a child, you discovered your parents are not infallible, or when you realised you aren't going to live forever? It kind of takes the rug from under your feet. We like to depend on little certainties, do we not, and for a while they seem to serve us well, until we outgrow them.

So why go down that path? Why encourage an LSD attitude to reality - where anything goes? How can that be sober?

Well, I certainly don't want to encourage you to start imagining stuff that's unreal - unless you wish to create something magical as a writer or artist might, but that's different.

Then what?

We've been denying the simple truth.

Which is?

0=1. It is - I am.

Simple?! You call that simple?

Well... yes. It's really very simple, just as soon as you stop thinking.

!!! I thought Descartes, the great philosopher, said "I think, therefore I am."

Yes, he did.

So why then do you want me to stop thinking?

Actually I don't want you to anything. I'm answering your question. The answer makes perfect sense as long as you don't try to understand it in terms of what it's not.

Explain, if you would Merry.

Well, 0=1 or "It is I am" is simple as long as you accept the infinite, present throughout. If you can't/ won't/ don't accept the infinite, then your mind will throw a tantrum whenever you're presented with the basic formula of that which is.

So I'm throwing a tantrum, you're saying?

No, you're quite calm, but you've been taught and brought up to operate more-or-less exclusively from within your rational 3D mind... and thus it takes a little gentle practice to learn to relax, and let go.


It's a bit like someone learning to do yoga or to meditate. If you want to do it - you can and will - the stillness is within you and you'll access it just as soon as you've proven to yourself that you're ready to do so. A little self-discipline and some patience are all it takes.

So, this is a different way of thinking?

Kind of. Actually, it's the same way of thinking, just a different mind.

Er... how can I have a different mind. I've only got one brain you know.

Not true. Your brain has two halves which are quite different, though connected, and there are various brain waves that give you different experiences of conscious awareness, so there's a lot more to the mind than meets the eye.

Ok. So, you're suggesting I need to move beyond the 3D mind, and again I ask you why - if I'm living quite happily in 3D reality?

No, I'm not suggesting you have to, I'm merely answering your preceding question, but if you yourself are ready to do so, to shift into your quantum, non-localised mind, then it's not at all difficult, and it can be a fun, engaging learning process... a journey of discovery.

But how will I know if I'm ready or not? I don't want to be goaded into this by you or anyone else.

Certainly not. Be your own master. Feel what is right for you. It's a question of integrity. If you can continue living in the old paradigm and wish to do so, if you're happy there, then why change what's working well? There's no need to start looking under the bonnet of your car, or inside your computer's hard drive if everything's running smoothly.

Then what? Why this sudden urge to start questioning the fundamentals if doing so might shake potentially harmful apples from the tree of knowledge?

Or the tree of life? Good question Zie. No need to do anything, as I've already said, until the foetus outgrows the womb and has to start confronting the what next - the great beyond. Besides, contrary to what you just said, I'm not in fact questioning the fundamentals...

No? You could have fooled me!

... which have always been hidden from sight by the great taboo.

What great taboo are you talking about?

What we agreed not to see and not to know... in order to create our consensusal reality.

So if you're not questioning them, what are you doing?

I'm establishing them.


The fundamentals.

You are?

Yes. The scientists in our old materiality paradigm never could establish the fundamentals - because they couldn't really accept what simply is... the essentially boundless nature of the conscious awareness.

I'm not surprised... it sounds like a load of bunkum.

Yes, but without incorporating the infinite into your model, you can't explain how anything originates... life itself, for that matter. You either have to resort to God being the instigator, or say it was just a cosmic accident waiting to happen - and then suddenly - BANG - the powder keg of unmaterialised, undifferentiated reality exploded into being.

Ok Merry - science has its problems, I'll admit that, but your version seems to be equally absurd - in which anything goes, no matter what, because it's all just "consensual". You're throwing out the kitchen sink with the baby, don't you think?

Yes, I might be, but what I'm really doing is following my heart, and my heart says that life is truly WonderFul, truly AmaZing, and that there's a cosmic force holding everything together that we refer to as Love. I'm Excited by this. I want to learn more... and keeping a journal of my quantum shift is a good way to keep myself grounded and encourage requisite scientific observation. Then I can look back as time passes, and have a clearer perception of how things are progressing.

Or maybe your real motivation is in order to speed the process up - to accelerate it?

I don't think it can be accelerated. Heart and mind need to remain in balance, which means I have to be dispassionate, calm, detached - otherwise I'll fail to see the real wonders, the real magik.

And what might they be?

Truly, I cannot say. Words have their limits you know.

Oh, how depressing.

Why so? The frequency of words and the mind that plays with them prevents us from accessing the natural flow of isness... the simple, magical joy of being...

Being what?

Just being with a capital B, which is our inestimable birthright.

and here's the Crow, if you're not averse to verse...

The crow

Welcome to the world of crow
Where night is white, where black is snow.

Crow’s song is “caw”, an ugly sound,
But “caw” is more like clapping hands
For crows to show they understand.
It’s not their real way of talking,
Oh no, they use a language of walking,
A tapping and scratching and shuffling of feet
Is the way that they chat whenever they meet.

Walking down the street one day
I strolled a stroll along the way.
A crow decided this was wrong,
It didn’t like my footsteps’ song,
So swooping down it flew right at me,
With wing or claw it gently tapped me
On the head, with startling speed,
Causing me to bob and weave,
But more than that, I knew that crow
Required a magic dance, and so
I started leaping up and down
For crow to see me play the clown,
Stamping my feet upon the ground.
While this made passing people frown
Who didn’t like my antics wild
And thought that I was being a child,
The crow knew better, “cawed” and smiled,
It liked my dance, it heard my walk
And saw, though human, I could talk.
For crows are sure beyond all doubt
That people have no brains at all,
Our feet seem dumb, they hear us shout,
But think we’re merely trying to caw.

So let crow know that you can talk,
You’ll have to learn a funny walk,
And one more thing, try not to stare,
For human eyes are known to scare,
Like danger signs they warn “beware”.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Re-tuning the universe

Don't you think you're overstating things Merry?

       Merry says nothing. Looks calmly, impassively at Zie.

I mean, who are you to think it's your responsibility to retune the entire universe?

     Merry continues peeling the potatoes, apparently unperturbed.

The universe! Get a sense of perspective Merry. Come down to Earth for a moment... Think about it - the vastness of space... billions of galaxies... and you - a barely noticeable dot on an insignificant planet, somewhere in the Milky Way.

     Zie grows somewhat impatient. He feels it's his responsibility to bring Merry's ego back to manageable proportions... but Merry seems to be impervious to his attentions.

Actually it's hundreds of billions.

Hundreds of billions?

Of galaxies.

Well there you go... oughten you to focus on something a little more... realistic.

Yes, I see what you mean, the universe is rather extreme, but I noticed things slipping out of balance recently.

You did?

Yes. At first I thought it was me. I noticed that the world didn't quite seem to be right. Too much fighting, killing, too much anger... I felt I must have gone wrong somewhere. You know the way children blame themselves for the mistakes of others - like if their parents split up.

So you were blaming yourself for the troubles in this world?

Oh yes. Lots of people do that. It's quite normal in fact.

It is?

Oh yes... but then I realised that, though I'm partially to blame...

Wait a second - how can you be partially to blame - if you're miniscule and the universe is endlessly vast?

Because it's all fractal Zie. Whatever I am extends out beyond my personal space, to the very edge of the universe and back. It's a kind of feedback loop.

But how can it be, if there are billions of other individuals on the planet?

Well firstly we are not as individual as we seem to be, and secondly, the universe is not quite as physical as it appears, more of a hologram really.

And, what does that signify?

Well, it means that my universe is really just my extended allness, my extended space, my personal or, dare I say it, personalised reality.

But if that's the case, then your universe could be completely different from mine.

Precisely... and you'd never know it.

Yes I would.


Because I know you. If your universe was radically different you'd say something...

And you'd not believe me. For example, in my universe there are elves, gnomiki, unicorns and other magic creatures.

Yes, but that's just your vivid imagination, isn't it?

And in my universe, it is - I am: One, meaning there's an infinite relationship between the whole and the I am that I am, strange though it may seem.

Yes, but that's just your, dare I say it, delusion.

Precisely! You see, even if it's true what I'm saying - if my reality is different from yours, then so is my universe. You wouldn't be able to accept it because it isn't true in yours.

But you're not going to tell me the planets and stars are different in your universe?

Well, they might be - for in mine they're all conscious, and there's life everywhere you turn. It's teeming with life and consciousness, positively overflowing with it.

I see - Zie looks perturbed. Sometimes I worry about you Merry. Your ideas are so... out of step with scientific empiricism.

Yes, quite different, but that's ok. Diversity's a wonderful thing.

If you say so...

     Zie now spends a moment or two lost in thought, then continues...

But if your universe is truly what you say it is, and you're in fact able to re-tune it, then shouldn't that affect everyone and everything?

Of course it does.

But then why don't things suddenly improve, if you're able to re-tune the universe?

Well, as you yourself said, I'm not the only one... but who says they don't improve?

Well there are still wars being fought, aren't there?

Yes, but if I achieve what I call "grand cosmic resonance" then one of two things will happen...


Either the wars will cease, or I'll shift into a different version of reality in which they no longer happen.

Oh. Like quitting, is it? Fleeing the sinking vessel?

No Zie, it's like either-or. Ultimately, it's always a case of what's meant to be. Bear in mind that when we act with gentleness and love, we do so in harmony with the whole.

What hole are you referring to?

The "whole"! The entire universe... the allness... the isness of be... all different ways of saying the same thing.

Sounds a bit like God, to me.

Well yes, you can call it God - nothing wrong with that - just some people freak out when you talk about God - because of all the religious conflict we've experienced in times past.

Ok... so your aim is either to sort out the universe, or leave it altogether if it can't be reformed... is that right?

Oh Zie... if I had an aim I would be striving for something based on my ego... What would that achieve? It would just be more of the same. More temporary respites. Band-aids on the suppurating flesh wound of our tortured humanity.

So what then?

I'm not aiming. I'm being.

Being what?

Being free. Being true to myself. Being, magically.

Magically? Like this is a magic trick you're trying to pull off?

No. Like "being" is the most natural, noble, wonderful way I can experience what is... and engage with all that is - with the entire universe.

But we're all being, aren't we.

Yes. We are. But very often we trying to be "something" or someone - not necessarily being our true self, our highest self. Sometimes we're afraid to be magically.

Well I'm not surprised - I mean magic's just an illusion. A trick for gullible children. It's hard work that counts, not magic.

Yes, hard work counts, but life itself is magical beyond words.

Well of course it is, if you look at the beauty of nature, or the magic of a child being born...

No Zie, I'm talking about everyday life... every moment... everything that life is.

So sitting on a train going to work in the morning is magical, you're saying?

It can be. It is, if you're willing to experience the magic of life, if you're willing to reconnect with the whole...

With the entire universe? Don't you think that's a bit much as you travel from Farnham to Waterloo at 7.30 am?

Yes, of course it's a bit much, if you've chosen to live a life devoid of magic. It's a free choice and no one can say it's wrong, but if, on the contrary, you've chosen to experience the magic of life, if you've chosen the grand adventure of Is - and you're willing to experience your connectedness to the entire universe at any moment in time, then no thing can be ordinary, for in every little thing is a microcosm of the entirety... every moment is a crystallisation of eternity.

Oh God Merry, you're a hopeless romantic.

Yes, aren't I just? But I also have to be ruthlessly pragmatic and down to earth.

You do?

Oh yes... How else could I re-tune the universe?

Well, I hate to say it, Merry, but I suspect you're being delusional.

That's a reasonable suspicion, I agree.

There you go! Even you admit I'm right.

No, I admit it's a reasonable suspicion, without any evidence to invalidate it.

And what? You have evidence that proves me wrong?

I wouldn't say it proves you wrong... I'd say that what seems to be reasonable can still be utterly wrong, and inevitably is so, if and when the magic of life has been brought into play.

There you go again, talking about the magic of life. It's a metaphor Merry. It doesn't prevent the laws of reason from operating.

Of course it doesn't, if you've chosen to live in a world where the laws of reason are inviolable... but that's the same as saying you've chosen to live in a world where the magic of life's been excluded... or where it's been relegated to some secondary level - nothing more than a metaphor.

Well if you're so insistent, why not show me what you can do? Why not go ahead and re-tune the damn universe and give me a glimpse of your magic?

Oh Zie! It isn't my magic. It has to be universal. Of course I'll show you, but it won't be much fun if you ask me to do it for you.

Whyever not?

Because that's like trying to mix water and oil. You see, you have enormous power over your own consciousness, and if you've chosen to live within tight and fixed boundaries, it's not for me or anyone else to challenge them. We have to respect your decision and honour your territorial integrity.

Oh, that's nice to know.

But if you're willing to lower your usual defences and come for a walk in a forest, so to speak, where the usual rules do not necessarily apply, then you might be pleasantly surprised to discover things...

What kind of things?

Things that are waiting to be discovered... Things that lie outside the magic-less reality we have created for ourselves.

Like what?

Like anything... whatever takes your fancy, just don't ask me to invent anything - these things need to be experienced rather than discussed.

So you're asking me to come to cuckoo land with you?

No, Zie, I'm not asking. I'm merely suggesting that there's more than the strict letter of the law we've been living under. The law of reason has been a useful tool, but it's spawned a somewhat grim and mechanistic reality in which matter seems to matter.

Of course matter matters... but so does love, and imagination, sport and play... not only matter.

Excellent. Well love and imagination and play are in a sense, exactly what I'm talking about.

They are?

Yes, they help us loosen the grip of matter, to reconnect with something bigger and more beautiful... to bring a little magic into our lives... and you can see how our lives have been enriched by theatre...

And movies...

And sport and so many other forms of recreation, which are not strictly utilitarian in the sense of reason and pragmatism, but which, with time, have come to be seen as life enhancing.

Fair enough, Merry, but you can understand why I baulk at "magic" and weird stuff like "tuning the universe".

Yes, it's a bit far from what you're comfortable with, and so I don't ask you to join in. But I won't lie to you if you ask me a direct question, as you did, and I won't refuse, if you ask to come along and join me on one of my magical journeys, if I feel you're open to share in my experience.

And if I'm not?

Then I'll respect your "not". No one has the right to push you beyond what you choose to experience.

But you're making it sound like I'm backward looking or reactionary.

No Zie, I'm being practical. Each has his own world, his own reality. They intersect with others - like a Venn diagram, and we can share the experience of others if the intersect allows it.

And if it doesn't?

Then we move on - and accept the disconnect.

But that's like an admission of failure.

Is it?

Yes. Don't you care?

Should I?

Well yes.

But why? If the universe is nearly infinite, and I'm a tiny, insignificant part of it, then I have to accept my limitations. All I can do is tune myself to its vastness... When I do so, when I tune in to the infinite around me, I discover that it's not the same as the 3D reality I appear to be living in - that there's more to it all than initially meets the eye, and this I refer to as magic. The allness or the whole you see, confound the limited picture that reason and our five senses weave around us. I'm not saying they're wrong, not at all. They are right, and the picture is true in the limited sense, but once I go beyond the limited, reconnecting with all that is... no, they fail me, I have to loosen the grip of reason and venture beyond into the forest of dreams, or what the aborigines call "dreamtime".

Well, I can vaguely follow that - but then it's something shamanic. Why do you have to cheapen it by saying it's magic - that's just plain childish.

And what are children?

They're full of magic, which is fine for a child, but you're an adult.

And yet a child... Believe me Zie, when I tell you, that unless we keep alive the inner child, and continue to play and dance throughout the day, we grow old and die.

And what? You're saying it's possible not to grow old and die?

Of course, it's more than possible.

But that's just plain ridiculous.


Then you're being ridiculous.

Not so. I'm saying something you happen to find ridiculous, if you have it within you to ridicule me or dismiss outright what I believe is true.

Well you're entitled to your beliefs Merry, and I've no intention of ridiculing you or anyone else, but if what you're saying is absurd, then it's not only me who'll say you're being ridiculous - almost everyone will.

Yes, more's the pity, which is why so few of us fail to grow old and die.

No it's not, Merry. Stop twisting things round. We don't "fail to grow old and die!" We grow old and die for biological reasons, because our cells decay with the passage of time.

Which doesn't prevent them from being replaced, does it?

But that doesn't happen. We're not supposed to live forever.

No, not until we're ready to live in harmony with the inner child, otherwise we'd go insane.

Speaking of which... Zie finds himself needing to take a break from Merry's apparent intransigence. The circle has been circumferenced two or three times and neither side seems willing to relent.

Merry spends a moment processing the matter of Zie's departure. At first he seems crestfallen, like he's failed in some way. Then, something happens, though it's difficult to say what... Merry reverts to his natural state - which he refers to as "cuckoo la la".

Cuckoo la la! What's that?

Oh - you know - the wonder of it all!

You mean the magic?

Precisely - or the "magik" if you prefer.

And why not? We can change the spelling to suit our mood, can we not, like Shakespeare did. Far too many rules and regulations I feel. Then magik it is!

Then magik indeed. So Merry, as you can see if you care to look, is now busy doing a kind of dance as he weaves among the trees...

And little would you suspect, if you chose not to see beyond the confines of 3 dimensional reality, how Merry's dance is connecting him with distant stars and galaxies...

Not to mention the energies of Mother Earth...

And how this connection is bringing about a balancing...

A harmonisation...

A healing of sorts...

And if you have eyes to see, then you notice strange lights and orbs appearing...

As Merry's heart opens wide

And he feels the dance of life within

Connecting him with all that is...

Revealing another chapter of reality within reality...

And Merry's peace and Merry's joy is felt throughout the universe

And brings about a change of heart here on Earth

As people put down their swords and once again recall

The magik of life, the isness of Be.

The End

Monday, November 24, 2014

Accounts receivable - how the banksters are repaying every last penny

We quit politics. It was fun taking on the establishment, but we were never serious about it. We knew that we couldn't really change the world that way.

How then Zie? With guns?

With guns? When have guns ever changed anything?

Every day. Once your opponent is dead you're free to do whatever it is you want to do. How do you think they, the global banksters became so powerful. They killed Lincoln when he started issuing his greenback, they did the same to Kennedy when he started issuing treasury notes instead of Federal reserve notes... It doesn't take a lot of carefully selected assassinations to change the course of history you know.

All temporary...

Temporary? These changes have lasted for hundreds or thousands of years.

Yes, but they've brought us to precisely where we need to be.

They have? Where's that?

The here and now. The dawn of the quantum age.

And what, pray tell, does that change?

Well, up until the last year or so, it was easy to manipulate and control material reality using force.

And now it isn't, you're saying?

I would do, if you'd give me the chance.

Sorry about that.

Not at all. I understand your impatience. You see, these banksters as you call them had to borrow heavily from the funds of the human collective consciousness to get away with murder, which is how they were able to rob everyone and effectively take over the planet, but every loan has a payback date, and theirs is now due.

But how on Earth is anyone going to enforce a loan repayment against this cabal?

Ah, but you fail to realise that it was loaned by the collective consciousness of humanity, of which they themselves are an integral part. Their lower self may not recognise this, but their higher self has never for a single moment ceased to be One with all humanity. Energetically the loan is now due, and being paid whether these so-called villains are willing or not.

So-called? You don't think they are?

It matters not what I think... If the world truly is a stage then they played an important part in helping humanity evolve. Let's see where they take it from here, as the energetics shift and many of them find themselves no longer willing to continue participating in the infamy they've been engaged in, often unwittingly so.


Yes indeed Oh. It's truly an Oh moment for all of us.

So if you're out of politics, and the loans are being called in, as you say, how are you going to occupy yourself now?


Musically? You're going to form a band? It's a bit late for that isn't it?

Oh, I don't think so. It's never too late to have fun. Never too late to make music.

But why? Why make music if we really need to save the planet?

Strange though it may seem the planet can, far more than you credit her for, take care of herself.


What she really wants is for all her children, that's us, to be doing whatever they love most. Once we're being creative, inspired, magical, productive each in our own way - that rebalances the energies and the planet finds herself in a completely different vibration. Everything falls into place, so to speak.

If you say so. But music - how can that help?

Because there are some of us who need to weave a web of sound, to connect the earth with the stars, the planets, the moon, to paint pictures with sound, to tell tales with sound, to heal and transform with sound - not by writing good music to sell on the internet, but by using the magic of sound to reprogramme the matrix itself.

And sound's the best medium to do so?

It's one of the best, but so is any other medium, if you happen to like it. An artist can do the same, as can a writer, or a doctor, an engineer, or a businessman - as long as they allow themselves to be inspired and to interact with the energies of the Earth and all-that-is as they follow their inspiration, and not simply adhere to a pre-determined template. That mindless following of templates was what led us so far into the darkness of this seemingly bottomless black hole.

So the matrix can be reprogrammed in any way?

Absolutely, because no matter what you do, even if you appear to do nothing, simply sitting in prayer or meditation, you never cease to be the boundary or interface between the conscious awareness and so called reality. Once you start to feel how the two connect through you and whatever you're doing, then you can achieve more by what appears to be magic than running around like a headless chicken, seeking to set the world to rights.

So you're advocating the use of magic?

It is, in fact magic, but not of the manipulative type. It's the natural magic of Is - which brings harmony to all, once we step back and accept that God or Nature can do a far better job of this than we can.

Ah. But won't it be rather dull after all the action and excitement you've been having Zie, what with taking on the one world government not to mention Ted Langley.

Oh no - you see that's all surface stuff that's mostly just noise - you know - two dimensional. Here we're opening up a whole new world. We're able, in fact, to open up space itself and travel to other planets or other realities through sound, or we can work with Gaia to clean up toxic nuclear waste though sound. There's so much to be done... and of course, when you know you're doing something useful - it feels great.

Yes, but what about money? You still have to make a living don't you?

Er... apparently that's all taken care of, now that we're shifting rapidly into this age of conscious awareness. Anyone who does something beautiful starts shining with that beauty. They're able to share it with anyone else. It isn't exactly a payment system, but people you share that light with, are bound to want to share with you or others. We're at the tipping point. We're really at the point where people will switch to using this light as the basis and currency for whatever work needs to be done, because it can't be faked, and everyone will be able to feel and see it increasingly clearly.

Wow! But if you're not good at anything?

Come on Chi, everyone's good at something, and this light that we all radiate, it comes from the Oneness, the source within. Anything I do that benefits humanity - even meditation or going into nature to help the trees or other creatures, helps bring out the light in me.

So, the whole focus of humanity is shifting back to this light.

Absolutely, and it's going to transform our world in no time whatsoever - just allow yourself the simple pleasure of feeling it, and doing whatever feels best for you, whatever helps spin your straw into gold.

Amazing. Let the goodness shine!

Let the darkness reveal it's inner light!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

In which Ten makes it to Twelve, with a little help from Lisa

I for one was never a fan of Zie Zecharia Zucchini - I mean - just the name says it all... and as for his ridiculous chat show - not my scene at all.

Me neither - as far as I'm concerned Zie was a part of the problem, not the solution. He was creating the kind of entertainment that kept people docile and dumb. No one was supposed to think. No one was supposed to put two and two together - to see through the smoke and mirrors. So I was pretty shocked when I heard about Merry mentoring Zie - it was like - "why him?" or what I was really feeling was "why not me?" I guess I was kind of jealous. I'd always been the socially aware type. I'd always smelt the rat and known we had to do something to change the world, but who cares, it's happening now and there's nothing that anyone can do to stop it - not even Ted Langley - who some of us consider to be the secret head of the one world government.

Yeah, I guess very few of us here were fans of Zie. He was a bit, er, sleezy... didn't seem to have a lot of integrity or backbone, but there you go - the quantum field works in mysterious ways, does it not?

Actually, I think Zie's been hugely overstated... Merry, according to my sources, was simultaneously working with dozens of individuals who occupied strategic nodes around the world. These weren't all media types - a whole spectrum - doctors, teachers, students, businessmen, a priest, a shaman, who else? an electrician - more and more of them are coming out and admitting they've been mentored by Merry too.

And what about Marie, Maria or Mary?

Yeah - there's been a lot of talk about that in our circle. Apparently Merry can also take the form of Marie. Some of our newest recruits are telling us that they're able to feel exactly the same "energy signature" - they call it - but their mentor was a woman.

Well that's what Margo's been saying, at any rate.

Who the hell's Margo?

Oh come on Ten, she was leading the Siberian portal activation last weekend.

Yeah, I remember, but why do you think her opinion matters?

Well, now that you put it like that, I...

   - Lisa suddenly disappears

Hang on, where did she go?

She phased out Ten. You put her on the spot. It wasn't appropriate for her to hold this vibration. I think she's gone to consult Margo.

Yeah, but how did she just phase out like that?

Oh it's pretty easy once you know how. You'll be able to do it too, you just need to deal with some residual heaviness - pressurising Lisa like that seems to indicate you have some unresolved issues... some jealousy, anger... and nice cocktail of as-yet undigested emotions that need some recapitulation. We can do the exercise together - it's nicer that way.

Er... I thought I'd got everything cleared up by now?

Well, yes, you've achieved a lot, no doubt about it, but there's some sticky residue that's still keeping you immobile. Look Ten, whenever you ask why something matters - that's a sure indicator that you're still focussing on matter, as opposed to the isness - which is pure conscious-awareness.

You must be right, Sonia - I can definitely feel resistance building up. Ow! Anger... like there an angry detachment that wants to put up a last stand and fight it out.

You're doing great Ten. I'm supporting you - you can probably feel a kind of electro-magnetic breeze around you right now.

Oh yes - that's nice - very soothing. It's definitely helping. Ok - I think I can handle it. Let's do the recapitulation.

Ok - I'll take you through g-nome portals zero point field - that way we can really get to the bottom of things, and you can become the amazing, cosmic light being that you truly are.

What should I do?

   - but before Ten hears an answer, Sonia lightly pushes him backwards, out of balance. That facilitates the shift...

The next thing he knew he was - er - nowhere at all - like in one of those sensory deprivation flotation tanks. Wow! What a feeling. Without even having to concentrate or give it any thought Ten finds himself back in a painful incident that happened in his childhood. He'd completely forgotten about it. There'd been this small boy at school... in the year below. Ten had never been a bully as such. He was too small and sensitive, but he realised that he had bullied this boy - Gerald - emotionally. He'd been feeding off him, presumably because he'd felt lonely at home. He never quite felt like his parents were there for him.

These experiences - they're so vivid - Ten's thinking to himself. And he can feel emotional centres deep within that had been deactivated by what had happened coming back on stream. Convulsions, tears, moaning - all the cleansing he needs - all just happens automatically. It sounds pretty painful but in actual fact it's so liberating. It renews you. It's like a paralysed limb comes back to life again. A feeling of joy and wholeness shines, radiates through the grieving and pain.

Oh my God - Ten's still sobbing quietly as he comes out of the foetal position he'd adopted in the zero point cocoon, back onto his knees, before slowly climbing to his feet a minute or two later.

Thank you Sonia. That was - truly amazing. I'd never have got there without you.

Not true Ten, you actually did it all yourself, though you don't yet realise it. It takes a while to start trusting your natural innate abilities to shift out of 3D, back through zero point and beyond.

No, you definitely helped, and I appreciate it.

Actually I simply helped you to lose your balance. You see, we get into this temporary balance where we're kind of twisted and locked out of phase, like a ship that's capsized and is now floating upside down. To flip back up just needs a big wave, or a gentle nudge.

Well it's really worked. I feel... so light.

Ok Ten. If that's the case, then you can follow Lisa - she's left a trail marker for you - in case you're ready for it.


   - Ten's about to slip back into the old insecurities, the programmed self-doubt, but the lightness in his chest starts shining or burning slightly, and he simply allows it - kind of surrendering to it - and tunes in to whatever it is.

"I don't have to do anything at all," he's hearing himself saying - as if he's getting this information through a download from higher consciousness, but before he can give it any further thought, Ten's standing alongside Lisa and Sonia in a small house, a kind of log cabin or dacha, somewhere in what feels like a big, deep, remote forest. The atmosphere is electric. The magiks are silently humming, buzzing, pulsing - way up in the stratosphere of conscious-awareness. Lisa gives him a welcoming nod, then directs her attention back to the scene now unfolding...

It seems to be a hologram, but in fact it's pure story - the zero equals one adjunct to our reality - and it's now coming alive as the three of them collapse the quantum wave form simply by directing their attention at what is now story in the making... and somewhere in all this they sense the presence of Margo, who appears to be the chief instigator of their waking-dream adventure into Twelve:

The twelfth

The fire in the hearth,
The moon in the sky,
The cauldron is bubbling,
The cat lies nearby.
Pull your chair closer and hear what I’m saying,
My voice is the whisper of flames that are playing.

The room swirls around
As the cat starts to snore,
Now the magic is working,
Someone opens the door.
Pull your chair closer and hear what I’m saying,
My voice is the whisper of flames that are playing.

In the door stands a figure
Whose face can’t be seen,
I’m sure that I’ve glimpsed it
Before in a dream.
Pull your chair closer and hear what I’m saying,
My voice is the whisper of flames that are playing.

It calls me to follow,
Then vanishes from sight.
Now we’re standing alone
In a forest at night.
Pull your chair closer and hear what I’m saying,
My voice is the whisper of flames that are playing.

The forest is telling me
Deep in my brain,
That the twelfth is the end
And the starting again.
Pull your chair closer and hear what I’m saying,
My voice is the whisper of flames that are playing.

We’re dancing around,
The strange figure and me,
And the forest is music
That sets my heart free.
Pull your chair closer and hear what I’m saying,
My voice is the whisper of flames that are playing.

The twelfth is the end
And the starting again,
In the forest of dreams
With my magical friend.
Pull your chair closer and hear what I’m saying,
My voice is the whisper of flames that are playing.

The night opens up
And turns into a day
Of the things that I meant to,
But never did say.
Pull your chair closer and hear what I’m saying,
My voice is the whisper of flames that are playing.

My heart is alight
And I take to the sky,
The fear that was in me
Dissolves as I fly.
Pull your chair closer and hear what I’m saying,
My voice is the whisper of flames that are playing.

The fire’s burning low,
Night’s fading away,
It’s time to return
To the start of a day.
Pull your chair closer and hear what I’m saying,
My voice is the whisper of flames that are playing.

Back in the kitchen
I climb to my feet,
The potion is ready,
My poem’s complete.
Pull your chair closer and hear what I’m saying,
My voice is the whisper of flames that are playing.

All of the secrets you’ve hidden away
Come awake in the night, for the night is their day,
So rise and come with me, the Twelfth is my name,

And I’ll show you a world in the fire of a flame.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

In which a crow and a donkey breach the amniotic sac of 3D reality

What do you mean multiple person disorder?

Well, he's currently appearing in more than one place at the same time.

No he's not, except on a TV screen and that doesn't count.

   - Ted Langley's finding some of the finer points of the quantum age somewhat confusing to say the least.

Well, obviously Ted he shouldn't be doing this - I mean it's in breach of all our protocols.

What do you mean "in breach of our protocols?" Since when did we have protocols about multiple personning?

Ever since we first encountered the phenomenon, back in the 40s. You weren't briefed on it because, frankly, it seemed irrelevant. No one was faintly interested in screwing around with space and time like that... and the penalties are severe.

How severe?

The 3D matrix doesn't take kindly to this kind of infraction. Spontaneous combustion is one of the termination procedures that happens from time to time.

So that's just what we wanted.


Zie'll shortly spontaneously combust, and we can all get back to business as usual.

Er... I'm not sure it's as simple as that.

Ty, I'm getting sick of hearing that phrase day in day out. What could possible make it more complicated than time tested spontaneous combustion?

It appears that Zie's now operating from another dimension. The 3D matrix is to the best of our knowledge unable to eliminate him, and what's more, there's an exponentially growing number of individuals who are joining him each day.

Jesus, Ty. Have you got nothing good to tell me?

Oh, yes, there's a famine coming on-line now in West Africa. It should cull several million, and our bacteriological department reckon they can mop up several times that number with some of their latest weaponised vaccines.

Er... that's nice to know Ty, but the time lines don't seem to match. Africa's a twenty to forty year play as you well know, and the Zie-Merry axis of salvation seems to be blowing everything to pieces in a matter of days.

Well yes, there is something in that, but it's good not to lose hope. I'm sure you're going to think of something. You always do. Divide and rule, for instance - that's always worked beautifully, hasn't it. We could team up with some of our worst socio-political do gooders, and fund their vision of utopia. It's never failed has it? One person's vision of utopia, with the right level of funding, turns into everyone else's nightmare, until all programmes for change, reform and planetary reconstruction are hopelessly discredited.

Ok Ty, I like the sound of that. But we're already working with the greens and the anti-globalists. It's still the wrong timeline. It's months and years, not days and weeks.

Well how about going thermo-nuclear. That's always been the last resort, hasn't it? Couldn't yet get the Israelis or Russians to set off one of their devices somewhere convenient, like downtown Manhattan?

Funny you should mention that.

Great minds think alike?

No, we already tried this one three days ago.

My God - talk about me being behind the curve.

Well, as you yourself have frequently said - it's all on a strictly need-to-know basis.

Yes, well, I'd quite like to know before being vaporised.

Ty, stop screwing around. You were sent to that conference in Colorado for this very purpose. Now, I need your brain, not your neuroses, so shut up and start thinking.

Well how about some data? What happened to the nuke?

It failed to go off, and on retrieval was completely inert.


The scientists say that it's been completely neutralised. You could open it up and use it as a play table in a kindergarten for all its worth now.

How did they do that?

You tell me... You're supposed to be the expert on quantum gimmickry. I thought you said g-nome portal was just a portal - that they're not allowed to intrude like that and break Earth's quarantine.

They're not, or they weren't at least, but this doesn't smell like g-nome portal. This feels more like Zie's "I be Merry" movement.

Go on, I was meaning to ask about that.

Well, quite frankly, you know as much as I do Ted. But we can surmise... Zie and his cohorts have collapsed the wave form, so effectively they've gone inter-dimensional.

They've collapsed the what?

The wave form of this so called 3D reality. It was always just an experiment, you know, and the experiment continues generating infinite permutations until someone or something collapsed the wave form.

So, you mean that they've shut down the whole of 3D reality?

Not exactly... remember that each of us carries conscious awareness, the ultimate allness, the isness of Be, so we're free to carry on imagining it's business as usual if we so desire, but that's going to have to be in the face of unavoidable signs that it's no longer...

No longer what?

Whatever it seemed to be. Up until now it seemed to be a watertight container - like a uterus. There really seemed to be no way out, and so we were free to rule the roost and call the shots, because we were the few who chose not to abide by their rules, in fact, we were not supposed to.

Yes, I know all that Ty, stop wasting my time with a history lesson. How did they breach the containment wall?
How did they collapse the wave form? Maybe if we find that out we can patch it up again.

Impossible. It's the wave form itself that's collapsed, so no amount of fear or intimidation's going to stitch this one up. How did they do it? Presumably they looked the one place they were never supposed to look.

The great taboo?


But how? How could they override all their conditioning, including the satanic add-ons we patched in?

Good question. You yourself, if I remember rightly, have known about Merry and what he's been propagating - including 0=1. Surely that must have concerned you?

Of course it did - but I know the non-interference protocols hold true. He couldn't do any more than inform... and he's been doing that for millenia, so what's the point me bursting a gut worrying about his feeble efforts to keep the spluttering candle alight?

Then what Ted? What's done it?

I... I really don't know. Maybe your metaphor of the uterus was not as random as it seemed. Maybe the human foetus has reached the point where it simply needs to move on, and the I-be-Merry team breached the amniotic sac releasing the birth waters, setting in motion the now inevitable birth of a new entity - a wholly new being.

But why, why does it have to happen now? Why can't we stopper it up again?

Why would we want to Ted?

I'm warning you Ty... You're within a hair's breadth of termination. Don't make me do it...

Oh cut the crap Mr President. You know you're completely screwed without me.

I'm completely screwed anyway. How can I fight someone who's appearing in multiple places at once, and who's bringing down more near perfect world order with the most ridiculous children's poetry you've ever set eyes on.

Don't tell me. Have you seen the latest one?

What... The donkey?

The donkey

 A donkey has four legs, it looks like a horse,
I’m stating the obvious, you know this of course,
But how many people can honestly say
Why donkeys eey-or, why horses neigh?
Few are the hands I see raised in the class,
For few know the answer whenever I ask.

Ah, the donkey is all but forgotten these days
In a stable or field it dejectedly brays,
Quietly munching on grass or some hay
While the truth, if you knew it, would stun and amaze,
For donkeys are creatures which carefully hide
A part of themselves which is locked up inside.
It’s no good them telling, for people despise
All things extraordinary, preferring plain lies.
As soon as the truth starts sounding weird
It’s rejected as madness, it’s instantly feared.
So donkeys keep silent, and watch with dismay
As people forget them, preferring to play
With computers and cars made of metal and plastic,
For humans think technical things are fantastic.

But what of the secret that donkeys can’t tell?
I learnt it by listening, and you can as well.
At first all you hear is the eey-or disguise,
But concealed in this fabric of sound, for the wise
Is a road sign, a marker of cosmic dimensions
To help you discover your deepest intentions,
Intentions forgotten, which nobody mentions,
Our reason for living, the cause of my birth,
The way to accomplish my mission on earth.

So be a detective, and listen with ears
Which can hear through the mist of delusions and fears,
And donkey, despite being lowly and meek,
Will help you discover the truth that you seek
Which we struggle to see for our eyesight is weak.
But if you can’t hear what the donkey is saying,
Don’t worry, it just means that donkey is playing.

... actually I was referring to the Crow, but they're all much of a much. I've never felt so sick in the gut in all my lives. To think that I'm being taken down by a B-list self-promoter who writes d-grade poems.

Which just happen to contain within them the infinity codes that first ruptured the amniotic sac of this seemingly-self contained reality.

No... You absolutely can't be serious.

That's it. We can Deep Thought it if you like.

No we can't. Deep Thought's crashed.

What do you mean?

I mean it's lost in thought, now that we've unexpectedly entered an age of purely random events. They're proliferating like mushrooms and the mathematics of infinite randomness exceed even the capabilities of Deep Thought.

Maybe we should pull the plug on Deep Thought.

Once again Ty, I've already gone down that very avenue... and tried to do so last night at 11.40.


And what?

What happened?

Precisely nothing. It appears that Deep Thought is now protected by some invisible force field and no longer requires energy from our supply.

My God. Then I know enough to know that this has become purely a battle of consciousness. There's nothing material you can do to overpower Zie or anyone else. In any case, who is Zie?

No one.

Precisely. He's no one. Defeating him you're defeating no one. So, if you want to fight, then we need to do so in accordance with the rules of engagement.

What rules of engagement? There are no rules in this game. It's kill or be killed, and may the most devious trickster prevail.

I'm afraid Ted...

No, don't say it Ty... I don't want to hear any more - at which point Ted flicks a switch terminating Ty on the spot.

The less I know the better. If I haven't been informed of a limiting factor or prohibited move, then I'm free to act in accordance with my best judgement.

Now, to war... and a perusal of those encrypted infinity codes...

The crow

 Welcome to the world of crow
Where night is white, where black is snow.

Crow’s song is “caw”, an ugly sound,
But “caw” is more like clapping hands
For crows to show they understand.
It’s not their real way of talking,
Oh no, they use a language of walking,
A tapping and scratching and shuffling of feet
Is the way that they chat whenever they meet.

Walking down the street one day
I strolled a stroll along the way.
A crow decided this was wrong,
It didn’t like my footsteps’ song,
So swooping down it flew right at me,
With wing or claw it gently tapped me
On the head, with startling speed,
Causing me to bob and weave,
But more than that, I knew that crow
Required a magic dance, and so
I started leaping up and down
For crow to see me play the clown,
Stamping my feet upon the ground.
While this made passing people frown
Who didn’t like my antics wild
And thought that I was being a child,
The crow knew better, “cawed” and smiled,
It liked my dance, it heard my walk
And saw, though human, I could talk.
For crows are sure beyond all doubt
That people have no brains at all,
Our feet seem dumb, they hear us shout,
But think we’re merely trying to caw.

So let crow know that you can talk,
You’ll have to learn a funny walk,
And one more thing, try not to stare,
For human eyes are known to scare,
Like danger signs they warn “beware”.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Head to head - in which Edgar Mtchell pulls the plug on Zie


In case you're wondering what the fuss was all about - what had turned Zie overnight from a b-list international celebrity, into the world's most wanted man, apparently capable of anything... prepare to be shocked... prepare to be stunned... for what you're about to witness appears to be little more than absurd... a simple children's poem about an er... frog... which could never in a million years have justified such fame or notoriety!

The frog

A frog sat on his log and sighed,
Something was wrong, something empty inside,
He gazed in the water, tried eating a fly,
But still felt unhappy, and didn’t know why.

The frog wasn’t lazy, it wanted to know
What was making it sigh, the cause of its woe,
So it put on a jacket, then straightened its tie,
And when it was ready it called to the sky:

“Oh sky overhead you are mighty and wise,
Protector of frogs and provider of flies,
With rain you replenish the ponds down below,
With sunlight you warm us and make the plants grow,
Dear sky in your mercy, please help me to see
The cause of the emptiness troubling me.”

Lost in a trance frog stared up above,
And there in a vision caught sight of a dove
That was flying around, and seemed to be saying
“Come join me, I’ll answer the prayer you were praying.”

Frog leapt in the air, as if in a dream,
And found himself flying high over the stream
That flows to his pond from a field lush and green,
And there at its source, he heard the dove say:

“This water brings life to the tadpoles who play,
This water brings life to all creatures who use it,
Its spirit is in you, its spirit today
Needs your help little frog, needs the heart of a poet,
To see it and praise it, to love it and know it.”

Frog sat on his log, something burning inside,
He remembered the dove and his magical flight,
He took a deep breath and started to croak,
And the song of the water of life now awoke
In the heart of the frog. As he sang he could feel
The song was alive, with the power to heal,
That all would be well, for magic is real
When it shines like a star, when it spins like a wheel.

As I said, Merry, it's not everyone's cup of tea.

Yes, I agree, some are definitely wondering what all the fuss is about.

So, er... what is all the fuss about? I still haven't quite worked it out. 

Hum... that's probably because the secret is nothing in particular.

What do you mean, Merry?

There's nothing in particular about the poem which made it such a viral phenomenon. 

Then what, if nothing?

Ah, but I didn't say "nothing" did I?


No, I said "nothing in particular".

Go on, surprise me...

It's like a great stand up comedian. He can tell the ordinariest joke but have the whole audience in stitches. It all comes down to timing and something else.

Like what?

Like nothing in particular. It's like whatever's not being said explicitly, the hidden meaning or the loaded silence between the words. There's something of that in this poem.

Something of nothing - sounds like a contradiction in terms.

Which is precisely what it is - which is precisely what all of this is...

All of what?

All of everything... life... the universe... Believe me Paula, it amounts to nothing if not a huge, colossal contradiction...

Which is why we shouldn't, I guess, pay overmuch attention to what people are saying.

How right you are. Instead we can give our undivided attention to the magiks and what they're saying or doing.

The what? Did you say "magiks"?

Yes, precisely. If you can imagine, for a moment, that the whole of reality is a probability field being run by an infinite probability drive, and that you have direct access to that drive, then when you finally tune into it and start rhyming...


Yeah - tune into the poetry of Is - of life itself - then you're tapping into the underlying magiks of all that is.

And that, you're saying, is what Zie's up to?

Well, just look at him... Doesn't it speak for itself?


Chapter 6?

Yes, Paula. 

I don't see why you have to make this so complicated Merry. We're not computers, you know. Why do we have to mess around with binary code.

Good question. Let's see if Zie has anything to say on the subject.

Oh, it's time!

And tonight on Z for Zie, we present your host, the one and only Zie Zecharia Zucchini...

A quick glance at the online viewer stats for tonight's show have it in the stratosphere.

Actually beyond! 

Yes, you're right Mitch. Zie's now officially hotter than the Superbowl...

And the World Cup soccer final...


It's beyond absurd.

It's outrageous. What's he ever done to deserve it?

I tell you, no good's ever come from this level of extreme adulation. It's gonna end somehow...

Of course it's gonna end, most likely catastrophically, like a market blow out - a sudden crash - 

Guys, would you shut up - I'm trying to hear what he's saying...

   - it suddenly grows quiet in the diner where all eyes are glued to the screen.

 Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to start tonight by announcing this is my final show.

NO!!! What did he say? He can't just quit when we've all decided we need him.

Yes, yes, I kept it secret until now - not even my producer knows about it - but there it is - it's time to move on. I guess all of us need to move on now that we've arrived at the point of no return.

   - there are shouts of consternation in the live studio audience. 

The truth is, I've learnt a thing or two in the last few days since my mentor Merry left. I've learnt that it really doesn't matter what anyone else says or thinks... you've gotta be authentic to yourself. You've gotta create your own story and nothing else. That's what I did, for the first time you might say, when I stopped worrying about my image and blogged that little poem, which is actually a spell, called the Frog. I suddenly realised that I've always been empty. There's always been something missing from my life... and no amount of talking, money or fame has ever helped eliminate it until now, that is. So before I go, I'd like to share something with you...

   - He's gone off script. Cut, cut goddamit.

The network manager cuts the live feed and breathes a sigh of relief. The last thing he needs is Zie speaking his mind freely at a time like this - with political instability, rising social tensions...

What the hell's going on? Edgar Mitchell, not the astronaut - the network manager who's answerable directly to Ted Langley of all people, rubs his eyes in disbelief as the show continues on air, in spite of the kill switch he just flicked.

"Now there are some people out there who don't want me, or anyone else, to tell the truth, to speak our mind without fear, authentically. Usually they get away with it... Usually they're able to keep even celebrities like me in check, and we abide by certain unspoken guidelines because we don't wish to risk our careers, because we're fearful of what they might do to us, or to our families... You know the nature of fear - it's insidious. It makes you weak at the knees. You start justifying your weakness saying "I'm doing this for the wife, for the kids, for the good of society, for world peace," but in the end what does it amount to...? Fear dear ladies and gentlemen, however you dress it up, package it, present it, has never amounted to anything more than fear. And I for one have had enough.

Ted Langley's on the line to Edgar Mitchell. 

"I thought I told you to pull the plug..."

"I did... there's something wrong with it. The system seems to be malfunctioning."

"Then physically remove that man from the studio if you value your life."

"I... Ok"

I have nothing to fear because as I was writing this little song about the frog I truly felt something giving way, and not just within myself - within the entire world.

Now that sounds like I'm a massive egoist - I'll be the first to admit - but this is the nature of things. As soon as we confront our innermost fears, as soon as we face who we are, we shift worlds, we move into a different reality - a different paradigm. What do I mean by that? Well, I can give you an example if you care to hear?

Zie pauses calmly - looks at the studio audience and into the cameras at the broader audience out there in the world... a moment of powerful silence and introspection... a moment of peace... of calm...

"Even as we're speaking right now they trying to shut this down - to take the show off the air - because I'm not supposed to be saying this. How do I know? I just know. That's what happens when the magic within starts to "spin like a wheel, and shine like a star". You just start to feel stuff... to get it... like it's no big deal. And the irony is that they, the guys who have been controlling us all along with fear - they're powerless - they can't do anything - because they themselves haven't yet confronted their fear. Oh... don't get me wrong... they can flip the switch to get the show off the air. Edgar Mitchell, this network's executive producer just did that, believe it or not, but I can tell with absolutely certainty that he failed - that we're still live on air. His next move will be to come in here and have me removed, forcibly if need be... but you understand folks, that he's not up against me... I'm nothing - just a single human being - yet he's powerless - as the whole lot of them are... because he's really up against himself and his own unresolved fears. This may sound a bit like magic, and in a sense, that's what it is, but you see, a person acting from a state of fear, no matter how strong he appears to be, no matter how big his weapons are, is at a huge disadvantage. Here he comes. Let him in. Stand back - there'll be no fighting in my show.

   - Edgar Mitchell comes into the studio with security flanking him.

"Zie, I'm asking you to leave the studio. I know you've always put the interests of the people, the viewers at home above everything else, so kindly do what is right and come with me."

   - the public are holding their breath. Once again there's a moment's silence. Once again it doesn't feel panicked. It doesn't feel constrictive. If anything it's peaceful and expansive. And there's the look in Zie's eyes - a look of absolute calm and utter detachment. 

Edgar, I've been meaning to have you on the show for a long time. You've brought some men with you. Perhaps they'd like to take a seat and hear what you have to say.

And that's exactly what happens, as Zie leads Edgar onto the stage and hears about how the powers-that-be are indeed running scared... because without fear, without the people's fearful compliance, they're naked and left with nothing but the bravado of a playground bully.

Cutting to the chase - as one does - about four minutes from the end of the show - Zie has the whole audience joining him in a kind of meditation. He's singing this weird sounding song - something vaguely shamanic, and people all around the world are having what can only be described as other worldly experiences. Somehow Zie's able to connect them with another reality - another level of consciousness. Oh there are a few who are resisting fiercely, terrified of what they might encounter, but the vast majority are away with the fairies, so to speak, and judging by the look on their faces, loving every minute of it.

So there you have it, folks. Nothing is quite what it seems... And that doesn't have to be something scary to run and hide from... quite the contrary, as you've just seen. It can be liberating, empowering, truly wonderful. It turns out, in fact, that nothing, no thing can be better than what simply is - whatever that might be, no thing can be better than the simple truth, the isness of be - no matter what we've been taught, or led to believe. So join me, if you will, in the world's only meaningful and profoundly peaceful revolution. Join me here, wherever you may be, now, whenever you're ready, at this wonderful magical place where you and I stop running scared, stop living a lie, and come back home to the beauty, the splendour of what truly is. And where might that place be? you're asking yourselves? Why, here of course, right here in your heart - a place Merry calls IO, the golden heart at the very centre of all that Is.

   - but what's so amazing? Just more pseudo-spiritual rhetoric, isn't it?

   - you might think so, unless you are looking into the faces of the viewers around the world who are watching and sharing this moment together. I can't begin to describe the things that are happening. It's gonna sound daft if I do. You know how we've always imagined reality as something there - something around us that just exists - we even describe it as "objective reality", but right now, right at this minute as Zie's show is coming to an end, it's like the moment in the Matrix movie where you can see the numbers and you can see the walls bending... like a veil has been lifted, like at this moment the whole of humanity is finding its voice, croaking together in swelling harmony the song of the water of life... unbelievable.