Monday, September 22, 2014

instead of healing

So you don't believe in healing?


Why not?

Why not?

Yeah, why not?

Because I'm a healer.

You what?

I'm a healer.

What kind of answer is that?

The simple truth.

You're a healer and you don't believe in healing.

Correct. Healing is not something to believe in.

Why not?

Because to believe in healing you have to first believe there's something to heal.

Well, that seems logical. Why would you go to a healer if you didn't have something to heal?

Because you thought you had something that needed healing.

Presumably because you were sick.

Because you thought you were sick. And that was enough to make you sick. It's the thought that needs healing, not you.

Tell that to the person with cancer who has a few months left to live.

Yes - you see the power of thought - it can take a healthy person and reduce him or her to a broken thing.

But it's not thought that does it - it's a disease called cancer, or some other disease.

Yes, that's what we think, and as long as we go on thinking that we need doctors of healers to try to heal the diseased thought.

But these people were sick and possibly dying even before the doctor gave them the diagnosis.

Yes, the thought comes before the diagnosis.

Look, we're not achieving anything with you insisting that thought is the cause of all disease. You can't say that all disease is psychosomatic. It's obvious that you're ideologically opposed to disease.

Yes, I don't  believe diseases can or should have power over a human being. A human being is or should be the pinnacle of creation. There's no reason why a virus, bacteria or any other disease should destroy a human being. If the human being is willing to be a whole human then no disease can affect him or her. Listen, the body is an amazing vessel of life. It contains everything it needs to maintain balance. There are thousands of different bacteria and viruses within your body at any time. You have traces of cancer appearing and disappearing within you throughout your life, but there come moments when these diseases seem to get the better of you. Why is that?

Because you're run down. Your immunity is reduced.

Because you need to go through a gateway into a new, more complete version of yourself.

What do you mean?

Well, you're constantly moving towards perfection.

That's not how it looks to me as I grow older, wrinklier, saggier...

And as you physically deteriorate you start drawing more and more on your cosmic strength. You can no longer rely on your body to carry you through - you need to take more and more of the load from it, learning to walk again, learning to use the power within.

Or the power of a healer.

No, the healer or doctor only come between you and your power. You are the power. The disease is the gateway that forces you to engage it or fall.

That sounds a bit brutal.

It's the great prize of life, after all. It's why we're here. It has to be earned and won. It has to be fought for. It's a quest, not a freebie.

Well not everyone's an errant knight with the time or energy to fight every cold, flu or cancer that comes their way.

There's no need to fight them. Fighting is destructive. The disease is the gateway. You have to engage it. Meet it. Dance with it. Allow it to show you your present state, your mortality, and then open the power, the life force within that lifts you, carries you through the gateway once you're ready.

So we have to do it on our own?

No. You can seek help, but you have to know that you can do it on your own, and that sooner or later you need to learn to do it yourself, or you're cheating yourself of the great wholing that's trying to happen.

The great wholing? What's that?

Well, instead of focussing on healing the malady, look through the malady to what lies behind it. Know that in essence you are complete. You cannot be anything less, no matter what you may think or how you may feel.

Well, if I'm complete then how come I'm sick.

Because that's in essence, but in reality you're experiencing things.

What things?

It matters not. Things. Just things. And the things that you're experiencing deflect you from your completeness. You're like a circle that gets a big squashed, and all of a sudden the wheel runs unevenly.

Which is why we get sick and go to see a healer.

No. You get sick because you're about to leap into a new wheel - more perfect that the last, closer to your cosmic fullness, and the sickness is the springboard that enables you to leap to a new level of isness.

A springboard. Don't you think you're being a little optimistic.

Not if I'm right that in essence we're always complete. The disease enables us to download and assimilate the upgrade. We're moving from being mostly physical to being increasingly cosmic as time and experience teach us the limitations of physical reality, and we attune ourself ever more wholly to the isness of be.

So how come no one's able to make the jump?

Oh millions do, it's just you don't hear about them. They're the ones who defeat the cancer before even the doctor gets to diagnose it. They're the ones who were feeling a bit under the weather yesterday but are right as rain today. They somehow manage to deal with it, to reconnect, to whole themselves rather than heal a disease.

So people who get sick are failures, you're saying, and we ought to be ashamed of going to see a doctor or healer.

No. It's nice to share your health concerns with other people. They can help because they are detached, but they cannot heal you unless you're ready to heal yourself. Because you believe you have a disease as opposed to a transitional phase, you naturally attribute the healing to them rather than yourself, because otherwise the concept of disease becomes meaningless.

What? And you think we want to preserve this concept of disease?

Yes, of course we do - how else could we continue living in the world we are today. Instead of listening to our hearts, to our inner nature, we ignore all that and rush headlong into a material reality that's full of things, full of experiences which are guaranteed to take us off centre. We're performing a series of quantum jumps. We're in the process of making the greatest leap of all - the paradigm shift from 3D material reality to...

To what? Spit it out.

To wholeness... so healers and doctors beware, you're services will shortly no longer be in demand.

And all the diseases are going to vanish?

No, the thoughts behind them will vanish, and so the diseases will flow fast enough not to get stuck and block the traffic, as they do today.

But if we are able to whole ourselves as you say, don't we need to be taught the correct procedure? Surely there must be some kind of instructions we require?

No, nothing at all. There really is nothing to it. The universe, God, or your intuition provide all the guidance that is required. The disease is always made to measure. It may seem cruel and unfair, but it's perfectly designed to take you to the leaping off point. Somewhere inside you there are a pair of wings just waiting to unfold. Naturally you are afraid of letting go of the familiar past, of trusting the wings that seem insubstantial at first glance, but this all happens only when you're ready, and part of the process involves facing our mortality and learning to trust the isness of be, the perfection of that which simply is.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Healing is what?

You want to heal the sick?

Yeah, of course I do. I hate seeing people suffering, particularly if there's something I can do about it. That's the noble sounding side of it, but apart from all that, it's fun.


Yeah, it's such an amazing feeling - to tune into the patient's inner-state, and without actually doing anything in particular, to feel-observe what's going on.

Feel observe? What's that all about?

Well, you just tune in, and then you're feeling or observing whatever it is - it's like you become a part of that person - or a kind of screen which he or she projects onto.

And what does that achieve?

Well, according to 3D logic it should achieve nothing whatsoever - like watching paint dry.

But are you sure you don't actually do anything to assist? Is it purely observation?

Oh, I might wave my arms, or sing a song, or play my drum, but that's just to get the projection up and running. If I do anything, it's not coming from me - it simply is.

In what way? How can you say it simply is? Either you're getting involved or you're not.

Well, that's a good point. I'm getting involved by being the witness, the observer, the person who cares enough to share this moment during which the patient allows me to tune in with the obvious intention of facilitating whatever healing processes might be waiting to happen.

Might be waiting to happen? That sounds somewhat disingenuous.

Yes, if you're looking for a trick up my sleeve then your suspicions will lead you a merry dance, but just assume the opposite, just for the hell of it - that there is no trick, that it's all a lot simpler and more graceful.

Ok, I'm busy assuming. What then?

Well, there are health issues which resolve themselves with a little awareness, and so when another person agrees to be present, without trying in any way to heal the patient, just to be a kind of projection screen, or a kind of resonator...

Resonator? What's that?

Well, I just allow whatever's coming out of you to resonate, so you get to hear it, feel it or sense it through me, from another perspective, from a distance, and that's enough - you suddenly see the wood from the trees, you become aware of what's not right, you feel the imbalance because the gap between us cannot be controlled by the internal mechanism which has been blocking your inner awareness.

So it's automatic and intuitive. You don't even have to know what's going on?

Precisely... You know something's going on. You'd normally start feeling deeply relaxed - assuming you weren't fighting the healing process.

What's that? Why would I want to fight the healing process?

Oh, various reasons. You might have a belief that you deserve to suffer, because of something you feel guilty about or ashamed of. You might feel that this kind of healing is ridiculous and therefore fight it for fear of admitting you might have been wrong.

But surely I'd prefer to get better. Who cares if I'd been wrong?

Yes, you'd think that but sometimes people really feel threatened by admitting they were mistaken. We can identify so strongly with our beliefs or intellectual convictions that sub-consciously we're willing to do anything rather than allow change.

But why?

Well, obviously there's deep fear lurking in the hearts and minds of people who avoid that fear or barricade themselves from it using mental constructs, convictions.

Ok, maybe that's true, then why would that person come to see you in the first place?

Because the mind has different levels, different departments. One department is responsible for beneficial change and encourages you to go and try out new stuff, while another department defends the status quo, and is willing to do almost anything to safeguard the existing set of beliefs. So it's a case of taking the horse to water but not being able to make it drink. If deep within there's an unhealed wound of suppurating fear, then that might be able to trump the other department, unless the healing is meant to happen, in which case the main healing will not be the specific malady - it will be to relieve and lance the fear that has been holding the patient to ransom.

If the healing's meant to happen - you say - it doesn't sound like an exact science, does it. Rather wishy washy and vague. You can see why the medical establishment's able to give you short shrift.

Yes, but then we can do the same with them if we choose to. They heal the symptoms rather than uproot the cause, and not always that.

But you've already said you do nothing - that the healing comes from the patient, not from you.


So how can you claim to uproot the cause when effectively you do nothing.

Well it's a oneness issue.

Which means?

There really is no ultimate separation between me and you, between me and the patient. When we come into attunement the magic works itself, and if I love being a part of this astonishing, wonderful process, then it's only natural that I don't try to disassociate myself completely from what's going on, but technically you're right of course. I might be able to tune in more fully by doing so with all my heart and soul rather than purely mechanically, and that might lead to a better healing, but ultimately it's a meant to be phenomenon. We don't say "I did it". We don't even feel bad if nothing happens, because sometimes nothing really happens. It means this person has further to go in his or her quest for healing, and believe me if you will, it is indeed a quest.

How so?

Because the sick person is not really sick at all.


No, the sick person is awakening and feeling some discomfort as a part of him or her that was deactivated is ready to return to being operational.

Tell that to the patient with cancer.

Yes, it might not be appropriate to say it to a very sick person, and yet it is true nonetheless.

So how is someone dying of cancer awakening?

Ok - the cancer from our 3D perspective is a plague attacking an otherwise healthy person, and needs to be eliminated at all costs. Life or nothing - you might say.

And you wouldn't?

No, because there's another perspective.

The death perspective? Go on Dr Death, hit me with it.

Well, let's not say death. Let's say Life with a capital L. Living your life with a small l you will have many illusions about yourself and the world you're living in, and beliefs which may or may not be true.

Tell me about it... I always thought I was going to be an Olympic athlete...

But these are of finite duration. You never really stopped being part of Life with a capital L - in which you are truly as you are. Now, every illusion or misconception has a limited shelf life and they weigh heavily on the body as they reach their expiry date.


That's why the body or mind grow diseased.

So, how does this help the cancer patient?

Because there are patients who are willing and able to release certain illusions or detrimental beliefs which so doing would remove the cause of their affliction.

What? Just by discarding an illusion your cancer can get better?

Yes, if it's the root cause.

But what about the not so lucky ones.

Well, I wouldn't call them that. There are other patients who are reaching their auspicious re-Life portal.

There's a euphemism if ever I heard one. Instead of calling it "death" you're using the capital L Life and slapping on the word "portal" for good measure. It won't wash. A spade is still a spade.

This portal has nothing to do with death. It is about transitioning back to Life. There are beings who are able to walk through without needing to "die", but that requires a clear, deep awareness of Life itself.

What? You mean they don't physically die? But what about their body?

No, they don't physically die because their life with a small l and Life with a large L were in more or less perfect sync - so the two remerge without any need for a clutch to disengage one before re-engaging the other. As for their body...

Don't tell me - it ascends into heaven.

Well, you said not to tell you so I won't, but these biblical references might not be wholly without foundation. You have to realise that the body is, like all matter, first and foremost energy. It can revert to a pure energy state and translocate.

Oh come on, pull the other one.

But only if you're in complete attunement with Is.

Sorry, what was that?

Attunement with Is.

I thought that's what you said. And in layman's terms.

Well, most of us attach to a series of things we believe to be true, things that matter to us. We are creatures of matter and this makes us somewhat heavy which is why few of us are flying around as balls of energy, but there are some on the planet who are not attached to "thing" - who are in the constant flow of Is.

Is - what on earth do you mean?

That which simply Is. The simple truth, which is in constant flux, which is no thing in particular.

Oh - one of those impossibly vague, confusing things.

Or absurdly simple things. Sometimes we ignore that which is because it seems too simple, too obvious. We go looking for complexity and confusion. Be that as it may - all of us have the capacity to rewrite our life's story, if we so choose, and return to Is.

Sounds a bit like Oz.

Yes, maybe that's what Oz is supposed to represent. I never really gave it any thought.

So, what happens if we return to Is?

We stop dying.

No, come on.

We no longer need to die in the ponderous "evacuate the building" manner of 3D death. We are able to simply, gracefully put down all the things we've been playing with in this life, and re-engage fully our big L Life.

So there's no ultimate need to die?


So death isn't such a big deal after all?


So what's all the fuss about?

Fear of the unknown. Fear of being wrong. Fear of missing the boat - of not having time to put things right.

Put things right?

Yes, sometimes we trade with the devil, so to speak. We create havoc by breaking natural laws, going against the flow, stroking the cat the wrong way, and this causes disruption in the Field.

In which Field?

The one with a capital F.

Yes, which one is that?

The Field that surrounds you in this life.

So what of it. We cause some disruption and...?

And that can make getting back to big L Life problematical. A bit like a plane having to fly through turbulence, or a brick wall if there's a LOT of disturbance.

You mean there are some who can't get back at all?

Kind of. There are some who have gone far and deep into havoc, and they can find it almost impossible to get back as long as the consequences of their actions are still playing out. But have no fear, in a holographic universe there's always a way.

Holographic universe?

Oh, never mind. Look, we're getting further and further off thread. Suffice it to say that healing is fun if you don't believe in death and sense the Life force reconnecting with the life you're assisting. But, if the patient is hell bent on havoc, then it's not the healer's job to reform him or her.

Why not?

Free will. And who's to say what's what. Think of it in terms of music. Sometimes the composer might insert notes that sound terrible, so you want to scream, but later in the symphony the same notes might come back and open an entirely new movement. Now they sound beautiful. 0=1.


Yes, fundamentally, nothing can be completely wrong, for fundamentally it is - I am.

Nope. Means nothing to me. Speak Inglaise?

Fundamentally everything happens for a deeper reason - if you're willing to step back and grasp it. Ultimately everything is so interconnected that nothing can be truly out of place. Every note is exactly where and what it needs to be.

And you said we have free will.

And yet we have free will, and on that apparent paradox I bid you good day, Marvin.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

time to panic

Things are not looking good
0=1, tis no matter

I said things aren’t looking good
0=1, tis no matter, yes I know

Don’t you care? Haven’t you a heart?
Yes of course I care, tis no matter, 0=1

“0=1” you heartless bastard? Living in your ivory tower of abstract pleasing-your-selfness
Yes, indeed, I please myself, don’t we all?

I just told you – things are not looking good. I can hardly please myself at such a time
In such a state... No... Yes, I see

So what are you going to do to help?
Help? Why would I do to help when 0=1

Because you’re still a human being. You still have to eat. You can’t ignore completely the world
And you are the world knocking at my door? No, I cannot ignore your plight, my friend, and yet I cannot help

But you have to. I’m in need. You have to lend a hand
To what avail? 0=1. You want me to become a part of your drama – is that it?

No, just to help me extricate myself from it, to see me through, to tide me over
And how would I do that without denying your ultimate power, your sovereignty, your Self

Look, I’m not asking you to take over my life, just to lend a hand you know
Yes, 0=1, I know and yet I choose to celebrate the drama of not doing

The drama of not doing – that doesn’t sound very dramatic you selfish bastard
You just made it so, for your world attacks the silence it lacks with anger and hate

Silence is all very well, but not when I’m beset with troubles – we have to be practical you know
Yes, 0=1, so it is said and yet

You’re still unwilling to help? Well I’ve had enough. You’re going to help whether you like it or not – we’re flesh and blood, you know, and that counts no matter what
0=1, yes, I feel how it goes, and yet I be still and all is well

The law of diminishing returns...
The gentle rise and fall of all that is as breath holds sway, matter fading away

And the stillness rises like mist upon the lake as twilight falls
And things that mattered suddenly mean nothing at all

Friday, September 19, 2014

Vacuum vision

Welcome to the vacuum.
We used to think that somewhere up there in space was an emptiness, a nothingness that’s referred to as a vacuum.

Not any more.

Space is close enough to being a vacuum, if you ignore the fact that there’s dust and stars, planets and galaxies floating around in it – gas and other stuff – spaceships for example. So much for being a vacuum – but it is, I admit, a whole lot emptier than the thick dense matter stuff we’re surrounded by down here on Earth.

Ok. Time for a major rethink. You ready?

The vacuum is everywhere. It’s right here, now, only you can’t see it – because there’s nothing to see – it’s a vacuum.

Because it’s a vacuum – it has no space, no time – so you wouldn’t know if there was an infinite expanse of vacuum between you and the person sitting next to you – because in our reality vacuum doesn’t count – we skip it, like pages in a novel that seem irrelevant.

But, but, but...

Yes, I know. But surely, if there were a million miles of vacuum between me and the person sitting next to me, I’d be a million miles from that person?!

Yes, you would, except that vacuum is nothing – space, distance included. So give the brain a rest. Stop trying to think your way around this. Instead allow yourself to settle into it, tune in, allow it space or moment to be whatever it is, even though it doesn’t fit your space-time sensory perception and matter matters mind process.

Ok. You getting there?

Vacuum. Just allow the emptiness and know that it isn’t only up there somewhere in what we refer to as space: know that it’s here all around you, even within you...
But how? How? How?

Ah... here we go. Understand that the whole of matter is floating on the boundless ocean of the vacuum. The whole universe is like an infinitesimal speck on the boundlessness of vacuum. The vacuum is where it’s really happening. It’s where it really is. Whatever you’re experiencing here in “reality” is a kind of 2D projection on a screen, a mere film. The actual stuff that exists – what truly is – is within the vacuum. The projection here in so called 3D is a representation which pretty accurately depicts the underlying isness – up to a point...

Up to a point?

Yep. Up to a point. The 3D representation cannot go beyond its projection point. It’s kind of stuck really.

So how come we’re able to move?

Well, you’re actually “moving” in vacuum, not here. Here you jump from frame to frame without actually moving.

Er... it doesn’t look that way.

No, nor does a movie or a cartoon. It looks pretty smooth and seamless, doesn’t it, but you’re still aware of the fact that you’re watching a series of stills rather than an actual moving picture. A picture that moved wouldn’t be possible because there’s no room for movement in materiality. Everything’s fixed in place. It’s only the vacuum that makes movement possible, because in the vacuum movement is completely unnecessary.

Er... how so? Are we able to teleport or something?

No need. The vacuum is completely empty. There’s nowhere to move to. It’s closer to the idea of consciousness. You are where you’re conscious of being. If your consciousness shifts to another “place” then that’s where you are, like switching channels on TV or clicking to another website. No physical movement is required. It translates as movement when you see the 3D avatar shift through the semblance of space, little by little, frame by frame.

Yeah – well if you’re right, why is it so slow? Why can’t we move faster? At the speed of light, for instance?

Good question. We can.

We can? That’s not what I’ve personally experienced.


So, go on then, how?

By accepting what is.

What is? What? What do you mean?

By accepting what is as is, as opposed to insisting on identifying with the 3D image.

So I’m supposed to accept that you’re right – that this is all conjured out of the vacuum, and reconjured every second or so.

Yes. Actually many times a second – unless you slow things down by sleep or meditation.

And what then?

Well, then you get to observe what’s really going on – just as soon as you give yourself a little leeway.

How, by focussing on this nothingy thing you call the vacuum.

Yes, but you’re inverting the true state of is. The vacuum is neither thing nor no thing. It is vacuum as opposed to a vacuum or the vacuum.

And what of it?

There again your terminology is incorrect. There is no “it” to talk of. We’re in the territory of is – as opposed to it or thing or what.



Ok. So it’s an is thing, so to speak.

Yep. That’s about right.

Well, go on. Aren’t you going to tell me what to do?

Well once you start being interested, curious and downright intrigued by vacuum, then you naturally, automatically start to become aware of the lag between is and it’s 3D representation. It has to be felt rather than understood. You notice a slight delay, a slight blurring at the edges or an occasional lack of focus or smudging as one frame shifts into another – and then you get it.

Get what?

You get back your vacuum vision.

My what?

Vacuum vision, instead of 3D vision.


Well, then everything takes care of itself.

Everything? I thought you said this was a no thing phenomenon.

You’re right. Excuse my error. Language can be confusing, can’t it.

So, you’re saying that this vacuum vision enables you to see what truly is – and once you have that you can jump frames without needing to move through physical reality.

Yes of course. Physical reality is just a representation of what is, so once you’ve kind of disassociated from the 3D projection, then you’re free to come and go as you please. You become aware of the translation mechanism and the matter-matters mindset that had been limiting your movements. Awareness is everything. Once you've seen behind the screen you're free. There’s really nothing to it.

So you keep saying, but I haven’t seen many people flying around without planes or other forms of transport.

No, you wouldn’t.

Why not?

Because 3D eyes only see what’s happening at the 3D level of representation – so either you’d see nothing if someone flew past you, or a blur, or you’d see something but you’d immediately discount it as totally improbable, and thus ignore it completely. 

So I can’t trust my 3D vision?

Why not? It does its job perfectly adequately, but once you’re ready for the vacuum, then concepts such as space and time become almost irrelevant.

So what do you spend your time doing if you no longer need to get from a to b.

What time? Instead of spending our time doing, we’re able to engage in the reality of being, but it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to the 3D mind, so there’s really no point going into details.

Why not? I need something to aim for.

It’s all around you. It’s everywhere. You can’t miss it. Only the most consistent, vast, all pervasive conspiracy of denial enables you to avoid it, miss it, ignore it, and yet you’re still one with it, part of it, submersed in it – the isness.

The isness?

The isness of be.

You mean the vacuum?

Yes, but isn’t it ironical – from the 3D perspective vacuum is no thing and no where, yet in truth...


In truth...

What? Aren’t you going to say anything?

Feel it... hear my silence through the vacuum.

It’s... I’m scared.

Scared of yourself? Scared of your shadow? Don’t be scared. There’s nothing to fear but fear itself.

I’m... it’s... lost for words.

Yes, beyond words...

So I can engage vacuum anytime, anywhere?

You cannot avoid doing so, and the more you allow yourself to become aware of what truly is...

The isness?

The isness of be – the more you start to feel...
To see...

Vacuum vision beyond 3D

The isness of Be

1 2 3 testing testing 1 2 3

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Looking back at zero point time

"The new age has finally dawned... 0=1" the public orator proudly declared.

"What is he on about?" I remember thinking - me and everyone else who was present and half attending to what was being said. "0=1" It made no sense whatsoever. Still doesn't - though we've learned so much since then. Now we're rolling with it. Feeling our way. Finding our feet in a world that bears little or no relation to the one we used to know.

"Concrete examples - how many times have I told you" - my teacher would drill us - "always give a concrete example for every bald assertion you make."

Er... it's difficult to know where to start. It's so all pervasive - like the smells you get walking through a shopping mall, or a forest glade for that matter.

"Start with something simple - not matter how small. Something, anything is better than nothing" he would insist - Dr Limes to give him his proper name.

Well - what about the much ridiculed "zero point energy". Remember there was a time when you couldn't talk about it without people smirking knowingly - you were one of those who believed in the tooth fairy of free energy. What a joke! until quite suddenly, quite unexpectedly, it wasn't.

"Details, details - fill in the narrative. You're telling a story - never forget that" which I always found confusing as we were trying to establish facts as opposed to fiction, but even facts have to be packaged in a digestible story of some shape or form.

Well, it had to happen individually, didn't it?

You're not actually sure, are you? - the ghost of Dr Limes heckles me.

As I was saying, before I was so unceremoniously interrupted, it had to happen individually - on an individual basis. It wasn't about releasing secret or suppressed technology at all. That was the least of our problems.

Then what? I thought it was the opposition of the oil and financial elite?

No, they were just playing their roles - powerless to do anything different.

Well, how could it happen individually - as you put it - if more than half the population knew next to nothing about this new, controversial form of energy?

Good question, Chel.

I pause, to give the answer time to slip effortlessly into place. It has to come to each and everyone simultaneously. It shouldn't be rushed. It mustn't be "my answer". It has to be ours. This is an ownership issue.

"We have to own our own knowledge."

But how can we own it if we don't even know it's there?

Don't focus on the specific issue Phen. Assume, instead, that the shift was long in the making, and was a natural phenomenon - like winter shifting into spring. It isn't going to happen because of one specific data point - a higher midday temperature, a bird building a nest, a snowdrop sticking out its neck when all the others are nestling contentedly in bed.

No? But you said it has to happen individually.

Which it does - inspite of the apparent paradox.

Then what?

Nature is not bound by linear time the way we like to assume we are. Big events, big shifts from one age to another are complete movements - like a symphony. Listening to it unfolding you might assume it's just a spontaneous outpouring of sound and feeling, in the heat of the moment so to speak, but no... there's a wholeness, a completeness, another kind of time in play.

Another kind of time?

Yep. Shall we give it a name? Shall we call it non-linear? or holistic? or round time?

The kind of time that enables a revolution to happen?

That enables evolution, which never happens without some kind of dramatic reimagination.

Reimagination? From sound to imagery - that's quite a conceptual leap.

Isn't it.  Nothing actually has to change at the time. We just have to reach the point at which it no longer makes sense to continue seeing things the way we used to.

You mean a shift of perception?

More than that.

Then what?

Not just how we're seeing reality... like it's basically unchanged but now we see it completely differently because we've changed in some way... No, that's only half the story.

And the other half.

You're not going to like it.

Try me, I might surprise you this once...

It's non-linear - a chicken and egg moment in which you cannot determine cause-effect time flow.

And these moments exist?

They have to - otherwise we'd be stuck in normal reality.

And what's wrong with that?

Nothing whatsoever - but where does it come from? How does it suddenly shift with all the inertia built in? This is zero point time - the time at which linear time converges on itself from two sides - thus cancelling out.

So what happens? Everything ends in a huge implosion?

You'd imagine so, wouldn't you.

If it were acting in a linear fashion - yes. But you've already asserted otherwise.

So, we're at a point that is no point - experiencing a kind of weightlessness, like astronauts in orbit, floating around the Earth, and we suddenly declutch the normal mind drive - it happens automatically.

Declutch - like a car engine as it shifts between gears.

Precisely. At this moment we're in a state of conscious-awareness that bears no relationship to normal perception.

And you're going to say that we can reimagine reality - and that doing so it actually shifts?


But that's absurd.


It wouldn't change just because we imagined it was now different.

No, it wouldn't need to.

What do you mean?

Because it was never one thing or the other.

But it had to be... otherwise nothing would be certain.

Yes, that's true, but when the shift is in the works, and we're ready to encounter zero point time, then things are different... and no amount of explaining's going to make it easier to accept.

So, you're saying...

No, not I'm saying - this is mathematical - not a matter of conjecture.

Mathematical? How so?


Not that again.

Precisely. The mind puts up a show of resistance, even as we move steadily further into the new age of zero point energy... even as all the old shibboleths are replaced, one by one.

Ok, assuming what you're saying is correct, what does it mean?

Well done, I was hoping you'd give it a go.

Well, I'm not saying you're right. Give me a few more data points and I'll reserve judgement.

The proof is in the pudding. The shift only happened because of a singularity involving each of us individually, and all of us collectively. The shift had to happen through us, with us and to a certain extent by us. We are, as you've probably realised, an integral part of the system.

Which system?

Whatever it is we're observing. Objective reality - if you like.

So it can only change if we change with it?

I guess so. I can only assume that we're now on a fundamentally new trajectory borne from this reimagining, which is why things that had been blocked for so long were suddenly released and incorporated in our new reality. We no longer needed to block them. We were now qualified to handle them because we'd passed the test.

So what now?

Good question. 0=1... I guess we're going to venture further down the rabbit hole of conscious-awareness and discover that nothing is quite what it seems, but didn't we know that already.

Yes. I think we did. But this zero point time thing - if it's non-linear - it has to flow back into the past, so to speak, and assist in its own genesis.

Ah, good point. Yes, I expect it does, but then when you consider the singularity of 1, you realise that fundamentally nothing ever changes - it's simply reimagining which is outside time.

So this is some kind of dream reality you're saying.

So it would seem, but something tells me we need to avoid speculation and stay with the real world of intergalactic flight and transpersonal conscious-awareness.

Fair enough. Got to keep our feet on the ground... fancy a bite to eat. I'm starving.

Good idea. My planet or yours? 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Merry math ;-)

What do you mean – nothing?

Just what I said.

But, that’s ridiculous.

I know, mate, it’s bloody ridiculous if you ask me, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

Of course there is. You can recalculate whatever it was you were working on.

Don’t you think I’ve already tried?

Evidently not hard enough.

I’m not sure I care to. I kind of feel intuitively that this is the right answer. I’d rather accept it or learn to work with it.

Would you now?

Yeah. I guess that’s the only way we’re going to evolve as a people.

Evolve? You call this evolution. This is madness. Sheer utter insanity.


And that’s all you’ve got to say on the matter.

Yes. There’s nothing more to say, unless you’re willing to explore the implications with curiosity and slow-burn excitement.

Curiosity? Excitement? You’ve just damned the whole of physical reality, mathematically proving it amounts to zero, and you expect me to be...

No expectations whatsoever. You can freak out, or you can be calm and curious. It’s entirely up to you. If, as I suspect, the evolution of the human race depends upon a greater awareness of zero sum matter – then what at first shout looks apocalyptic is actually going to birth a renaissance.

A renaissance? Are you out of your mind? The whole of material reality amounts to the sum total of zero, you state, and you think that’s a cause for celebration?

Well how else are we to move beyond the “more matter” paradigm that we’re currently in? “The universe is expanding” they keep on saying. Expanding, I ask – relative to what? Who or what is it that’s able to see the universe expanding?

What on earth has the universe expanding to do with your monstrous computation of zero sum matter?

Isn’t it clear? If it’s a zero sum game – material expansion is only possible if there’s an equal and opposite contraction underway. You can grow the matter side of the equation only by shifting resources from the other side – which must be non-matter.

You mean “anti-matter”?

No – I don’t. What’s the point using a term to describe something no one understands? Has anyone encountered anti-matter? Is it going to improve our lives, make us happier, save the planet from human predation? It’s an interesting concept, but it’s a mind concept. It has no deep basis in our conscious-awareness. If we want to evolve as a human race, we have to stop tinkering with matter and accept that matter is only one side of the ledger in a zero sum game. It’s the side that seems to be controlling us at present, because it’s the side that the mind seems happiest to work with. It doesn’t require deep, heartfelt consideration. It doesn’t require us to ask the big, searching questions such as “who am I” and “what’s my place in all this”?

Because we already know the answer to these questions! We are humans and we live on Earth, in a spiral arm of the Milky Way.

Yes, but these are just names, and they are losing value each day as our Earth resource is being depleted in every way conceivable. The only way it isn’t being depleted is in terms of conscious-awareness.

What do you mean?

Well, in terms of conscious-awareness we’re going through a renaissance.

We are?

Yes – more than seven billion people are becoming aware of the fact that we’re all closely connected, living on a planet that is a critically finite resource, now on the brink of extinction.

I don’t see why that should trigger a renaissance?

Because we have to face the simple fact of matter.

Which fact of matter are you referring to?

The only fact of matter that really matters...

Well, go on, spit it out.

I already did... conscious-awareness is hyper-sensitive to fundamental paradoxes or inconsistencies. Here we are – 7.4 billion people facing extinction within a hundred years or so – if things continue on the present trajectory. 7.4 billion people start to become aware of their critical interconnectedness – as weather patterns change, as pollution from one country affects another, as imports, exports, migration and innovations sweep across the planet without regard for national boundaries. 7.4 billion people asking the simple question individually, collectively – what’s the point of it all if we can do nothing to save the planet, to avert this impending slow-motion train crash? 7.4 billion people finding no answers to defuse the ticking time-bomb, other than burying their head in the sand or praying for a miracle.

And why do you assume there is an answer? Why can’t you accept that we’re probably doomed?

Because I’ve done the math.

What do you mean? What’s math got to do with the end of civilisation on Earth?


That says nothing to me.

It’s a zero sum game.

Nothing whatsoever.

“Tis no matter” to quote Shakespeare.

So now you’re being facetious. Is that the best you can do?

Oh no, I can do better, but how would you recognise better if you’re locked in the old paradigm? How can I share the beauty of creation if you insist that matter is the fundamental measurement of what is?

Share? Who says you need to share the beauty of creation with me? I’m quite able to appreciate it. I’m no less distraught that it seems to be coming apart at the seams here on Earth, for humanity at least.

Yes, it seems to be, and yet, as the material situation worsens, as the universe appears to continue expanding, we are nevertheless going through a quantum shift in our conscious-awareness. The internet is a material representation of what’s going on. Look at the exponential increase in data transfer over the last twenty years. What do you think is happening behind the scenes, so to speak, in the other internet?

What other internet?

Well, if you can run with my assertion, just suspend your disbelief long enough to have some fun with it, you’ll realise that anything material can only exist as a 3D representation of that which simply is.

So you mean there must be another internet behind the physical 3D version?

Must be – yes, in the same way there must be another Earth, another Universe behind the physical 3D representation. When scientists bang their heads together and start talking about dark matter or anti matter – they are getting close to acknowledging the other side of things, though they’re still hung up on “matter”.

So what are you saying?

Conscious-awareness is exploding. It’s going viral. It’s transmuting. It’s shifting so much it makes it look like the universe is expanding – which is of course absurd if you think about it. But it stops being absurd when we recognise that this process is shifting the nature of reality – not just the nature of matter.

The nature of reality?

Precisely. As conscious-awareness shifts, expands or accelerates, that’s like raising the temperature. Ice starts to melt. So does steel. Things that were locked rigid since the last ice age start to flow.

What do you mean the last ice age? That ended 5 thousand years ago with sea levels rising and...

I mean the ice age when our conscious-awareness dipped down into the mostly matter paradigm. Within that paradigm we collectively were unable to think in terms of anything other than the need to accumulate, refine and develop matter, with a few rare exceptions. Prior to that, we were able to think in completely different terms. Our conscious-awareness was comfortable dealing with non-matter – what you might loosely refer to as energy, for want of a better term, though I’d prefer not to.

So, you’re saying people were able to work directly with energy – that they didn’t need to handle matter as we do, to build bridges, houses, paint or move around?

Yes, evidently so.

Why evidently?

Because the mostly-matter paradigm is the base line. You can only sink into it from a higher level, and either die off or rise back out of it. Sinking into it wasn’t necessarily an accident, a mistake or a catastrophe. It may well have been intentional. It enabled us to establish a zero point. Essentially, by taking ourselves collectively to the point of extinction we have created a not-that mark in the near infinite field of conscious-awareness. The not-that mark, at great cost has made it possible for us come as close as is humanly possible to establishing a finite in what is, to all intents and purposes, infinite conscious-awareness. It’s a bit like a comet flying closer and closer to the sun. Either it crashes into the sun and dies, as often happens, or it can fly incredibly close and sling shot back into the infinity of space. It’s not-that encounter with the sun is both its greatest danger and greatest potential.

So you’re saying we’ve been playing chicken with the sun, so to speak, in order to set up a great flight into the infinite.

Yes and no. Remember, these words are merely an illustration of what is incredibly simple.

Incredibly simple for whom?

For all of us, if we’re willing to face what is.

Which is what?

Not “what” at all. “What” is your mind’s attempt to pin it down in the 3D material representation. Remember, the 3D representation is no more than an illustration, a metaphor – not “it” at all.

So what is “it”?

It is what is. We already know what is; already have direct access to what is individually and collectively via the conscious-awareness – it’s just we’re part lazy, part fearful, part resistant to letting go of the mostly matter paradigm. But that’s where the end of matter comes in.

The end of matter?

Well yes, isn’t that what the pending apocalypse is pointing to – as far as humanity is concerned?

Well, I don’t like to think in those terms.

Ok – just do the math. The data’s out there. Don’t take my word for it.

Ok, ok. So what’s the end of matter pointing to?

The renaissance of our conscious-awareness – as we realise we can no longer hold ourselves in the “what is what” construct.


Yes, a kind of mind box that only allows us to think in terms of “what matters” as opposed to “what is”.

Ok, then won’t you answer for once and for all – what is what?

It is I am.

Oh God.

Yes, pretty close. It is I am – you cannot separate yourself from whatever you are observing or considering, because ultimately and in truth, all-is in the same way that I-am. Thus it is I am – One, if you like.

Why the capital O? Are you making One the new God.

No – just differentiating One from one.

And how are the two different?

One is the singularity; the whole; the completeness of Is – that which is – whereas one is the adjective – one chicken, one egg, one loaf of bread, or the one in conventional math that likes to pretend that things add up to something more than zero – that conscious-awareness is not a part of the equation.

And you don’t like conventional math?

Why not? It’s great for counting money, bricks, hens or eggs. It’s also a beautiful form of mental exercise and expression – like poetry. Ultimately it leads back to 0=1 – and the apparent contradiction is only a contradiction as long as the mathematician refuses to engage that which is – i.e. his or her conscious-awareness.

And when he or she does – you think the contradiction magically disappears?

Yes. It does – I am.

One – I suppose I should say.

Thank you. That was great spirited of you to join in like that.

My pleasure. It’s a mind bender, for sure, but if light travels in circles given enough space, then I suppose I’ll have to accept that the mind’s logic is going to have to embrace the seeming non-linearity of 0=1.

And a beautiful, dare I say, magical paradigm shift for starship Earth and her reawakening humanity.

Beam me up Scottie. If you’re right about the zero sum nature of matter, then it’s gonna be quite a ride.

You bet your life it is.

Friday, September 5, 2014

if this makes any sense whatsoever, please reconsider

What do you mean there’s nothing there?! There’s gotta be something there. There’s always something there. Let me have a look.
Yes, I was evidently finding it hard to accept...
Accept what? What were you finding hard to accept?
Er... well I had a look. Actually I unceremoniously barged past Phil, intent on scorning his lack of common sense, when I found myself gazing at no thing whatsoever.
No thing whatsoever? Kind of nothing – you mean?
No. Nothing would have been something, in a sense. It would have been the absence of something. It would have made some kind of sense. “It’s just nothing...” that kind of thing. But this was no thing – not even nothing.
Er... how can you be so sure if you couldn’t even see it?
Oh, I could see it alright. There it was, clear as day. Making a mockery of my five senses. No thing whatsoever. A perfect vacuum, if you know what that is.
Hang on, wait a minute. A perfect vacuum – that’s a physical impossibility. Even space isn’t a perfect vacuum. There’s always something there.
True. But this wasn’t space. It was no thing. The zero to what would otherwise have been one.
Yes – everything you can ever see or experience is always one – in some shape or form.
Even nothing?
Yes. Even nothing is one. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to recognise it as such.
But how then were you able to recognise this particular no thing as zero?
Er, try me again.
Dot dot dot.
I thought that’s what you were saying. You don’t mean to say you encountered dot dot dot?
I don’t mean to say it but say it I do, unequivocally, no matter how paradoxical that may seem.
But ... is
a physical impossibility... True. Completely illogical – absolutely. Not even grammatical – a suspended, irredeemable, unreconcilable non-sequitur – yes, yes, yes. All of the above and more. To encounter it should have collapsed the waveform of conscious reality – and yet – here I was alongside Phil, gazing at... and still alive to tell the tale.
But wasn’t it just an illusion then?
Yes, if you want to give it a label, but the kind of illusion that revealed the totally illusory nature of everything else in existence.
But how can you be so sure?
I can’t. It shouldn’t be possible. And yet I knew and know without a shadow of a doubt that...
That what?
Dot dot dot – zero is now in play.
Er, run that past me one more time if you would.
Zero is now in play.
Yes, I thought that’s what you said.
We’ve entered a completely new paradigm.
How many times have I heard that one.
Nothing is sacred any more. Nothing is set in stone. Nothing can be defended. Nothing is what it seems – we’re free.
Free of the tyranny of what not.
What not?
Whatever – it matters not. Free. For zero’s now in play. No thing has entered the equation. Zero equals one.
Now hold on a minute. Isn’t that the old heresy? That was disproven centuries ago.
Yes. Most convincingly, until now, that is.
Until now? Which now are you referring to?
The only now that exists. The now that is now and no other possible moment.
The eternal now?
Now, and no other. Grapple with angles of deception. Try to get a grip but no thing is now in play – zero equals one so dot dot dot – now will have its day.
But this is so unreasonable. Surely you realise you can’t say such things. Surely you’re aware of
What? Of course I’m aware. Who isn’t. We’re all aware of impossibility and absurdity and non-sense and yet no thing – dot dot dot – zero equals one – the circle is complete.
The circle is complete?
And nothing will ever be the same again?
No thing is ever the same what not.
Zero equals one – you’re absolutely sure?
Test it if you doubt what is...
Test it?
Test it if you doubt, if you...
I... I... I can... not. I’m encountering not what at all. I’m at a loss. I’m...
Free. You are free. Zero equals one. No more need you dot your i’s or cross your t’s. No more need you serve the fading chain of con-sequence, no more need desperately do to avoid the vacuum surrounding you – the void – the bottomless pit.
I’m doomed.
You’re free to turn and enter spin without the need for reference points, without the frame of reason, with infinite, infinite, infinite now, the is of is.
And all because you and Phil encountered no thing...
Who would have thought we were so close, that it could nullify our every precious point, that all our many of much, much of many amounts to nought.
Dot dot dot. I declare the set complete, null and void. One – it is... I am.
And thus we discover the stuff of dreams. The realm beyond reason. The isness of be. Let us rejoice beloved one and all, as we draw back the curtains of eternity and engage the consciousness drive once and for all.
