Monday, November 11, 2019

introducing Qufie (sic) /kju:fi:/

Qufie? Who the hell's Qufie?

Actually, it's spelled Qufi_.

Like that matters -- this is a dialogue -- not a transcript.

Fair dinkum, mate.

Er... whatever. Well? Do I have to draw blood from the stone every time I need a rational answer?

I'm just giving you a little space -- as in time... No point rushing you, is there? You've got enough on your plate already, haven't you?

Uh... if you insist. Well, I'll just pour myself half-a-dozen cups of coffee and lotus myself into the 27th chakra, if you know what I mean -- by the time I emerge from deep yogic samadhi a week or two from now I expect I'll know everything there is to know about this Qufi.

Zie -- I greatly appreciate your sense of drama... and your yogic abilities are, without a doubt, second to none, but how about a little basic commonsense for a change. You could save yourself a load of umming.

umming? For God's sake Merry, “Om-ing” -- have a little respect for Eastern culture.

Ok, point taken. 'mm... I apologise. Moving swiftly on... Qufi's eager to get started.

I thought you just said there's plenny-a-time?

I did -- but that was then. Strike while the iron's hot -- Qufi's never been one to...

This Qufi malarkey... assuming it's what i think it is -- why in God's name have you suddenly decided to anthropomorphisize the quantum field?

You mean anthropomorphize...

What_ever! Do you really derive pleasure from splitting hairs so?

Just being pedantic -- what's the point having an intellect the size of the Orion Nebula if I never get to show it off, flabberghasting my opponents with an overwhelming show of intellectual heavy-gunnery.

Pshaw! You're not a patch on Marvin.* 

The droid?! You're kidding right?

Ah ha -- touched a nerve have I?

Well, I'm not without professional vanity, profound saintly meekness notwithstanding... unless... just supposing Irony herself is playing tricks on me, transforming my psyche into a battleground of wounded pride and resentment, gaming me for an idiot. Or, who knows, could it be the next level of swordsmanship -- the Duncan Idaho feint-within-a feint -- wysi-n-wyg...


What you see is not what you get [twitching – birdlike – eyes suspiciously gleaming]

Er... you're glitching, Merry. 

1 - 2 - 4  [deep breath]  'mmm   [sounding strangely akin to an electric oven in action]

[T minus 4...3... problem solved]

that's better. Why would you actually care about Marvin's level of so-called intelligence if you're au fait with the quantum field itself or, what's more,  on first name terms with the acronymic Qufi?

Humm -- good point -- something must have affected my diodes -- all this rain perhaps.

Wait a second -- you don't actually mean to say you're a...

The double bluff -- might I actually be a bio-droid -- how would you even know? and before too long all our previous certainties go up in smoke -- with no one knowing who's for real or who's trying to conceal a deep, dark, shameful secret. 


Moving swiftly on... How good are you at coping with uncertainty? That's the first step towards engaging the quantum field -- Qufi's never going to play ball with you, let alone poker -- if you can't handle copious draughts of indeterminacy.

Indeterminacy... uncertainty -- you do like these ponderous negatives, don't you?

I'm but the messenger. Qufi makes the rules -- I merely pass them on.

With evident glee... So this Qufi you're referring to -- it's like the quantum field personified -- if I'm not mistaken?

Correct, if it be it.

Ah, so finally, the cool breath of determinacy... we're making headway.

Yes, but beyond this milestone lies an ocean of who-whattery.

I might have known.

But, should you be willing to embrace my anthropomorphic conceit...**

You mean to say Qufi's just a literary device?!

I mean nothing of the sort -- but from the 3D perspective of postulated rationality the metaphysical term "conceit" is the most appropriate.

So what to the 3D mind appears to be an elaborate metaphor, to your oh-so-superior quantum awareness becomes a person-like, name-bearing, living-presence -- perhaps even a god in waiting -- should his status be confirmed by popular acclaim -- should we humans be willing to invest him/her or it with our love and slavish devotion... me likes this not one bit.

Yes -- you're right Zie -- the quantum field could so easily go the way of 3D reality, were it not for the fact that Heisenberg won't have it... nor Schrodinger. Me neither, for that matter.

As if you have a major part to play in this debacle.

Well, the quantum field is such that each and every one of us has the totality of 1 and 0 present throughout the grand-immateriality that we comprise.

I beg your pardon -- the what? 

Oh -- new term... bit of a mouthful isn't it, but easy enough to acronymise. Let's see, grand immateriality... oh yes. 


gr-im -- how's that? 

Pretty grim... 

On the contrary -- it has a certain byronic conflicted elegance i feel. 

Or lameness -- but why would you foist such a joyless term on us?


On me then -- or anyone else who may be party to this dialogue.

Well, firstly, why not? Whatever have you got against grand-immateriality?

Er... it's like you're desperately trying to make something of nothing.

Yes, we've already established the fact that i like my negatives -- haven't we?

Well, me like it not one little bit.

Good -- you're not supposed to like 'em -- that would defeat the purpose of using such clumsy, unwieldy words.


Not liking 'em helps prevent them from slotting into your established system of things.

My what?

What I sometimes refer to as your think or thing-ology -- if you'll pardon my ambivalence.

Not really -- how am i supposed to understand what you're on about if you freely interchange thin-k and thin-g?

You're not. 

For Pete's sake, Merry.

understanding is out of the question. Think or thing-ology -- whichever it is, whichever it be -- cannot be understood any more than water can be wetted, or light illuminated. There is, however, a mind faculty of awareness which comes to the rescue in cases such as this, if we give it the chance.


And becoming aware of the rational mind's complete inability to cope with non-thing, with non-matter, with the non-rational or seemingly random -- we have the option to search for alternatives to rational thought -- alternatives which may or may not exist -- which may or may not enable us to grasp what may or may not be -- if there be any truth in the quantum field's very existence, of a nought or zero which is greater than the sum of what it is not, absurd though this admittedly sounds.


Quite a mouthful -- all that -- is it not... and yet if there's anything to this apparent conspiracy -- the rational mind's inability or unwillingness to look beyond its entrenched bias towards things rational, or things rationally explained, or things rationally explainable -- then i for one

and i for nought

would certainly

and uncertainly

like to get to the bottom of this


would like to become aware, somehow or other, of things

or everything that lies beyond 

or beneath the scope of rational mind

of rational-ity

commencing with the grand immateriality 

a positive version of nought -- existing if it exists at all -- outside so called space or time -- on t'other side 

precisely -- if it exists at all -- if the known universe can be said to exist -- if matter can be said to matter, or thought to thing in whatever shape or form...

then knowing something is, by definition, unknowable -- awareness looks elsewhere or adjusts its scope to start feeling, sensing or 

failing that -- allows Qufi of the quantum field -- to speak for itself

himself or her


if Qufi is willing to do so...


And what?

is he?

i'm not sure Qufi likes being "he'd"

ok -- pick whatever pronoun you prefer -- i honestly can't avoid using one or t'other

yes you can


by addressing Qufi directly

but that feels ridiculous.

Does it?


Then go back to thinking things -- and forget about engaging the quantum field meaningfully.

Oh, it's an all or nothing submission gate -- why didn't you say so? Allow me to bow humbly. To serve obsequiously. 

I'm but the messenger.

So you keep on repeating. Now pipe down -- I need to have a word with Qufi.




Be quiet.

Ok -- I will.

Now -- shush. Qufi -- Qufi -- Qufi -- hear me if I can get a word in edgeways -- if Merry or Zie or whoever it is, whatever I be can speak to you uninterrupted in a moment outside rational sense and meaning -- in a place where the unknowable may not be understood, but may somehow or other be sensed, logged, felt or registered by an awareness beyond thought...

that's not bad -- but i sense Qufi grows tired of legalese

would you kindly butt out -- I can't hear myself think

precisely. Qufi's obviously impressed by your attempt to confront your pig-headed stream of things_being_thought -- but... 

if you have a better solution why don't you tell me?

Well, I'm but the messenger -- and I can only tell you what Qufi tells me to tell you -- 

Circular, weak, I grow tired of this evidently absurd attempt to escape the mind's gravitational field of rationality.

Yes -- the edge is always a wall of pent up rage, uncertainty, frustration or ennui.

You seem to have an answer for everything -- but none that helps me in the least.


Well, in that case -- good night. 

Switch out the light. Remember to look in the mirror.

What mirror? Hey -- where did he go?


Weird. I could have sworn... 


I know this sounds ridiculous -- but I wouldn't put anything past Merry -- mirror mirror on the wall -- ah ha -- the mirror is strangely unviewable -- meaning perhaps that this is already not what i think

not what it seems to 



so if i ask myself which side of the mirror is me

or where i is actually observing from

or who

or what 

is doing the observation

without necessarily arriving at a definitive answer

i triggers the mind's uncertainty awareness of things un-known

yet potentially knowable -- and if truth be told

there's matter in this 

there's -- a face

  a face

in the mirror

my own

  my own 


yours Qufi?

do you have to make such a mountain out of 

a mole

in any case Qufi 

was merely the name used in 3D 

to draw you in -- to lead you through the mirror's exclusivity

you know perfectly well that name won't do here

here it would only disrupt our ability to experience cognitive resonance -- a wavelength shared across time and space -- an ability to feel, to find, to express a one of nought, an un-moment as opposed to moment-um.

riddles and confusion -- yet at the cellular level

at the atomic, in fact

a reorganisation is taking place -- that much i know-eth.

a stage -- you be a theatre for thought and action

matter and mind 

now ask whether you reflect the sum or the parts of your whole

your one

or whether you in fact serve to extend the hole

the tunnel

the line in the sand

that reason and rational-ity digs

in a feverish attempt to preserve a thread

a narrative

a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury



but there has to be something

of course there is, but how is something created


it has to be borrowed into existence -- a time-debt.


And you happen to be the stock exchange, so to speak, where time-debts can be traded for and against the prime asset...

which is?

that which nests in the eaves of your grand-immateriality

quantum bats?

why not swallows.

I really don't know Merry what you're on about or what you expect me to make of all this. I have absolutely no idea what could possibly be nesting in -- this is all too absurd to merit any further attention.

Be that as it may Zie -- and believe me when I say that you have my deepest sympathy -- truly it is problematic trying to come to grips with the gr-im reaper.

Oh God -- so now it's the gr-im reaper -- and that perhaps implies that we are in some way implicated in the horrifying image of death so beloved of our film industry.

Where else, how else can the finality of things be spun if not by incorporating so called death itself. Well naturally -- we're only able to trade against time if we have something of value to offer as collateral.

Which is?

What_ever it is we reap from the grand-immateriality that we comprise.

It makes no sense to me whatsoever.

It's not supposed to make sense. It's actually supposed to make perfect un-sense -- because the thinking mind is designed to keep you from growing aware of what your grand immateriality is up to, or constitutes.

Oh -- my head! 

Hmmmmmm bug -- take your pick.

I've had enough of humming Merry -- this time I'll take the bug.

Good choice, Zie. In essence the bug is perfectly suited to make your grim unawareness cognizant of how you, in fact, hold matter together -- both at the micro body-level, and no less importantly, throughout the entire-ity of universe.

You see -- that's exactly where my mind goes into free-fall and I no longer...

zzzzzzzzzzzzz -- join me -- Zie -- buzz along

Why? It's ridiculous.

Agreed. It certainly seems ridiculous -- but that's to the so called thinking-me that minds, which is the bastard child of matter -- of thingology -- doing what matter does.


Yes. Apparently so.


Apparently so -- it isn't even your true me-free mind, believe it or not -- which is hidden in the background, just out of sight.

It can't be.

Afraid so. You are proof, sum and product of matter -- infinitely, or near-infinitely divisible in each and every thing -- no matter whom, no matter what.


Can't believe it? No, you shouldn't be able to -- otherwise the curve of creation would invert and the debt market would implode... Time would no longer catch a bid. There'd be no more matter, whatsoever -- but more anon -- i must to sleep -- i must away...


[greatly rested]

*Marvin the Paranoid Android is a fictional character in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams. Marvin is the ship's robot aboard the starship Heart of Gold. Originally built as one of many failed prototypes of Sirius Cybernetics Corporation's GPP (Genuine People Personalities) technology, Marvin is afflicted with severe depression and boredom, in part because he has a "brain the size of a planet"[1] which he is seldom, if ever, given the chance to use. Indeed, the true horror of Marvin's existence is that no task he could be given would occupy even the tiniest fraction of his vast intellect. Marvin claims he is 50,000 times more intelligent than a human,[2] (or 30 billion times more intelligent than a live mattress) though this is, if anything, an underestimation. When kidnapped by the bellicose Krikkit robots and tied to the interfaces of their intelligent war computer, Marvin simultaneously manages to plan the entire planet's military strategy, solve "all of the major mathematicalphysicalchemicalbiologicalsociologicalphilosophicaletymologicalmeteorological and psychological problems of the Universe except his own, three times over", and compose a number of lullabies. []

**A conceit is a kind of metaphor that compares two very unlike things in a surprising and clever way. Often, conceits are extended metaphors that dominate an entire passage or poem. Metaphysical poet John Donne was known for his conceits (often called metaphysical conceits).

0=1][ if what is not said equally matters


  1. When Sufi meets Goofy
    Goofy meets Sufi
    you have all

    Please prove you're not a robot
    I'm not a robot
    tick tock

  2. Stars spiral inside
    a mind on fire
    Turning round
    Not me
