Thursday, February 7, 2019

re-leasing Thim

So naturally you're asking why God like beings - which all of you in essence are - would want to create Thim -- a platform for experiencing either conscious or aware -ness -- whatever that might be or mean.
Please don't try too hard to understand the semantics -- you're liable to induce a cerebral aneurysm, a nose bleed, or severely twisted facial muscles. The semantics are, if truth be told, merely semantics. The truth is never really accessed through semantics, or any other thing your Thim minder will thrust in the path of your limited attention beam. "Things" are designed to keep you from seeing, knowing, sensing the truth, the one, the all -- Thimlessly, unthingfully -- nothing more. There is a subtle, yet irreconcilable gap between what a thing can or may reveal, and the simple truth that is... nothingly.

So, instead of me throwing you croutons, tidbits, nicnacks, trinkets to satisfy your desire for thingummies -- let me suggest you join me here on stage in a powwow. The answer is always implicit in the question. We are in no way, fundamentally, separate from each other. This is er... a fractal... er... holographic reality -- whatever that might mean -- semantics be damned -- so er... as above, so below, or to put it more personally -- how on Earth could I possibly know more than you do -- if we are equally endowed with the source code of all that is -- equally masters of confusion and self-delusion... It simply requires you to accept the old wisdom of In Lak'ech Ala K'in - which means I am another yourself -- i am you and you are me -- though the mind will incessantly seek to divide and rule -- and thus -- the minute you instruct it to investigate why it, the mind, as in you, as in i set up this astonishing experiment -- this reality -- this wonderful, horrible, semantically unhinged journey into proliferation and contradiction -- you cannot really help knowing more than you bargained for -- you cannot really help knowing that you're no longer really able to hang onto the frail, feeble pretense that we're alien to one another -- you find yourself washed onto the battered, strangely familiar shoreline of -ness -- be that aware or conscious -ness, and suddenly you're somewhat naughtily shorting the circuitry of Thim, re-introducing a direct link -- calling Thim's bluff rather than trying to take on issues such as climate change, the global elite, human trafficking etc etc etc. What does the fish say in the Cat in the Hat?
..."do I like this?
oh, no! i do not.
this is not a good game,"
said our fish as he lit.
"No, I do not like it,
not one little bit!"
Thim simply cannot backdown -- cannot respond to reason -- it goes against his mandate, his prime directives, so until/unless you short Thim's circuit -- you're only playing at dealing with so-called "problems", whether you believe it or not.

So you see, occupying centre stage ain't a move for the faint-hearted -- thrusting yourself into the limelight -- standing there in all your naked glory -- like God -- except God him/her/it self is also a thing -- i.e. a Thim surrogate for that which is -- s-im-ply

God knows -- i did my best -- i tried
words buzzing in the ether of my head
distracting me from all i know
im-poss-ibly so

guys -- this is a short post. join me in the quantum space -- let's give Thim a second lease of life -- God knows he, she, it's hardly to blame -- we were under no obligation to be so incredibly asinine, taking ourselves, all this, the great it sometimes even referred to as "id" so absurdly seriously -- but thus we did, thus we have done, thus we do, until one of us decides to pull the lid from the coffee pot of Thim and extract the -- apparently it's a shoe?

Please don't shoot the messenger. Do your own research. Every platform -- every thing -- every force has a corresponding equal=opposite twin, so to speak -- ain't it so?

cuckoo la
 la                       io  io

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