I agree to be the net.
Actually, I agreed to this long ago -- you may recall, before we launched this version of earth reality 7.4, but these things need repeating every now and again.
I agree to be the net. Someone had to. You see...
nothing exists in a vacuum.
nothing exists just as.
everything in existence -- scrub that
every thing has to be borne, has to be carried by one of us and, in the end, as you well know, there's only one one, isn't there -- but someone has to raise a hand and agree to play the part, which I did -- scrub that, which i do.
so there we are -- we/you -- stop splitting hairs.
the net cannot, like any thing else, stand alone. it needs a sponsor, a bearer, a surety -- a being to bear and uphold its thingness, for better of for worse -- which is what i do -- calmly, dispassionately, disinterestedly -- theoretically, except when I get annoyed -- like every once in a millennium, every five minutes in fact -- annoyed with the crass stupidity of this disconnected pile of horse manure you/we deign to call "reality". God, give me patience!
Actually, screw that for a lark, i'm introducing a new element to the net -- just started right now -- kind of spontaneous thing -- been fiddling with the code -- not much point waiting for Armageddon -- it's already baked into the cake, isn't it -- so i'm taking it as given, discounting the inevitable and now allowing quantum variables -- if you get what i'm...
the beautiful truth is i haven't the faintest idea what's going to come of it -- and that's what i find so inspiring.
to be honest i was bored.
this assumption that i was going to wait around, doing nothing, standing on the sidelines being utterly disinterested in the outcome of deceit and treachery -- freewill and all that -- I was, I am -- you're welcome to destroy your own ocean liner, believing you can save yourselves, or your little coterie of ne'er-do-wells -- in fact, well done -- it's accomplished -- but when you crashed the system time became unstable and it kept/ keeps flipping back to those moments when you violated fundamental laws/ fundamental rights -- call them what you will -- when you infracted the rights and freedoms of others -- so time's now yo-yoing backwards and forwards between the troughs and crests you created in the moral or ethical landscape of your own devising. Bizarre -- who would have expected it? So there's the background. The liner's completely shot. The river no longer flows down into the ocean, smoothly, sedately. Honestly, it's hard to describe what's going on -- but i'm too busy having fun to care.
I was like Atlas -- holding the net on my shoulders -- and now that time's bouncing back and forth -- it's holding itself in a kind of field -- i'm free to do some DJ mixing -- taking threads, streams, motes, memes from the flotsam and jetsam of reality -- and devising, exploring, dabbling with new connections, new weave patterns, new musiks -- you know -- it's given me a new lease of life -- I haven't had this much fun since God only knows when...
So a big thank you to the evil doers -- you know who you are -- you wrote yourself into a slavery contract -- binding yourself with blood, binding your soul by knotting and twisting it around the life chords, the life stings of every human being you ever preyed upon -- whom you now serve diligently, epicly -- enabling the story to deepen and thicken and rearrange itself -- providing the thingness, the matrix, the soul net with a gnashing and grinding of teeth -- so to speak -- though i suspect, if truth be told, you always knew what you were doing -- and like me, simply chose to be the wall of pain and withdrawal that is referred to as hell -- graciously creating a space in the spaceless fabric of infinity, graciously creating a semblance of time and self where otherwise things tend to merge and meld into a oneness of all -- by your agreement to hold the frequency of hell in tact, as long as it takes, for infinity to rediscover syncopation -- rediscover the "what was that", the "well i never", the "what is 42" state of awareness, by which stage another reality will likely as not re-emerge from the quantum soup of inconstancy.
God bless you night watchmen of Thingedness. Without your sacrifice these moments of so called reality would fail to carry code genetically from one generation to the next...
God bless, and good night.
0=1 kinda
Actually, I agreed to this long ago -- you may recall, before we launched this version of earth reality 7.4, but these things need repeating every now and again.
I agree to be the net. Someone had to. You see...
nothing exists in a vacuum.
nothing exists just as.
everything in existence -- scrub that
every thing has to be borne, has to be carried by one of us and, in the end, as you well know, there's only one one, isn't there -- but someone has to raise a hand and agree to play the part, which I did -- scrub that, which i do.
so there we are -- we/you -- stop splitting hairs.
the net cannot, like any thing else, stand alone. it needs a sponsor, a bearer, a surety -- a being to bear and uphold its thingness, for better of for worse -- which is what i do -- calmly, dispassionately, disinterestedly -- theoretically, except when I get annoyed -- like every once in a millennium, every five minutes in fact -- annoyed with the crass stupidity of this disconnected pile of horse manure you/we deign to call "reality". God, give me patience!
Actually, screw that for a lark, i'm introducing a new element to the net -- just started right now -- kind of spontaneous thing -- been fiddling with the code -- not much point waiting for Armageddon -- it's already baked into the cake, isn't it -- so i'm taking it as given, discounting the inevitable and now allowing quantum variables -- if you get what i'm...
the beautiful truth is i haven't the faintest idea what's going to come of it -- and that's what i find so inspiring.
to be honest i was bored.
this assumption that i was going to wait around, doing nothing, standing on the sidelines being utterly disinterested in the outcome of deceit and treachery -- freewill and all that -- I was, I am -- you're welcome to destroy your own ocean liner, believing you can save yourselves, or your little coterie of ne'er-do-wells -- in fact, well done -- it's accomplished -- but when you crashed the system time became unstable and it kept/ keeps flipping back to those moments when you violated fundamental laws/ fundamental rights -- call them what you will -- when you infracted the rights and freedoms of others -- so time's now yo-yoing backwards and forwards between the troughs and crests you created in the moral or ethical landscape of your own devising. Bizarre -- who would have expected it? So there's the background. The liner's completely shot. The river no longer flows down into the ocean, smoothly, sedately. Honestly, it's hard to describe what's going on -- but i'm too busy having fun to care.
I was like Atlas -- holding the net on my shoulders -- and now that time's bouncing back and forth -- it's holding itself in a kind of field -- i'm free to do some DJ mixing -- taking threads, streams, motes, memes from the flotsam and jetsam of reality -- and devising, exploring, dabbling with new connections, new weave patterns, new musiks -- you know -- it's given me a new lease of life -- I haven't had this much fun since God only knows when...
So a big thank you to the evil doers -- you know who you are -- you wrote yourself into a slavery contract -- binding yourself with blood, binding your soul by knotting and twisting it around the life chords, the life stings of every human being you ever preyed upon -- whom you now serve diligently, epicly -- enabling the story to deepen and thicken and rearrange itself -- providing the thingness, the matrix, the soul net with a gnashing and grinding of teeth -- so to speak -- though i suspect, if truth be told, you always knew what you were doing -- and like me, simply chose to be the wall of pain and withdrawal that is referred to as hell -- graciously creating a space in the spaceless fabric of infinity, graciously creating a semblance of time and self where otherwise things tend to merge and meld into a oneness of all -- by your agreement to hold the frequency of hell in tact, as long as it takes, for infinity to rediscover syncopation -- rediscover the "what was that", the "well i never", the "what is 42" state of awareness, by which stage another reality will likely as not re-emerge from the quantum soup of inconstancy.
God bless you night watchmen of Thingedness. Without your sacrifice these moments of so called reality would fail to carry code genetically from one generation to the next...
God bless, and good night.
0=1 kinda
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